
  When the "Prologue" begins, the sound of thunder is heard and video of a mixture of fire and smoke and lightning in the sky appears on the large video screen onstage as shown below in Model 1. Following this, the angel Gabriel appears from within the fire and smoke looking out at the live audience as shown below in Model 2 and begins speaking to the audience from the dialogue below. Models 1-14 below show the action that takes place in the "Prologue" video which plays on the large screen onstage.

Gabriel: I’ve been here from the beginning and have seen it all. Sin has ravaged mankind since its birth and the curse of death has defiled all creation. Through the ages, man waged war and I witnessed firsthand the slaughter of hundreds of millions of people as man pursued his lust for power and turned away from the face of God. As the pages of history turned, pestilence and famine befriended war and countless more millions perished. But nothing rivaled the death and destruction of the final seven years. The war, pestilence and famine of the past were merely labor pangs foreshadowing the birth of the most wicked age in man’s history. But there was a light amidst all the darkness, a man with a message of hope who fought evil. This is his story. This is “The Unveiling.”-(When Gabriel begins speaking the second sentence from the dialogue above, video of Eve standing by the the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden with a piece of fruit from the tree in her hand starts playing superimposed on the fire and smoke background as shown below in Model 3. In addition, Satan(the serpent) is seen in the video looking down and speaking to Eve from the tree as shown below in Model 3. As Gabriel says sentence 2 from the dialogue above, Eve brings the fruit to her mouth and takes a bite out of it. Shortly thereafter, the tree, Eve and the serpent wither falling on to the ground until they are no longer visible in the video. Immediately thereafter, Gabriel starts saying the third sentence in the dialogue above and video of the graves in Normandy begins playing on the fire and smoke background as shown below in Model 4. From this point forward, video clips of the images shown below in Models 5-10 appear on the fire and smoke background with Gabriel in the sequence shown in the models below in sync with the audio that's playing as Gabriel speaks. Following the nuclear explosion as shown below in Model 10, Gabriel fades out and the video on the large screen onstage shows just the fire and smoke background as shown below in Model 11. As Gabriel continues speaking the dialogue above, the fire and smoke background on the video screen onstage starts to dissipate and a new image begins to emerge on the large video screen onstage as shown below in Models 12 and 13. By the time Gabriel finishes the dialogue above, the new image is seen on the large video screen onstage, the music accompanying the "Prologue" video ends and the sound of  someone playing electric guitar begins to be heard. The new video image is a distant shot of a house and the main character of "The Unveiling" Joshua Wells who is in his upstairs bedroom above the garage playing guitar and can be seen in the large window as shown below in Model 14. The large digital clock atop the live stage in Model 14 shows it's 7:00 P.M. on Oct. 31, 2018. Click on the play button below Model 14 to see the "Prologue" Trailer. Keep in mind, Gabriel and the images appearing on the fire and smoke background will be actual video and not just static photographic images as they are in the trailer. After you view the trailer, you will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue reading the production. The action continues uninterrupted with the first act of the musical which is "Onstage." Click on the "next" button at the bottom of this page to go to the act "Onstage." )


Model 1-Video of fire and smoke appears on the large video screen onstage.


Model 2-Gabriel appearing on the fire and smoke background on the large screen onstage.

Model 3-Eve, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the serpent on fire and smoke.

Model 4-Video of the graves at Normandy appearing on the fire and smoke background.

Model 5-Video of Hitler appearing on the fire and smoke background.


Model 6-Video of Bin Laden and a terrorist appearing on the fire and smoke background.

Model 7-The World Trade Center Towers appearing on the fire and smoke background.

Model 8-Video of famine striken child appearing on the fire and smoke background.

Model 9-Video of an American soldier appearing on the fire and smoke background.

Model 10-Video of a nuclear bomb exploding appearing on the fire and smoke background.

Model 11-Video of fire and smoke background on the large video screen onstage.

Model 12-Video of fire and smoke dissipating on the large video screen onstage #1.

Model 13-Video of fire and smoke dissipating on the large video screen onstage #2.

Model 14-Video of Joshua playing guitar upstairs in his bedroom on the large screen onstage.


The "Prologue" Trailer.