Hallow's Eve
"The Rapture"

   As the act "Hallows Eve" opens,
Joshua's Tree has just finished playing the song "In Thy Kingdom Come," the show at "Crossroads" has ended and the stage is dark. Shortly thereafter, the stage lights back up and Joshua and his band walk back onstage to the front edge of the stage bowing and thanking the crowd. Following this, the band turns around and begins walking towards the backstage area of the club en route to leaving the stage but Joshua remains onstage. At this point, pre-taped video footage of the backstage area of "Crossroads" begins playing on the large video screen onstage. The video of the backstage area shows the band's manager Les talking with some record executives, some of the road crew and people milling around the area. As soon as the last band member walks off the stage and can no longer be seen by the live audience watching "The Unveiling," we see the band members walking backstage in the pre-taped video on the large screen onstage. The transition from seeing the band members live onstage to seeing them in the pre-taped video is perfectly timed and seamless so it appears as if the pre-taped footage of the backstage area is live action. As the action continues in the pre-taped video on the large screen, the band members walk by Les and the record executives, Les asks them where Joshua is, they point in the direction of the stage, Les says a few words to the executives and starts walking towards the stage. At the same time the action just described above occurs in the pre-taped video on the large screen onstage, live video of Joshua who's still onstage begins playing on the screens on each side of the live stage. In the live video, we see a group of women at the front of the stage motion for Joshua to join them, he jumps off the stage and begins talking to them. One of the women who is dressed up as a devil takes a hit off a joint, moves up to Joshua so they are face to face and begins blowing smoke into his mouth kissing him at the same time. By this time, Les has almost reached the stage from the backstage area in the pre-taped video on the large screen onstage. As soon as Les is no longer seen walking backstage towards the stage in the pre-taped video, we see the actor playing Les walk onstage live.The transition from seeing Les in the pre-taped footage backstage on the large screen to seeing him live onstage is once again perfectly timed and seamless so it appears as if all the action is live. At this point, the live video playing on the screens on each side of the stage shows Les walking across the stage towards Joshua and the group of women who were yelling out Joshua's name. The pre-taped video footage of the backstage area continues to play on the large video screen onstage. Up until this point, no audible dialogue has been heard during the action just the ambient sounds of the live audience and backstage area. 


Les: Josh, Josh.. (Joshua doesn't hear or pay attention to him and Les continues walking towards Joshua continuing to shout out his name. This action continues to be captured live on the screens on each side of the stage) Josh, Josh..(By this time, Les is at the front edge of the stage right above Joshua and the women and Joshua finally turns around and responds to Les.)


Josuha:  Can't ya see I'm busy man.-(Joshua looks at the woman he's been kissing.)

Les: (Irritated) If you want a record deal, I suggest you get your butt up here right now.

Josuha: (He looks and smiles at the women) Sorry ladies, gotta go.-(Les extends his arm out to help lift Joshua back on to the stage. When Joshua extends his arm out to Les and is lifted onstage, Les sees fresh track marks on his arm and confronts Joshua.

Les:  You said you were gonna lay off that crap. Nobody wants to sign a "junkie" to a lucrative record deal.

Joshua:  (Shaking his head back and forth and smiling) Don't worry about it bro.  I've got it under control.


Les:  You better not blow this. (Motioning backstage) Let's go. (The two of them walk towards the backstage area and continue to talk. The camera follows them as the live action continues to be seen on the video screens on each side of the live stage.)


Joshua:  So what about the deal?(After Joshua says this, Les and him leave the live stage and can no longer be seen by the live audience. Immediately thereafter, the lights onstage fade out, the live video on the screens on each side of the live stage ends and the screens go blank, and we see Joshua and Les walking backstage together in the pre-taped video footage playing on the large video screen onstage. The transition from seeing Joshua and Les live onstage to seeing them in the pre-taped video backstage is perfectly timed and seamless once again so it appears as if the pre-taped footage of the backstage area is live action. The pre-taped video footage continues to play uniterrupted on the large video screen onstage as the action continues. Once they're seen backstage, Joshua and Les stop walking, Les points to the record executives backstage and talks to Joshua.)


Les:  Those A&R guys were blown away, said you're the best band they've seen in over a decade, and wanna sign ya guys to a killer deal.-(Les pauses.)

Joshua:  (Impatient) And...


Les:   How does a three album deal, a million dollar advance, and opening for Gun's and Roses on their reunion tour sound to you?-(The name of the band they're opening for will be whatever actual band is the biggest draw and most popular at the time "The Unveiling" is actually being performed.)

Joshua:  Come on man, seriously.

Les:  I'm dead serious.

Joshua:  Sweet, (Pumping his fist) hell yeah!-(Joshua hugs and picks up Les.)

Les:  (Laughing) Put me down so we can go talk to these guys and tell everyone else the news.-(Joshua puts Les down and they walk over to where the A&R guys are standing. As soon as Joshua and Les are standing with the A&R guys, Les calls for the rest of the band to come over and meet them) Hey guys, could you come over here for a minute.-(As soon as the rest of the band is standing with Joshua, Les and the A&R guys, Les introduces the A&R guys to the band) Josh, guys, this is David Wilson and John Brazil from Rhythm Records.-(The A&R guys who are standing in front of Joshua put their hands out to shake his hand and Joshua extends his arm to shake their hands. However, at that exact moment, the angel Gabriel walks in between Joshua and the A&R guys straight through their extended arms, looks at Joshua with his fiery orange eyes and says "Follow me." Gabriel's wings are not visible and only Joshua can see and hear Gabriel. Joshua is spellbound by Gabriel and turns away from the A&R guys putting his arm down without shaking the record executive's hands who still have their hands out to shake his hand. At this point, Joshua begins to follow Gabriel who is walking towards the back exit of the club. Gabriel walks straight through the door of the back exit without actually opening it. Just as Joshua is about to open the door and leave the club, Les grabs his shoulder, Joshua turns around and Les talks into Joshua's ear so only Joshua can hear himWhataya doing, ya trying to screw this up?


Joshua: Did ya see that guy walk straight through that door, and those eyes...(Shaking his head back and forth in disbelief) I've never seen anything like it.

Les:  (Speaking into Joshua's ear Are you nuts, nobody walked through that door.

Joshua: (Loudly) I know what I saw!-(Everyone backstage looks at Joshua.)

Les: (Speaking into Joshua's ear) Whatever Josh, look we need to get back over there. As screwed up as the music industry is right now, we'll never get another deal as good as this.-(Joshua ignores Les, opens the back door of the club and his pregnant girlfriend Darlene is on the other side ready to enter the club through the door.)

Darlene: Hey babe.-(Joshua sees Gabriel sitting on the hood of his truck in the parking lot and doesn't acknowledge Darlene's presence looking straight through her. Joshua points towards his truck and looks back at Les. Once again only Joshua can see Gabriel.)

Joshua: Look, he's sitting on the hood of my truck.-(Both Les and Darlene look at Joshua's truck, see nobody sitting on it and Les speaks in an irritated tone.)

Les: There's nobody there Josh. Dar, do you see anyone sitting on his truck?

Darlene: (Shaking her head) No.

Joshua: (Pointing towards the truck again) He's right there. You're both idiots!-(At this point, Joshua begins to walk outside and Les grabs Joshua by the shirt to stop him from leaving. Joshua turns around, glares at Les, and then pulls away from him. Immediately thereafter, the instrumental song "Haunted" begins to play and Joshua starts to run across the parking lot to his truck to meet Gabriel. As the song "Haunted" plays, the video on the large video screen onstage continues to play uninterrupted and we watch Joshua drive from "Crossroads" through Hollywood to the Griffith Observatory in L.A.. The description of the action in the video accompanying the song "Haunted" includes Models 1-6 and the text below Model 6. Click on the play button below to listen to the instrumental "Haunted" or  right click on the button below and hit "save target as" to download the song "Haunted" to your computer so you can listen to the song and follow the action in the text below in real time)


Model 1-The Griffith Observatory, L.A., and Joshua's truck.

Model 2-Gabriel above the central dome of the Griffith Observatory.

Model 3-Joshua at base of central dome of the Griffith Observatory.

Model 4-Backside of the Observatory with Gabriel and Joshua.

Model 5-Joshua atop the central dome prop of the Observatory.

Model 6-L.A. and the Observatory on screens on each side of stage.

  As the video continues to play uninterrupted on the large video screen onstage, the following action occurs from the 0-1:11 minute mark of the song "Haunted."  Joshua leaves the club and runs across the parking lot to his truck. As soon as Joshua gets to his truck to speak to Gabriel, Gabriel supernaturally moves from the hood of the truck to the top of a multi-storied building at a street corner on Sunset Blvd. some distance away. Joshua witnesses this seeing Gabriel standing atop the building, jumps into his truck, backs out of the parking space burning rubber and almost hits a parked car behind him. Joshua drives frantically at a high speed through the parking lot and down an alley in an attempt to catch up with Gabriel looking up to his right at Gabriel standing atop the building. Les and Darlene can be seen standing outside the back door of the club watching Joshua drive through the parking lot and alley. As Joshua approaches Sunset Blvd. from the alley, buildings blocks his view and he can no longer see Gabriel. At this point, the action in the video begins playing in slow motion. At the 35 second mark of the song "Haunted," Joshua looks to his left and sees the grim reaper standing under a dim light where the alley and sidewalk intersect on Sunset Blvd.. The grim reaper's eyes are glowing, he smiles and laughs maniacally at Joshua, and fresh blood drips from his metal sickle. Joshua can't believe what he's seeing and does a quick double take looking at the grim reaper again. This time he sees that the grim reaper is actually just a man in a halloween costume who is standing with a group of people dressed up for Halloween. The man is holding a plastic sickle and there's no blood on it. Joshua shakes his head and looks troubled by what he just saw. By this time, Joshua reaches Sunset Blvd. from the alley and at the last second looks out his windshield seeing he's entering Sunset Blvd as the action in the video returns to normal speed. He is still driving at a high speed and his truck fishtails into traffic almost hitting several cars on Sunset Blvd.. As Joshua drives at a high speed on Sunset Blvd., he looks up at the building that Gabriel was standing atop but he is no longer there. Joshua rapidly moves his head side to side looking for Gabriel. At exactly the 51 second mark of "Haunted," Joshua looks up and sees Gabriel high in the air some distance away. As Joshua continues driving on Sunset Blvd towards Gabriel, Gabriel moves downward with his wings tucked behind him. By the time we reach the 1:11 minute mark of "Haunted," Gabriel is suspended in the air right above a traffic light on Sunset Blvd. and Joshua is stopped at that light which is red looking up at Gabriel. The action in the video continues uninterrupted with the next paragraph of text. Note:there are several people walking on Sunset Blvd. in the video and most of them are dressed up for Halloween.

  The following action occurs from the 1:11-2:20 minute mark of "Haunted" as the video continues to play uninterrupted on the large video screen onstage. All the action in the video during this time interval is in slow motion. At the 1:11 minute mark of "Haunted," Gabriel spreads his wings out fully and the traffic light below him turns green. Following this, Gabriel begins flapping his wings and flies backwards in the air in slow motion moving away from Joshua. We see this from Joshua's vantage point as he looks out the windshield of his truck down Sunset Blvd.. When Gabriel moves over each traffic light on Sunset Blvd as he flies backwards, the light turns green until ultimately all the traffic lights on Sunset Blvd. are green. At the same time, all the traffic moves over to the slow lane and there are no longer any vehicles in the fast lane. In response, Joshua starts driving down the street in the fast lane following Gabriel. As Joshua drives down Sunset Blvd., he looks to his left at a church bus full of teenagers that passes by him, then looks to his right and sees a man standing at a corner on Sunset Blvd. holding a sign that says "The End is Near," and finally he looks back to his right and sees Pastor Gary drive by and wave to him. When Joshua observes these different people, he looks like he's in deep thought and appears troubled and pre-occupied. At the 1:40 minute mark of "Haunted," Joshua approaches the traffic light at the corner of Sunset Blvd. and N. Western Ave.. Gabriel is nowhere is sight and there's a very bad car accident at the corner. At the 1:45 minute mark of "Haunted," Joshua drives right next to one of the cars involved in the crash as the police divert all traffic on Sunset Blvd. on to N. Western Ave. When Joshua drives by the car, he sees a bloody and badly disfigured dead body lying on the hood of a car which was catapulted through the windshield in the accident. Joshua is visibly shaken and shakes his head in disbelief as he looks at the scene. Joshua continues to drive north on N. Western Ave. which becomes Los Feliz Blvd. looking for Gabriel. At the 2:01 minute mark of "Haunted," Joshua looks up and sees Gabriel high in the air some distance away. As Joshua continues driving on Los Feliz Blvd. towards Gabriel, Gabriel moves downward with his wings tucked behind him. By the time we reach the 2:15 minute mark of "Haunted," Gabriel is suspended in the air right above a traffic light at Los Feliz Blvd and Vermont Ave. which is the street leading to the Griffith Observatory. Joshua approaches this traffic light which is green for traffic traveling on Los Feliz Blvd. At this point, Gabriel looks at Joshua and points upwards in the direction of the Griffith Observatory. Immediately thereafter, Gabriel shoots across the sky like a shooting star towards the observatory vanishing from Joshua's sight. We have now reached the 2:20 minute mark of "Haunted" and the action in the video continues uninterrupted with the next paragraph of text.

  The following action occurs from the 2:20-4:14 minute mark of "Haunted" as the video on the large screen onstage continues playing uninterrupted. At the 2:20 minute mark of "Haunted," the video returns to normal speed, Joshua speeds up and makes a quick left turn on to Vermont Ave to follow Gabriel. He cuts across all lanes of traffic on Los Feliz Blvd. without looking at oncoming traffic and almost gets into a bad accident. Several cars have to swerve and slam on their brakes on Los Feliz Blvd. to prevent an accident from happening. Following this, Joshua pushes the gas pedal to the floor and drives extremely fast on Vermont Ave. en route to the observatory. Joshua swerves around any cars he encounters driving recklessly. At the 2:40 minute mark of "Haunted," we see lightning and all the lights on Vermont Ave. go off due to a power outage caused by the lightning leaving the street amd entire area completely dark. At about the 2:50 minute mark of "Haunted," we see the flashing orange lights of several barricades blocking off Vermont Ave. which are there because the Griffith Observatory is being renovated and is closed to the public. At the 2:56 minute mark of "Haunted," Joshua smashes through the barricades and we see several demonic angels emerge from the darkness flying straight towards Joshua's windshield looking and pointing at him. Right before the demonic angels reach the windshield and Joshua, Gabriel swoops in from the right side, grabs the demonic angels and carries them away to Joshua's left into the sky protecting him from harm. Joshua witnesses this take place and shakes his head in disbelief. This particular sequence of action takes place during the lead guitar work heard from the 2:56-3:04 minute mark of "Haunted." The Griffith Observatory comes into view at about the 3:20 minute mark of "Haunted" and Joshua drives straight on to the property coming to a screeching halt directly in front of the main entrance as shown above in Model 1. Joshua jumps out of his truck but then abruptly stops. Immediately thereafter, Joshua has a premonition and video of it begins to play at the 3:36 minute mark of "Haunted" superimposed over the video of Joshua at the Griffith Observatory that's on the large screen onstage. This new video shows Joshua who is pale and sweating profusely crashing through the front door of his home and run to the living room. When he arrives in the living room, he finds his father's full set of clothes lying in a recliner but his father's gone. Joshua is stunned, stares blankly at the clothes shaking his head in disbelief and looks upward cursing God. When the superimposed new video fades out, Joshua looks very troubled and fearful as the video on the large screen onstage continues to play. Shortly thereafter, at the 3:51 mark of "Haunted," Gabriel rises up from behind the large central dome of the observatory as shown above in Model 2 and Joshua sees this happen. When Gabriel stops rising upward, his orange eyes which already glow in the dark light up even brighter and Joshua is spellbound as he looks at Gabriel. Following this, we see Gabriel say "follow me" to Joshua once again and in response Joshua runs to the front of the observatory. By this time, we're at the 4:14 minute mark of "Haunted" and the action in the video continues uninterrupted with the next paragraph of text.

  The following action occurs from the 4:14 minute mark of "Haunted" until the song ends as the video continues to play uninterrupted on the large screen onstage. At the 4:14 minute mark of "Haunted," Joshua starts climbing up the scaffolding ultimately making his way to the base of the large central dome of the Griffith Observatory as shown above in Model 3. Keep in mind, the camera shots of Joshua climbing up the scaffolding will vary and won't be just wide expansive shots like that in Model 3 but will also include much tighter shots of Johsua as shown above in Model 4. Although there is no scaffolding seen in the models of the Griffith Observatory above, the scaffolding on the Observatory will be seen in the video. When Joshua reaches the base of the central dome at about the 4:43 minute mark of "Haunted," the video on the large video screen changes so that we are now looking up at the backside of the observatory as shown above in Model 4. Joshua is standing at the same location as he was in Model 3 looking up at Gabriel from the base of the central dome. Up to this point, the action of Joshua climbing up the observatory via the scaffolding has been strictly video footage. However, the image of Joshua seen above in Model 4 is not video footage but rather the musician playing the role of Joshua live onstage and the central dome is now an actual prop not a video image. The rest of the scene around the prop of the central dome in Model 4 is video footage on the large video screen onstage.The transition from the video footage of Joshua climbing the observatory to the live action of Joshua actually climbing atop the prop of the central dome live is seamless. As the action continues from the 4:45 minute mark of "Haunted," the musician playing Joshua begins climbing up the central dome prop reaching the top of it at about the 4:55 minute mark of "Haunted." When Joshua is about to stand atop the dome at about the 4:58 minute mark of "Haunted" and engage Gabriel, the video image of Gabriel on the large screen onstage flies upward into the sky eventually disappearing as Joshua watches. When "Haunted" ends, Joshua stands on top of the central dome prop onstage alone overlooking the city of Los Angeles as shown above in Model 5. In addition to the image seen on the large video screen in Model 5, pre-taped video begins to play on the screens on each side of the live stage once again. The video shows Joshua and the nightime view of Los Angeles from Joshua's vantage point atop the dome as shown above in Model 6. As the action continues, a haunting wind is heard, Joshua lights up a cigarette and the audience is cued to lift up different colored pieces of fluorescent tubing that were handed out prior to the show and/or their cell phones. Shortly thereafter, the pre-taped video of Joshua and the nightime view of L.A. from atop the observatory shown above in Model 6 fades out and is replaced by live video shots of the audience holding up the fluorescent tubing and/or cell phones. In effect, the audience now becomes the city lights of Los Angeles that Joshua is looking down upon from atop the central dome. At this point, the band begins playing the song "Hallow's Eve" live. The live action onstage continues uninterrupted as does the video on the large screen onstage as the song is performed. The description of the action that takes place when the song "Hallow's Eve" is performed live includes Models 7-10 and the text below Model 10. The text describing the action is broken down into sections that go along with the lyrics of the song. The audience continues to hold up the fluorescent tubing and/or cell phones and live shots of the audience are seen on the screens on each side of the live stage. Keep in mind, the song "Hallow's Eve" is incomplete and will be completely re-done. The song will re-structured, new lyrics will be used(see below), all new vocals will be recorded and ambient tones will be added to give the song a more theatrical feel. However, this version provides a example of how the action unfolds.    

Hallow's Eve

Hallow's Eve...
The world deceived
Hallow's Eve...
The blind can't see

Verse 1:
High above the city strung out on dope
A wicked wind howled killing any sign of hope
A trumpet sounded and there was a great shout
He came for his people and the saints cried

Verse 2:
<>I saw a bloody Sunset admist a smoke filled sky
Flames reigned down as barren souls cried
I watched in horror as sirens echoed in my head
Tears fell from my eyes
as I gazed upon the dead

Lead Break

Mid Intro:
Hallow's Eve...
The world grieved
Hallow's Eve...
But didn't believe

Verse 3:
My heart pounded and my palms sweart
I knew about the future and what lie ahead

I raced down Hope St. filled with despair

The life I knew was over and death was in the air

Verse 4:
Anxiety and fear gripped my soul
As darkness rose and took control
I drowned in sorrow and filled with hate
He took all I loved and sealed my fate

Newscaster's words in the song "Hallow's Eve:" Good morning, I'm reporting to you live concerning the events that have taken place worldwide in the last hour. Reports state that millions of people are dead or missing, planes are falling from the sky for no apparent reason and automobile accidents cover the streets. But nothing rivals the death and destruction in the United States where conservative estimates put the number of dead or missing at 30 million. Eyewitness accounts of people disappearing are widespread and some claim a religious phenomena known as the Rapture is responsible for the missing people and tonight's catastrophic chain of events.

Model 7-Joshua watches the Rapture from the central dome prop.

Model 8-L.A. and the Observatory on screens on each side of stage.


Model 9-Plane crashes into building on screens on sides of the stage.

Model 10-Boeing 777 crashes into the Hollywood Sign.

Hallow's Eve
Hallow's Eve...
The world deceived
Hallow's Eve...
The blind can't see

Verse 1:
High above the city
All strung out on dope
A wicked wind howled
Killing any sign of hope

The trumpet sounded
And there was a great shout
Christ came for His people
And the saints cried out

  As the action continues uninterrupted and the song "Hallow's Eve" isperformed live, Joshua sings the Intro and Verse 1 live from atop the central dome prop onstage looking out over the live audience who are holding up fluorescent tubing and/or cell phones. Live video of the audience doing this continues to play on the screens on each side of the live stage. As Joshua sings the lyrics "The trumpet sounded," the digital clock atop the live stage reads midnight on Nov. 1, 2016 as shown above in Model 7, a deafening trumpet is heard signaling the start of the Rapture and the image on the screens on each side of the live stage changes back to pre-taped video footage of Joshua atop the Observatory overlooking L.A. as shown above in Model 8. As soons as the lyrics "And the saints cried out" begin to be sung, countless bodies of light simultaneously shoot upward against the backdrop of the sky seen above in Model 7 and then vanish. At the same time, countless bodies of light simultaneously shoot upward from the city of L.A. in Model 8 and also vanish instantaneously. This sequence of action lasts only about a second or as the scriptures say "in the twinkling of an eye." The bodies of light are the new resurrected bodies of dead and living Christians who are being taken up into heaven by Christ as the Rapture takes place. Immediately after Verse 1 of the song "Hallow's Eve" ends, we hear the deafening roar of approaching jetliners followed by two massive explosions that occur one after another. On the first explosion, an airliner crashes into a skyscaper in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage as shown above in Model 9. On the second explosion, a Boeing 777 crashes into the Hollywood sign in the video on the large video screen onstage as shown above in Model 10. The music following Verse 1 is extended a few measures longer live to allow the action of the crashing planes to take place before Verse 2 starts to be sung. At this point, the video on the large screen onstage which is showing Joshua atop the central dome of the Griffith Observatory watching the plane crash into Hollywood sign is replaced by video of Joshua turning on to Sunset Blvd in his truck as Verse 2 from "Hallow's Eve" starts to be sung, At the same time, the video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage which shows the plane crashing into a skyscraper fades out and the screens fade to black. The action in the video on the large screen onstage continues uninterrupted with the next paragraph of text as the song "Hallow's Eve" continues to be performed live. 


Verse 2:
I saw a bloody Sunset
Admist a smoke filled sky
Flames reigned down
As barren souls cried

I watched in horror
Sirens echoed in my head
Tears fell from my eyes
As I gazed upon the dead

   As the first line in Verse 2 begins to be sung by the musician playing Joshua live, the video on the large video screen onstage shows Joshua turning on to Sunset Blvd. from Western Ave. in his truck in slow motion. Joshua hasn't completed his turn on to Sunset Blvd until Verse 2 is completed. As soon as the lead break begins to be played, Joshua sees the true extent of the devastation caused by the Rapture as he looks down Sunset Blvd.. There is total chaos and carnage and Joshua is blown away by the whole scene. As the lead break is played, the video on the large screen shows Joshua driving down Sunset Blvd. observing all the destruction. There are car accidents as far as the eye can see and the streets are filled with emergency vehicles, injured and dead people, and people wandering aimlessly on the streets in a state of shock. Numerous businesses and homes are on fire and smoke fills the sky. People are looting businesses and gangs are roaming the streets. Joshua sees Pastor Gary's car which has crashed into one of the businesses on Sunset Blvd. and nobody is in the car. On the corner where the man was standing earlier with the sign that read "The End is Near," Joshua sees the sign laying on the ground next to the clothes the man was wearing. Joshua also sees the woman he was kissing earlier at "Crossroads" and she is pinned between a Hummer and a traffic light pole. She is dead, her eyes are open and there is blood coming out of her mouth. After observing all this, tears well up in Joshua's eyes and run down his cheeks. Joshua continues driving on Sunset Blvd. and the action in the video on the large screen onstage continues uninterrupted with the next paragraph of text as the Mid Intro starts to be sung. The music of the lead break is the perfect soundtrack for the surreal and chaotic scene Joshua witnesses as he drives down Sunset Blvd.. Joshua finds himself disoriented by the scene on Sunset Blvd. and the guitar solo's vibe captures that perfectly.

Model 11-Joshua drives to the front entrance of his house.

Mid Intro:
Hallow's Eve...
The world grieved
Hallow's Eve...
But didn't believe.

Verse 3:
My heart pounded
And my palms sweat
I knew about the future
And what lie ahead

I raced down Hope Street
Filled with despair
The life I knew was over
Death was in the air

Verse 4:
Anxiety and fear
gripped my soul
As darkness rose
and took control

I drowned in sorrow
And filled with hate
He took all I loved
And sealed my fate

  When the Mid Intro begins, Joshua pulls up to an intersection and sees the aftermath of a bad accident involving the church bus he saw earlier on Sunset Blvd. before the Rapture took place. The bus is laying on its side and has been in a massive accident involving a fuel tanker and about 15 cars. There is a fire burning and smoke rising from the wreckage. Of special note, when Joshua arrives at this intersection, he must take a right turn to get around the accident. When he makes the turn, he pulls up next to a limo and there is no one inside. On the other side of the limo a short distance away, there is a group of people standing in the street looking at the accident including Joshua's girlfriend Darlene and his band. However, we only see their backsides from a distance in the video and Joshua doesn't see them nor do they see him as he drives by. As he continues driving, Joshua goes by "Crossroads" which is engulfed in flames. When Verse 3 starts to be sung, Joshua starts driving in residential areas en route to his home in the video on the large screen onstage. He looks pale and is sweating profusely, his hands are visibly sweating and he has a deathgrip on the steering wheel. There are some scattered car accidents, a few homes are on fire and some looting is taking place. Joshua speeds up driving faster in the residential areas because there are not as many obstacles to manuever around. Joshua continues driving on residential streets as Verse 4 is sung and up until the 3:40 minute mark of the song when he comes to a screeching halt at the front entrance of his home. As he drives, from the 3:12-3:18 minute mark of the song, Joshua looks at some Jack-O-Laterns that are still lit up on each side of the street and it looks as if they are laughing at and mocking him. At some point during this time, Joshua makes a sharp turn on to Hope Street and pushes the gas pedal all the way down driving even faster.  At this point, it's about 1:00 AM on Nov. 1 and the video continues playing uninterrupted on the large screen onstage with the next paragraph of text. >

  At about the 3:40 minute mark of the song "Hallow's Eve," Joshua comes to a screeching halt at the front entrance of his home as shown above in Model 11 and the video continues playing uninterrupted on the large screen onstage. Joshua exits his truck, crashes through the front door knocking it off its hinges and runs straight to the living room where a television is on reporting news about the Rapture. Joshua looks overwhelmed, continues to sweat profusely and looks pale. However, for a split second upon hearing the television in the living room, a look of hope races across Joshua's face in anticipation of seeing his parents in the living room but only his father's clothes are lying in a recliner in the living room. Joshua is stunned, stares blankly at the clothes shaking his head in disbelief and looks upward cursing God. This entire sequence of action takes place from the 3:40-3:50 minute mark of the song and is the same exact video Joshua saw in his premonition earlier at the Observatory. The remaining action in the video on the large screen occurs as the newscaster speaks for the remainder of the song "Hallow's Eve." As the action continues, Joshua looks at a picture of him and his mother directly above the televison living room. Immediately thereafter, he yells out "mom," runs out of the living room and starts looking for Lisa still in denial about all that has taken place. Joshua frantically runs around the entire house searching for Lisa repeatedly yelling out "mom." Joshua searches his parents room last, hears the shower on in their bedroom and enters the bathroom saying "mom" but gets no response. He pulls back the shower curtain but his mother is not there. Her wedding ring, a cross necklace she wore and diamond earrings are on the shower floor. Joshua looks very somber and picks up the necklace and ring from the shower floor. The cross necklace is gold and has a diamond in the center of it. He puts the wedding ring in his pocket and holds on to the cross necklace. Following this, Joshua walks over to the bathroom counter, picks up a T.V. remote and looks at himself in the mirror. He sees an image of his mother in the mirror smiling and standing behind him. Joshua smiles and turns around thinking his mom is standing behind him but nobody is there. He leans back against the bathroom counter and slides down until he is sitting on the ground looking dejected and demoralized. Shortly thereafter, the song "Hallow's Eve" ends and Joshua turns on the T.V. in his parent's room with the remote he's holding. At that exact moment, the video of Joshua in his parent's bedroom on the large video screen onstage stops playing, is replaced by the UNN logo as shown below in Model 12 and the stage lights up having been transformed into a UNN(Universal News Network) news station as shown below in Model 12. The set of the UNN newsroom shown below in Model 12 is an actual set onstage and not just an image on the large video screen. However, the UNN logo which shows the letters "UNN" above a picture of the earth in space is an image on the large video screen onstage. At this point, the newscaster in the song "Hallow's Eve" begins talking and the live theater presentation "The Newscast" begins. 


Hallow's Eve

"The Newscast"


Model 12-"The Universal News Network" Stage Set

Avie:  (When "The Newscast" segment opens, the stage has been transformed into a UNN news station as shown above in Model 12. News anchors Avie Reece and Dawn Rivers are live onstage as shown above in Model 12 and the screens on each side of the live stage start showing live close-ups of Avie and Dawn sitting onstage behind their news desks. At this point, Avie Reece begins the live newscast with the following dialogue which is exactly the same heard at the end of the song "Hallow's Eve." Any live news footage in "The Newscast" segment plays on the large video screen onstage and replaces the UNN logo which is on the screen. Good morning, I'm reporting to you live concerning the events that have taken place worldwide in the last hour. Reports state that millions of people are dead or missing, planes are falling from the sky for no apparent reason and automobile accidents cover the streets. But nothing rivals the death and destruction in the United States where conservative estimates put the number of dead or missing at 30 million. Eyewitness accounts of people disappearing are widespread and some claim a religious phenomena known as the Rapture is responsible for the missing people and tonight's catastrophic chain of events. (Looking at Dawn onstage) Dawn.

Dawn: The situation is so bad in many areas that UNN has been informed by various police and fire spokesmen that they lack the necessary resources to deal with an emergency of this magnitude. Additionally, hospital spokesmen tell UNN that virtually all the hospitals in the area are filled to capacity and there is a shortage of medical personnel to treat all the injured. Now let's go to Scott Marier somewhere in the City of Angels for a live report. Scott, this is Dawn. Where exactly are you and what's it like out there?

(At this point, pre-taped video footage of reporter Scott Marier begins to play on the large video screen onstage. Even though the footage of Scott is pre-taped, it's synced up with the live action occurring onstage on the UNN set so that it appears as if it's also live action. Scott is outside "Staples Center" in L.A. and he and his cameraman John Baker are on S. Figueroa Ave. crouched down behind a satellite news van taking cover from the chaos on the streets. Figueroa Ave. is set up to look like the Rapture has taken place and there are some automobile accidents, emergency vehicles, emergency personnel and other people on the street.) Dawn, we're right outside the Staples Center on Figueroa Ave.. Earlier tonight, I was backstage interviewing Saul Goldberg CEO of Rhythm Records who organized tonight's concert event at the Staples Center in celebration of Rhythm Records 50th Anniversary. Top musicians and bands of the last fifty years were performing and it was being hailed as the concert of all concerts, the single greatest collection of musical talent ever assembled. A few seconds after midnight, security came backstage and told us that people in the audience were disappearing and there was chaos in the arena and on the streets outside. At that point, John and I left the Staples Center to cover the events happening outside live. We've had to take cover behind our van because there's been random violence throughout the city and widespread looting. Law enforcement agencies urge the public to stay off the streets and may impose a statewide curfew at any moment. We have also been told the National Guard has been mobilzed and will begin patroling the streets momentarily. Dawn, the scene is unbelievable! (To John) See if you can get a shot down the street.-(Scott and John move out from behind the news van and John gets a camera shot looking at a portion of S. Figueroa Ave.. As described above, we see automobile accidents, emergency vehicles, emergency personnel and other people in the street. We also see a close-up looking into the windshield of a Mercedes Benz driving down S. Figueroa Ave and two men are in the car talking. The man driving is Saul Goldberg and the man in the passenger seat is actually the angel Gabriel. Gabriel is facing Saul, turns his head, looks out the windshield and we see his fiery orange eyes) Ambulances, fire trucks and police cars fill the streets and there are accidents as far as the eye can see. Fires are burning out of control all over the city. There is also a report that a Boeing 777 airliner has crashed into the historic Hollywood sign. As you reported Dawn, there is a lack of personnel and resources and some of the accident victims have been left unattended. The people are simply in a state of shock and confusion.


Dawn: Scott, has anyone given you any type of explanation of what might have caused all this to happen?


Scott: Well Dawn, I want to show you and our viewers some incredible video footage shot by one of the concert goers who attended the show here tonight and left a little early.-(As Scott says the dialogue above, he climbs into the news van and begins to work with some of the controls of the video equipment in the van) Here we go.-(At this point, the video on the large screen onstage switches from the video of Scott in the news van to the video footage shot by the concert goer. The video footage shows people in an Escalade disappear as they drive on S. Figueroa Ave. and then shows the driverless Escalade veer out of control slamming into a telephone pole. Scott talks as the video footage plays on the large video screen onstage.) Look at the people in the white Escalade. Everything's normal up to this point. But now watch very closely, right here, the people just disappear, and then we see the Escalade run into telephone pole. 


Dawn:  Scott, that's incredible! Can you show that to us again?

Scott:  Sure, but this time I'm going to slow the video down and show it to you frame by frame leading up to the point where the people actually disappear. Here we go.-(At this point, Scott begins to play the video once again and the live audience sees it on the large video screen onstage. When he gets to the part right before the people disappear, he starts showing the video frame by frame. When he gets to the frame immediately before the people disappear, he stops the video and speaks to Dawn and the audience) As you can clearly see right here, all the people are in the Escalade. Now let's move it up to the very next frame. Now you can see that the people are no longer in the vehicle.   


Dawn: (Shaking her head in disbelief) Scott, are you sure the video you were given wasn't manipulated or altered before you got it because people don't just disappear into thin air. 


Scott:  (The video footage of the Escalade on the large video screen is replaced by footage of Scott in the news van once again) I thought you might ask that very question because I thought the same thing when I first watched the video footage. But let me show you and the viewers something.-(At this point, Scott and John cautiously walk a short distance down S. Figueroa Ave. and the Escalade seen in the video footage comes into view. The Escalade is in the same location as it was in the video with its front end smashed up against a telephone pole. Scott approaches the vehicle and stands next to the driver's door) Here's the Escalade seen in the video and it's in the same location as it was in the video.-(Scott opens the driver's door and speaks to his cameraman) John, get a shot inside the SUV.-(Scott steps aside and John gets a camera shot of the inside of the Escalade. We see four complete sets of clothing in the vehicle with two sets in the front seat and two in the back but there's nobody in the Escalade) As you can see, there are four sets of clothing but nobody's in the vehicle. We checked the clothing in the front seat with that of the driver and passenger in the video footage and it's the same. I highly doubt these people slammed into the telephone pole, took off all their clothes and fled the scene. But you can draw your own conclusions.


Dawn: (Shaking her head) Unbelievable! Well, let me ask you again Scott. Have you heard any type of explanation of what's causing all this to occur, these mysterious disappearences?


Scott: Not really Dawn, some people have told me a religious event called the Rapture is the cause of all this but I'm not a religious person so I can't give you any information regarding that.

Dawn:  Well, hopefully there will be some answers soon. Scott, great work, extraodinary report. We'll get back to you for further updates. Take care of yourself and be safe.-(Immediately after Dawn says this, the revving of an engine and the screeching of tires is heard, and a pick-up truck with several people in the back of it comes into view. The rioters in the truck fire several shots in the direction of Scott and John.)

Scott: Oh my God! John's been hit in the head.-(As Scott says this, the camera shot on the large video screen changes as John and his camera fall to the ground after he's shot in the head. The camera falls to the ground lying on its side and only the pavement of the street is seen on the large video screen onstage. Shortly thereafter, we see a pair of boots on the pavement in the video on the large screen onstage and we hear Scott pleading for his life) Come on, you don't have to do this, please don't, please...-(At this point, we hear a series of gunshots go off and we no longer hear Scott who has just been shot and killed. Following this, we see one of the boots lift off the pavement and stomp on the camera. Immediately thereafter, the large video screen onstage  goes blank, no audio is heard and the UNN backdrop re-appears on the large video screen so the stage looks just like Model 12 above once again.)

Dawn: (Visibly skaken) I can't believe that just happened.-(Dawn turns to the side and away from the camera to collect herself and Avie continues the newscast.)

Avie:  We apologize to our viewers for that. Unfortunately, we can't always control what airs during live broadcasts. Brave men, very brave men and we all hope and pray they're all right.-(Avie pauses briefly) I've just been informed that philanthropist, rising political star and owner of our own UNN Dr. Christopher Gold, and noted theologian and leader of the S.O.U.L. Church, Dr. Jonathan Silver will address the world live from Vatican City shortly concerning tonight's events and of course we will bring it too you live. We need to take a short commercial break before continuing our live coverage.-(At this point, the entire stage goes dark and the news station set is no longer visible. Shortly thereafter, video begins playing on the large video screen onstage and it shows Joshua watching the very end of the newscast we just saw performed live. He watched the newscast in his parents room. This ends the act "Hallow's Eve" and the video on the large screen onstage continues to play as we move to the next act in "The Unveiling" which is "Alive.")