
  "The Unveiling" is an apocalyptic thriller about the Tribulaton Period, the unveiling of the events of the last seven years of man's existence preceding the second coming of Christ and is also the inspirational story of one man's redemption.  We watch the events unfold through the eyes of 21 year old hard rock musician Joshua Wells. On the verge of landing a lucrative record deal, his life would take a dramatic turn and change forever. Joshua is transformed into the superhero Holy Soldier with superhuman powers and battles evil as time runs out on a corrupt and wicked world. "The Unveiling" is written in the same style as the modern day superhero movies. There are multiple superheroes with supernatural powers, colorful and murderous villains, and it's the ultimate battle between good and evil. Supernatural events are the order of the day, high tech gadgetry abounds and there's a love story for the ages. "The Unveiling" is the perfect marriage between the ever popular superhero genre and music the most powerful and influential media of all. What separates "The Unveiling" from other superhero sagas is that music is central to the story and one of the main characters. "The Unveiling" is divided into parts 1 and 2. Part 1 is simply entitled "The Unveiling" and covers the first years of the Tribulation Period. Part 2 is entitled “The Unveiling Part II : The Final Apostles" and covers the final 3½ years of the Tribulation Period. Author and creator Avie Reece is currently working on the screenplay and novel for "The Unveiling" and they will be completed in November 2024. A musical will follow soon afterwards.  Click on the "next" button below  to read a brief introduction of the main characters in "The Unveiling."