When the
act "Onstage" begins, the video on the large screen onstage shows a
shot of a house
and the main character in "The Unveiling" Joshua Wells is in his
bedroom playing guitar as shown below in Models 1 and 2. The
audience can
playing guitar and the large digital clock atop the live stage shows
it's 7:00 P.M. on
night as shown below in Model 1. The wind is blowing hard outside, it's
cloudy and there is a
full moon.
The camera zooms in from the distant shot of the house and Joshua as
shown below in Model 2 until
we ultimately enter Joshua's bedroom. As the camera zooms in, the
volume of
guitar gets progressively louder peaking as soon as the camera shot
shows the
inside of his room. The vantage point for the descriptions of the
locations of Joshua's bedroom is from Joshua's vantage point looking
out his bedroom window. Once inside Joshua's "A" frame
bedroom, the
camera shot shows the entire room. The south wall of Joshua's bedroom
the large window that he's currently standing in front of and playing
guitar. There
is a poster of Superman on the south wall of the bedroom to the right
of the large window and one of Batman to the left of the
window. Joshua's
bed is located in the
center of the room pushed
up against a clear, see-through plexiglass partition that separates the
bedroom from another room behind it and the foot of the bed is directly
across from the large window on the south wall. There is a closet on
the far left(east) side of the room and a poster of Mystique
from the X-Men is on one of the closet doors. The north wall of the
room is the
clear, see-through plexiglass
partition and it has a glass door to the left of the bed that leads
into the room behind Joshua's bedroom. There is a large poster of
hung up on the plexiglass partition directly above the headboard of
Joshua's bed. The far right(west) side of the room has the door to
exit Joshua's room and a dresser with a large mirror on it to the right
of the door. There is a poster of Captain America to the right of
the dresser mirror on the far left wall of the room but the wall to the
left of the dresser mirror is bare. There are numerous other
items in the bedroom but I focused on those mentioned above because
they are central to the action in "The Unveiling." The room behind Joshua's bedroom is huge as shown below in Models 1 and 2 and houses rehearsal space, a recording
studio and a full bathroom. There is a large
collection of high end musical equipment in the room including several
amps and heads, no less than 25 guitars, several guitar rigs,
keyboards, a drum kit, and the recording
studio is state of the art with all the latest technology.
The room has a large veranda on its backside that runs the length of
the room and overlooks the city of L.A. which can't be seen in Models 1
and 2 below. As Joshua continues to play
guitar in front of the large window, the
camera pans
around the
room focusing on the five superhero posters(Superman,
Batman, Mystique from the X-Men, Spiderman
America) on his
walls starting with Superman to the right of the bedroom window on the
south wall and moving 360 degrees counterclockwise
around the room. The camera action is continuous and doesn't
stop on each poster but pans slowly enough so the details of each
poster are clearly seen as they come into view. Joshua
remains in the same position playing
guitar as
shown below in Models 1 and 2
and isn't looking at the posters
on the walls. As each poster comes
into view,
we see the superhero make a
very subtle movement such as blinking, moving his/her eyes or slighty
moving his/her head and no further movement is seen.
After the camera focuses on Superman once again, the scene in
the video switches from Joshua's room to the living room
where his parents Steve and Lisa Wells are with a group of people
having a Bible study. Pastor Gary is speaking and the video continues
uninterrupted with the dialogue below Model 2. When
"The Unveiling" begins, Joshua is a heroin addict. He's skinny, his
face is pale and sucked in, he has track on his arms and
circles around his eyes looking like a typical "junkie."

1-Distant shot of Joshua's home as he plays guitar.

2-The camera zooms in on Joshua as he plays guitar in his bedroom.
Pastor Gary: Next week we'll begin studying
the Book of Revelation and take a look at end time prophecy. (Joshua's
guitar playing is extremely loud and it
notably disturbs Steve and Lisa who are sitting next to Gary.)
(Lisa stands up and speaks to the group)
Excuse me for just a minute. (With the camera following
her, Lisa leaves the living room, walks towards Joshua's room, and begins knocking on his door.
There is
no response and she progressively knocks louder shouting) Joshua,
Joshua... (Upon getting no response, Lisa opens the door and
enters the room. Joshua's back is towards Lisa so he doesn't see or
hear her enter the room. Lisa taps Joshua on the shoulder, he turns
around somewhat startled, and quits playing the guitar.)
(Irritated) Whataya want.
(Shaking her head back and forth)
Don't talk to me like that. Turn it
down, we have company and can hear you clear across the house.
That's crap! It's not that loud.
(Sternly) Look Joshua,
I'm not going to get into it with you
right now. Turn it down.
(Defiantly) Yeah whatever. (Joshua undoes his guitar strap and throws
the guitar on his bed. As Joshua does this, Lisa takes a good
look at him.)
Lisa: You're using again
aren't ya?
Joshua: (Angry)
Whataya talking about?
Lisa: (Pointing at the mirror of Joshua's dresser) Take a look at yourself. You look
like the walking dead.
(Defensive) I've got a
cold, been sick all week.
(Shaking her head no)
Don't give me that. We told you this was your
last chance and if you used again you were gone.
(Escalating) So you're calling me
(Angry) Lower
your voice.
(Lowers his voice but still angry) Ya calling me a
(Nodding yes) Yeah.
(Pointing towards the door)
Get outta my room.
Lisa: (Lisa
glares at
Joshua) I need to get back
this isn't over by any means.
(Pointing at the door again)
Just leave!-(Lisa
walks out of the room, Joshua slams
the door shut behind her, locks it and starts cursing under his breath. He then walks over to his closet, takes a coat out of it, reaches
into its inside pocket and pulls out a leather pouch. Joshua sits on
his bed and opens the pouch. The pouch has a spoon, hypodermic needle,
some cotton, a large piece of rubber tubing and a few ballons of heroin
in it. The pouch and its contents are known as a heroin "rig." Joshua
opens up one of the ballons, puts the heroin in the
spoon, heats the spoon up, draws the heroin up into the hypodermic
needle, ties off his arm with the rubber tubing, palpates a vein and
injects the heroin
into his arm which has fresh track marks. Following
this, Joshua's head
slumps over and he nods off. After a
seconds, Joshua's cell phone rings and the ringtone is the AC/DC song
"Highway to Hell." Shortly thereafter, Joshua brings his head back up
and answers the cell phone. His speech is somewhat slurred) Hello.
Hey man, how's it going?
All right dude, but my parents are driving me nuts. I gotta
get out of this place.
I know what you mean but this is your big night. Don't let them get ya
You're right, can ya believe it bro we're
headlining a sold out show at "Crossroads" on Halloween night.-(The fictional club "Crossroads" is similar
in size to Club Nokia in L.A. and can accomodate an audience of about
Any record labels gonna be there
Yeah, Les said several will be
at the gig tonight. If everyone shows there's no way in hell they
pick us up.
Ya gotta be pumped up.
Yeah man, I'm like flyin right now. (Joshua pauses momentarily) But
I gotta let ya go and get down to the club.
We're on about 9:30, 10:00. You'll be there right?
Of course.
All right man, see ya there.
Later bro.-(At this point, Joshua
gets off his cell
and puts it in his pocket. He then gathers up all the items of his
heroin "rig" which are on his bed and puts them back in the leather
pouch. Joshua puts on his jacket and places the leather pouch in the
inside pocket of his jacket. Following this, he puts the electric
on the bed in a case and then grabs an acoustic guitar already in a
case. He walks out of his room towards the living room on the other
side of the house carrying both
guitars. Before reaching the living room, he stops and hears a
conversation his parents are having in the living room. Lisa and Steve
don't know Joshua is there and can hear their conversation.)
Lisa: (Angry) I've had enough! I'm sick
tired of his attitude, the disrespect and I know he's using again. He
needs to go now!-(When Lisa is
finished with the dialogue above,
Steve and her notice Joshua is standing there
and has heard their conversation. They are caught off guard, and
other people in the living room look at Joshua and them.)
Joshua: I
couldn't agree with ya more. I hate this place and don't worry you'll
never see me again. (Joshua
sets one of his guitars down and
picks up a Bible sitting on one of the chairs in the living room. He
looks at the people in the living room, shakes his head back and forth, and begins
laughing) You people actually
believe these fairy tales don't ya? What a
bunch of losers.-(At this
point, Joshua tosses the Bible on
the floor, picks up the guitar he sat down and looks at his parents)
I'm so outta here.-(At this point, Joshua
turns around and begins walking towards the front door.)
Steve: (Loudly) Joshua, Joshua...
Joshua: (Joshua continues
walking towards the front
door ignoring his father. When he reaches the door, Joshua sets
both of the guitars down on the porch outside, turns around and looks
his parents one last time, smiles and says) Go to hell!-(After
Joshua says this, he slams the front door shut, this videotaped
segment ends and the large video screen onstage fades to black. The are
models and accompanying text below the lyrics of the song "In Thy
Kingdom Come" that describe the action that takes place
on the
live stage and in the video playing on all the video screens
as the song "In My Kingdom Come" is performed live. Click
on the play
button below to listen to the song "In Thy Kingdom Come." The
lyrics of the song are listed below the play button. There
are no vocals for Verses 1 and 2 in the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" yet.
The lyrics for the bridges and choruses will be different than
what you hear in the song and will be changed to what they are in the
lyrics below. In addition, the vocals will be completely re-done. At
the very end of the act Onstage, there is a play button that you can
click on and view a presentation showing the action
that takes place as this song "In Thy Kingdom Come" is
performed live at "Crossroads." However, you
must view the
models below
and read the accompanying text before you watch the presentation. The
presentation of the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" uses still images and
not actual video with
moving parts. You will not get a complete picture of all the action
that takes place during the performance of the song unless you look at
the models below and read the accompanying text before viewing the
presentation. At this
point, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 1-3 and the text
below Model 3 as the setting changes from Joshua's home to the club
"Crossroads" where Joshua's band "Joshua's Tree" plays a show on
In Thy Kingdom Come
As I walk onstage, and feel the lights,
It's the crowd that brings me to life
Souls connected as we gather,
We'll dance the night away
Bridge 1:
Thy will be done- Let the service start
Thy will be done-Open up your heart
Thy will be done-Listen to His voice
Thy will be done-In Him rejoice
Let the flames burn bright
Every day and night
Feel the power of the son
In thy kingdom come
Verse 2:
I love the women, and the drugs,
and the
sweet smell of sin
Come on and join us onstage
and let the decadence begin
Thy will be done- Let the service start
Thy will be done-Open up your heart
Thy will be done-Listen to His voice
Thy will be done-In Him rejoice
Chorus 2:
Let the flames burn bright
Every day and night
Feel the
power of the son
In thy kingdom come
Lead Break:
Let the flames burn bright
Every day and night
Feel the power of the son.
In thy kingdom come
Hallowed be thy name...

1-Fog fills the darkened stage at "Crossroads"(the live stage.)

2- Joshua's Tree artwork appears on the large video screen onstage.

3-Satan appears above the "Gate to Hell" and he laughs manically.
As soon as the video on the large
screen onstage fades to black ending the videotaped segment at Joshua's
pre-taped video footage
begins playing on the video
screens on each side of the
live stage. The video shows
the fictional club
"Crossroads" on
Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood with a billboard announcing that Joshua's
band "Joshua's
Tree" is headlining a
Halloween concert. The large
digital clock atop the live
stage which is in effect the stage at the club "Crossroads" shows it's
P.M. on Oct.
31, 2018 as shown above in Model 1. The stage is dark and most of the
live audience that's watching "The Unveiling" being performed live is
dressed up like
Halloween. This is an example of the interactive nature of the
production as audiences attending live performances of "The Unveiling"
in effect become the crowd at "Crossroads" on Halloween. When "The
Unveiling" tours worldwide, audiences will be encouraged to dress up
for the show like it's actually Halloween. As a
result, regardless of the dates live audiences see "The Unveiling,"
they get to celebrate Halloween when attending a performance
of the musical. As the action continues, the
watching the
production of "The Unveiling" live plays the role of the crowd at
"Crossroads." The lights go out in the auditorium where "The Unveiling"
is being performed live signaling the show at "Crossroads" is about to
the crowd roars it's approval and the live
stage(ie. "Crossroad's" stage) fills up with fog as shown above in
Model 1. When the
intro of the song "In Thy Kingdom
Come" starts
to play, video
which is "Joshua's Tree" artwork appears on the large video screen
onstage as shown above in Model 2. However,
unlike the video image in Model 2, the "Gate to Hell" is
completely closed at this time and the hounds of hell are not pulling
the levers
opening the "Gate to Hell" yet.
30 second
of the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" plays, the artwork
the large screen onstage comes to life in sync with the audio of the
intro and
the hounds of hell look upward and howl. Following
this, the hounds of
hell pull the levers to open
the "Gate to Hell" and we see and hear the gate opening up as shown
above in Model 2. Shortly thereafter, an image of
Satan appears above the "Gate to
Hell" and he starts
maniacally as
shown above in Model 3. At the same time, some branches from the two
in the artwork connect to the image of Satan as shown above in Model 3.
Immediately thereafter, all the branches of the two trees come to life
and start moving around. Although not shown in the artwork above,
some of the branches wrap around the "Joshua's Tree" initials at the
top of the stage. The branches of the trees will move throughout the
video presentation of the song "In They Kingdom Come." When Satan stops
laughing, the gate is
completely open and stops moving which can be heard. At this point,
the intro is over and Joshua and his band
start playing the beginning of the song "In Thy Kingdom Come." Joshua
has no idea whatsoever how prophetic he is as he performs the song "In
Thy Kingdom Come" with its video presentation which he wrote and
created. Only an hour after
Joshua's show at "Crossroads" ends, the Rapture will take place and
usher in
the most wicked and evil Kingdom the world's ever seen. At this point,
the action continues uninterripted with Models 4-10 and the text below
Model 10 as the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" is performed live. Note: the
small box below the letters "JL" in the
"Joshua's Tree" artwork is the puzzle box from the
"Hellraiser" movies.

4-Drums, drummer and riser light up as the drummer begins to play.

5-Bassist walks through the "Gate to Hell" to the left side of amps.

6-Guitarist walks through the"Gate to Hell" to the right side of amps.

7-Joshua rises up from underneath the stage in the fog.

8-Joshua atop the stage in the fog playing
Verse 1 with
his band.

9-Artwork moves forward on screen as Joshua performs Bridge 1.

10-Image on the screens on each side of live stage during Bridge 1.
As the intro ends and the
beginning of the song "In Thy Kingdom" is played live, the
drummer, his drum set and riser lights up as shown above in Model
4. At the same time, the video
playing on the
screens on each side of the live stage changes from showing the
video of "Crossroads" on Sunset Blvd. to live video of the action
occuring onstage. Following
this, the bassist
walks through the "Gate to Hell" playing his bass and down the steps to
the top of the amplifiers, walks on the amps to the left side of the
stage and stops standing atop the left amps playing bass as shown above
in Model 5. After this, the lead guitarist walks
through the "Gate to Hell" playing guitar and down the steps to
the top of the
amplifiers, walks on the amps to the right side of the stage and stops
standing atop the right amps playing guitar as shown above in Model 6. Because I can't actually show the
band members walking through the gate to where they're standing atop
the amps in the presentation, they just appear in the locations they
would walk to as shown
Models 5 and 6. In the actual live presentation, the musicians
would walk through the "Gate to Hell" to their designated locations
atop the amps. The desired effect for this sequence of action is for it
to appear as if the musicians are actually walking from hell through
the "Gate to Hell" and on to the stage. If more time is required for
the musicians to walk through the gate and to their locations on top of
the amplifiers than is currently provided in the beginning of the song
"In Thy Kingdom Come," the very beginning of the song will be extended
to accomodate this action. As the
continues, Joshua rises
up from underneath the stage through the fog playing guitar until he is
onstage as shown above in Models 7 and 8. The desired effect is for it
to appear as if Joshua is rising up from hell on to the stage. At this
point, the band performs Verse 1 of the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" as
shown above in Model 8. As Joshua finishes singing Verse 1
and before Bridge 1 starts, the "Joshua's Tree" artwork moves forward
increasing in
size as shown above in Model 9. The desired effect is for it to
appear as if we are walking up the steps to
the entrance of the "Gate to Hell." When Verse 1 is completed, Bridge 1
is sung and performed in the
following manner. The image of Satan above the "Gate to Hell" sings the
"Thy will be done"
portion of each line of Bridge 1 followed by Joshua singing the
remaining lyrics of each line. For
example, as the first line of Bridge 1 is sung, Satan sings the
"Thy will
be done" portion of the line and Joshua finishes the first line singing
"Let the service start." Right
before Satan sings "Thy will be done" for the first time in Bridge 1,
Joshua looks
back and points at the image of Satan on the large video screen
onstage. Immediately
thereafter, Satan sings "Thy will be done" for the first time.
Following this, Joshua turns back around looking at the audience, sings
"Let the service start" and
turns back around looking up at the image of Satan once
again. In response, Satan sings "Thy will be done" for the second time, Joshua turns
back around looking at the audience once again and sings "Open up your heart." This same sequnce of events occurs for
the last two lines of Bridge 1. By the time Bridge 1 is completed,
Joshua is looking out at the audience. This same exact sequence of
events just described for Bridge 1 also happens during Bridge 2 later
in the song. This
entire sequence of action
of Satan and Joshua singing Bridge 1 is shown live on the video
screens on each side of the live stage. The camera shot is tight and
focuses on Satan and Joshua as shown above in Model 10. The
action continues uninterrupted with Models 11-16 and the text below
Model 16 as Bridge 1 ends and Chorus 1 is performed live.

and his band performing the end of Bridge 1.

12-Joshua and his band performing Chorus 1 with live video on screen.

13-1st set of flames shoot into air as line 1 of Chorus 1 is sung by

14-Stage during Chorus 1 before the 2nd set of flames shoot upward. |

15-2nd set
of flames shoot into air as line 3 of Chorus 1 is sung by Josh.

16-Stage at end of Chorus 1 prior to Verse 2 being performed.
As soon as Bridge 1
ends, the video
of the "Joshua's Tree" artwork on the large screen
onstage moves forward as if
we were walking towards the "Gate to Hell," we literally enter
hell through the "Gate to
Hell," and the live stage is transformed into hell with orange lights and smoke, flames and
darkness as shown above in
Models 12-16. The video of the
"Joshua's Tree" artwork on the large screen onstage is replaced by live video of the stage,
Joshua and the drummer as shown above in Model 12. The live video of the stage on the screen onstage makes
it look as if there are two
stages with one on top of the other as shown above in Model 12. It also
makes it look as if the bassisit and lead guitarist are onstage with
Joshua and the drummer rather than atop the amplifiers. The video
playing on the screens on each side of the live also changes when
Chorus 1 begins. The live video of Joshua and Satan onstage as shown
above in Model 10 is replaced by live video of the performance of
Chorus 1. As Chorus 1 is performed, two sets of flames shoot into the
air one after another as shown above in Models 12-16. The first set of
flames that appears is timed so that the first line of Chorus 1 "Let the flames burn bright" is sung as flames shoot into the air as
shown above in Model 13. The
second set of flames that appears is timed so that the third line of
Chorus 1 "Feel the
power of the son" is
sung as flames shoot into the air as shown above in Model 15. When
Chorus 1 is completed, the live video of Joshua, the drummer and the
stage on the large screen onstage changes back to the "Joshua's Tree"
artwork and the fog onstage turns back to its original color as shown
above in Model 11. At this point, Verse 2 starts to be performed. The
same action described above for
Verse 1, Bridge 1 and Chorus 1 also occurs as Verse 2, Bridge 2 and
Chorus 2 of the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" are performed live. This includes all the action live
the video on the large video screen onstage and the video on the
screens on each side of the live stage. By the time Chorus 2 is
completed, the stage looks like Model 16 above. The action continues
uninterrupted with Models
17-26 and the text below Model 26 as Chorus 2 ends and the lead guitar break begins.

17-Stage at end of Bridge 2 leading into the lead break of the song.

18-Joshua moving downward into the fog during the lead break.

19-Joshua disappears into the fog and is no longer onstage.

20-Live video of the stage and drummer on large screen onstage ends.

21-Video of the "Lake of Fire" begins playing on video screen onstage.

22-Video of Joshua emerging from the "Lake of Fire."

23-Video of Joshua standing on top of the "Lake of Fire."

24- Live Joshua arrives back onstage atop the amplifiers.

25-Video of Joshua in Satan's hands coming out of burning world.

26-Appearance of the live stage at the end of the lead break.
As Chorus 2 of "In Thy Kingdom Come" comes to a close and the lead
break begins, the live stage looks like Model 17 above. At this point,
Joshua begins lowering into the fog as shown above in Model 18,
ultimately disappears into the fog and is no longer seen onstage as
above in Model 19. The lead guitarist and bassist remain standing
atop the amplifiers and the live video of the stage and drummer
continues to play on
the large screen onstage as shown above in Model 19. Following
this, the live video of the stage and drummer quits playing on the
large screen onstage and the video screen fades to black
as shown above in Model 20. Shortly thereafter, pre-taped video of the
Fire" begins playing on the large screen onstage as shown above in
Model 21. The lake has flames burning from its surface consuming the
and the "JT" initials are in
front of the world as shown above in Model 21. It's critical to remember
that this will be video in the actual production and not just a still
picture. In the video of this image, the waters of the "Lake of
Fire" are moving as ripples flow across its surfaces, the flames rising
from the surface of the lake are moving upward and swaying back and
forth, the burning world spins as its consumed by the flames and the
"JT" initials in front of the burning world are themselves on fire but
remain stationary as the world spins. This conceptual artwork is perfect for what's about to
happen worldwide as the most wicked and evil kingdom the world's
ever seen is about to be
born. As the
action continues, video of Joshua rising upward from the "Lake of Fire'
as shown above in Model 22 begins to play and he ultimately rises
upward until he's
standing on the surface of the "Lake of Fire" as shown above in Model
23. After this, the video image of Joshua walks on the "Lake of Fire"
towards the very front of the video screen. At the exact moment the
video image of Joshua is at the very front of the screen, the musician
playing Joshua live re-appears onstage via a hydraulic lift located
within the
amplifiers. Joshua stands atop the amps and the video image of Joshua
disappears from the video screen as shown above in Model 24. The
desired effect is for it to appear as if the video image of Joshua
walks out of the video screen and becomes the live Joshua who is
presently standing atop the amplifiers. As
lead break nears
its end, an image in the burning world moves forward increasing in
size. The image is Joshua playing guitar and standing in Satan's hands
with fire
burning around him as shown above in Model 25. He is playing "In Thy Kingdom Come" on his guitar in sync with the live
performance of the song and screaming which can be heard. As the image
of Joshua in Satan's hands moves forward in the world, the video of the
of Fire" begins to fade out. By the end of the lead break, the
video of the "Lake of Fire" is no longer on the video screen onstage
and just the image of Joshua in Satan's hands is on the screen as shown
above in Model 26. This same video sequence is also shown on the
screens on each side of the live stage and by the time the lead break
ends only Joshua is Satan's hands is seen on these screens also. Note: later on in the act "Alive" there
is action involving the hands of God and Joshua. At this point, the
action continues uninterrupted with
Models 27-36 and the text below Model 36 as the lead break ends and
Chorus 3 begins.

27-Appearance of the live stage at beginning of Chorus 3 with image.

28-1st set
of flames shoot into air as line 1 of Chorus 3 is sung.

and his band performing Chorus 3 with image of Joshua.

30-2nd set
of flames shoot into air as line 3 of Chorus 3 is sung.

31-The band and image of Joshua play with strob lights on.

32-Original "Joshua's Tree" artwork plays on large acreen onstage.

33-Joshua walks from amps through the "Gate to Hell".

walks from amps through the "Gate to Hell."

walks from amps through the "Gate to Hell."

36-The "Joshua's Tree" initial light up in orange on the video screen.
As the lead break of the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" ends and Chorus 3
begins, the live stage looks like hell and the image of Joshua playing
guitar in Satan's hands is on all the video screens as shown above in
Model 27. Two
sets of flames shoot into the
air one after another during
Chorus 3 just like they did
in Chorus 1 and 2 as shown
above in Models 28-31. As before, the first set of
flames that appears is timed so that the first line of Chorus 1 "Let the flames burn bright" is sung as flames shoot into the air as
shown above in Model 28. The
second set of flames that appears is timed so that the third line of
Chorus 1 "Feel the
power of the son"
sung as flames shoot into the air as shown above in Model 30. The video
image of Joshua in Satan's hands sings Chorus 3 and plays guitar in
sync with the band as the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" is
performed live. As soon as
the band begins playing very fast following Chorus 3, countless strob
lights come on for the duration of the fast music which is about 15
seconds long. As the strob lights flash, the video image of Joshua in
Satan's hands on
all three video screens rapidly jerks his head back and forth and up
and down in haphazard fashion screaming at the same time so that it
as if he's going insane. At the same time, the musicians standing on
top of the amplifiers live onstage start moving quickly and rockin out
optimize the effects of the strob lights. When the fast music ends, the
video image of Joshua in the devil's hands is replaced by the orginal
"Joshua's Tree" artwork on the large screen onstage as shown
above in
Model 32. At the same time, the video image of Joshua in Satan's hands
on the video
screens on each side of the live stage are replaced by close-ups of
Satan above the "Gate to Hell" in the "Joshua's Tree" artwork.
Immediately thereafter, the last vocals
of the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" which are "Hallowed be thy name" are sung
by Satan on all three video screens. As the song comes to a close,
Joshua turns around, walks up the steps towards the "Gate to Hell" and
through the gate disappearing from sight into hell as shown above in Model
continuing to play the song
"In Thy Kingdom Come." The lead guitarist and finally the bassist do
same thing from their locations atop the amplifiers as shown above in Models 34 and 35
to play
the song leaving only the drummer onstage. Shortly thereafter, the song
"In Thy Kingdom Come" ends, we see and hear the gate close, the stage
goes completely dark and the "Joshua's Tree" initials
light up in
orange on the video screen onstage as shown above in
Model 36. The same action described for Models 32-36 is shown live on
the video screens on each side of the live stage and the final image on
these video screens is also the orange "JT" initials. If more time
is required for
the musicians to walk from their locations on top of the amps through
the "Gate to Hell" and into hell than is currently provided at the end
of the song
"In Thy Kingdom Come," the ending of the song will be extended
to accomodate this action.
At this point, the
"Onstage" is over. Click on
the play button below to view a presentation showing the action that
takes place as the song "In Thy Kingdom Come" is performed live at
"Crossroads." You will need
to hit the
"back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue
reading the production.
The action continues
uninterrupted as we move to
the next act
the musical which is
"Hallow's Eve." Click
the "next" button below to go to the act "Hallows Eve."
In Thy Kingdom Come