The Gentile and the Jew
"The Jew"

  After a brief pause following the end of the song "Man of the Hour" and the video accompanying it, new video starts to play on the large video screen onstage as the act "The Gentile and the Jew" begins.  In the video, Joshua, Darlene and the band are watching the end of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver's worldwide addresses on UNN on the television in Joshua's bedroom. Joshua and the band are standing up watching the newscast and Joshua is lined up with his bedroom window which is a few feet in front of him. Darlene continues to sit on the edge of the bed. The crowd in St. Peter's Square can be heard chanting "Gold, Gold, we want Gold" over and over again on the television. At this point, DW who's standing next to Joshua begins speaking.

Gibson:  (Everyone is looking at the T.V. and at each other blown away) Epic.

Joshua:  (Pointing at the T.V.) No, the faces of evil.

Gibson:  But didn't you tell me he saved your life.

Joshua:  It's complicated.-(At this point, numerous explosions start to be heard one after another, Joshua walks forward and looks out his bedroom window) The opening shots of the final battle are being fired.-(Numerous objects that look like meteors in the sky are falling towards earth. The rest of the band members and Darlene walk up to Joshua and attempt to look out the window in the open spaces around Joshua. At this point, Gibson speaks.)

Gibson:  What's goin on out there?

Joshua:  Let's go outside and check it out.-(Joshua holds Darlene's hand and they begin walking towards the glass door that leads to the rehearsal space and recording studio. DW and Robert follow them but Gibson stands in front of the bedroom window looking outside. When Joshua reaches the glass door, he looks back at DW and Robert and speaks) Watch the glass guys.-(Upon looking back, Joshua sees Gibson is still looking out the bedroom window) Gibby, come on man you'll get a much better look outside.-(At this point, Gibson turns around and begins walking towards the glass door. Joshua and Darlene walk through the glass door into the rehearsal room and out another door on to an outside veranda adjoined to the rehearsal room that overlooks the city of L.A. The rest of the band follows Joshua outside on the veranda, everyone looks into the sky and Joshua speaks) The City of Angels.-(They see countless angels flying downward in the skies over L.A. and throughout the surrounding area as far as the eye can see but the band thinks they're meteors. Everyone stands silent looking up into the sky for several seconds transfixed by what they're seeing. It's breathtaking and looks like a colossal meteor shower on a level never seen before. What makes it an even more spectacular is that the angels are different colors so it looks like a massive firework display in the sky. As the angels fly downward and break the speed of sound, sonic booms are heard and this accounts for the sounds of explosions heard in Joshua's bedroom. When the angels hit the sound of speed, the same smoke trail that appears on the tails of planes traveling the speed of sound is seen trailing the angels as they fly downward. This makes the angels look even more like meteors falling from the sky. Right before the angels hit the houses or buildings they're flying towards, they disappear like meteors do when they burn up entering earth's atmosphere. This phenomena is happening across the U.S.. As soon as Joshua and the band are on the veranda looking into the sky, new video begins playing on the screens on each side of the live stage. The new video shows Dawn Rivers in the main UNN newsroom reporting on the multi-colored meteor shower happening across the U.S. but there is no audio with this video, Dawn is standing to the side of a large video screen in the newsroom which is divided into several smaller screens. Each smaller screen is showing angels flying downward in the sky in a different U.S. city and the name of each city is superimposed over the video at the bottom of each smaller screen. Thus, we see the same breathtaking display in the skies above these cities as we do in the video of L.A. that's playing on the large video screen onstage.)

Gibson:  I've never seen so many meteors, or different colored ones, and look how low they're getting.

Joshua:  Those ain't meteors.

Gibson: (Puzzled) Whataya talking about?

Joshua:  They're angels.

Gibson:  (SkepticalAngels?

Joshua:  Yeah.

Gibson:  Come on bro, gimme a break.

Joshua:  (Smiling and pointing at a telescope on the veranda) Don't believe me, take a look yourself.-(Gibson walks over to the telescope on the veranda, looks into the eyepiece and points the other end of the telescope towards the sky focusing on one of the angels flying downward. At this point, the video on the large screen onstage changes from showing everyone on the veranda to what Gibson is seeing through the telescope which is clearly an angel flying downward. As if in denial, Gibson focuses on a few more images in the sky and they are also clearly angels. Following this, the video on the large screen onstage changes back to showing everyone on the veranda overlooking L.A.. and Gibson is still looking into the sky with the telescope.)

Gibson:  (Looking at Joshua) They are angels.-(DW walks over to Gibson and nudges him so he can use the telescope.)

DW:  Hey man, let me see.-(Gibson moves away from the telescope, DW looks into the sky with the telescope and Gibson continues speaking to Joshua.)

Gibson:  But how'd ya know?

Joshua:  It's one of the visions I saw on Zion and it's happening all across the country.

Gibson:  So what's with the angels?


Joshua:  Let's just say they're recruiting soldiers for the underground but I don't know all the details. Do ya guys remember my old friend Daniel?

DW:  "Teeny wennie."

Joshua:  Don't call him that.

DW:  You're the one who gave him that name.

Joshua:  You're right and I was wrong. I'm supposed to hook up with him sometime this morning and get more info about the underground.-(As soon as Joshua finishes this dialogue, the video currently playing on the large screen onstage which is Joshua, Darlene and his band on the veranda is replaced by video of Joshua's old friend Daniel inside an elevator. Daniel hits a button on the inside of the elevator, it starts moving downward towards the bottom floor of an underground compound known as the Sanctuary and the music builds in intensity. The bottom floor is huge stretching out as far as the eye can see. It's filled with computers, a vast array of high tech communication equipment, numerous tables including drafting tables, every type of office equipment imaginable such as fax machines, copiers and printers, office supplies, numerous printing presses and a complete T.V. broadcasting studio. When the elevator stops moving, Daniel types a numeric code on a pad inside elevator, the doors of the elevator open up into the bottom floor of the Sanctuary which is completely dark. A high tech communication system known as "The Petra System" is directly in front of the elevator. None of the computers, monitors and screens of "The Petra System" are on as shown below in Model 1. As Daniel starts to step out of the elevator, the music reaches a crescendo, Daniel steps out of the elevator and his foot touches the bottom floor of the Sanctuary, and "The Petra System" supernaturally lights up and becomes operational as shown below in Model 2. Even though there are people shown in Model 2, there's nobody present on the bottom floor of the Sanctuary at this time. All the mouses in front of the workstations move around by themselves and the keys of the computer keyboards start typing as if people were typing on them as God supernaturally loads some of the underground's databases on to "The Petra System." Images and data about the underground appear on the monitors and screens along with video and photos of some of the underground's hidden shelters as shown below in Model 2. Daniel is blown away by what he sees and walks around the entire area looking at all the monitors of the workstations as he makes his way up to the large screen at the front of the area. The large screen is showing a map identifying the location of some of the hidden shelters of the underground with a photo of a partially completed shelter to its left and video of a D.U.M.B.(Deep Underground Military Base) that's part of the underground to its right. The screen also has the "Mark of the Righteous"  on it as shown below in Model 2. Daniel shakes his head back and forth not sure what to make of it all because at this point he still doesn't know why he built "The Petra System" and has never seen the "Mark of the Righteous." After looking at the big screen, Daniel turns around and walks to a door on the left side of the room as shown below in Model 2. When he arrives at the door, Daniel's thumbprint is scanned, a retinal scan of his eye is done and a door allowing access to a room known as "The Lion's Den" slides open. "The Lion's Den" houses a supercomputer which is the brain of "The Petra System." Once the door opens, Daniel walks down a short corridor leading to "The Lion's Den" and stops before entering the room. "The Lion's Den" is completely dark and the supercomputer in it is non-operational as shown below in Model 3. At this point, the video of Daniel standing at the entrance of "The Lion's Den" on the large screen onstage is temporarily replaced by video of Joshua, Darlene and the band on the veranda once again. Joshua's bassist Robert points to an area in the sky above Daniel's house and yells out.) <>

Robert:  Look!-(As soon as Robert says this, a deafening sonic boom is heard shaking the veranda and shattering the windows of Joshua's rehearsal and recording studio, eveyone on the veranda ducks down away from the windows and Gabriel enters Daniel's home supernaturally through the roof. Once Gabriel is no longer visible in the video on the veranda, the video on the large screen onstage changes back to Daniel standing at the entrance of the dark "Lion's Den." Gabriel lands in the center of "The Lion's Den" going down on one knee, "The Lion's Den" shakes and the floor lights up as shown below in Model 4. Daniel is stunned by the sight of Gabriel looking fearful. At this point, Gabriel stands up, begins speaking to Daniel and the action continues uninterrupted with the text below Model 14.)


Model 1-The inactive "Petra System" on the bottom floor of the Sanctuary

Model 2-"The Petra System" on the bottom floor of the Sanctuary.


Model 3-"The Lion's Den" prior to Gabriel's entrance.

Model 4-Gabriel lands on the floor of "The Lion's Den" and it lights up.

Model 5-Light from above encircles Gabriel and Daniel who are standing in the center of "The Lion's Den."

Model 6-Light from the ray of light spreads across "The Lion's Den" and the supercomputer comes online.

Model 7-The supercomputer of "The Petra System" is operational and the ray of light quits shining down.

Model 8-"The Lion's Den" video screen divides into multiple smaller screens

Model 9-Joshua sits down in front of the workstation.

Model 10-The U.S. map appears on "The Lion's Den" video screen replacing the smaller screens.

Model 11-The "Rhythm 3" satellite in space appears on "The Lion's Den" video screen replacing the U.S. map.


Gabriel:  Come Daniel, don't be afraid.

Daniel:  (Daniel cautiously walks out of the corridor to the center of "The Lion's Den" and stands in front of Gabriel) You're an angel, right?

Gabriel:  (Nodding yes) I'm Gabriel and have come to provide you answers and unveil God's plan for you in these final days.

Daniel:  (Sighing heavily) Finally.

Gabriel:  Seven years ago to the day you had a vision telling you to build a high tech communication system in the Sanctuary with this supercomputer here in "The Lion's Den." You didn't know the origin of the vision or why you were building "The Petra System" but spent nearly every waking hour you could working on the system. The vision you had was directly from God and you've been chosen to be a top leader and the digital caretaker of the resistance. You'll oversee and coordinate the entire underground movement known as "Operation Last Stand" here at the helm of "The Petra System" as hidden shelters nationwide are digitally linked to the system and a computer network covering the entire country is created. You'll monitor and direct the activities of the shelters and thus the underground using the data collected by "The Petra System." You also developed a new operating system for "The Petra System" with a heavy emphasis on security. The "Secure Operating System" or "SOS" enables computer networks to be undetectable on both private intranet networks and public networks such as the internet and will protect the digital network from nefarious forces like Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver. But all this is meaningless unless you believe. You know the truth Daniel. (Gabriel's voice grows more intense and louder and his orange eyes burn brighter) Do you accept Him as your Lord and Savior.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. As soon as Gabriel begins the dialogue above, time elapsed video showing Daniel building "The Petra System" from the very beginning at age 14 up to its completion over a seven year period of time begins to play on the video screens on each side of the live stage. The large video screen on the live stage continues to show Gabriel talking to Daniel in "The Lion's Den." By the time Gabriel finishes the dialogue above, the entire time elapsed video has been shown.)

Daniel:  (With conviction) I do!-(Right after Daniel says this, Gabriel's orange eyes light up brightly once again, he completely unfurls and extends his wings outward and looks upward as does Daniel. Immediately thereafter, a ray of light from the sky shines down from above encircling Gabriel and Daniel in the center of "The Lion's Den" as shown above in Model 5. As this occurs, video plays on the screens on each side of the stage showing Joshua, Darlene and the band watching the ray of light enter Daniel's home from the veranda and Joshua smiles knowing he experienced the same thing earlier with Gabriel. When the ray of the light hits the floor of "The Lion's Den," it speads outward 360 degrees in all directions across the entire floor and then upward until the light has moved over the entire supercomputer of "The Petra System" located in "The Lion's Den."  In response, the supercomputer lights up and becomes fully operational as shown above in Model 6. All the mouses in front of the workstations move around by themselves and the keys of the computer keyboards start typing as if people were typing on them as God supernaturally loads the "Operation Last Stand" databases on to the supercomputer in "The Lion's Den." Shortly thereafter, images and data appear on the previously blank monitors showing photos of people with detailed personal profiles, photos of different hidden shelters nationwide, and U.S. maps with a photo of Daniel's father Saul in the middle of the maps and photos of five other men known as "The Council" below Saul's photo on the maps.)

Gabriel: (1)"The Petra System" is now online and Phase 2 of "Operation Last Stand" has officially begun. (2)Tens of thousands of new believers from every profession and walk of life will be needed to build, run and maintain the Christian undergroud and its nationwide network of hidden shelters. (3)As I speak, legions of angels are fanning out across the country at God's direction giving new believers they visit orders regarding their role in the underground and secret rendezvous points. (4)All these people have been chosen by the Lord Himself to insure there are no security breaches and that the underground has the opportunity to develop and grow into a viable entity.(5)Anyone who becomes a Christian this morning or in the future will supernaturally receive the "Mark of the Righteous"on the back of their right hand. (6)It's only visible to fellow believers which will further enhance security for the operation and protect it against infiltration by our enemies. (7)What you're witnessing right now is the supernatural construction of the human infrastructure that will assemble and run the underground nation. (8)There are seven individuals of special note including yourself who comprise the inner circle of "Operation Last Stand" and they are known collectively as "The Ministry."

(9)Saul Goldberg: CEO and majority owner of the world's largest multi-media corporation Rhythm Records, unmatched in business and organizational skills. He is the CEO of "Operation Last Stand" and these other men are colleagues of your fathers and his closest aides.

(10)Dr. Benjamin Schwartz: Graduate of Harvard Medical School, current president of the A.M.A. and recognized as the foremost authority in emergency and trauma medicine.

(11)Dr. David Shamir: Holds a PHd in engineering from Stanford University and considered one of the world's leading experts in civil, mechanical and structural engineering.

(12)General Ariel Rabin:  Israel's most decorated military figure, the equivalent of a 5 Star General in the U.S.. The former head of Mossad and Israel's special forces, and an expert in covert reconnaissance operations.

(13)Dr. Jonathan Oppenheimer: Graduate of MIT and one of the world's foremost experts in the areas of satellite, computer and communication technologies.

(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. The red numbers in the parentheses above refer to the number of each sentence in the dialogue above and have been put there to aid you in following the action. As Gabriel begins sentence 1, he and Daniel continue to stand in the center of "The Lion's Den" and the light from above quits shining down on them as shown above in Model 7. The area above the very top of "The Petra System" is a large, high definition video screen that spans the entire width of "The Lion's Den." When Gabriel begins sentence 2, he points at the video screen in "The Lion's Den" and it divides into several smaller screens as shown above in Model 8. The screens show distant shots of numerous angels flying downward in different cities in the U.S. with the names of the cities located at the bottom the screens. The screens on each side of the live stage show close-ups of "The Lion's Den'" video screen so the live audience can clearly see the action occurring on the screen. As soon as Gabriel begins sentence 3, the video playing on half of the smaller screens on the large video screen in "The Lion's Den" changes. Rather than showing distant shots of angels flying downward over U.S. cities, the new video on these screens zoom in for much closer shots of individual angels. As Gabriel continues with the dialogue, the video on these screens shows individual angels flying downward and penetrating the home, building or object they're flying towards and landing in front of or next to the person they intend to speak with. In the initial video on these screens, we see an angel landing in front of the owner and CEO of a national trucking company who's standing in his corporate office looking over his massive fleet of trucks, an angel landing in front of a CEO of a major freight airliner company who's at an airport looking over his fleet of planes, an angel landing in front of a world renowned doctor that's standing in a break room in a hospital who's also the CEO of the world's largest medical supply corporation, an angel landing in front of a five star general in the Pentagon, and an angel landing next to the CEO of the nations largest bank who's in his study. The people are startled and mesmerized when they first encounter the angels and the angels speak to and pray with the people who nod their heads in response to the angel's instructions. This is happening nationwide to tens of thousands of people and the video on these screens continually changes showing angels visiting different people from different professions. Note:the small screens in Models 8 and 9 are used for reference purposes only and don't actually show video of angels flying downward or visiting new believers. In the finished production, these screens will show video of angels flying downward and visiting new believers. As Gabriel says sentence 5, we see the "Mark of the Righteous" appear on the back of the right hands of the people the angels are visiting in the video on "The Lion's Den" video screen, Gabriel points this out to Daniel, and Daniel looks at the back of his right hand and sees the mark on his hand.

When Gabiel says "Saul Goldberg" in sentence 9 above, the video playing on "The Lion's Den" video screen changes. The video of the smaller screens are replaced by video of Daniel's father Saul Goldberg and Gabriel in Saul's car which covers the entire screen. This is the same video footage shown earlier in the act "Hallow's Eve" during "The Newscast" segment when we saw Gabriel sitting in Saul's car who was driving on S. Figueroa Ave shortly after the Rapture. When Daniel hears Gabriel say "Saul Goldberg" in sentence 9 and sees the footage of his father and Gabriel in the car on the video screen, he smiles looking very relieved and Gabriel smiles back at him. As Gabriel says the bio of Saul in sentence 9, we see Saul and Gabriel talking to each other in the car and Gabriel gives Saul a flashdrive. When Gabriel says "Dr. Benjamin Schwartz" in sentence 10 above, the video of Gabriel and Saul playing on "The Lion's Den'" video screen is replaced by video of an angel landing in front of Dr. Schwartz in his home. As Gabriel says the bio of Dr. Schwartz in sentence 10, we see the angel talking and praying with Dr. Schwartz in the video. When Gabriel finishes speaking Dr. Schwartz's bio, he pauses momentarily and then says "Dr. David Shamir" in sentence 11. At that moment, the current video of Dr. Schwartz and an angel changes to video of an angel landing in front of Dr. Shamir in his home. As Gabriel says the bio of Dr. Shamir in sentence 11, we see the angel talking and praying with Dr. Shamir in the video. Following this, the same seqence of events just described above for the video of Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Shamir also occurs for General Ariel Rabin and Dr. Jonathan Oppenheimer. When Gabriel finishes Dr. Oppenheimer 's bio, the smaller screens showing video of distant shots of angels flying downward over U.S. cities and footage of individual angels visitng people returns to "The Lion's Den" video screen. As soon as Gabriel completes the dialogue above, Daniel speaks.)

Daniel:  Mind if I test it out?-(At this point, Gabriel supernaturally disappears and re-appears instantaneously moving from the center to the left side of "The Lion's Den" standing just to the left of the workstation closest to the entrance of "The Lion's Den." Immediately thereafter, Gabriel holds his hand out towards the workstation and speaks.)

Gabriel:  It's all yours.-(Daniel walks over and sits down in front of the workstation just to the left of Gabriel as shown above in Model 9.)

Daniel:  (1)I'm guessing this is the database for "Operation Last Stand." (2)The CEO and his cabinet will run and oversee "Operation Last Stand" nationally. (3)Let's look at California. (4)"State Representative," in effect the governor of California who will preside over the underground on a statewide basis, (5)"District Representatives," responsible for management of "Operation Last Stand" in the same congressional districts members of the House of Representatives serve in, (6)"County and City Representatives," running the underground locally. (7)"Citizens," building our Holy Nation, the heart and soul of "Operation Last Stand." (8)"Hidden Shelters," protection and sanctuary for the elect. (9)Almost identical to the Sanctuary..., a personnel roster showing who's assigned to the shelter and their roles. (10)All right, let's see New York... (11)The entire database is configured and set up the same way just as I suspected. (12)This plan is brilliant setting up the underground as a mirror image of our great nation and its institutions.-(Daniel is thinking aloud and talking to Gabriel in the dialogue above. Even though Daniel has never seen the database of "Operation Last Stand," he navigates through it with ease as if he developed it himself. When Daniel says sentence 1, he's sitting down in front of the workstation as shown above in Model 9 and the monitor directly in front of him is showing one of the U.S. maps described earlier with photos of Saul and "The Council" on it. At this point, the smaller screens on "The Lion's Den" video screen as shown above in Model 9 are replaced by the same U.S. map on Daniel's monitor as shown above in Model 10. Any action taking place on the U.S. map on Daniel's monitor also occurs on the U.S. map on "The Lion's Den" video screen in perfect sync with the action on the U.S. map on the monitor. Before Daniel begins sentence 2, he grabs a mouse in front of him and moves its cursor so that it's on top of the photo of Saul on the U.S. map. When Daniel begins sentence 2, he clicks the mouse and a detailed profile and photo of Saul superimposed on a U.S. map replaces the U.S. map with the photos of Saul and "The Council" on it. Daniel quickly visits each "Council" member's personal page and then returns to the original U.S. map as shown above in Model 10. As the action continues, Daniel will alternately look down at the U.S. map on the monitor in front of him, at the U.S. map on "The Lion's Den" video screen and at Gabriel.

  When Daniel says sentence 3, he moves the cursor on top of the state of California on the U.S. map and clicks his mouse. Immediately thereafter, a map of  California appears on the screen with a computer menu listing the following six headings top to bottom which are also links;
"State Representative," "District Representatives," "County and City Representaives," "Citizens," "Shelters" and "U.S. Map." This computer menu is on every page of the database. As the action continues, Daniel will say and click on the heading of each area of the database on the computer menu in the order listed and say the corresponding dialogue from above. At this point, Daniel clicks on and says the heading "State Representative" and a map of California appears on the monitor with a photo of California's "State Representative" on it. Daniel clicks on the name of the "State Representative" below his photo and a detailed profile appears. Following this, Daniel says and clicks on the next heading "District Representatives," a map of California divided into it's 53 congressional districts appears and the name of each "District Representative" is in their district on the map. Daniel quickly clicks on the names of a few "District Representatives," photos and profiles appear, and then he says and clicks on the next heading "County and City Representaives." A list of names of county and city officials for the underground appears superimposed on a map of California. Daniel clicks on the names of a few officials, their photos and profiles appear, and then he says and clicks on the next heading "Citizens." In response, a page appears with thousands of names listed city by city superimposed on a map of California. Daniel clicks on a few of the names on the page and  photos and profiles appear.

  After Daniel visits the "Citizens" area of the database, he says and clicks on the heading "Hidden Shelters" and a page with a California map on it appears listing all the hidden shelters in California city by city. Daniel puts the cursor on top of one of the shelters listed on the "Hidden Shelters" page and clicks on his mouse. Immediately thereafter, a page appears that has some photos of a shelter that looks almost identical to the Sanctuary, information about the shelter and a link entitled "Shelter Personnel." Daniel quickly looks over the page, says "Almost identical to the Sanctuary" from sentence 9 and then clicks on the "Shelter Personnel" link on the page. Following this, a page appears showing photos and names of the people assigned to this particular shelter and their names are links to profiles that focus on their particular role at the shelter. Daniel clicks on a few of the names on the page, their profiles appear, he scims over them and says the remainder of sentence 9. After this, Daniel clicks on the last heading of the computer menu "U.S. Map" and the U.S. map returns to the monitor in front of him and on "The Lion's Den" video screen as shown above in Model 10. At this point, Daniel says sentence 10, moves the cursor on top of the state of New York, clicks the mouse and a page with a map of the state of New York appears on the screen. A computer menu identical to the one seen in California listing the same six headings top to bottom is seen on the page with the state of New York. Daniel clicks on the links of the headings very quickly and looks at each New York page seeing they're set up just like the California pages. Daniel then clicks on the heading "U.S. Map," says sentence 11 and once again the U.S. map re-appears on the monitor and "The Lion's Den" video screen. Following this, Daniel looks at Gabriel, says sentence 12 and Gabriel responds.)      

Gabriel:  The entire plan was set in motion 25 years ago when God commissioned your father in a vision to bulid the Sanctuary. But he wasn't the only one. Hundreds of others nationwide had similar visions at the same time and built shelters like the Sanctuary as Phase 1 of "Operation Last Stand" took root. Like the Sanctuary, these shelters are fully operational and online already connected to "The Petra System." They will provide the framework upon which the remainder of our nationwide infrastructure will be built. But these particular shelters are only part of the network. We have additional pre-existing shelters, those provided by unique geographical landscapes, D.U.M.B.s across the country and new shelters will also be built.

Daniel:  The D.U.M.B.s are ideal but how will we gain access to them? They're under strict jurisdictional control of the federal government. (At this point, Gabriel points at "The Lion's Den" video screen and Daniel looks at the screen. Immediately thereafter, the U.S. map is replaced by video of an angel speaking to and praying with President William Graham in the Oval Office.)

Daniel:   (Looking back at Gabriel surprised) President Graham,

Gabriel:  He's a critical ally and will be instrumental in the successful execution of "Operation Last Stand."

Daniel:  Any more surprises?-(Gabriel points at "The Lion's Den" video screen once again and Daniel looks at it. Immediately thereafter, the video of President Graham and the angel is replaced by an image of seven satellites organized vertically from the top of the screen to the bottom one after the other. Underneath the first satellite image at the top of the screen is the heading "Rhythm 1." The remaining six satellites images have the headings "Rhythm 2-7" underneath them numbered in sequence from the top of the screen to the bottom. The same image of the 7 satellites on "The Lion's Den" video screen is also on the monitor in front of Daniel. Upon seeing the image of the satellites, Daniel turns around and speaks to Gabriel.) I built "The Petra System" and encoded the "SOS" operating system to work with satellite technology.

Gabriel:  I know, and Rhythm Records just launched seven of the most sophisticated satellites ever developed and you'll have exclusive access to them for use in "Operation Last Stand."-(Gabriel points to the monitor in front of Daniel) Go ahead and enter the coordinates Latitude 34.052235 and Longitude -118.243683 for the "Rhythm 3" satellite and set it into motion.(Daniel moves the cursor over the satellite image "Rhythm 3" and clicks the mouse. Immediately thereafter, the image of a satellite in space with earth in the distance appears on the monitor in front of Daniel and on "The Lion's Den" video screen as shown above in Model 11. In addition, data about satellite "Rhythm 3" appears on all the monitors of "The Petra System." Following this, Daniel types in the coordinates and the satellite begins to move orienting itself so it can focus and zoom in on the location of the entered coordinates. The coordinates are the exact location of Joshua who continues to stand on the veranda with his band and Darlene watching the angels fall from the sky.) 

Daniel:  What's the location of those coordinates?

Gabriel:  (Nodding at the screen) Just watch. He alone was chosen by God from seven billion people to be the leader of the underground and His church in these last days, the seventh and final member of "The Council." He died this morning and rose from the dead, has supernatural powers, and stood atop Mt. Zion where God showed him visions of the future. He's an old friend of yours and you'll work closely with him. You know him as Joshua Wells but the world will know him as "Holy Soldier."-(When Gabriel starts the dialogue above, the satellite begins to zoom in on the location of the entered coordinates which is Joshua standing on his veranda. Gabriel's voice and the music accompanying this video increase in intensity as he narrates the dialogue above. At the beginning, the satellite zooms in until earth is the only image on the screen and then zooms in until only an overhead shot of the continental U.S. is seen on the screen. Following this, an overhead shot of the state of California is on the screen and then an overhead shot of the city of L.A,. Finally, the satellite image shows only an overhead shot of Joshua and Daniel's homes on Hope Street and by the time Gabriel finishes the dialogue above just the singular image of Joshua looking upward on his veranda is on the screen. At one point, we see spectacular video on "The Lion's Den" video screen as thousands of multi-colored objects fall towards the continental U.S. which are the angels falling towards the U.S.. By the time Gabriel starts the last sentence of dialogue above, Daniel knows Gabriel is talking about Joshua and starts shaking his head back and forth and saying "no" repeatedly under his breath. As soon as Gabriel completes the dialogue, Daniel speaks aloud continuing to forcefully shake his head back and forth. At this point, the image on "The Lion's Den" video screen is the singular image of Joshua on the veranda looking upward.)        

Daniel:  (Emphatic) No, no , no, no, it aint happening!

Gabriel:  But he's not the same man and deeply regrets what he did to you.

Daniel:  I really don't care.

Gabriel:  (Sarcastically) Really, you've been called to do God's work together. Do you really want to challenge His authority?

Daniel:  (Sighs ) No, but don't expect some grand reunion.

Gabriel:  Good, he's waiting for you. I must go now but the Spirit is with you and will lead the way. Your father and Joshua should be able to answer any questions you might have.  Grace and peace to you Daniel until we meet again.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. As Gabriel says sentence 1, he points at "The Lion's Den" video screen which continues to show the singular image of Joshua on the veranda. When Gabriel finishes the dialogue above, he flies upward instantaneously leaving "The Lion's Den." Shortly thereafter, Daniel walks into the corridor leading out of "The Lion's Den." The camera follows Daniel so that we see his backside as he walks in the corridor. When Daniel opens the door to leave "The Lion's Den," we transition uniterrupted from "The Jew" segment to "The Reunion" video segment. The door is no longer from "The Lion's Den" but is the door of Daniel's bedroom that leads to a veranda adjoined to his room. At this point, "The Reunion" segment begins.

The Gentile and the Jew
"The Reunion"

   As "The Reunion" video segment begins on the large screen onstage, we see the backside of Daniel, he opens his bedroom door and walks to the front edge of a veranda adjoined to his bedroom. He looks up at the angels flying downward. Daniel's veranda is to the west and directly across from Joshua's veranda and the camera shot shows both verandas. Joshua,
Darlene and the band continue to watch the angels fly downward over L.A. on Joshua's veranda. Upon seeing Daniel standing on the far west area of his veranda, DW speaks to Joshua.

DW:  (Pointing at Daniel) Hey man, there's that dude.-(Joshua looks at Daniel, walks over to the far east area of his veranda so that he's directly across from Daniel and speaks to him.)

Joshua:  Mindblowing isn't it?

Daniel:  Yeah.-(Daniel doesn't look at Joshua.)

Joshua:  They're not meteors but you probably already know that.-(Daniel nods yes but still doesn't look at Joshua) He visited you didn't he?

Daniel:  (Daniel relunctantly looks at Joshua for the first time and speaks with no emotion) Yeah, come over we need to talk.                       

Joshua:  For sure.-(Daniel looks up at the sky for a few more seconds and then walks back into his room without looking at Joshua. Joshua walks back over to his band and Darlene on the veranda and speaks to them)  Hey guys, I'll be back in a little while just chill here till I get back. (The band nod in agreement. Following this, Joshua puts his hand on Darlene's stomach and motions towards his bedroom) Come on, you need to lay down and rest.-(At this point, Joshua and Darlene walk into the rehearsal room and then into his bedroom. Darlene lays down on the bed on her back and Joshua puts a pillow under her feet elevating her legs. Darlene looks worried) Don't worry babe, it'll be all right.

Darlene:  It's just that tonight really freaked me out and I don't wanna be away from you.

Joshua:  I'll be right back.-(Joshua bends down and kisses Darlene and then walks towards his bedroom door. Once he reaches the door and opens it, he looks back at Darlene smiling) I love you.

Darlene:  (Smiling) Love you too.-(Joshua walks out, shuts the door and the camera zooms in for a close-up of the door until it's the only image on the large video screen onstage. Shortly thereafter, the camera pulls back and we see the door is now the door at Daniel's home. Joshua is on the doorstep, begins knocking and Daniel opens the door immediately.) 

Daniel:  Come in.

Joshua: (Entering the home) Thanks man.-(Joshua enters the home and walks straight forward to an area right outside the foyer of the front door that opens into the rest of the home and stops. He's facing the west area of the home. Daniel closes the front door, walks and stands directly across from Joshua facing the east area of the home)  Hey, I wanna apologize for everything that...(Joshua is cut off by an extremely angry Daniel.)

Daniel:  You made me an outcaste, my life a living hell! But why Joshua, I never did anything to you except be a loyal friend. The only reason you're here right now is because God left me no choice. I wanted nothing to do with you.

Joshua:  (Very contrite) I'm so sorry for everything Danny. I was brutal to you and if I were you I'd hate me too. You weren't just a loyal friend but the best friend I've ever had. I can't change the past but I can make things right in the future. (Shaking his head back and forth) I'm not that man anymore. (Joshua pauses and sighs) But I don't know what else to say or do to make things right.-( Moved by Joshua's contrition, Daniel no longer looks angry but is much more conciliatory.)

Daniel:  (Smiling) Nothing more needs to be said or done. What you put me through was inexcusable and it really screwed me up but the world's on the brink of destruction right now and there's far more important matters to deal with than some stuff that happened in high school three years ago. It's time for me to let go of the past and move forward. We're family now and are called to love and forgive one another.-(As Daniel says "We're family now" from the dialogue above, he lifts up his right hand with the back of it facing Joshua so he can see the "Mark of the Righteous"(Holy Soldier icon) and Joshua responds in kind so that Daniel can see the "Mark of the Righteous" on his right hand. As soon as Daniel finishes the dialogue above, he extends his right hand out to shake Joshua's hand and Joshua does the same until they join hands in the space between them as shown below in Model 12. After a few seconds, new video begins to play superimposed on the video of Joshua and Daniel shaking hands. The new video shows the same location in Daniel's house but it's 16 years earlier on Halloween. Joshua is dressed up as Batman and Daniel as Robin and they're standing in the same location as Joshua and Daniel are in the present day video. The foyer by the front door is professionally decorated for Halloween and Joshua and Daniel are facing the front door. Their parents(Steve, Lisa, Saul and Sarah) are standing in front of them in the foyer talking, laughing and taking photos of Joshua and Daniel who pose, laugh and play around. In the last image from this video, Joshua and Daniel dressed as Batman and Robin stand in the same position and shake hands exactly like Joshua and Daniel in the present day video. Following this, the new video fades out and the present day video of Joshua and Daniel shaking hands remains on the video screen. At this point, Daniel pulls Joshua towards himself and they embrace with their hands still grasped Daniel says the following dialogue into Joshua's ear as they continue to embrace) Welcome back, welcome home my friend.-(As soon as Daniel completes this dialogue, they both step back, quit shaking hands and Joshua responds to Daniel in the text below Model 12.)

Model 12-Joshua and Daniel shaking hands.

Joshua:  (Looking all around him) This is hallowed ground man. The best times of my life happened here and I thought I'd never set foot on it again.

Daniel:  Yeah, there was zero chance we'd ever be friends again but here we are born again. (Daniel points in the direction of his father's study) I have something to show you.-(Daniel begins walking towards the study, Joshua follows him and they talk as they walk.)

Joshua:   (Looking around) What, about eight years since I was here last, at your Bar Mitzvah reception, everything looks almost exactly the same. 

Daniel: (Daniel smiles) Wait till ya see what we've done to the place.

Joshua:  Your people all right?

Daniel: Well, mom was one of the lucky ones taken up this morning thanks in large part to your mom. Got an e-mail from my aunt in Israel saying mom was praying at the Wailing Wall and just disappeared. Dad's all right on his way here right now. He was also visited by Gabriel.  Your parents are gone right.

Joshua: (Glancing upward and somber) Yeah.-(By this time, Daniel and Joshua have reached the study. To enter the study, you have to place your thumb in an indentation on the top of the doorknob and the thumb is scanned. The door will only open if the person's thumb print is in a database for entry into the study. Daniel puts his thumb in the indentation on the doorknob and the door opens up. The study is large and its walls are covered with gold and platinum records of artists signed to "Rhythm Records." Daniel and Joshua walk into the study, Joshua stops and looks at the gold and platinum records on the walls and speaks. As Joshua speaks, his eyes begin to tear up) I always dreamed of getting one of these but now it seems so pointless. I'd give a hundred of these for just a few minutes with my mom and dad to tell them how much I love them and how sorry I am for putting them through hell. We all think there's gonna be a tomorrow but it's never guaranteed.

Daniel:  But you'll see them again.

Joshua:  I know but it's not the same. The last time I saw them I told em to "Go to Hell" and slammed the door in their faces. That image keeps playing over and over and over again in my head.-(Joshua pauses, looks upward and a few tears runs down his face) I just hope the Lord lets them see what I've become.

Daniel:  I'm sure He will.

Joshua:  (Wiping tears from eyes and face) I hope you're right.

Daniel:  (Pointing at one of the platinum albums on the wall directly in front of him that's at eye level) Check this out.(Daniel walks up to the album and aligns one of his eyes with the center of the record. A retinal scan of Daniel's eye is done by a laser in the center of the platinum record and a section of the wall in front of Daniel slides open allowing access to an elevator. Following this, Daniel types in a numbered code on a pad that's to the side of the elevator door, the elevator door opens up, he steps inside the elevator and looks back at Joshua who's blown away.)

Joshua:  This is like some Ethan Hunt, Mission Impossible stuff.

Daniel:  (Motioning for Joshua to get in the elevator) Let's go.-(Joshua walks into the elevator, Daniel types in a numbered code on a pad inside the elevator, and the study wall and elevator door slide shut. Following this, Daniel hits a button inside the elevator, it starts moving downward and Joshua speaks.)

Joshua:  Where we going?

Daniel:  You'll see.-(Shortly after Daniel speaks, the elevator stops, Daniel types in another numbered code on a pad inside the elevator and the opposite elevator door opens up into the first floor of the Sanctuary which is uninhabited and dark. Daniel steps outside the elevator, turns a switch on and overhead lights that run the length of several corridors of the Sanctuary light up in sequence moving from the lights closest to the elevator to those furthest away.The first floor is very large and the corridors appear endless.The immediate area around the elevator also lights up and we see a large kitchen and dining area. At this point, Daniel looks back at Joshua smiling, steps aside, moves his hand out towards the first floor inviting Joshua into the Sanctuary and speaks) Welcome to the Sanctuary.-(Joshua steps out of the elevator) We have everything you can imagine down here and enough supplies to survive for years.

Joshua:  (Blown away) How's this even possible?

Daniel:  25 years ago my father had a vision telling him to build the Sanctuary and he began construction with a group of individuals named in the vision. It took 18 years to complete and an additional 7 years for me to finish my work.       

Joshua:  Why'd it take so long?

Daniel:  Building an underground structure of this size and complexity is a logistical nightmare and a very complicated process, and keep in mind all the people involved also had to work their regular jobs and raise families so time was at a premium. Plus it had to be built in complete secrecy and much of the construction could take place only at night or in the early morning hours under the cover of darkness.

Joshua:  Wait a minute, the trucks going into your dad's hanger all those years were bringing in materials to build this weren't they? (Daniel smiles and nods yes) But he always told my mom and dad it was for storing his classic car collection and plane.

Daniel:  He was sworn to secrecy and I'm sure you can understand why. The Sanctuary's ground zero for the entire underground movement and knowledge of it's very existence must be limited to a select few. I'll show you all this later on but I've got something else I want you to see first.-(Daniel steps back into the elevator and motions for Joshua to do the same) Come on.-(Joshua gets back into the elevator and the door slides shut. Daniel hits a button inside the elevator and it starts moving downward. Shortly thereafter, the elevator stops, Daniel types in another numbered code on the pad inside the elevator and the door opens up into the bottom floor of the Sanctuary. As soon as the elevator stops and its door opens on the bottom floor, Daniel walks out of the elevator towards "The Petra System" that's directly in front of the elevator and Joshua follows  him until they stand together in the middle of the room. As they leave the elevator, walk towards "The Petra System" and stand together, Daniel says the following dialogue. As Daniel speaks, Joshua looks around at "The Petra System") Seven years ago I had a vision showing me "The Petra System" and was told to build it here in the Sanctuary. I was obsessed with the vision and practically lived down here for the last seven years working on the system until I finished it last week. But it was more than just the vision. There was something supernatural going on inside me. Even with my extensive knowledge and background in computer programming and hardware, I could have never built "The Petra System" on my own it's far too advanced. I was doing things I've never done before like creating and solving the most complex algorithms and writing code for satellite technology. I also developed "SOS" a new operating system for "The Petra System" that's years ahead of its time. Through it all, I felt like I was a tool, an extension of some greater force that was using me as a means to an end to achieve some grand purpose and I finally know what that is now.

Joshua:   There's s no way you could possibly have all this information just hours after "The Unveiling" began.

Daniel:  (Pointing upward) Unless He's downloading all the data on to "The Petra System" Himself.  I've got something else to show you.-(Daniel motions towards the door leading into "The Lion's Den"  on the left side of the room and they both walk over to the door. Daniel's thumbprint is scanned, a retinal scan of his eye is done, and the door allowing access to "The Lion's Den" slides open. They both walk through the door to the center of "The Lion's Den" and stand together. Joshua looks at the entire "Lion's Den" as Daniel continues speaking) You're now in "The Lion's Den" and this is the supercomputer that will run the entire operation. Think of it as brain of "The Petra System." Let me give you a brief demonstration on how it works.-(Daniel walks over to the same workstation that he sat behind when he went through the "Operation Last Stand" database with the U.S. map earlier and Joshua follows him. When Daniel gets ready to sit down behind the workstation, Joshua puts his arm out stopping him from doing so and shapeshifts into Daniel looking and sounding exactly like him and wearing the same clothes. At this point, Joshua(Daniel) looks at Daniel smiling and says the following dialogue in Daniel's voice.)

Joshua(Daniel): I got this.-(Immediately after Joshua(Daniel) says this, he sits behind the same workstation that Daniel did when he went through the "Operation Last Stand" database in earlier action. Joshua(Daniel) types on the workstation keyboard and the same U.S. map that contains the database for "Operation Last Stand" appears on the monitor in front of him and on "The Lion's Den" video screen as before. At this point, Joshua(Daniel) gives the same exact presentation for the "Operation Last Stand" database that Daniel did earlier using the exact same dialogue and mannerisms) I'm guessing this is the database for "Operation Last Stand." The CEO and his cabinet will run and oversee "Operation Last Stand" nationally. Let's look at California.  "State Representative," in effect the governor of California who will preside over the underground on a statewide basis, "District Representatives," responsible for management of "Operation Last Stand" in the same congressional districts members of the House of Representatives serve in. "County and City Representatives," running the underground locally. "Citizens," building our Holy Nation, the heart and soul of "Operation Last Stand." "Hidden Shelters," protection and sanctuary for the elect. Almost identical to the Sanctuary..., a personnel roster showing who's assigned to the shelter and their roles. All right, let's see New York.... The entire database is configured and set up the same way just as I thought. This plan is brilliant setting up the underground as a mirror image of our great nation and its institutions. (Joshua(Daniel) looks at Daniel and smiles) That's how it works and your future plans for "The Petra System" are revolutionary. You did all this by yourself. (Daniel nods yes) You're the real superhero bro. (Joshua will continue to be the shapeshifted Daniel until indicated below.)

Daniel:  (Shaking head in disbelief) But how, that's exactly what I said and did earlier when I went through the database with Gabriel,

Joshua(Daniel):  I call it shapeshifting on steroids. Not only can I look and sound like anyone but there's a complete cerebral transfer when I become someone else. I acquire all their short and long term memory and have total recall. I literally become that person with all their intellectual and physical skills.

Daniel:  Do you have any other superpowers?

Joshua:  (Joshua shapeshifts back into himself) I also have superhuman strength, and will unveil others in the days ahead.

Daniel:   What are they?

Joshua:  I can't tell ya but you'll see soon enough.

Daniel:  Do you realize how genius this whole concept is? Millions and millions of people around the world line up to watch their favorite fictional superheroes fight evil on the big screen year after year. How much more will they respond to a real superhero in their midst who's fighting real villains with supenatural powers. Combine that with the power of music and can you imagine the impact of your ministry, how many people it will reach.

Joshua:  I do but to be honest I don't know if I'm cut out for this. He shoulda chose someone else to be "Holy Soldier."

Daniel:  (Animated) Whataya talking about?

Joshua:  Look Danny, my life's been a complete disaster and I'm not fit to be that man, and I can't carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, I just can't do it. A few hours ago I was lying dead on my bed with a syringe full of smack shoved in my arm. Does that sound like a "Holy Soldier" to you?

Daniel:  Ya can't be a prisoner to your past and yes you face a Herculean task but you won't have to do it alone. The Spirit will give you strength and wisdom, the hosts of heaven will stand with you and God will surround you with able disciples. This is your calling Joshua never doubt you are "Holy Soldier."

Saul:  (Saul walks into "The Lion's Den" nodding his head up and down) He's right, you're the "Final Apostle," (Saul pauses looking at Joshua and Daniel) and there's a sight I thought I'd never see again.

Daniel:  (Saul approaches Daniel and Joshua and  puts his hand on Daniel's shoulder. Daniel speaks ) Mom's gone.

Saul:  I got the e-mail. But we'll see her again. (Daniel nods in agreement) We finally got our answers didn't we.

Daniel:   We sure did.

Saul:   It was all worth it.

Daniel:   (Demonstratively) Absolutely,

Saul:   Now the real work begins. (Saul now directs his attention to Joshua smiling at him) Joshua Wells, if only your mom and dad could see ya now.

Joshua:  I wanna apologize..(Saul cuts off Joshua.)

Saul:  Not necessary Joshua, just seeing the two of you together again remedies any past transgressions. I promised your mom and dad if this day ever came I'd look out for you but to be honest I thought they were nuts but look who's the fool now. They've given me power of attorney over a trust fund that will pay all your living expenses for years to come or until money becomes obsolete. We've always been family and if I can help you in any way just let me know.

Joshua:  Thanks Mr. Goldberg.

Saul:  Do you remember where I work and what I do?

Daniel:  I think at Rhythm Records.

Saul:  That's right but do you know specifically what I do there?

Joshua:  Not really,

Saul:  I'm the CEO and majority owner and can run the corporation as I wish. Gabriel visited me earlier and ordered me to grant you and Symbols access to Rhythm Record's vast resources. That means Symbols will have access to the unlimited resources of the world's largest multimedia corporation for recording, touring, marketing, merchandising, video production and anything else entertainment or media related.

Joshua:  (Joshua smiles and speaks to himself saying what Robert said earlier) Ya know it will take an act of God to pull this off.

Saul:  What's that Joshua?

Joshua:  Oh, I'm just blown away. I had no clue where we were gonna get all the resources to make this happen.

Saul:  (Saul reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a flashdrive Here's something else. Gabriel gave this to me and it contains a database listing the names of thousands of pastors who were left behind and their churches. The database only includes those fallen pastors visited by angels this morning and they've been notified of their role in "Operation Last Stand." Their churches will become part of a nationwide network of Symbols's churches allowing your new ministry to flourish. They will also be instrumental in the construction of the underground providing logistical support and resources for "Operation Last Stand." (Saul hands Daniel the flashdrive) Here upload it and let's take a look.-(Daniel walks over to the workstation on the left side of "The Lion's Den," sits down, inserts the flashdrive into a USB port and the "Holy Soldier" icon appears on the monitor in front of him. He moves the cursor of his mouse over the icon on the monitor and clicks the mouse. Immediately thereafter, a U.S. map with the "Holy Soldier" icon on it appears on the screen in front of Daniel and on "The Lion's Den"  video screen  as shown below in Model 13. The action continues uninterrupted with the text below Model 14.)

Model 13-The U.S. map with the fallen pastors and church database appears on video screen.

Model 14-The new U.S. map and "Operation Last Stand" database appears on "The Lion's Den" video screen.

Daniel:  Let's take a look at California.-(Daniel moves the cursor over the state of California on the U.S. map and clicks his mouse. Immediately thereafter, a page with a map of California appears on the monitor in front  of Daniel and on "The Lion's Den" video screen with a list of names of several churches superimposed on it. The names of the churches are also links and Daniel moves the cursor on top of the first name on the page and clicks on his mouse. At that moment, a page appears on the monitor and video screen showing a photo of the pastor and his church with a brief biography on him and the church and photos of the church with information on its location) This database is set up almost identical to the one for "Operation Last Stand." As a matter of fact...(Daniel starts typing on the keyboard and after a few seconds a U.S. map with both the "Council" and "Holy Soldier" icon on it as shown above in Model 17 appears on the monitor and on "The Lion's Den" video screen. This new U.S. map represents the new "Operation Last Stand" database which now includes the "Church" database that was on the flashdrive) Now if I did this correctly the "Churches" database should now be integrated into the "Operation Last Stand" database.-(As Daniel says this dialogue, he moves the cursor on top of the state of California, clicks the mouse and the California page of the "Operation Last Stand" database appears on the monitor and on "The Lion's Den" video screen) The category "Churches" has been added to the menu and if I click on it the same exact California "church" page we just saw should appear. There you go just as planned.-(As Daniel says this dialogue, he moves the cursor on top of the "Churches" category of the menu, clicks his mouse and the same exact California "church" page just seen appears on the monitor and on "The Lion's Den" video screen) Let's take a quick look at a few other pages to make sure this has been done for every state.-(Daniel visits a few other state pages from the "Operation Last Stand" database(the U.S. Map) and we see this on the monitor and on "The Lion's Den" video screen. The new category "Churches" is seen in the menu on each state page and when clicked  the "church" page for that state appears. This new computer menu with the category "Churches"  is now on every page of the "Operation Last Stand" database. When Daniel finishes this brief presentation, the U.S. map with the "Council" on it is on the monitor in front of him and on "The Lion's Den" video screen as shown above in Model 14. At this point, Daniel spins around in his chair so that he's facing Saul and Joshua, smiles and says) Piece of cake.

Saul:  So you're already dialed in.

Daniel:  Pretty much, no matter the technology I have complete mastery of it once I start working with it. The knowledge just enters my mind instantaneously and I know the subject matter like I've studied it all my life. That's what happened when I started encoding "SOS" to work with satellite technology. I knew nothing about satellites but now I can tell you anything you want to know about any type of satellite, how it works on a macro and micro level. I could literally build one myself.

Saul:  Well gentlemen, I have two corporations to run now and it's time for me to get to work. I did speak to all members of "The Council" on the way home and hopefully they'll be here within a week.


Joshua: I better get going too. Darlene's due any time now and tonight really freaked her out. Would it be cool if Darlene and the band came over later and checked everything out?

Saul:  I don't see why not, and it'll give me the opportunit to sit down with you guys and start mapping out a comprehensive multimedia strategy for Symbols. Plus I need to go over the details of the trust fund with you.

Joshua:  Sounds good, what about you dude?

Daniel:  I'm gonna kick it down here. I've got a lot of work also getting up to speed with all the new databases and information.

Joshua:  Ya know it's gonna be one helluva ride bro.

Daniel:  (SmilingAnd I'll be riding shotgun with "Holy Soldier."

Joshua:  I'll catch ya later man.

Daniel:  For sure.-(They fistbump, Saul and Joshua start walking towards the exit and Saul speaks to Joshua.)

Saul:  We need to get your retina scanned, fingerprints done and get ya the numeric codes so you can access the Sanctuary yourself.-(By the time Saul finishes this dialogue, he and Joshua have entered the short corridor leading out of "The Lion's Den" and are no longer visible. Following this, Daniel types at the workstation of the supercomputer he's sitting at and looks up at "The Lion's Den" video screen. Immediately thereafter, the band starts playing the song "The Gentile and The Jew" live. and the videotaped segment "Operation Last Stand" begins playing on "The Lion's Den" video screen. At this point, the "Reunion" segment has ended and the camera zooms in on "The Lion's Den" video screen until it's the only image on the large video screen onstage. The action continues uninterrupted as the song "The Gentile and The Jew" begins to play.)

The Gentile and the Jew
 "Operation Last Stand"

   The song "The Gentile and The Jew" is accompanied by video which is based on the content of the lyrics in the song and
1 ½ years pass by as the song is played. In the video, we see the relationship of Joshua and Daniel over the years, the rise of Symbols and Joshua's worldwide ministry, and the evolution of "Operation Last Stand" over the 1 ½ year period of time. The description of the action in the video that plays as the song "The Gentile and The Jew" is performed live is broken down into sections that go along with the lyrics and structure of the song. The description of the action in the first series of video clips that plays with the song "The Gentile and the Jew" is found in the text below Verse 2. Hit the play button below to listen to the song "The Gentile and The Jew." Keep in mind, this song won't be used in the production and is included only for reference purposes to show the conceptual idea of "The Unveiling." The song is an extremely rough draft of an idea for this part of the production that was never developed and it has no vocals.

The Gentile and The Jew

Verse 1:

In days past they laughed and played together

But one chose books and the other leather

 They shared ice cream on warm summer days

But as time moved on their friendship melted away


Verse 2:

Christ resurrected this friendship of old

To oppose the order of Silver and Gold

Bound by a bond of blood and grace

They vowed to save the human race

Verse 3:

Holy Soldier waged war day and night

and the visions from Zion came to light

Symbols thrived under his command

and reigned as history's greatest band  


Verse 4:

They built a global empire on the rock

and the blind saw the crippled walk

Ready to storm the beaches of the barren land

and take center stage at the Last Stand


Chorus 1:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son


Verse 5:

Daniel founded the underground nation

Built on technology and a divine revelation

He assembled a team of beautiful minds

To raise a fortress for those left behind


Verse 6:

Shelters surfaced from sea to shining sea

As holy soldiers prepared for World War 3

Day by day, the invisible nation grew

Under the direction of the Chosen Jew

Chorus 2:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son


Verse 1:

In days past they laughed and played together

But one chose books and the other leather

They shared ice cream on warm summer days

But as time moved on their friendship melted away


Verse 2:

Christ resurrected this friendship of old

To oppose the order of Silver and Gold

Bound by a bond of blood and grace

They vowed to save the human race

  The following action occurs in the video on the large screen onstage as Verses 1 and 2 of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" are played live from about the 0-53 sec mark of the song.The first video clip that plays as the song "The Gentile and The Jew" begins shows the birth of both Joshua and Daniel. They are born at the same hospital on the same day and time in rooms next to each other. We see both Lisa and Sarah giving birth and Steve is in the room with Lisa and Saul in the room with Sarah. After this, the video shows a series of video clips which shows Joshua and Daniel's relationship over the years in chronological order. We see them being pushed in strollers as Lisa and Sarah walk together in a park, celebrating their first and subsequent birthdays together, buying ice cream from the ice cream man, playing cops and robbers, riding bicycles together, Joshua sticking up for Daniel who's always being bullied and made fun of, playing and in class together at elementary school, participating in Cub Scouts together, swimming at barbeques with their parents, playing little league baseball, attending a dance and graduating at their junior high school, and going to Daniel's bar mitzvah. Following this, they go their separate ways as they enter high school. We see Joshua hanging out with a different crowd, and making fun of and pulling pranks on Daniel in high school who's considered a loser. This includes video clips of Joshua pulling Daniel's pants down in front of the entire school who laugh hysterically at him and subsequently hold up signs saying "Teenie Wennie," Joshua throwing food at Daniel who's sitting by himself in the school cafeteria, and Joshua driving by in a convertible with his friends and throwing a coke and ice cream at Daniel hitting him in the face. As they laugh and drive off, the camera zooms in for a close-up of Daniel and we see a tear fall from his eye. The camera follows the tear as it falls to the ground in slow motion and hits the ice cream that is melting on the ground. In the final shot from this sequence of video clips, we see Joshua and his friends gathering up dog crap and putting it into plastic bags. Immediately thereafter, we see Daniel giving a speech as the valedictorian of his high school at graduation and Joshua and his friends show up wearing ski masks and throw the dog crap at Daniel hitting him in the face and upper body. Daniel gets sick and throws up in front of the entire graduating class. A devastated Daniel runs from the podium crying not to be seen again at his graduation. As Verse 2 is played live, another series of video clips will be played on the large screen onstage. These clips are video of Joshua and Daniel that's already been seen in "The Unveiling" and they play in chronological order. Following the last clip which showed Joshua throwing dog crap at Daniel at graduation, we see Daniel telling Gabriel he won't work with Joshua, Joshua and Daniel talking to one another on their verandas, Joshua knocking at Daniel's door, an angry Daniel lashing out at Joshua, the reconciliation of Joshua and Daniel as they shake hands in the foyer of Daniel's home, Joshua and Daniel entering the Sanctuary and the two of them talking in "The Lion's Den." The final video clip of this sequence shows Joshua and Saul leaving "The Lion's Den" together and the screen fades to black as they disappear into the small corridor leading out of "The Lion's Den." Immediately thereafter, a new series of video clips starts to play as Verse 3 of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" begins the first of which shows Joshua returning home after leaving the Goldberg's house. This series of video clips focusing on Joshua, and the rise of Symbols and his ministry plays as Verses 3 and 4 and Chorus #1 of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" are played live. By the end of the first 53 seconds of the song "The Gentile and The Jew," Joshua and Daniel's entire relationship from birth to the present time has been shown and we find out why Daniel hated Joshua so much. As Verse 3 begins, the video on the large screen onstage continues to play uninterrupted and the description of the action in it is found in the text below the lyrics of Chorus #1. 


Verse 3:

Holy Soldier waged war day and night

and the visions from Zion came to light

Symbols thrived under his command

and reigned as history's greatest band  


Verse 4:

They built a global empire on the rock

and the blind saw the crippled walk

Ready to storm the beaches of the barren land

and take center stage at the Last Stand


Chorus 1:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son

  As Verses 3 and 4 and Chorus #1 of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" are played live from about the 1:35-2:23 minute mark of the song, the video on the large screen onstage continues to play uninterrupted. The next series of video clips show the rise of Symbols and Joshua's ministry in chronological order  as 1 ½ years pass by and the digital clock at the top of the stage keeps track of the time. The first video clip of this series shows Joshua returning from the Goldbergs home and  his band and Darlene are asleep in his bedroom. Joshua doesn't wake them, goes straight to his rehearsal room, grabs a guitar and keyboard, enters his studio opening up Pro Tools on his computer and begins writing music. As this video clip continues to play, we watch Joshua writing music by himself in his studio for about a month. This video clip plays very quickly as Joshua goes from being clean shaven to having a beard growing in and we see video of day and night cycling extremely fast in time elapsed video. During the month, Joshua writes all the music for Symbols's debut 3 CD box set which is about 50 songs. As the series of video clips about Symbols continues to play in chronological order the clips show Joshua playing the new music to the band, Symbols practicing and rehearsing the new music at Joshua's rehearsal studio, Symbols going to Rhythm Records and signing a contract with Saul in his office, and Symbols recording at Rhythm Record's state of the art studio. In particular, there's a video clip showing Joshua recording vocals in a vocal booth. As he does so, flags from different countries around the world appear superimposed on this video clip one after another illustrating that Joshua is recording all the vocals for the entire debut box set in every major language in the world. As the video clips continue to play in chronological order, the clips show Symbols making music videos, Joshua showing everybody several packaged and finished box sets each of which is in a different language, Symbols signing autographs and giving out free copies of their debut box set on its release date at Rhythm Records headquarters in downtown L.A. where a crowd of more than a million people has gathered, Joshua showing everyone Billboard magazine which shows the box set "lll" debuting at #1 on the charts, Joshua thumbing through several music publications all of which have Symbols on the cover, Joshua and Symbols being interviewed on all the talk shows, Symbols performing on all the late night talk shows, Joshua and Symbols accepting a record nine Grammys, Joshua designing the stage for the upcoming world tour, Joshua planning the world tour with Saul, Joshua working with various technical personnel on the live show for the world tour, Symbols going through their final preparations and rehearsing on the new stage in an airplane hanger and finally the cover of Billboard magazine reporting that "lll" has stayed # 1 on the charts for 1 ½ years and has sold over 150 million copies making it by far the greatest selling album of all time. There is one other video clip that plays in this series of clips of special note. Joshua puts the flashdrive Gabriel gave him earler into an USB port on his computer and a massive catalogue of Symbols's products with every type of merchandise imanginable appears on the computer screen. Symbols will have the greatest merchandising empire ever in the music and entertainment industry to maximize the amount of money they take in to fund the underground. At this point,  1 ½ years has passed by as Verses 3 and 4 and Chorus 1 have been performed live and Symbols is ready to embark on their world tour known as "The Last Stand."

Shortly after the series of video clips about Symbols begins to play on the large screen onstage, a series of video clips also begin playing on the video screens on each side of the live stage and show events not directly related to Symbols occuring as the same 1 ½ years pass by. These video clips show the activities of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver, updates on the building of the new Jewish Temple, the rapid growth of SOUL and Dr. Silver performing extraordinary miracles, Joshua and Darlene's wedding, the birth of Joshua's daughter Harmony, Joshua spending time with Darlene and Harmony, Joshua ministering to large crowds in the streets of L.A. and preaching at Symbols's churches throughout the U.S.. These video clips play simultaneously with the clips of Symbols on the large screen onstage in the chronological order they occur as 1 ½ years go by. For example, Joshua and Darlene get married about a month after the Rapture and video clips of their marriage start playing on the screens on each side of the live stage as soon as a month passes by on the digital clock. At about the same time, we see the end of the video clip of Joshua writing music by himself in his studio on the large screen onstage which also happens after about a month passes on the digital clock. There is a video sequence of special note that plays on the screens on each side of the live stage and highlights the battle between good and evil in spectacular fashion. On one screen, we see video of Joshua preaching to packed crowds at Symbols's churches worldwide and we see him laying hands on people curing the blind, deaf, crippled and diseased. At the same time on the other screen, we see video of Dr. Silver preaching to packed crowds at SOUL churches worldwide and see him curing people with the same maladies by touching them with his silver staff which lights up as people are healed. Note: in the video clips of Joshua preaching in the streets of L.A., we see the devastating effects the Rapture has had on the U.S.. Countless businesses and residences are abandoned and boarded up and streets are filled with the homeless and litter as some basic services have ceased. When Chorus 1 ends, 1 ½ years have passed by and the video on the screens on each side of the live stage fade to black. The video clip on the large video screen is showing the cover of Billboard magazine reporting that "lll" has stayed # 1 on the charts for 1 ½ years and has sold over 150 million copies. At this point, the entire series of video clips that just appeared on the large video screen onstage for the last 1 ½ years quickly replays in reverse order as the digital clock rewinds all the way back to the present time. This only takes a few seconds and it's done so we can see what occurred with Daniel over the same period of time.  As soon as the digital clock winds all the way back to the present time, the final video clip on the large screen onstage shows Joshua and Saul leaving "The Lion's Den" and Daniel sitting behind a workstation of the supercomputer. As Verse 5 begins and the next series of video clips which are about Daniel and "Operation Last Stand" start to play as the song "The Gentile and The Jew" is performed live, the camera zooms in for a close-up of Daniel's face.  At this point, the video on the large screen onstage continues to play uninterrupted as Verses 5 and 6 and Chorus 2 are played live.

Verse 5:

Daniel founded the underground nation

Built on technology and a divine revelation

He assembled a team of beautiful minds

To raise a fortress for those left behind


Verse 6:

Shelters surfaced from sea to shining sea

As holy soldiers prepared for World War 3

Day by day, the invisible nation grew

Under the leadership of the Chosen Jew

Chorus 2:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son


  As Verses 5 and 6 and Chorus 2 of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" are played live from about the 2:23-3:40 minute mark of the song, the video on the large screen onstage continues to play uninterrupted. However, it would be more accurate to say from the 2:23-2:48 and 3:40-4:20 minute mark of the song because the lead break(2:48-3:40 minute mark) should occur after Chorus 2 and not before it as is the case in the song. So if we combine the times of Verses 5 and 6 and Chorus 2 as it should be, the series of video clips about "Operation Last Stand" would play from about the 2:23-3:28 minute mark of the song of "The Gentile and The Jew." Therefore, the lead break would play from about the 3:28-4:20 minute mark of the song if it came after Chorus 2 which should be the case but isn't as ths song is currently structured. The next series of video clips show the evolution of "Operation Last Stand" in chronological order as 1 ½ years pass by and the digital clock at the top of the stage keeps track of the time. All the video clips playing on the large screen onstage in this segment are exclusively from the Sanctuary. The first video clip of this series shows a close-up of Daniel's face from "The Lion's Den." From this vantage point, the camera pulls back and we see Daniel is sitting at a conference table in the Sanctuary with Saul, Joshua, "The Council" and President Graham about 2 weeks after the Rapture. The remaining video clips shown on the large screen onstage combine to make up a time elapsed video of the Sanctuary that takes place over 1 ½ years. The clips show an empty and quiet Sanctuary evolve into a fully viable shelter and command and control center filled with families and workers and show the same activities occuring repeatedly over time as 1 ½ years go by. The clips show Daniel constantly working in "The Lion's Den" and front part of The Petra System," Saul and "The Council" working in the command and control center, each "Council" member working in their area of expertise, Daniel working individually with each of member of "The Council" in their area of expertise and with them as a whole, Daniel looking over blueprints of hidden shelters with Saul and "The Council," Daniel looking over invoices from across the country for various products, new equipment being brought into the Sanctuary and close-ups of the screens of "The Petra System" which are showing video of hidden shelters, satellite images and maps of the U.S..  We also see U.S. maps on the video screen of "The Lion's Den" with small trucks and planes moving on them. These are systems developed by Daniel to track the shipments of goods for "Operation Last Stand" nationwide in real time. More and more trucks and planes appear on the U.S. maps as the pace of "Operation Last Stand" increases over time.

  Shortly after the series of video clips from the Sanctuary begins to play on the large screen onstage, a series of video clips also begins playing on the video screens on each side of the live stage and shows events not directly related to the Sanctuary take place as 1 ½ years pass by. The clips show the activities of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver, the activities of Daniel and Saul outside of the Sanctuary and several clips of people working at variuos types of hidden shelters nationwide. These video clips play simultaneously with the clips of the Sanctuary on the large screen onstage in the chronological order they occur as 1 ½ years go by. There is a video sequence of special note that plays on the screens on each side of the live stage and highlights the battle between good and evil in spectacular fashion as in the previous segment. On one screen, we see video of Saul traveling across the U.S. superimposed on a U.S. map. As CEO of "Operation Last Stand," Saul meets with different people and secures deals for services and products for the underground. In particular, we see Saul meet with the CEOs who were seen in earlier video as they were visited by angels. This includes the CEO of the major freight airliner, the CEO of the national trucking company, the CEO of the medical supply company, the CEO of the nations largest bank and the CEO of the world's largest computer company. In each case, we see Saul speak to the CEOs at their place of business and shake their hands. At the same time on the other screen, video of Dr. Gold traveling around the world speaking to government officials and shaking their hands plays superimposed on a gold world map like the one seen in the act "Man of the Hour." In effect, both men are nation building; Saul, the Holy Nation and Dr. Gold, his evil empire. As this video sequence continues, the video of Saul traveling across the U.S. is replaced by video of Daniel speaking to Jews in jam-packed synagogues worldwide superimposed on a world map. The video shows multitudes of Jews giving their lives to Christ at the synagogues. At the same time on the other screen, the video of Dr. Gold traveling the world is replaced by video of Dr. Silver speaking to Jews in jam-packed synagogues worldwide superimposed on a world map. This highlights the battle for the souls of God's chosen people that will occur in the last days. Many will finally recognize Christ is their Messiah but many will also be deceived thinking the Antichrist(Dr. Gold) is their Messiah. When Chorus 2 ends, 1 ½ years has passed by and the digital clock reads 12:00PM on May 1, 2022 and it's the noon on the day "The Last Stand Tour" begins with a sold out show at the Rose Bowl. When the lead break begins following Chorus 2, Holy Soldier's superhero artwork appears on the the screen on the left side of the live stage, Sylentlion's superhero artwork appears on the screen on the right side of the live stage and a new series of video clips begins to play on the large screen onstage as the song "The Gentile and The Song" is performed live. This series of video clips shows Joshua and Daniel together in a variety of settings but they're not necessarily in chronogical order. Their superhero symbols will be on the screens on on each side of the live stage until the song is over. The first clip of this series shows Daniel standing next to Joshua as the best man at his wedding as the video continues to play uninterrupted and the lead break is performed. The description of the action that takes place in the video accompanying the remainder of the song is in the text below Model 16.

Model 15-Overcast sky at noon on the first day of "The Last Stand Tour."

Model 16-Joshua supernaturally turns the overcast sky into a bright sunny day.

Lead Break


  When the lead break begins to play following Chorus 2, a new series of video clips starts to play.
The lead break plays from about the 2:48-3:40 minute mark of the song "The Gentile and The Jew." However, as mentioned previously, the lead break should follow Chorus 2 and if that were the case it would play from about the 3:28-4:20 minute mark of the song. The first clip of this series shows Daniel standing next to Joshua as the best man at his wedding. The remaining clips show Joshua and Daniel praying and reading the Bible together, witnessing on the streets of L.A. together, celebrating their 22nd birthday together, dressed up like Batman and Robin in the foyer of Daniel's home on Halloween, watching the final battle of the movie "Avengers Endgame" on "The Lion's Den" video screen together and checking out "The Last Stand" mobile command and control center together. In addition, there are two other video clips that play back to back. One shows Joshua holding a gun in each hand with Daniel showing him how the sunglasses he's wearing are a targeting system for the guns. In the other clip, Daniel shows Joshua how the same sunglasses can link up to the "Last Stand" satellites and the images captured by the satellites can be seen in the lens of the glasses. However, these clips don't show the viewer enough to figure out exactly what the sunglasses do and how the technology works. We will see the sunglasses and technology on full display later on in the act "The Temple of Gold." As the lead break comes to a close, the final clip shows Joshua and Daniel walk out the front door of Joshua's home together. The digital clock reads 12:00PM on May 1, 2022 and it's the noon on the day "The Last Stand Tour" begins. Tour buses are parked on the circular driveway but the area right outside the front door extending forward to the lamppost in the driveway to the grass on the left side of the home is vacant as shown above in Model 15. The band, their wives and children, other family and tour personnel are standing in the driveway and surrounding area waiting to leave. It's very dark and overcast outside and looks like it's going to rain as shown above in Model 15. As the final instrumental part of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" plays from the 4:20-5:07 minute mark of the song, the video continues to play uninterrupted and the following action occurs. Joshua and Daniel continue walking until they're standing where the front walkway and driveway meet as shown above in Model 15. Following this, Joshua waves and shouts for everyone to come over to where he and Daniel are standing. Everyone gathers on each side of Joshua and Daniel, Joshua looks up into the sky fully extending his arms straight up into the air above his head with his palms facing upward, and everyone looks into the sky. Immediately thereafter, Joshua speaks and supernaturally makes all the clouds in the sky disappear instantaneously and the sun appears shining brightly as shown above in Model 16. We also see a wide, overhead shot of L.A. on the large video screen onstage as this occurs and all the clouds above the city disappear and are replaced by sunlight showing this phenomena is happening regionally. Brief video snippets of people throughout the city reacting to the miracle are also shown. Another one of Joshua's supernatural powers is revealed the ability to control and alter environmental phenomena. Joshua is making sure the tour doesn't get off to a dark and dreary start but one of light full of hope and promise. As the song "The Gentile and The Jew" comes to a close, everyone in front of Joshua's home form a circle and hold hands, bow their heads and Joshua leads them in prayer. When the song "The Gentile and the Jew" ends, all the video screens and the stage go dark and the act "The Gentile and The Jew" is over. Click on the "next" button at the bottom of this page to go to the next act "The Last Stand."