
  "The Unveiling" is a superhero saga and hard rock musical about the Tribulaton Period, the last seven years of man's existence. We watch the events unfold through the eyes of 21 year old hard rock musician Joshua Wells. On the verge of landing a lucrative record deal, his life would take a dramatic turn and change forever. Joshua is transformed into a superhero and uses superhuman powers to battle evil as time runs out on a corrupt and wicked world. "The Unveiling" is written in the same style as modern day superhero movies. It has multiple superheroes with superhuman powers looking out for the people in the darkest of times, colorful and murderous villains the likes of which not even the comic book world has seen and it's the ultimate battle between good and evil. Supernatural events are the order of the day, high tech gadgetry abounds and there's a love story for the ages. Click here for an introduction to the superheroes in "The Unveiling." "The Unveiling" is the perfect marriage between the ever popular superhero genre and music, the most powerful and influential media of all. The story is told through a series of videotaped segments, live theater segments and music. Due to the length of the production, "The Unveiling" is divided into Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 is simply entitled "The Unveiling" and covers the first years of the Tribulation Period. Part 2 is entitled “The Unveiling Part II : The Final Revelation" and covers the final 3½ years of the Tribulation Period. You'll be reading material and listening to music from Part 1 of "The Unveiling." At this point, most of the music for "The Unveiling" has yet to be written and the songs on the website are not finished. The purpose of these songs is to just show the conceptual idea of "The Unveiling" and at most only a few of these songs will actually be used in the production. The goal of "The Unveiling" from an entertainment standpoint is to be nothing less than the greatest concert experience ever created. Author and creator Avie Reece is currently writing the screenplay for the live action movie "The Unveiling" to accompany the musical with the goal of positioning "The Unveiling" as the premier multi-media project in the entertainment industry.

  "The Unveiling" musical is an interactive production and throughout the presentation the audience is involved in the action. In effect, the audience and the auditorium "The Unveiling" is being performed at are extensions of the live stage. As you will see when you read the production, the live stage has a massive video screen that spans the entire width of the stage. This large video screen is used throughout the production to show videotaped action and some of the stage sets used in the musical. There are also two additional large video screens with one to the left side of the stage and one to the right. These screens will allow additional video footage to be played when there is already video footage playing on the large screen onstage or when the large screen is being used to show one of the stage sets and additional video needs to be played at the same time. All the videotaped segments and sets will be filmed in 3D. There is also a large digital clock located atop the live stage which shows the audience the date and time. As mentioned above, Part 1 of "The Unveiling" covers the first years of the seven year Tribulation Period and the digital clock will keep track of that time as the action proceeds in the production. As you read "The Unveiling," you'll see models throughout the text that are stage sets or video that will be seen in the production. I can't stress strongly enough that they aren't professional graphics and their sole purpose is to aid you in following the action in "The Unveiling." There are also 14 trailers throughout the text for you to watch. They will give you a more detailed look at the action in "The Unveiling." It's very important that you read the text of the production and look at the accompanying models before you watch the trailers or they might not make much sense to you. You must use the "IE" browser, have "flash" installed on your computer and your "IE" browser must be "flash" enabled to watch the trailers. Finally, you will see two different images used for the main character Joshua Wells in "The Unveiling." One has a full beard and hair as shown in the opening artwork of the website and above and the other is clean shaven and bald. The image of Joshua with the beard is the character depicted in "The Unveiling." Click on the "next" button at the bottom of this page to go to the "Prologue" section of "The Unveiling" and begin reading the production.