"The Final Apostles"
The three superheroes in "The
Unveiling,""Holy Soldier," "White
Lion" and "Red Dawn" are known collectively as "The Final Apostles." The artwork
shown above is "The Final Apostle's" logo
and consists of a triangle
and three circles both of which are symbols for the Christian Trinity.
"Alpha and Omega" symbol in the middle of the logo is the symbol
for "The Final Apostles" much like the Avenger's symbol with the letter
"A" and arrow is for Marvel's Avengers. The
Alpha or "A" of the symbol stands for the word
and the Omega letter which is the final letter of the Greek alphabet
stands for
the word "Final." When the letters are combined, they make up the
collective name "The Final Apostles." In addition,
the "Alpha and Omega" letters are also a symbol for
Christ and one of the names He's known by. As a result, the superheroes
can also be known collectively as "Christ's Apostles." The three
"Alpha and
Omega" symbols in the three circles indicate there are three final
and once again are a symbol for
Christ. The
symbols in the corners of the triangle are the Hebrew(top corner),
Greek(left corner) and Arabic(right corner) symbols for the number "3,"
and are symbols for "The Trinity" and also refer to the number of final
"Apostles." Models 1a-3b below show artwork
of the three superheroes("The Final Apostles") in "The Unveiling." The
artwork shows each superhero
and his/her
superhero symbol with an explanation of the symbol. God has
them to fight evil during the Tribulation Period and they all have
their own unique superpowers. You'll notice that
their superhero outfits are similar with all three wearing leather
trenchcoats that bear their superhero symbols and have symbols or words
imprinted on the coats that supernaturally light up when they go into
action. However, these words or symbols are not visible in the artwork
below. Even though the three "Apostles" have the original
superhero outfits they obtained when first becoming superheroes, they
don't wear them all the time and don't have to change into them any
time it's necessary. Each "Apostle" has to simply go down on one knee
and bow his/her head from anywhere in the world at any time.
Immediately thereafter, a ray of light shoots down from the sky,
encircles the "Apostle" and he/she is transformed into the designated
superhero with the appropriate superhero outfit. Although "White Lion"
and "Red Dawn"
don't appear until Part
2 of "The Unveiling," we are introduced to their characters in Part 1
of "The Unveiling" and an introduction to both of them is located below each set of

Model 1a-"Holy
Soldier" and his Superhero Symbol. |

Soldier-The Final Apostle |
Holy Soldier
Joshua Wells is the main character
of "The Unveiling," a musical genius and becomes the superhero "Holy
Soldier" shortly after the Rapture occurs. Joshua Well's origin story
is told
in "The Unveiling" which you will be reading. "Holy Soldier"
and his superhero symbol are shown above in Model 1a. This symbol is
actually a variation of "The Final Apostles" logo shown above.
Like the
"Final Apostles" logo above, his symbol
consists of a triangle
and three circles both of which are symbols for the Trinity. Similarly,
as in the "Final Apostle's" logo, there are
symbols in the corners of the triangle which are symbols for the number
They are symbols for the Trinity and also refer to the number of "Final
Apostles" in "The Unveiling." The three
"Alpha and
Omega" symbols in the circles designate that there are three "Final
Apostles" and once again represent
Christ. The artwork in
the center of "Holy Soldier's" superhero symbol
is the "Holy Soldier" icon which is described in detail in the act
"Alive." The Roman numeral three in the middle of the superhero symbol
is also a
symbol for the Trinity, refers to the number of "Final Apostles" and
a symbol referring to World War 3 which is
mankind's final and most deadly world war that takes place in the
Period, the war to end all wars. The drop of blood
in the symbol is Christ's blood which is the source of "Holy Soldier's"
powers and the
substance that sustains him. "Holy Soldier's"
superhero symbol is also the artwork for Symbols's debut 3 CD box set
which is simply titled the Roman numeral "III" indicating the number of
CDs in the box set. In this case, all the symbols for the
number "3" in the superhero symbol refer to the debut 3 CD box set as
well as their previously discussed meanings. In addition,
"Holy Soldier's" superhero symbol is also the artwork for Symbols's world tour
known as "The Last
Stand." The superhero symbol is referred to as the "Last Stand"
artwork in the act "The
Last Stand." The
artwork of "Holy Soldier" shown above in Model 1b shows "Holy Soldier"
the hills overlooking the Sea of Galilee as the battle of Armageddon
looms on the horizon. "Holy Soldier" is the leader and dominate
superhero of the
"Final Apostles" and his superhero outfit and supernatural
powers are
described in the act
"Alive." As we continue, an introduction to the
superhero "White Lion"
is located below Model 2a and 2b.

Lion and his Superhero Symbol. |

Lion-The Pride of Heaven. |
White Lion
In "The Unveiling" Joshua is
reunited with his
childhood best friend Daniel Goldberg who
becomes the superhero "White Lion" in the beginning of Part 2 of "The
Unveiling." Daniel is a computer and communication system's prodigy and
the top student at MIT. Daniel will utilize those skills and together
with his father Saul Goldberg and Joshua will lead and run the final
church and Christian underground. Saul Goldberg is the CEO of the
world's largest multi-media corporation Rhythm
Record's and was dear friends and neighbors of Joshua's parents. Daniel
is one of the 144,000 Chosen Jews talked about in the Book of
Revelation that will be present during the Tribulation Period. Revelation 7
says that 12,000 Jews
coming from each
of the 12 tribes of Israel will receive God's seal
on their foreheads. In "The Unveiling" that seal will be a gold
cross with a radiating gold Jewish star in the
of it. However,
this doesn't take place until
later on in the second half of the Tribulation Period. It is
thought that the chosen
Jews might
have supernatural powers and that's the case in "The Unveiling." Daniel
is from the tribe of Judah and his ancestrial lineage can
traced back to the house of David. He is the the leader of the
144,000 chosen Jews and the seal on his forehead is not
simply the gold cross and Jewish star but the entire "White Lion"
symbol as
shown above in Model 2a. "White
superhero symbol consists of a gold Jewish
star and a white lion as shown above in Model 2a. The white lion is a
symbol for the tribe of Judah and the seal of God for the chosen Jews is embedded in
lion's forehead as shown above in Model 2a. "White
Lion's" superhero outfit consists
of white leather pants, white leather boots and a white leather
trenchcoat as shown above in Model 2a. The trenchcoat has the
"White Lion" symbol on the back of it as shown above in Model 2a and the
names of the 12 tribes of Israel are imprinted on the coat in
Hebrew but they are not visible in the artwork above.
Lion" is also wearing a white leather belt and its buckle is the
superhero symbol of "White Lion."
The artwork of
"White Lion" shown above
in Model 2b is a scene from part of Daniel's origin
when he
becomes the superhero "White
Lion" in Part 2 of "The Unveiling." In Daniel's origin story, Dr.
Gold(the Antichrist) declares war on the Jewish Remnant in Israel after
Two Witnesses(Moses and Elijah) are taken into heaven in Part 2 of "The
Unveiling." Daniel, Joshua("Holy Soldier")
and Dawn("Red Dawn") lead the Jewish remnant out of Jerusalem to Petra
the Judean Hills for supernatural protection as prophesied in Matthew
24 and Revelation 12. As they flee, a massive
contigent of Dr. Gold's armed forces chases after them but the remnant
is protected by a cloud pillar that's in between them and Dr. Gold's
in much the same way the Israelites were protected from the Egyptians
they fled Egypt with Moses. At some point, the pillar, Dr. Gold's
forces and the remnant fleeing stop moving, and in a thunderous voice
God tells Daniel to enter the cloud pillar
which is also a
portal into heaven. When Daniel enters the cloud,
there is a stairway to
heaven as shown above in Model 2b and Daniel walks up the
stairs into the light disappearing from sight. Shortly thereafter,
Daniel emerges from the light in his superhero outfit holding a gold
lion tamer's whip, and winged, angelic white lions bearing the mark of
the 144,000 Chosen Jews on their foreheads fly and land on the stairway
as shown above in Model 2b. The white lions are known collectively as
"The Pride
Heaven," are under Daniel's control and can breathe fire. Daniel can
the lions at any time using the gold lion tamer's whip. The lion
tamer's whip itself also has powers.
example, when a person is struck by it they are engulfed in flames and
turn to
ash instantaneously. As the action continues, Daniel walks
down the stairs and out of the cloud pillar. Immediately thereafter,
the pillar vanishes and "Holy Soldier," "White Lion" and "Red Dawn"
facing Dr. Gold's troops with the remnant standing behind them. At this
point, a spectacular battle between the three superheroes, the remnant
of Israel and Dr. Gold's armed forces ensues and "The Final Apostle's"
superpowers are on full display. As we
continue, an introduction to the
superhero "Red Dawn"
is located below Models 3a and 3b.

3a-Red Dawn and her Superhero Symbol.

3b-Red Dawn-The Storyteller
Red Dawn
UNN news reporter Dawn Rivers is transformed into the superhero "Red
Dawn" when she becomes a Christian at the beginning of Part
2 of "The Unveiling" which is entitled “The
Unveiling Part II: The Final
Revelation." Dawn is
considered the greatest journalist of her generation and is a key ally
of Joshua("Holy Soldier") in the second half of the Tribulation Period.
In Part 1 of "The Unveiling" we are introduced to Dawn Rivers in her
capacity as a journalist. "Red Dawn's" superhero
consists of a reddish
sun, a
sword and the letter "S" as shown above in Model 3a. The sword of her superhero
symbol stands for the letter "T" and word "The," and the letter "S"
stands for the word "Storyteller." Both the sword and
the letter "S" are contained within the reddish sun which is the "Red
Dawn." When you combine all parts of her symbol, you get the full
name of the superhero Red Dawn; "Red Dawn-The Storyteller."
superhero outfit consists
of a full body black leather outfit, black leather boots and a red
trenchcoat as shown above in Models 3a and 3b. The trenchcoat has the
"Red Dawn" symbol on the back of it as shown above in Model 3a and the
names of all 66 books of the Bible are imprinted on the coat but they
not visible in models above. "Red Dawn" is
also wearing a red leather belt and the buckle is the Red
Dawn as shown above in
Model 3b. The belt buckle has supernatural
powers as you will
in the preview of Part 2 of "The Unveiling." "Red
Dawn" has a very
unique superpower and it's her
supernatural storytelling from the Bible. She
can appear supernaturally anywhere in the world at any time and
literally bring the Word of God to life. The
sword in her superhero symbol is
also a symbol for "The Sword of the Spirit" which is the
word of God and source of "Red Dawn's" storytelling. In
addition to telling different stories from the Bible, "Red
Dawn" will also appear supernaturally worldwide and announce key events
from the Book of Revelation that occur in the second half of the
Tribulation Period. In
effect, she is God's news anchor reporting on the events that occur in
second half of the Tribulation Period. "Red Dawn" is also deadly
and an expert with swords fighting and performing several miracles
with them. "Red
entire origin story is included in the preview of Part 2 of "The
Unveiling" which follows the final act of Part 1, "The Temple of Gold."
The "Preview" page also has a trailer showing "Red Dawn's"
supernatural power of storytelling from the Bible. At this point,
hit the "back" button below to return to the "Foreword" and read "The