The Gentile and the Jew
"The Jew"

  After a brief pause following the end of the song "Man of the Hour" and the video accompanying it, new video starts to play on the large video screen onstage as the act "The Gentile and the Jew" begins.  In the video, Joshua, Darlene and the band are watching the end of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver's worldwide address on UNN on the television in Joshua's bedroom. Joshua and the band are standing up watching the newscast and Joshua is lined up with his bedroom window which is a few feet in front of him. Darlene continues to sit on the edge of the bed. The crowd in St. Peter's Square can be heard chanting "Gold, Gold, we want Gold" over and over again on the television. At this point, DW who's standing next to Joshua begins speaking.

DW:  (Everyone is looking at the T.V. and each other blown away) Epic.

Joshua:  (Pointing at the T.V.) That's what were up against guys, the greatest evil the world's ever known. The opening shots have been fired.-(As soon as Joshua finishes this dialogue, numerous explosions start to be heard one after another and Joshua walks forward and looks out his bedroom window. Joshua sees numerous objects that look like meteors in the sky falling towards earth. The rest of the band members and Darlene walk up to Joshua and attempt to look out the window in the open spaces around Joshua. At this point, Gibson speaks.)

Gibson:  What's going on out there?

Joshua:  Let's go outside and check it out.-(Joshua turn around, grabs the trenchcoat on his bed and puts it on. Following this, Joshua holds Darlene's hand and they begin walking towards the glass door that leads to the rehearsal space and recording studio. DW and Robert follow them but Gibson stands in front of the bedroom window looking outside. When Joshua reaches the glass door, he looks back at DW and Robert and speaks) Watch the glass guys.-(Upon looking back, Joshua sees Gibson is still looking out the bedroom window) Gibby, come on man you'll get a much better view outside.-(At this point, Gibson turns around and begins walking towards the glass door. Joshua and Darlene walk through the glass door into the rehearsal room and out another door on to an outside veranda adjoined to the rehearsal room that overlooks the city of L.A. The rest of band follows Joshua outside on the veranda, everyone looks into the sky and Joshua speaks) The City of Angels.-(They see countless angels flying downward in the skies over L.A. and throughout the surrounding area as far as the eye can see but the band thinks they're meteors. Everyone stands silent looking up into the sky for several seconds transfixed by what they're seeing. It's breathtaking and looks like a colossal meteor shower on a level never seen before. What makes it an even more spectacular is that the angels are different colors so it looks like a massive firework display in the sky. As the angels fly downward and break the speed of sound, sonic booms are heard and this accounts for the sounds of explosions heard in Joshua's bedroom. When the angels hit the sound of speed, the same smoke trail that appears on the tails of planes traveling the speed of sound is seen trailing the angels as they fly downward. This makes the angels look even more like meteors falling from the sky. Right before the angels hit the houses or buildings they're flying towards, they disappear like meteors do when they burn up entering earth's atmosphere. This phenomena is happening across the U.S.. As soon as Joshua and the band are on the veranda looking into the sky, new video begins playing on the screens on each side of the live stage. The new video shows Dawn Rivers in the UNN newsroom reporting on the multi-colored meteor shower happening across the U.S. but there is no audio with this video, Dawn is standing to the side of a large video screen in the newsroom which is divided into several smaller screens. Each smaller screen is showing angels flying downward in the sky in a different U.S. city and the name of each city is superimposed over the video at the bottom of each smaller screen. Thus, we see the same breathtaking display in the skies above these cities as we do in the video of L.A. that's playing on the large video screen onstage.)

Gibson:  I've never seen so many falling stars, or different colored ones. Look how low they're getting.

Joshua:  Those ain't meteors.

Gibson: (Puzzled) Whataya talking about?

Joshua:  They're angels.

Gibson:  (SkepticalAngels?

Joshua:  Yeah.

Gibson:  Come on Josh, gimme a break.

Joshua:  (Smiling and pointing at a telescope on the veranda) Don't believe me, take a look for yourself.-(Gibson walks over to the telescope, looks into the eyepiece and points the other end of the telescope towards the sky focusing on one of the angels flying downward. At this point, the video on the large screen onstage changes from showing everyone on the veranda to what Gibson is seeing through the telescope which is clearly an angel flying downward. As if in denial, Gibson focuses on a few more images in the sky and they are also clearly angels. Following this, the video on the large screen onstage changes back to showing everyone on the veranda overlooking L.A.. Gibson is still looking into the sky with the telescope.)

Gibson:  You're right, they are angels.-(DW walks over to Gibson and nudges him so he can use the telescope.)

DW:  Hey man, let me take a look.-(Gibson moves away from the telescope, DW looks into the sky with the telescope and Gibson speaks to Joshua.)

Gibson:  How'd ya know?

Joshua:  I told ya I had more things to tell ya. This is happening all across the country.

Gibson:  So what's with the angels?


Joshua:  I'm not sure. I just know they're being used somehow to put together the underground. Do ya guys remember my old friend Daniel?-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. When Joshua says the last sentence of this dialogue, the video currently playing on the large video screen onstage which is Joshua and the band on the veranda begins playing without interruption on the screens on each side of the live stage replacing the video of UNN reporting on the so-called nationwide meteor shower. At the same time, new video begins playing on the large video screen onstage. In the new video, we see Joshua's next door neighbor Daniel Goldberg who was Joshua's childhood best friend in his bedroom. The camera is focused on Daniel who's located in the far east area of the bedroom and the camera shot is from the far west area of the room. As the next two sets of dialogue from DW and Joshua are spoken in the video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage, the following action takes place. The camera zooms in on Daniel in the far east area of the bedroom who's sitting behind a wall of about 10 computer monitors similar to what's shown above in the artwork that opens this act, Computer equipment including several computer towers is all around him and he's wearing headphones. The bedroom is very large and Daniel is sitting in the far east area of the room and the far west area of the room is directly across from Joshua's rehearsal and recording studio. Daniel's bedroom has a veranda adjoined to it which is directly across from Joshua's veranda. At this point, the camera shot changes so that we are looking at the computer monitors from Daniel's vantage point and we can see items on the desk in front of him. There are several computer keyboards on the desk and the cover of a DVD about the Book of Revelation that Daniel is currently watching on a monitor directly in front of him. This screen is showing text from and commentary about Revelation 13 which is scripture about the Antichrist and False Prophet. Daniel's right hand is on his mouse and he's positioned the cursor on top of an icon labeled "Sinner's Prayer" that's part of a computer menu on the left margin of the computer screen. The DVD was a gift given to Daniel by Joshua's mother Lisa for Hanukkah several years ago. Two other monitors one to the left and one to the right of the monitor showing the text from Revelation 13 are also on. One of these monitors is showing online information about the Rapture and other end time prophecy, and the other is showing streaming video of St. Peter's Square and Basilica shortly after Dr. Gold and Silver have completed their worldwide addresses. The other computer monitors are off. Daniel is a social outcast having been bullied for years in high school mainly by Joshua and his friends(the band). As a result, he's a social outcast and has absolutely no self esteem even though he's a genius and computer genius.)

DW:  Yeah, that really smart Jewish dude we used to screw with all the time in high school.

Joshua:  That's right. I will be reunited with him some time this morning and I should get some more details. His father and him are supposed to be in charge of the underground.-(Joshua pauses and shakes his head back and forth) We bullied him just because he wasn't "cool." What a bunch of idiots. If I were him, I wouldn't want anything to do with me. He's the best friend I ever had. We were like brothers but I completely turned on him. (Looking upward and regretful) I just hope he can forgive me.-(At the exact moment Joshua finishes this dialogue, Daniel clicks his mouse on the icon labeled "Sinner's Prayer" in the video on the large screen onstage. Immediately thereafter, the sinner's prayer appears on the computer monitor in front of Daniel, epic music begins to play and Daniel begins reciting the prayer in the video on the large screen onstage.)

Daniel:  Dear Father, I now believe that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten Son, that He came to earth in the flesh and died on the cross to take away all my sins and the sins of this world. I believe that Jesus Christ then rose from the dead on the third day to give all of us eternal life. Lord Jesus, I now confess to You all of the wrong and sinful things that I have ever done in my life. I ask that You please forgive me and wash away all my sins by the blood that You have personally shed for me on the cross. I am now ready to accept You as my personal Lord and Savior. I now ask that You come into my life and live with me for all of eternity. Father, Jesus I now believe that I am truly saved and born again. In Jesus name I pray amen.-(As Daniel recites the sinner's prayer, tears well up in his eyes and stream down his face. The video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage continues to show Joshua and the band on the veranda looking into the sky at the angels flying downward. At the exact moment Daniel says "amen" finishing the sinner's prayer, Robert points into the sky to an area right above where Daniel's room is at, Gabriel is seen flying downward towards Daniel's bedroom and Robert yells.)

Robert:  Look!-(As soon as Robert says this, a deafening sonic boom is heard shaking the veranda and shattering the windows of Joshua's rehearsal and recording studio, eveyone on the veranda ducks down away from the windows and Gabriel enters Daniel's bedroom through the roof above his room. Joshua smiles knowing Gabriel is going to talk with Daniel about the underground. At the same exact time on the large video screen onstage, the windows of Daniel's bedroom shatter as the sonic boom is heard and we see Gabriel enter Daniel's bedroom supernaturally through the roof. Gabriel lands directly in front of Daniel with the wall of computer monitors and desk between the two of them and Daniel is blown back against the upper part of his chair by the force of the sonic boom and Gabriel entering his bedroom. Daniel looks fearful at the sight of Gabriel in front of him. At this point, Gabriel begins talking to Daniel.)

Gabriel:  (1)Hello Daniel, I'm Gabriel. (2)Don't be afraid just listen carefully and watch the monitors. (3)Tens of thousands of new believers from every profession and walk of life are needed to build, run and maintain the Christian undergroud and its nationwide network of hidden shelters. (4)Legions of angels have fanned out across the U.S. this morning at God's direction and are giving each new believer they visit orders regarding their role in the underground and confidential contact information. (5)All these people have been chosen by the Lord Himself to insure there are no security breaches and the underground has the opportunity to develop and grow into a viable entity. (6)A new database is now being compiled on "The Petra System" and your computers listing all the personal and professional information of every person the angels visit this morning. (7)All this information is being broken down and organized on a state by state, county by county and city by city basis. (8)The names in red are the designated leaders of each particular city or region and you will contact them over the next few weeks as they are expecting to hear from you. (9)There are also five individuals of special note that along with you will comprise the inner circle of the underground movement known as "Operation Last Stand."


(10)Dr. Benjamin Schwartz: Graduate of Harvard Medical School, current president of the A.M.A. and recognized as the foremost authority in emergency and trauma medicine.

(11)Dr. David Shamir: Holds a PHd in engineering from Stanford University and considered one of the world's leading experts in civil, mechanical and structural engineering.

(12)General Ariel Rabin:  Israel's most decorated military figure, the equivalent of a 5 Star General in the U.S.. The former head of Mossad and Israel's special forces, and an expert in reconnaissance operations.

(13)Dr. Jonathan Oppenheimer: Graduate of MIT and one of the world's foremost experts in the areas of satellite, computer and communication technologies.

(14)Saul Goldberg: CEO and majority owner of the world's largest multi-media corporation Rhythm Records, unmatched in business and organizational skills. Your father will be the CEO of "Operation Last Stand" and the men just discussed are his closest aides and are known as "The Four Horsemen."

(15)(Pointing down at the computer monitors) What you're witnessing right now is the supernatural construction of the human infrastructure that will assemble and run the underground across the entire nation.

(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. The red numbers in the parentheses above refer to the number of each sentence in the dialogue above and have been put there to aid you in following the action. Upon seeing Gabriel enter his room and land in front of him, Daniel is very fearful. However, as Gabriel speaks the dialogue above, Daniel becomes more relaxed and less fearful. When Gabriel says "watch the monitors" in sentence 2 above, he places his hands on the wall of monitors and his orange, fiery eyes light up brightly. In response all the monitors come on supernaturally. Each monitor shows a distant shot of numerous angels flying downward in a different city in the U.S. and the name of each city is located at the bottom of each monitor. This is very similar to the video from the UNN newsroom seen earlier that also showed angels flying downward in cities nationwide. As soon as the computer monitors come on in the video in Daniel's bedroom on the large screen onstage, the same monitors in the video from Daniel's bedroom appear on the video screens on each side of the live stage replacing the video of Joshua and the band on the veranda. Note: only the computer monitors themselves appear on the screens on each side of the live stage and not the entire video of Daniel and his bedroom playing on the large screen onstage. Any action on the computer monitors in the video on the large screen onstage is also seen on the computer monitors on the screens on each side of live stage. This allows for a larger view of the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom so the live audience can clearly see the action occurring on the them. When Gabiel says "and are giving each new believer" in sentence 4 above, the video playing on the computer monitors changes. Rather than showing distant shots of angels flying downward over U.S. cities, the new video zooms in for much closer shots of individual angels on each monitor. The viewer can now clearly see that what appeared to be meteors in the distant shots of the angels flying downward over the cities are in fact angels flying downward not meteors. As Gabriel continues with the dialogue, the video on the computer monitors shows each individual angel on the monitors flying downward and penetrating the home, building or object they're flying towards and landing in front of or next to the person they intend to speak with. In the initial video, we see an angel landing in front of the owner and CEO of a national trucking company who's standing in his corporate office looking over his massive fleet of trucks, an angel landing in front of a CEO of a major freight airliner company who's at an airport looking over his fleet of planes, an angel landing in front of a world renowned doctor that's standing in a break room in a hospital who's also the CEO of the world's largest medical supply corporation, an angel landing in front of a five star general in the Pentagon, and an angel landing next to the CEO of the nations largest bank who's in his study. The people are startled and mesmerized when they first encounter the angels and the angels speak and pray to the people who nod their heads in response to the angel's instructions. This is happening nationwide to tens of thousands of people and the video on the computer monitors continually changes showing angels visiting new people from different professions. As Gabriel says "A new database" in sentence 6 above, all the computer towers in Daniel's bedroom come on supernaturally and the keys on the computer keyboards on Daniel's desk start to move as if someone were typing on them but nobody is. At the same time, the video on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom on the large screen onstage and on the video screens on each side of the live stage changes. We now see photos of people coupled with their personal profiles appearing on the monitors one after another as the database of the underground personnel is compiled. The people in the database are the same ones being visited by angels.

  When Gabriel says "Dr. Benjamin Schwartz" in sentence 10 above, the video on all the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom on the large screen onstage changes from showing the underground's database being compiled to just video of an angel landing in front of Dr.
Schwartz in his home. At the same time, the new video of Dr. Schwartz starts playing on the screens on each side of the live stage and fills both screens replacing the video of the underground's database being compiled on these screens. As Gabriel says the bio of Dr. Schwartz in sentence 10, we see the angel talking and praying with Dr. Schwartz in the video on the computer monitors and on the screens on each side of the live stage. When Gabriel finishes speaking Dr. Schwartz's bio, he pauses momentarily and then says "Dr. David Shamir" in sentence 11 above. At that moment, the video on all the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom on the large screen onstage changes from showing the current video of Dr. Schwartz and an angel to video of an angel landing in front of Dr. Shamir in his home. At the same time, the new video of an angel landing in front of Dr. Shamir starts playing on the screens on each side of the live stage replacing the video of Dr. Schwartz and an angel. As Gabriel says the bio of Dr. Shamir in sentence 11, we see the angel talking and praying with Dr. Shamir in the video on the computer monitors and on the screens on each side of the live stage. Following this, the same seqence of events just described above for the video of Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Shamir also occurs for General Ariel Rabin and Dr. Jonathan Oppenheimer. When Gabiel finishes saying the bio of Dr. Oppenheimer and says "Saul Goldberg" in sentence 14 above, the video on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom on the large screen onstage changes from showing video of Dr. Oppenheimer and an angel to video of Gabriel landing in the front passenger seat of Saul's car. At the same time, the new video of Gabriel and Saul starts playing on the screens on each side of the live stage replacing the video of Dr. Oppenheimer and an angel. This video of Saul and Gabriel is the same video footage shown earlier in the act "Hallow's Eve" during "The Newscast" segment when we saw Gabriel sitting in Saul's car who was driving on S. Figueroa Ave shortly after the Rapture. When Daniel hears Gabriel say "Saul Goldberg" and sees the footage of his father and Gabriel in the car on the computer monitors, he smiles looking very relieved and Gabriel smiles back at him. As Gabriel says the bio of Saul in sentence 14, we see Saul and Gabriel talking to each other in the car and Gabriel places his hand on Saul's laptop which is in the car. Immediately thereafter, the laptop lights up supernaturally in the video on the computer monitors and on the screens on each side of the live stage. As soon as Gabriel finishes Saul's bio, the video on all the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom changes and shows still headshots of "The Four Horsemen" each of which takes up a fourth of the screen with a still headshot of Saul on top of the these headshots in the very center of the screens. At the same time, the same configuration of still headshots of "The Four Horsemen" and Saul appears on the screens on each side of the live stage filling up both screens. Shortly thereafter, video of angels visiting people from different professions begins playing once again on all the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom on the large screen onstage and on the screens on each side of the live stage superimposed on the still headshots of "The Four Horseman" and Saul. At this point, Gabriel says sentence 15 from the dialogue above and the action continues uniterrupted with the dialogue below Model 1.)

Model 1-The Secure Operating System("SOS") Artwork,

Daniel:  (Looking at Gabriel for confirmation) He's all right isn't he?

Gabriel:  He's fine and will be home shortly. But let's talk about you. Seven years ago you sat in that very chair and had a vision telling you to build "The Petra System" in the underground complex beneath your home now known as the Sanctuary. You had no idea why but since then you've spent every waking hour working on that system until its completion last week. "The Petra System" is a technological marvel years ahead of its time. You also felt compelled to develop a new operating system for "The Petra System" with a heavy emphasis on security and created the "Secure Operating System" or simply "SOS." It enables computers to be completely undetectable on both private intranet networks and public networks such as the internet and makes it virtually impossible to hack into any system utilizing the software. "SOS" is much more advanced and far superior to any other operating system ever produced and would have revolutionized the computer industry worldwide but wasn't developed for commercial purposes only to be used by the underground. Like "The Petra System," you completed work on "SOS" last week just as planned and right on schedule. (Smiling) You've been working for the underground the last seven years and didn't even know it. Now the time has come to reveal His plan for you and why you've done all this work.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. As soon as Gabriel begins the second sentence above, the video playing on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom and on the video screens on each side of the live stage changes. We now see Joshua at the age of 14 sitting at the same desk in his bedroom as shown in the present day video but behind only one monitor rather than a wall of monitors and he closes his eyes. Immediately thereafter, time elapsed video showing Daniel building "The Petra System" in the Sanctuary from the very beginning up to its completion over a seven year period of time begins to play on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom and on the screens on each side of live stage. This takes place as Gabriel says the remainder of the dialogue above. At first, the video of Daniel in his bedroom at age 14 with his eyes closed is superimposed on the time elapsed video to show Daniel is having a vision. However, this video fades out as the dialogue above is spoken. We also witness Daniel's physical changes from age 14  to 21 as the time elapsed video plays. When Gabriel starts talking about the new operating system Daniel has created in the dialogue above, the video playing on half of the computer monitors in his bedroom changes and artwork for the new "SOS" operating system as shown above in Model 1 appears on these monitors. The remaining monitors continue to show the time elapsed video of Daniel building "The Petra System." At the same time, the "SOS" artwork is superimposed on the time elapsed video of Daniel building "The Petra System" on the screens on each side of the live stage. The time elapsed video playing on these screens is still clearly visible even with the "SOS" artwork superimposed on it. The binary "1's" and "0's" of the artwork are arranged so they form a cross and the acronym "SOS" is in the middle of the cross. The artwork is actually video and the "1's" and "0's" continually loop moving inward towards the Jewish star in the center of the cross. When Gabriel is done speaking the dialogue above, Daniel speaks.)

Daniel:  Please do.

Gabriel: (1)The vision you had was directly from God and you've been chosen to be a top leader and the digital caretaker of the resistance. (2)You will oversee and coordinate the entire underground movement at the helm of "The Petra System" and an invisible nation will rise up as more and more hidden shelters come online. (3)A computer network covering all of the United States will be created as shelters across the country are digitally linked to "The Petra System" providing invaluable information on their progress and status. (4)A new database is now being compiled on "The Petra System" listing all the sites of hidden shelters nationwide and detailed information about them including photos and their GPS coordinates. (5)This new database is being cross referenced with the database of people visited by angels producing yet another database showing all the shelters and the people assigned to them. (6)The underground will be a major enterprise and in addition to information about shelters, "The Petra System" will provide many other services such as tracking trucks and cargo plane flights nationwide in real time that are part of the operation. (7)Your father will depend on information and data gathered from "The Petra System" to make many critical decisions on behalf of the underground as CEO of "Operation Last Stand." (8)"The Petra System" is the lifeblood that sustains "Operation Last Stand" but the importance of the "SOS" operating system can't be overstated. (9)With it's impenetrable security coding, "SOS" will protect the digital network nationwide and insure the viability of the entire system against nefarious forces like Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver and their organizations. (Gabriel pauses momentarily) (10)More importantly, you will travel to temples and synagogues worldwide as God's appointed representative to His chosen people and share the Word with your Jewish brethren.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. When Gabriel begins the dialogue above, half of the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom continue to show the "SOS" artwork and the other half are showing the completed "Petra System" from the time elapsed video. The screens on each side of the live stage are also showing video of the completed "Petra System." When Gabriel begins sentence 4 above, video and data of hidden shelters across the U.S. start playing on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom on the large screen onstage. At the same time, these computer monitors appear on the screens on each side of the live stage and show the same video playing on the monitors in Daniel's bedroom. As soon as Gabriel begins sentence 5 above, the video on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom and on the screens on each of the side of the live stage changes and now shows photos of people visited by angels coupled with their personal profiles as in previous video. Shortly thereafter, when Gabriel says "another database" in sentence 5, the video on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom and on the screens on each side of the live stage changes once again. The monitors now show video and data of hidden shelters one after another coupled with computer menus listing different people's names which are links to the personal profiles of people assigned to particular shelters. All these different people are those visited by the angels and the cross referencing of data will continue until they are all assigned to specific shelters. As the remainder of the dialogue above and the dialogue below up until Gabriel says "You know him as Joshua Wells but the world will know him as Holy Soldier"  is spoken, the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom and on the screens on each side of the live stage will continue to show video and data of hidden shelters coupled with computer menus listing different people's names. It's impotant to note that all the action and images shown on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom are done so supernaturally. God is creating the different databases himself including all the video, photos and information and is loading the databases into "The Petra System" Himself. There is no other way for Daniel to get any of this information since no computer network has been set up yet. In the case of the time elapsed video of Daniel building "The Petra System," it's as if God was videotaping Daniel the entire seven years it took him to build the system. In addition, only through supernatural means could video of angels visiting different people nationwide appear on the computer monitors.)

Daniel: "The Perta System" has even more capability than you  just described. I encoded "SOS" to work with satellite technology and "The Petra System" can control several satellites at the same time. The security measures that apply to computer networks running on "SOS" also protect network connections to satellites rendering them invisible from detection.

Gabriel:  It's been taken care of.

Daniel:  (Confused) I don't understand.

Gabriel:  Rhythm Records launched two advanced communication satellites earlier this year and you'll have exclusive access to them. When your father arrives home, he'll give you detailed information about the satellites so you can link them to "The Petra System" for use in "Operation Last Stand."

Daniel:  The future's already mapped out isn't it? Our fate's sealed. 

Gabriel:  (Nodding yes) All these events and those to come were predestined before the foundation of the world. But you also have free will and can control your own destiny. The future's what you make it. But before I go, let me reveal the man chosen to lead the underground and His church in these final days. He died this morning and rose from the dead, has supernatural powers, and stood atop Mt. Zion where God showed him visions of the future. His music will be the catalyst leading to the greatest revival in mankind's history, he's an old friend of yours, and you will work closely with him. You know him as Joshua Wells but the world will know him as "Holy Soldier."-(When Gabriel begins the last sentence of dialogue above, the video playing on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom and on the screens on each side of the live stage is video and data of hidden shelters coupled with computers menus listing different people's names. At this point, the video on the computer monitors in Daniel's bedroom and on the screens on each side of the live stage changes and shows video of Joshua, Darlene and the band who are still standing on the veranda watching the angels fly downward over L. A.)    

Daniel:  (Animated) I can't, won't work with him.  Do you know what he did to me?  He made me the laughing stock of the entire high school. I hate that man and want nothing to do with him.

Gabriel: (Sympathetic) I understand but he's not the same man and deeply regrets what he did to you. You were just forgiven for a lifetime of sin and are called upon to do the same with others. Don't you think he deserves another chance?

Daniel:  (Adamant and shaking his head no) No.

Gabriel:  (Forcefully) He was chosen by God from among seven billion people to lead His church and the underground. You've heard about his powers and how he stood in the very presence of the Lord on Mt. Zion. Do you really want to challenge God's authority?

Daniel:  (Humbled) I'm sorry, no.

Gabriel: (1)Good, the time has come for an old friendship to be born again. (2)He's waiting for you. (3)I must go but the Spirit will be with you and lead the way. (4)Your father and Joshua should be able to answer any questions you might have. (5)You're the Silent Lion Daniel but one day you'll roar. (6)Grace and peace to you until we meet again.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. As soon as Gabriel says "He's waiting for you," in sentence 2 above, he points to the video playing on the computer momitors in his bedroom which is showing Joshua and his band on the veranda. At that exact moment, Joshua turns around and looks upward from the veranda and it appears as if Joshua is looking straight at Daniel as he sits behind the wall of computer monitors in his bedroom on the large video screen. As soon as Gabriel begins sentence 5 above, the camera shot on the large screen onstage changes so that we are looking directly at Daniel as he sits behind the computer monitors in his bedroom. At the same time, the video of Joshua looking upward from the veranda that's playing on the screens on each side of the live stage is replaced by the "Silent Lion" artwork as shown below in Model 2 which fills both screens. As Gabriel says sentence 5, the front view shot of Daniel sitting behind the computer monitors in his bedroom on the large screen onstage appears in the center of the Jewish star in the "Silent Lion" artwork on the screens on each side of the live stage as shown below in Model 3. However, rather than a profile shot of Daniel as shown below in Model 3, the video image of Daniel in the star would actually be a front view shot of him as described. Immediately after Gabriel finishes sentence 5, we momentarily see the "White Lion" superhero symbol as shown below in Model 4 appear and then disappear from Daniel's forehead in the video on the large screen onstage and in the artwork on the screens on each side of the live stage. Revelation 7 says 144,000 chosen Jews with 12,000 Jews coming from each of the 12 tribes of Israel will receive God's seal on their foreheads during the Tribulation Period. In "The Unveiling" that seal will be a gold cross with a radiating gold Jewish star in the middle of it similar to that seen in the "Gentile and Jew" artwork at the very top of this page. However, this doesn't take place until the second half of the Tribulation Period. It is thought that these chosen Jews might have supernatural powers and that's the case in "The Unveiling." Daniel is one of the chosen Jews from the tribe of Judah whose lineage can traced back to the house of David and he will be the leader of the 144,000 chosen Jews. As a result, the seal on his forehead is not simply the gold cross and Jewish star but the entire "White Lion" superhero symbol as shown below in Model 4. Daniel will become the superhero known as "White Lion" in the second half of the Tribulation Period when he receives the "White Lion" superhero symbol on his forehead and will possess and exhibit supernatural powers.The seal of God is found within the artwork for the "SOS" system as shown above in Model 1. As soon as Gabriel finishes sentence 6, he flies upward through the ceiling and roof instantaneously leaving Daniel's bedroom. At this point, the video continues playing uninterrupted with the text below Model 4 becoming the segment "The Reunion" as Joshua and Daniel are reunited.)

Model 2-The "Silent Lion" artwork.

Model 3-The "Silent Lion" artwork with Daniel in the Jewish star.

Model 4-The "White Lion" superhero symbol.

The Gentile and the Jew
"The Reunion"

  When the segment "The Reunion" begins, Daniel is sitting down at his desk behind the wall of computer monitors in the video on the large video screen onstage and Gabriel has just left his room. The video image on the screens on each side of the live stage is the "SilentLion" artwork with Daniel as shown above in Model 3.  As the action continues, the video image on the screens on each side of the live stage changes and once again shows video of Joshua, Darlene and his band on the veranda watching the angels fly downward over L.A.. On the large video screen onstage, the video on the computer monitors in Joshua's bedroom is once again showing angels visiting numerous people from different professions as in earlier action. Daniel stands up from behind the wall of computer monitors and begins walking across his bedroom to the far west side of the room where a door leading to a veranda adjoined to his bedroom is located. As soon as Daniel walks through the door and on to the veranda, the video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage fades to black. The camera follows Daniel as he walks forward to the front edge of the veranda looking into the sky at the angels flying downward for the first time in person. He's blown away and completely focused on the skies above L.A..  At this point, the camera shot pulls back so that we now see both Joshua and Daniel's verandas and the people standing on them. Upon seeing Daniel standing on the far west edge of his veranda looking up into the sky, Joshua walks to the far east edge of his veranda which is directly across from Daniel. Shortly thereafter, Joshua speaks to Daniel. Even though they are directly across from one another, Joshua has to speak loudly for Daniel to hear him as the distance between them is about 45 feet.

Joshua:  (Looking into the sky and then at Daniel) Mindblowing isn't it?

Daniel:  Breathtaking.-(He looks at Joshua.)

Joshua:  They're not meteors.

Daniel:  I know, they're angels recruiting soldiers for the underground.-(Joshua smiles in reaction to Daniel's response.)

Joshua:  Did Gabriel mention anything about me and you and the underground?

Daniel:  (Nodding yes)  We need to talk. I'll unlock the gate for you.

Joshua:  Don't worry about it.-(Joshua turns around and speaks to his band on the verandaHey guys, I'll be back in a little while. Chill at the pad till I get back. (The band nod in agreement. Following this, Joshua walks up to Darlene) I'll be right back babe.-(Joshua kisses Darlene. At this point, Joshua turns away from Darlene so that he's facing Daniel on the other veranda. With a small running start, he jumps up putting one foot on the rail on the far east side of his veranda, pushes off launching himself high into the air and miraculously jumps the 45 feet from his veranda to Daniel's veranda landing right in front of Daniel. Everyone watches Joshua do this.)

Daniel:  (Impressed) What other powers do you possess?-(At this point, Joshua shakes his head back and forth and extends his arms out in front of himself with the palms of his hands facing Daniel signaling stop so he can speak.)

Joshua:  (Very contrite) I'm sorry for everything.-(Joshua pauses briefly, shakes his head back and forth and his eyes begin to water) I can't go back and change things or trust me I would. All I can do is ask you to forgive me bro?-(Joshua puts his hand out to Daniel for him to shake. Upon hearing Joshua's heartfelt apology and seeing his eyes watering, Daniel tightly embraces Joshua instead of shaking his hand. As they embrace, Daniel speaks to Joshua.)

Daniel:  Don't worry, it's done.-(Joshua and Daniel separate and look at one another.)

Joshua:  Are you sure?

Daniel:  (With conviction) Absolutely.

Joshua:  (Greatful) Thanks man.

Daniel:  (Smiling) But let the record show you and your friends were complete idiots.

Joshua:  (Shaking his head up and downNo doubt.

Daniel:  But we've got more important issues to deal with right now.

Joshua:  I need to know everything Gabriel told you.

Daniel:  (Motioning towards the door to his bedroom) Come on inside and I'll show you everything.-(Daniel begins walking towards the door that leads to his bedroom and Joshua follows him and both of them enter the bedroom. Joshua looks around the bedroom and smiles becoming very nostalgic as he and Daniel walk towards the computers in the far east area of Daniel's bedroom.)

Joshua:  The room looks almost exactly like it did the last time I was here, what about eight years ago. All the superhero posters, (Pointing at the monitors) but obviously you've upgraded your command and control center. The best times of my life happened right here bro. Things were so much easier and simple back then.

Daniel:  (Nodding in agreement) Yeah, the world has a way of stripping us of our innocence.-(By this time, Daniel and Joshua have reached Daniel's desk and computers. Daniel sits down at the desk behind the wall of monitors, speaks to Daniel and points at the computer monitors) Grab a chair and take a look.-(Joshua grabs a chair, sits next to Daniel, and looks and points at the computer monitors.)

Joshua:  So whata we looking at.

Daniel: (1)(Pointing at the monitors) These are the angels flying downward from the sky. (2)They're visiting tens of thousands of new believers right now giving them orders regarding their role in the underground. (3)They will build, run and maintain the Christian undergroud and its nationwide network of hidden shelters. (4)The underground movement is known as "Operation Last Stand" and it's set up and structured much like our government. (5)Here is the database listing all the people visited by angels this morning. (6)My father is in effect the president of "Operation Last Stand" and these four individuals known as "The Four Horsemen" are his cabinet and closest aides. (7)They will oversee the functioning of the underground on a national level. (8)When you click on any state on the map, a page appears with the following headings top to bottom; "State Representative," "District Representatives," "County and City Representaives," "Citizens" and "Shelters." (9)The headings are are also computer links leading to five different areas of the database. (10) Let's take a look at the state of California. (11)Each state has a "State Representative" very simiiar to a governor that oversees the underground on a statewide basis. (12)In turn, each state is divided into districts that are the same as the congressional districts of the House of Representatives and each district has a "District Representative" that oversees the underground in their district. (13)In addition, there are also "County and City Representatives" that will run the operation on a local level. (14)Finally, here's a list of the rest of the people in California visited by angels this morning. (15)You can access the personal profile of anyone in the database by simply clicking on the person's name. (16)Now let's take a look at the hidden shelters. (17)This page lists the locations of all the hidden shelters presently in California but that number will grow as we bulid new shelters not currently found in the database. (18)If we click on one of the cities on this page, details on the shelter in that city including photos, it's exact location and personnel assigned to the shelter are revealed. (19)You can access the personal profiles of people assigned to the shelters by clicking on the link labeled "Shelter Personnel" and then on one of the names on the subsequent page. (20)These databases are just a starting point and the foundation upon which we will construct a Holy Nation that can't be seen or heard and stretches from coast to coast. (21)But we need an advanced, high tech communication system in a secure location that can coordinate the entire operation and track all the activity of the underground in real time. (22)A system that is digitally linked to computers at hidden shelters nationwide. (23)The system would provide detailed information on the status of any shelter at any given moment in time, continually update personnel records, and would have the ability to coordinate and run a large scale shipping and receiving operation that wil be needed to build our invisible nation.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. As Daniel says sentence 5, he types on his computer keyboard and a map of the U.S. appears on the two largest computer monitors on Daniel's desk which are directly in front of Joshua and Daniel replacing the footage of angels visiting people. However, the other monitors continue showing video of angels visiting people from different professions. A photo of Saul Goldberg is superimposed on the U.S. map and smaller photos of  "The Four Horsemen" are also on the U.S. map in a row below Saul's photo. Their names are below the photos and are links to their personal profiles. When Daniel says sentence 10, he moves the cursor on top of the state of California on the U.S. map and clicks his mouse. Immediately thereafter, a page with the heading "California" on top of it appears on the computer monitors listing the five headings talked about in sentence 8. When Daniel begins sentence 11, he puts the cursor over the heading "State Representative," clicks his mouse, and a page appears on the monitors with a map of the state of California on it. A photo of California's "State Representative" is superimposed on the map and his name is below the photo. The "State Representative's" personal profile can be accessed by clicking on his name or photo. As soon as Daniel finishes sentence 11, the monitors go back to showing the "California" page with the five headings. When Daniel begins sentence 12, he puts the cursor over the heading "District Representatives,"  clicks his mouse, and a page appears on the monitors with a map of the state of California on it. The map is divided into California's 54 congressional districts and the name of each "District Representative" is on the map in their district. The personal profile of each "District Representative" can be accessed by clicking on their name on the map. As soon as Daniel finishes sentence 12, the monitors go back to showing the "California" page with the five headings. When Daniel says sentence 13, he doesn't click on the heading "County and City Representaives" and go to their page. The monitors continue to show the "California" page with the five headings as he reads sentence 13. When Daniel begins sentence 14, he puts the cursor over the heading "Citizens," clicks his mouse, a page appears on the monitors with the heading "Citizens" on it, and there are tens of thousands of names listed city by city. When Daniel begins sentence 15, he moves the cursor over one of the names on the "Citizens"  page, clicks his mouse and a personal profile and photo of the name he clicked on appears on the computer monitors. As he continues saying sentence 15, Daniel clicks on a few more names on the "Citizens" page and a couple more personnel profiles are seen on the monitors. As soon as Daniel finishes sentence 15, the monitors go back to showing the "California" page with the five headings. When Daniel begins sentence 16, he puts the cursor over the heading "Shelters," clicks his mouse, and a page appears on the monitors with the heading "Shelters" listing all the shelters by city in California. When Daniel begins sentence 19, he puts the cursor on top of one of the cities listed on the "Shelters" page, clicks on his mouse and a page appears showing some photos of the shelter in that city, data about the shelter and a list of the personnel assigned to the shelter. As Daniel says sentence 19, he moves the cursor on top of the "Shelter Personnel" link located below the photos of the current shelter page on the monitors, clicks on his mouse and a page with the heading "Shelter Personnel' appears listing all the people assigned to the shelter and what their roles are. Immediately thereafter, Daniel moves the cursor on top of one of the names on this page, clicks his mouse and a personal profile of that person appears on the computer monitors. Joshua is impressed by everything Daniel is showing and telling him. As soon as Daniel completes the dialogue above, Joshua speaks.)

Joshua:  You're gonna build it  aren't you?

Daniel:  (Smiling) I already have.

Joshua:  (Shaking his head no) Not possible.

Daniel:  (Sarcastic) This coming from a guy with superhuman powers who just stood on Mt. Zion.

Joshua:  I don't care,  it's impossible.

Daniel:  All right, (Daniel stands up and steps around Joshua who's still sitting down) Follow me.

Joshua:  Where we going?

Daniel:  I have something to show you.-(Daniel motions with his head towards the door leading out of his room and begins walking in that direction. Joshua stands up and follows Daniel. As they walk out of the room and into the hallway, Joshua looks at some photos of Daniel's mother Sarah hanging on the walls. Sarah was killed just three weeks ago by a suicide bomber at the Wailing Wall in Israel. At this point, Joshua speaks to Daniel about his mother.

Joshua:  Sorry bout your mom.-(Daniel nods with a sad look on his face) Heard my parents talking about it. What happened?

Daniel:  She was praying at the Wailing Wall and a suicide bomber blew himself up. Forty people died and she was killed instantly.

Joshua:  (Very sympathetic) That's terrible bro.

Daniel: Yeah, (Daniel pauses, his eyes begin to water and he sighs) but your mom led her to Christ so I know I will see her again. But didn't you lose both your parents this morning?

Joshua:  (Nodding yes) But like you I take some comfort in knowing I will see them again.-(At this point, Daniel and Joshua have reached the entryway at the bottom of stairs of the Goldberg home Shortly thereafter, Saul Goldberg walks in the front door carrying his briefcase and looks at Daniel and Joshua.)

Saul:  (Smiling) Now there's a sight I thought I'd never see again.-(Daniel approaches his father)

Daniel:  Thank God, you're all right. (Saul places his briefcase on a table in the entryway and  He and Daniel embrace tightly.)

Saul:  (Saul and Daniel separate) I have something for you.-(Saul opens up his briefcase, takes out a large 3-ring binder and hands it to Daniel) Here's the information about the satellites Gabriel told you about.-(Daniel begins thumbing throught the binder.)

Joshua:  Mr. Goldberg, I wanna apologize.. (Saul cuts off Joshua.)

Saul:  Not necessary Joshua, just seeing the two of you together again remedies any past transgressions there might be. You're family and if I can help you in any way you let me know.

Joshua:  Thanks Mr. Goldberg.

Saul:  Call me Saul.-(Joshua nods yes) Believe it or not I've actually got some good news. Yesterday, I purchased additional shares of Rhythm Record's stock and as a result became the majority owner of the corporation owning 55% of the company's stock. I now have total autonomy and the freedom to run the corporation any way I choose. What's that mean? (Looking at Joshua) It means your new band Symbols will have accesss to the unlimited resources of the world's largest multimedia corporation for recording, touring, marketing, merchandising, videos and anything else entertainment or media related. (Saul winks at Joshua) God's timing is impeccable isn't it?

Joshua:  (Enthusiastic) No doubt, I had no clue where we were gonna get the resources to make all this happen.

Saul:  I'm also opening up a new label at Rhythm Records called Revelation Records for new Christian acts. Of course, we will continue to sign secular acts so as not to arouse any suspicion about our operation. One other item. Gabriel loaded a database on my laptop listing the names of thousands of pastors and their churches who were left behind this morning. The database only includes fallen pastors who were visited by angels. Their churches will become part of a nationwide network of Symbols's churches allowing your new ministry to flourish. The churches will also be instrumental in the construction of the underground providing logistical support and resources for "Operation Last Stand." (Looking at Daniel) Gabriel loaded the databases for all the people visited by angels and for the hidden shelters into "The Petra System?" (Daniel nods yes) "The Petra System" and "SOS" operating system are both completely operational?-(Daniel nods yes once again) Good, I talked to "The Four Horsemen" shortly before I arrived home and they're ready to get to work. They'll be here as soon as possible within the next few days. We have a massive undertaking before us gentlemen and time is of the essence.

Daniel:  (Looking at Saul) I was just about to take Joshua to the Sanctuary when you walked in.

Saul:  Well, by all means let's go.-(The three of the begin walking to Saul's study with Daniel in front, Joshua behind him and Saul in the rear. Saul talks to Joshua as they walk) I had a vision in my study 25 years ago telling me to build the Sanctuary and started construction shortly thereafter. I didn't know its purpose until Gabriel revealed it to me this morning. It took 18 years to finish construction because the Sanctuary had to be built in complete secrecy so no one knows it exists.

Joshua:  But what about the construction workers. Won't they compromise it?

Saul:  No, the workers were all close family members whom I trust with my life and they swore to me under no circumstances would they ever divulge its existence. Besides, the Lord commissioned me to build the Sanctuary. Why would He have me build it only to let it be found out and exposed?  

Joshua:  Makes sense.-(By this time, they have reached Saul's study. To enter the study, you have to place your thumb in an indentation on the top of the doorknob and the thumb is scanned. The door will only open if the person's thumb print is in a database for entry into the study. Daniel puts his thumb in the indentation on the doorknob and the door opens up. The study is large and its walls are covered with gold and platinum records of artists signed to "Rhythm Records." They all walk into the study and Daniel walks straight ahead to one of the platinum albums on the wall that's at eye level. A retinal scan of Daniel's eye is done by a laser in the center of the platinum album and a section of the wall in front of Daniel slides open allowing access to an elevator. Following this, Daniel types in a numbered code on a pad that's to the side of the elevator door, the elevator door opens up, he steps inside the elevator and looks back at Joshua who is blown away by what he's seeing) You gotta be kiddin me.

Daniel:  Are you ready to rock my friend?

Joshua:  (Nods yes) Let's roll.-(Joshua enters the elevator and they both look back at Saul who doesn't walk towards the elevator.)

Saul:  You gentlemen go ahead. I have some important calls to make and business to take care of.-(Daniel types in a numbered code on a pad inside the elevator, and the study wall and elevator door slide shut. Following this, Daniell hits a button inside the elevator and it starts moving downward. Shortly thereafter, the elevator stops, Daniel types in another numbered code on a pad inside the elevator and the opposite elevator door opens up into the first floor of the Sanctuary which is dark. Daniel steps outside the elevator, turns a switch on and overhead lights that run the length of several corridors of the Sanctuary light up in sequence moving from the lights closest to the elevator to those furthest away.The first floor is very large and the corridors appear endless.The immediate area around the elevator also lights up and we see a large kitchen and dining area. At this point, Daniel looks back at Joshua smiling, steps aside, moves his hand out towards the Sanctuary inviting Joshua into the Sanctuary and speaks.)

Daniel:  Welcome to the Sanctuary.-(Joshua steps out of the elevator and is speechless at first as he looks left to right and right to left shaking his head in disbelief)

Joshua:  Looks like the Hunger Games.

Daniel:  We have everything you can imagine here. (Pointing right in front them) A kitchen and dining area, a stockpile of food and water that will last several years, sleeping quarters, restroom facilities, an operating room and fully stocked pharmacy, several generators and a large supply of fuel, communication equipment, computers and a weapons depot. This shelter will pre-dominately house the people responsible for the nationwide operation of the underground like "The Four Horsemen" and their families. But this isn't why I brought you down here. I'll show you all this later. (Daniel steps back into the elevator and motions for Joshua to do the same) Let's go.-(Joshua gets back into the elevator and the door slides shut. Daniel hits a button inside the elevator and it starts moving downward once again. Shortly thereafter, the elevator stops, Daniel types in another numbered code on the pad inside the elevator and the elevator door opens up into the front part of the command and control center of "Operation Last Stand." The front part of the command center is huge stretching out as far as the eye can see. It's filled with countless computers and tables, a vast array of high tech communication equipment, several drafting tables, every type of office equipment imaginable such as fax machines, copiers and printers, office supplies, numerous printing presses and a complete T.V. broadcasting studio. However, it's obvious the area hasn't been used yet. Daniel and Joshua step out of the elevator into the command center and Daniel speaks) This is the real command and control center. Walk over here with me.-(Daniel motions towards a door to their right about ten feet away. Daniel begins walking towards the door and Joshua follows him. When they arrive at the door, Daniel's thumbprint is scanned, a retinal scan of his eye is done, he types in a numbered code on a pad to the side of the door and the door allowing access to "The Bunker" which is the area housing "The Petra System" slides open. Following this, Daniel and Joshua walk down a short corridor leading to "The Bunker," Daniel puts the folder with the satellite information he's still carrying on top of some of the controls of the "Petra System" and they walk to the center of the dark "Bunker" as shown below in Model 5. At this point, Daniel clicks on a remote he's holding, "The Bunker" lights up as shown below in Model 6 and he speaks) This is the "Bunker" and here's the machine that will coordinate and run "Operation Last Stand," "The Petra System."-(Upon looking at "The Petra System," Joshua's shakes his head in disbelief and shortly thereafter speaks to Daniel.)   

Model 5-The dark "Bunker."

Model 6-"The Bunker" and "The Petra Sytem"

Joshua:  (Dumbfounded) How's this even possible.

Daniel: Seven years ago I had a vision showing me "The Petra System" and was told to build it here in the Sanctuary. I was obssessed with the vision and practically lived down here for the last seven years working on the system until I finished it last week. But it was more than just the vision. There was something supernatural going on inside me. Even with my extensive knowledge and background in computer programming and hardware, I could have never built "The Petra System" on my own it's far too advanced. I was doing things I've never done before or had any prior knowledge of. I was writing and solving the most complex algorithms and writing code for satellite technology. At times, I felt like I was a tool, an extension of some greater force that was using me as a means to an end to achieve some grand purpose and we both know what that is now. There were many times along the way I wanted to quit and walk away from it all but there was this still small voice inside my head that kept pushing me on.

Joshua:  (Pointing at "The Petra System") Well, fire it up.

Daniel:  Give me some time to go over the new databases, get up to speed on all the technology and then I'll show you exactly how it works.

Joshua:  Sounds good. tAt this point, Daniel stares intently at Joshua shaking his head in amazement. Shortly thereafter, Joshua notices this and asks Daniel) What?

Daniel:  Look at you, Holy Soldier. How awesome is that. Nothing that cool ever happens to me.-(As mentioned earlier, Daniel will become the superhero "White Lion" in the second half of the Tribulation Period. However, only God knows that's going to happen.)

Joshua:  Not cool, what the hell ya talking about! You're the brains behind this entire operation and it's time for you to realize how special you truly are. We will fight evil side by side, together as one, the Gentile and the Jew.-(When Joshua finishes this dialogue, he puts his hand out towards Daniel who's standing directly across from him in the center of "The Bunker." In response, Daniel puts his hand out towards Joshua and they shake hands. As their hands remain clasped, the camera zooms in on their hands until they are the only image on the large video screen, the background behind Joshua and Daniel's clasped hands turns from "The Bunker" to a simple black background as shown below in Model 7, and a cross with the Jewish star in the middle of it appears superimposed on their hands as shown below in Model 8. Shortly thereafter, the song "The Gentile and the Jew" begins to play, the clasped hands with the cross and Jewish star fades out and is replaced by video of Joshua and Daniel as children on the large screen onstage as the next segment "Operation Last Stand" begins. The cross represents Joshua who is the Genitle and the Jewish star represents Daniel who is the Jew. )

Model 7-Handshake

Model 8-Handshake with the cross and the Jewish star.

The Gentile and the Jew
 "Operation Last Stand"

   The song "The Gentile and The Jew" is accompanied by  three video segments which are based on the content of the lyrics in the song and
1 ½ years pass by as the song is played. In the video, we see the relationship of Joshua and Daniel over the years,  the rise of Symbols and Joshua's worldwide ministry and the evolution of "Operation Last Stand" over the 1 ½ year period of time. The description of the action in first video segment that plays with the song "The Gentile and the Jew" is located below Chorus 1.

The Gentile and The Jew

Verse 1:

In days past they laughed and played together

But one chose books and the other leather

 They shared ice cream on warm summer days

But as time moved on their friendship melted away


Verse 2:

Christ resurrected this friendship of old

To oppose the order of Silver and Gold

Bound by a bond of blood and grace

They vowed to save the human race


Chorus 1:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son


Verse 3:

The Holy Soldier fought day and night

and the visions from Zion came to light

Symbols thrived under his command

and reigned as history's greatest band  


Verse 4:

They built a global empire on the rock

and the blind saw the crippled walk

Ready to storm the beaches of the barren land

and take center stage at the Last Stand


Chorus 2:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son


Verse 5:

Daniel founded the underground nation

Built on technology and a divine revelation

He assembled a team of beautiful minds

To raise a fortress for those left behind


Verse 6:

Shelters surfaced from sea to shining sea

As holy soldiers prepared for World War 3

Day by day, the invisible nation grew

Under the leadership of the Chosen Jew

Chorus 3:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

<>Defending the land of the rising Son

Verse 1:

In days past they laughed and played together

But one chose books and the other leather

They shared ice cream on warm summer days

But as time moved on their friendship melted away


Verse 2:

Christ resurrected this friendship of old

To oppose the order of Silver and Gold

Bound by a bond of blood and grace

They vowed to save the human race


Chorus 1:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son

  As the song "The Gentile and The Jew" begins to play, the video of the clasped hands with the cross and Jewish star on the large screen onstage fades out and is replaced by video of Joshua and Daniel as children as the first video segment of "Operation Last Stand" begins to play. The first video segment plays as Verses 1 and 2, and Chorus 1 are performed live. As the musical intro and Verse 1 of the song "The Gentile and the Jew" play, the video shows Joshua and Daniel's relationship over the years in chronological order as they grow up together as best friends. You see them buying ice cream from the ice cream man, celebrating one another's birthdays at birthday parties, playing cops and robbers, riding bicycles together, Joshua sticking up for Daniel who is always being bullied and made fun of, dressing up as Batman and Robin for Halloween, playing and in class together at elementary school, participating in Cub Scouts together, swimming together at a barbeque with their parents, playing little league baseball together, attending a dance and graduating at their junior high school, and going to Daniel's bar mitzvah. Following this, they go their separate ways as they enter high school. We see Joshua hanging out with a different crowd, and making fun of and pulling pranks on Daniel in high school who is a loner and considered a social outcast. This includes video clips of Joshua pulling Daniel's pants down in front of the entire school who laugh hysterically at him, Joshua throwing food at Daniel who's sitting by himself in the school cafeteria, and one of Joshua's friends sneeking up behind Daniel on his knees and Joshua pushing Daniel backward who trips over Joshua's friend and falls hard to the ground. In the final shot of this sequence, Joshua drives by in a convertible with his friends as school gets out and they throw a coke and ice cream at Daniel hitting him in the face. As they laugh and drive off, the camera zooms in for a close-up of Daniel and we see a tear fall from his eye. The camera follows the tear as it falls to the ground in slow motion and hits the ice cream that is melting on the ground.

  As the action in the first video segment continues, we come back to the present time and the video shows Joshua and Daniel standing together in the center of "The Bunker" once again. At this point, Verse 2 begins, Joshua and Daniel both kneel down on one knee together, bow their heads in prayer and a light from above shines down on them. As line 2 from Verse 2 is sung, the faces of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver are superimposed over the video of Joshua and Daniel kneeling in prayer in "The Bunker." As Verse 2 ends, the video of Joshua and Daniel in "The Bunker" with the superimposed faces of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver is replaced by video of Daniel showing Joshua the different areas of the first floor of the Sanctuary. This video tour of the Sanctuary continues for the duration of Chorus 1. As
Chorus 1 ends, Joshua and Daniel are standing across from one another with the elevator that leads back to Saul's study directly behind them. At this point, the video of Joshua and Daniel's hands clapsed together with the cross and Jewish star on top of them as shown above in Model 8 appears superimposed on the video of the two of them standing across from one another in front of the elevator. Following this, the clapsed hands, the Jewish star and Joshua and Daniel fade out in the video on the large screen onstage leaving just the cross in front of the elevator doors on the large video screen. The cross is positioned so that its vertical part is perfectly lined up with the center of the elevator where both halves of the elevator door meet when it closes and is the point of separation when the elevator door opens. As the action continues, the two halves of the elevator door open and we see the first video clip of the second video segment which focuses on Joshua, the rise of Symbols and Joshua's worldwide ministry behind the elevator door. Finally, the cross fades out and the second video segment plays on the large screen onstage as Verses 3 and 4 and Chorus 2 of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" are performed live. The description of the action in the second video segment is located below Model 15 and the lyrics of Chorus 2.

Model 9-"The Unveiling" Merchandise Catalogue Cover.

Model 10-The Symbols Logo.

Model 11-The Ichthys

Model 12-The Commandments with the tribal Godhead above them.

Model 13-The Cross

Model 14-The Dove

Model 15-Rhythm Records Logo

Verse 3:

Holy Soldier fought day and night

and the visions from Zion came to light

Symbols thrived under his command

and reigned as history's greatest band  


Verse 4:

They built a global empire on the rock

and the blind saw the crippled walk

Ready to storm the beaches of the barren land

and take center stage at the Last Stand


Chorus 2:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son

  As the second video segment begins, we see a series of video clips that show the rise of Symbols and Joshua's worldwide ministry as Verses 3 and 4 and Chorus 2 are performed live and 1 ½ years pass by. The digital clock at the top of the stage will keep track of the time. From this point on, the video clips on the large video screen onstage exclusively show clips related to Symbols as 1 ½ years go by. The first video clip shows Joshua returning from Daniel's home and finding his band and Darlene asleep in his bedroom and rehearsal room. Immediately thereafter, Joshua grabs a guitar and keyboard, enters his studio, opens up Pro Tools on his computer and begins writing music. The next video clip shows Joshua continuing to write music by himself in his studio and putting together a massive catalog  of Symbols's merchandise on his computer as a month goes by. This clip plays very quickly as Joshua goes from being clean shaven to having a beard growing in. During the month, Joshua writes all the music for Symbols's debut 3 CD box set which is about 50 songs and finishes putting together the massive catalogue of Symbols's products with every type of imanginable merchandise available. Joshua saw all this merchandise in his visions on Mt. Zion and Model 9 above shows part of the cover of the catalogue. The conceptual artwork shown above in Models 11-14 with each band member of Symbols linked to a specific Christian symbol from the Symbols's logo(see Model 10 above) is a key marketing and merchandising strategy for Symbols Joshua saw on Mt. Zion. The strategy is modeled after that of the band Kiss who have created one of the most successful merchandising empires in the history of music. Kiss markets themselves and their merchandise around the concept of their four individual characters. Symbols will do the same but its merchandise will be marketed around the concept of each musician and their specific symbol rather than characters. We will use the same strategy in our marketing and merchandising of "The Unveiling" production. In fact, the merchandise developed by Joshua in "The Unveiling" will be the same line of products we offer the public as part of the production. The artwork shown above in Models 11-14 aren't professional graphics and I created it to give you an example of the vision of the marketing and merchandising strategy for the project. When similar artwork is done professionally, it will completely blow away what I've done. 

  As the video clips about Symbols on the large video screen onstage continue to play following the first month, the remaining clips show in chronological order Joshua playing his new music to the band, Joshua giving each band member a copy of the merchandise catalogue he created, Symbols practicing and rehearsing the new music at Joshua's rehearsal studio, Symbols going to
Rhythm Records and signing a contract with Saul in his office, and Symbols recording at Rhythm Record's state of the art studio. In particular, there's a video clip showing Joshua recording vocals in a vocal booth. As he does so, flags from different countries around the world appear superimposed on this video clip one after another illustrating that Joshua is recording the vocals for the entire debut box set in every major language in the world. As the video clips continue to play in chronological order, the clips show Symbols making a music video, Joshua showing everybody several packaged and finished box sets each of which is in a different language, Symbols signing autographs and giving out free copies of their debut box set on its release date at Rhythm Records headquarters in downtown L.A. where a crowd of more than a million people has gathered, Joshua showing everyone Billboard magazine which shows the box set "lll" debuting at #1 on the charts, Joshua thumbing through several music publications all of which have Symbols on the cover, Joshua and Symbols being interviewed on all the talk shows, Symbols performing on all the late night talk shows, Joshua and Symbols accepting a record nine Grammys, Joshua designing the stage for the upcoming world tour, Joshua planning the world tour with Saul, Joshua working with various technical personnel on the live show for the world tour, Symbols going through their final preparations and rehearsing on the new stage in an airplane hanger and finally the cover of Billboard magazine reporting that "lll" has stayed # 1 on the charts for 1 ½ years and has sold over 150 million copies making it by far the greatest selling album of all time. At this point,  1 ½ years has passed by as Verses 3 and 4 and Chorus 2 have been performed live and Symbols is ready to embark on their world tour known as "The Last Stand."

Shortly after the second video segment starts playing on the large screen onstage, video clips also begin playing on the video screens on each side of the live stage and show events not directly related to Symbols occuring as 1 ½ years pass by. These video clips show the activities of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver, updates on the building of the new Jewish Temple, the rapid growth of SOUL and Dr. Silver performing extraordinary miracles, Joshua and Darlene's wedding, the birth of Joshua's daughter Harmony, Joshua spending time with Darlene and Harmony, Joshua talking with Gabriel, Joshua ministering to large crowds in the streets of L.A. and preaching at Symbols's churches throughout the U.S. where he performs countless miracles. These video clips play simultaneously with the clips of Symbols on the large screen onstage in the chronological order they occur as 1 ½ years go by. For example, Joshua and Darlene get married about a month after the Rapture and video clips of their marriage start playing on the screens on each side of the live stage as soon as a month passes by on the digital clock. At the same time, we see the end of the video clip of Joshua writing music by himself in his studio on the large screen onstage which also happens as soon as a month passes by on the digital clock. There is a video sequence of special note that plays on the screens on each side of the live stage. When the vocalist begins singing the first line of Verse 4, the following video starts playing on the screens on each side of the live stage. On one of the screens, we see video of Joshua preaching to packed crowds at Symbols's churches nationwide. At the same time on the other screen, we see video of Rhythm Records corporate offices worldwide bearing the new "Rhythm Records" logo as shown above in Model 15. The video on each screen is a play on the lyrics in first line of Verse 4. On one hand, the lyrics refer to Joshua's worldwide ministry(empire) built upon the rock, that is, on the divine revelation that Christ is the son of the living God. On the other hand, the lyrics also refer to Symbols's musical empire built upon the rock, that is, on Symbols's music. As this video sequence continues, the video of Rhythm Records corporate offices morphs into video of Dr. Silver preaching to packed crowds at SOUL churches worldwide. At this point, we have Joshua preaching to packed crowds at Symbols's churches worldwide on one screen and Dr. Silver preaching to packed crowds at SOUL churches worldwide on the other. Shortly thereafter, we see Joshua laying hands on people in Symbols's churches in the video and he cures the blind, deaf, crippled and diseased. At the same time on the other screen, we see video of Dr. Silver curing people in SOUL churches that have the same maladies by touching them with his silver staff which lights up as people are healed. The battle between good and evil is highlighted here in spectacular fashion. Note: in the video clips of Joshua preaching in the streets of L.A., we see the devastating effects the Rapture has had on the U.S.. Countless businesses and residences are abandoned and boarded up and streets are filled with the homeless and litter as some basic services have ceased.

  When Chorus 2 ends,
1 ½ years have passed by and the video on the screens on each side of the live stage quits playing and the screens fade to black. The video clip on the large video screen is showing the cover of Billboard magazine reporting that "lll" has stayed # 1 on the charts for 1 ½ years and has sold over 150 million copies making it the greatest selling album of all time. At this point, all the video clips that appeared on the large video screen onstage for the last 1 ½ years quickly replay in reverse order as the digital clock rewinds all the way back to the present time. When we reach the present time, the video of Joshua and Daniel standing across from one another with the elevator that leads back to Saul's study directly behind them appears on the large video screen once again. At this point, the video of Joshua and Daniel's hands clapsed together with the cross and Jewish star on top of them as shown above in Model 8 appears superimposed on the video of the two of them in front of the elevator as before. Following this, the clapsed hands, the cross and Joshua and Daniel fade out in the video on the large screen onstage leaving just the Jewish star in front of the elevator doors on the large video screen. As the action continues, the two halves of the elevator door open and we see the first video clip of the third video segment which focuses on Daniel and the nationwide underground behind the elevator door. The third video segment occurs over the same 1 ½ year time period as the second video segment did and plays as Verses 5 and 6 and Chorus 3 of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" are performed live. The description of the action in the third video segment is located below Model 16 and the lyrics of Chorus 3.

Model 16-"The Bunker" and the satellite.

Verse 5:

Daniel founded the underground nation

Built on technology and a divine revelation

He assembled a team of beautiful minds

To raise a fortress for those left behind


Verse 6:

Shelters surfaced from sea to shining sea

As holy soldiers prepared for World War 3

Day by day, the invisible nation grew

Under the leadership of the Chosen Jew

Chorus 3:

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

A dynamic duo second to none

The Gentile and the Jew together as one

Defending the land of the rising Son


  As the third video segment begins, we see a series of video clips that show the evolution of "Operation Last Stand" as Verses 5 and 6 and Chorus 3 of the song "The Gentile and The Jew" are performed live and 1 ½ years pass by. As before, the digital clock at the top of the stage will keep track of the time. From this point on, the video clips playing on the large screen onstage exclusively show the evolution of the Sanctuary particularly the command and control center including "The Bunker" as 1 ½ years go by. We also see video clips unrelated to the Sanctuary on the screens on each side of the live stage in the chronological order they occur as 1 ½ years pass by. When the elevator doors open up, the first video clip of the third video segment shows a close-up of Daniel's face on the large video screen onstage. Following this, the camera shot pulls back and widens and we see Daniel is sitting at a table talking with Saul and "The Four Horsemen" in the front part of the command and control center. The remaining video clips shown on the large screen onstage combine to make up a time elapsed video of the Sanctuary that takes place over 1 ½ years. The clips show an empty and quiet Sanctuary evolve into a fully viable shelter and command and control center filled with people, and show the same activities occuring repeatedly over time as 1 ½ years go by. The clips show Daniel constantly working in "The Bunker" and front part of the command and control center, Saul and "The Four Horseman" working in the command and control center, Daniel working individually with each of "The Four Horsemen" in their area of expertise and with them as a whole, Daniel looking over blueprints of hidden shelters with Saul and "The Four Horsemen," Daniel looking over invoices from across the country for products such as medical supplies, communication and computer equipment, vehicles, fuel, food and bottled water, new equipment being brought into the Sanctuary and close-ups of the screens of "The Petra System" which are showing video of hidden shelters, satellite images and maps of the U.S. with small trucks and planes moving on them. The U.S. maps with the small trucks and planes moving on them are tracking shipments of goods for "Operation Last Stand" nationwide in real time. More and more trucks and planes will appear on the U.S. maps as the pace of "Operation Last Stand" increases over time. We also see a series of video clips of the first floor of the Sanctuary and of people working in the front part of the command and control center in the time elapsed video as 1 ½ years go by.

  Shortly after the third video segment starts playing on the large screen onstage, video clips also begin playing on the video screens on each side of the live stage and show events not related to the Sanctuary occuring as 1 ½ years pass by. The clips show the activities of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver, updates on the building of the new Jewish Temple, the activities of Daniel and Saul outside of the Sanctuary, people working at hidden shelters nationwide and a bus filled with high tech communication equipment. The bus is the mobile command and control center that Daniel and "The Four Horsemen" will use to continue working on "Operation Last Stand" as they accompany Joshua and Symbols on their U.S. tour. These video clips play simultaneously with the clips of the Sanctuary on the large screen onstage in the chronological order they occur as 1 ½ years go by. There is a video sequence of special note that plays on the screens on each side of the live stage during the third video segment. On one screen, we see video of Saul traveling across the U.S. superimposed on a U.S. map. As CEO of "Operation Last Stand," Saul meets with different people and secures deals for services and products for the underground. In particular, we see Saul meet with the CEOs who were seen in earlier video as they were visited by angels. This includes the CEO of the major frieght airliner, the CEO of the national trucking company, the CEO of the medical supply company, the CEO of the nations largest bank and the CEO of the world's largest computer company. In each case, we see Saul speak to the CEOs at their place of business and shake their hands after completing deals with them. At the same time on the other screen, video of Dr. Gold traveling around the world speaking to government officials and shaking their hands plays superimposed on a gold world map like the one seen in the act "Man of the Hour." Both men are busy creating two new and competing empires; the underground nation and the evil empire of the Antichrist. As this video sequence continues, the video of Saul traveling across the U.S. is replaced by video of Daniel speaking to Jews in jam-packed synagogues in the U.S. and worldwide. This video of Daniel plays superimposed on a world map and shows multitudes of Jews giving their lives to Christ at the synagogues adding to the ranks of the Holy Nation. As the new video of Daniel plays on one one screen, the video of Dr. Gold traveling around the world continues to be shown on the other. The battle between good and evil is highlighted here like it was in the second video segment between Joshua and Dr. Silver but this time it's between the other main characters Daniel and Saul Goldberg and Dr. Gold. The video on the screens on each side of the live stage fades out shortly before the video final clip on the large screen onstage begins playing leaving the screens blank.

  The final video clip on the large screen onstage shows Daniel working with the controls of "The Petra System" and he looks up at the area above the entrance of "The Bunker." Shortly thereafter, video of one of the Rhythm Record's satellites in space appears in this area as shown above in Model 16. Following this, Daniel types some information into the system and the satellite begins moving. As soon as the satellite stops moving, video begins playing on the screens on each side of the live stage and shows an overhead shot of North America from space which is the image produced by the satellite. Daniel types in some more information and the satellite zooms in so that we have an overhead video shot of just the U.S. on the screens. As the satellite zooms in even further, we see an overhead shot of just California and ultimately an overhead shot of just Daniel's house. Finally, we zoom in until it actually appears as if we're about to enter the house through the roof and at that exact moment all the video screens go dark. At this point, the video on all the video screens is over, the song "The Gentile and The Jew" ends and this act is over. The stage is transformed into "The Bunker" as we move to the next act of this musical which is "The Last Stand." Click on the "next" button below to go to the act "The Last Stand."

