The Temple of Gold


  When the act "The Temple of Gold" opens, video begins to play on the video screens on each side of the live stage. We see news anchor Avie Reece in an UNN news station and he begins speaking

Avie:  This is a special report from the Universal News Network. We are now going live to Dawn Rivers in Jerusalem for the dedication ceremony of the new Jewish Temple.-(At this point, the video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes and we now see Dawn Rivers live in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount reporting on the dedication ceremony of the new Temple of Jerusalem. She is standing in front of the east gate of the new Temple which is labeled "A"  in Model 1 below and is facing a crowd that's on the Temple Mount to witness the dedication and the silhouette of the front of the new Temple can be seen behind her. At this point, Dawn begins speaking the dialogue below Model 2.)

Model 1-Simple Diagram of the new Temple of Jerusalem

Model 2-The "Temple of Gold" on the Temple Mount

Dawn: Good evening to our viewers around the world. We are coming to you live via satellite from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and for the second straight night the Holy City is hosting a celebration of Biblical proportions. Last night thousands gathered here for Symbols's final show and billions watched on television as their record breaking tour came to a triumphant conclusion. (Shaking her head from side to side in awe) What a show! I've never seen anything like it In my 20 years as a journalist and still can't believe what I witnessed. The whereabouts of Symbols's leader Joshua Wells known to many as "Holy Soldier" are still unknown after he entered a large burning cross over Western Wall Plaza in a chariot of fire last night. Well, tonight promises to be every bit as spectacular because in just a few moments Dr. Christopher Gold will unveil the new Jewish Temple. Tens of thousands of people have descended upon Jerusalem and the atmosphere here can be best described as electric. Three years in the making and designed and built by the world's most skilled architects and craftsmen, we have been told the Temple is a breathtaking visual spectacle. The Temple boasts the largest collection of precious jewels in the world and the entire complex inside and out is overlaid in 24 karat gold. Dr. Gold has spent billions of dollars of his own money on the Temple and when I interviewed him earlier today he stated the Temple is his legacy to mankind. He also told me he will shock the world tonight.(Dawn pauses, looks down, cocks her head to the side, and puts her hand on her earpiece. Shortly thereafter, she looks up and continues speaking) I have just been notified the time has come.-(At this point, Dawn sits down in the front row of chairs on the Temple Mount to watch the dedication ceremony along with the crowd and the video on the screens on each side of the live stage ends fading to black. Following this, music starts to play and Dr. Gold begins his address at the dedication ceremony. In the act "The Temple of Gold," the unveiling of the new Temple occurs live onstage. I have put together a simple diagram of the entire Temple complex as shown above in Model 1 showing its main areas. The portion of the Temple complex that will be unveiled live onstage is the front of the complex. This includes the East Gate and two gold porches with one on each side of the East Gate as shown above in Model 1. Each gold porch has gold steps leading up to it, 6 gold pillars which support a roof above it and a gold wall with five unique pieces of Jewish religious artwork on it as shown above in Model 1. In addition to the front of the Temple complex, the sanctuary of the new Temple will also be unveiled live onstage. The set of the front of the Temple is an actual set onstage and not just an image on the large video screen. However, the sanctuary of the new Temple that is unveiled live is an image on the large video screen onstage. The live audience who watches the unveiling of the new Temple live onstage becomes the crowd on the Temple Mount. There's a picture of the "Temple of Gold" shown above in Model 2 that shows what the entire Temple complex will actually look like in "The Unveiling." This is the same picture Dr. Gold used in the act "Man of the Hour" when he told the world he was going to build the new Temple next to the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. However, the picture of the new Temple above doesn't have the gold porches on each side of the East Gate. If the gold porches which are shown above in Model 1 are added to the front of the Temple complex as shown in the picture in Model 2, you have the new Temple as it appears in "The Unveiling." Of course, you will see the new Temple up close and in much more detail than is shown in this picture and will be able to see all the precious stones that are part of the new Temple.. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 1-3 and the text below Model 3 as Dr. Gold begins his address at the dedication ceremony.)  

Model 1-The unlit model of "The Temple of Gold".

Model 2-Dr. Gold appears atop the East Gate of the Temple with fire.

Model 3-The spotlight on Dr. Gold atop the East Gate of the Temple.

  As the action continues uninterrupted, music starts to play, the stage is completely dark as shown above in Model 1 and there is nobody onstage. Shortly thereafter, a large flame shoots up into air above the East Gate of the Temple and we see the silhouette of Dr. Gold who is standing atop the East Gate as shown above in Model 2. Following this, a spotlight encircles Dr. Gold as he continues to stand atop the East Gate as shown above in Model 3. At this point, Dr. Gold begins his address at the dedication ceremony with the dialogue below.

Dr. Gold:  What a glorious time to be alive! years ago the world stood on the brink of collapse and I asked you to have faith and trust in me. I promised I would breath new life into our dying world. You gave me your support and just look at the brand new world we've created together. We're well on our way to putting in place a government that serves the needs of all the people and not just a select few.-(Dr. Gold pauses and the crowd roars its approval.) Through the Gold Peace Accord, the impossible dream of world peace has become reality and for the first time in history our children play in a world free from the nightmare of war.-(Dr. Gold pauses and the crowd roars its approval) As promised, the GPS system is now fully operational and online worldwide. We now have the most innovative and advanced economic system the world's ever known. It will usher in a new era of prosperity and economic growth like never before and soon we will all walk on streets of Gold!-(Dr. Gold pauses and the crowd roars its approval) And never before has our world been in such spiritual harmony with all religions united for one universal purpose, the complete unification of all humanity, one body and one SOUL!-(When Dr. Gold says "one body and one SOUL" from the dialogue above, the SOUL logo which was seen earlier in the act "Man of the Hour" appears on the video screens on each side of the live stage. The SOUL logo will remain on these screens as the unveiling of the new Temple takes place. At this point, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 4-8 and the text below Model 8 as the unveiling of the new Temple occurs live onstage.)

Model 4-The "East Gate" Lights Up.

Model 5a-The artwork of Abraham and Solomon.

Model 5b-The artwork of Moses and David.

Model 5c-The artwork of prophet Daniel and Isaiah.

Model 6a-The gold pillars light up-The tribes of "Naphtali and Dan."

Model 6b-The gold pillars light up-The tribes of "Simeon and Manasseh."

Model 6c-The gold pillars light up-The tribes of "Issachar and Zebulun."

Model 6d-The gold pillars light up-The tribes of "Ephraim and Benjamin."


Model 7a-Lights lighting up #1.

Model 7b-Lights lighting up #2.

Model 7c-Lights lighting up #3.

Model 7d-The Sanctuary of "The Temple of Gold."

Model 8-The front of the Temple with the Jerusalem backdrop.

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 4-8, the stage looks like Model 3 above, Dr. Gold continues his address with the dialogue below and the unveiling of the new JewishTemple begins live onstage.

Dr. Gold:( (1)Now for the moment you've all been waiting for. (2)They said it couldn't be done, that a new Jewish Temple could never be built next to the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. (3)Sound the trumpets and let the unveiling begin! (4)Step up and enter the new Temple of Jerusalem. (5)Walk with me down the hall of prophets and patriarchs with artwork done by the world's premier artists celebrating the unique and extraordinary history of the Jewish people; Joseph and Elijah(not pictured}, Noah and Samson(not pictured}, Abraham and Solomon, Moses and David, and Daniel and Isaiah. (6)Stand tall and proud Israel with twelve gold pillars for the twelve tribes of the Sons of Israel; the tribes of Judah and Rueben(not pictured), Gad and Asher(not pictured), Naphtali and Dan, Simeon and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, and Ephraim and Benjamin. (7)Oh Jerusalem, let your light shine bright for all the world to see with domes of diamonds and rubies(not pictured), emeralds and sapphires(not pictured), beryl and turquoise, topaz and jacinth, onyx and jasper, and agate and amethyst. (8)Now enter the sanctuary of the Temple and ascend to your throne as king of all nations!-(As Dr. Gold speaks the dialogue above, soundtrack music continues to play and will be heard for the remainder of his address.The red numbers in the parentheses above refer to the number of each sentence in the dialogue above and have been put there to aid you in following the action. The unveiling of the front of the Temple live onstage is choreographed precisely with the words spoken by Dr. Gold and lights up sequentially. Refer to Models 4-8 above for the action described in this segment. When Dr. Gold says "Sound the trumpets and let the unveiling begin" in sentence 3, a chorus of deafening trumpets is heard. As Dr. Gold says sentence 4, the steps leading up to the East Gate light up in sequence moving from the bottommost steps upward and then the East Gate of the Temple complex lights up as shown above in Model 4. Following this, Dr. Gold calls out the names of ten pieces of artwork in sentence 5 in pairs that are found on the gold walls of the gold porches on each side of the front of the Temple complex. When he calls out each pair, the front part(porches) of the Temple complex lights up section by section moving from the outermost parts of the front of the complex inward as shown above in Models 5a-5c. For example, when Dr. Gold says "Abraham and Solomon," the far left and right areas of the front of the Temple complex light up at the same time and the artwork of Abraham and Solomon becomes visible as shown above in Model 5a. Following this, Dr. Gold says "Moses and David" and the next sections on the left and right sides of the front of the Temple complex light up at the same time and the artwork of Moses and David becomes visible as shown above in Model 5b.The same sequence of events as above occurs when Dr. Gold says "Daniel and Isaiah" and the stage looks like Model 5c above when Dr. Gold finishes sentence 5. Models 5a-5c don't show the first 4 pieces of artwork called out in sentence 5. This is because the models above only show part of the front of the Temple complex that would be seen onstage. The Temple complex onstage would actually extend further to the left and to the right than what's shown in all of the models above and would include not only all ten pieces of artwork but also four more gold pillars and domes. An example of this is shown in the picture below.


  As the action continues uninterrupted, Dr. Gold calls out the names of the twelve tribes of Israel in pairs in sentence 6. Each time he does this, one gold pillar on each side of the front of the Temple complex lights up at the same time moving from the outermost pillars inward as shown above in Models 6a-6d.The twelve gold pillars represent the twelve tribes of Israel and each pillar has the name of one of the tribes of Israel inscribed on the front of it in Hebrew. The letters of each tribe's name on the pillars are made up of the world's most valuable diamonds. However, these names on the pillars aren't visible in the models above. After Dr. Gold completes sentence 6, the stage looks like Model 6d above. However, Models 6a-6d don't show the first 4 pillars called out in sentence 6. This is because the models only show part of the front of the Temple complex that would be seen onstage as described earlier. The front of the Temple complex onstage would actually extend further to the left and to the right than what's shown in the models and would include all 12 pillars as shown in the picture above. Although Models 6a-6d show lit up domes on top of the lit up pillars, the domes don't actually light up until Dr. Gold says sentence 7 from the dialogue above. In sentence 7, Dr. Gold calls out the names of six pairs of precious stones for a total of 12 different stones which also represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Each time he does this, a dome atop a gold pillar on each side of the front of the Temple complex lights up at the same time moving from the domes atop the outermost gold pillars inward. There are no models above that show this action but the domes light up in the same sequence as described above for the gold pillars. As soon as each pair of domes light up, they begin spinning around and act like kaleidoscopes projecting multi-colored patterns all over the stage. This is not shown in the models above. The first 4 domes(precious stones) called out in sentence 7 aren't seen in the models above for the same reason the first 4 pieces of artwork and first 4 pillars weren't seen in earlier models which was discussed above. When Dr. Gold finishes sentence 7, the live stage looks like Model 6d above and both gold porches on each side of the East Gate are completely lit up. After Dr. Gold says "Now enter the sanctuary of the Temple" in sentence 8, he turns around, and looks and points upward. Immediately thereafter, as he says "and ascend to your throne as king of all nations," colored lights on the left and right sides of the stage light up in sequence at the same time moving from the outermost lights inward as shown above in Models 7a-7c. Following this, a video image of the sanctuary of the Temple appears on the large video screen onstage as shown above in Model 7d. Shortly thereafter, a video backdrop of the Temple Mount and Jerusalem at night appears on the large video screen onstage replacing the lights as shown above in Model 8. At the same time, new pre-taped video footage of the Temple dedication on the Temple Mount starts to play on the video screens on each side of the live stage replacing the SOUL logo and we see the entire Temple for the first time. The Temple is a magnificent and beautiful complex boasting the largest collection of precious stones anywhere in the world and is overlaid in 24 karat gold as mentioned earlier. All the structures of the complex including the gates and walls surrounding the Temple have precious jewels embedded in them and the entire Temple sparkles as light reflects off the surface of these jewels. The pre-taped footage playing on the screens on each side of live stage will allow us to show the entire Temple complex including all the areas shown above in the simple diagram of the new Temple in Model 1 and not just the front part of the complex and the sanctuary. The footage will also allow us to show action from the Temple Mount that can't be re-produced live onstage such as views of the entire Temple Mount and the surrounding area, and the crowd on the Temple Mount attending the dedication. Any action that occurs in the pre-taped video footage from the Temple Mount is in synch with the live action onstage particularly action involving the front part of the Temple complex and the sanctuary of the new Temple. The pre-taped video footage on the screens on each side of the live stage will play for the remainder of the action in the act "The Temple of Gold." The action continues uninterrupted with Models 9-32 and the text below Model 32. In the remaining action that occurs live onstage in the act "The Temple of Gold," only the East Gate and front of the Temple is an actual prop. The Sanctuary of the new Temple and any other images or scenes that appear onstage are video images playing on the large video screen onstage. The only characters that appear live onstage are Dr. Gold, Dr. Silver and the Ten  Prophets and Patriarchs.)

Model 9-The front of the Temple with the Jerusalem backdrop.

Model 10-Rays of lights illuminate the porches and artwork of the Temple.

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Model 11-The Prophets and Patriarchs in the artwork come to life.

Model 12-The Prophets and Patriarchs rising upward #1.

Model 13-The Prophets and Patriarchs rising upward #2.

Model 14-The Prophets and Patriarchs stand atop the front of the Temple.

Model 15-The glory cloud moves over the Temple and Jerusalem #1.

Model 16-The glory cloud moves over the Temple and Jerusalem #2.

Model 17-The glory cloud moves over the Temple and Jerusalem #3.

Model 18-Rays of ight from above shine down on the Sanctuary.

Model 19-A Jewish Star appears in the sky moving downward in the light.

Model 20-Gold angels carrying Star and Ark move downward in the sky #1.

Model 21-Gold angels carrying Star and Ark move downward in the sky #2.

Model 22-Gold angels grab hold of the Ark in the center of the Jewish Star.

Model 23-Angels flying downward carrying the Ark to the Sanctuary #1.

Model 24-Angels flying downward carrying the Ark to the Sanctuary #2.

Model 25-Angels flying downward carrying the Ark to the Sanctuary #3.

Model 26-The gold Star of David moving downward once again #1.

Model 27-The gold Star of David moving downward #2.

Model 28-The gold Star of David moving downward #3.

Model 29-The Temple and glory cloud darken and the gold Star shines.

Model 30-Light from above shines down on Dr. Gold atop the East Gate.

Model 31-Dr. Gold levitates, Star moves forward and he climbs aboard it.

Model 32-Lights from above shine down on Prophets and Patriarchs.

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 9-32, the stage looks like Model 9 above and Dr. Gold continues his address speaking to the crowd at the dedication of the new Temple on the Temple Mount. Models 9-32 depict action on the live stage but the same action occurs in the pre-taped video footage playing on the screens on each side of the live stage in sync with the live action.

Dr. Gold: (1)To my Jewish brethren here and abroad, tonight will be remembered as one of the greatest moments in your long and storied history. (2)Prophets and patriarchs of old rise up (Dr. Gold pauses), rise up and witness the glory of God and the spiritual restoration of your people and nation! (3)Father, anoint this house and re-affirm your covenant with your chosen people. (4)The Shekinah cloud of glory appears for the first time since the days of Solomon and now fills the sanctuary with the spirit of God as the heart and soul of the new Temple are about to be revealed. (5)Missing since the Babylonians destroyed Solomon's Temple 2500 years ago and feared lost forever, these blessed artifacts were taken into heaven during the Temple's destruction for safekeeping until this very moment, this pre-destined and divinely appointed time, behold the Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments! (6)I foresaw these same events take place one night three years ago in a prophetic vision while standing alone on the Temple Mount shortly after construction of the Temple began for how else could I possibly know the Ark of the Covenant and Ten Commandments would appear in the sky at this very moment. (7)In that same vision, I saw a New Jerusalem, a city and nation at peace, with a new Temple that would never suffer the same fate as those of the past, and that I was to be your protector. (8)Let no one forget that I'm in a seven year peace treaty with this great nation and any attack on them will be considered an attack on me. (9)Oh Israel, I will never forsake you. (10)A glorious new Temple, the return of the Ark of the Covenant and Ten Commandments to the Holy of Holies and peace with all your enemies, is this not your finest hour!-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. When Dr. Gold says "Prophets and patriarchs of old rise up" in sentence 2, he looks upward as if expecting something to happen and ten rays of light shoot down from out of the sky on to the front of the Temple porches illuminating the artwork and the area in front of it as shown above in Model 10. In the models above, there are only six rays of light shown illuminating six pieces of artwork on the Temple porches and there should be ten rays of light illuminating ten pieces of artwork. This is because the models above only show part of the front of the Temple complex as described earlier. The Temple complex onstage would actually extend further to the left and to the right than what's shown in the models above and there would actually be ten pieces of artwork. After the rays of light shoot down out of the sky on to the porches, the ten prophets and patriarchs in the artwork supernaturally come to life and walk out of the artwork on to the porches of the Temple as shown above in Model 11. At this point, Dr. Gold extends his arms out from his body with his palms facing upwards and lifts his arms upwards as he says "rise up" for the second time in sentence 2. In response, the prophets and patriarchs levitate upward as shown above in Model 12 until they are standing atop the front of the Temple as shown above in Model 13. As soon as Dr. Gold finishes sentence 2, the lights from above quit shining down on the prophets and patriarchs as shown above in Model 14. Following this, Dr. Gold turns around so that he's facing the Sanctuary of the Temple and his back is to the audience, he looks and points upward, the prophets and patriarchs respond in kind turning around and looking upward also, and Dr. Gold says sentence 3.

  As Dr. Gold says sentence 4, he and the prophets and patriarchs continue looking upward facing the Sanctuary and the
Shekinah glory cloud begins to emerge over Jerusalem until it covers all of the city and the Temple Mount. The main part of the glory cloud is right above and enters the Sanctuary of the new Temple. This sequence of events is shown above in Models 15-17. The Shekinah glory cloud is the cloud that was with the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt, that appeared above the tabernacle in the wilderness, that was present on Mt. Sinai when Moses received the Ten Commandments, and was above and filled Solomon's Temple at its dedication ceremony. The glory cloud was a direct manifestation of the Lord himself but this is an evil, counterfeit glory cloud created to deceive the people particularly the Jews. When Dr. Gold begins sentence 5, he is still looking upward with his back to the audience, rays of light appear and shine down on the top of the Sanctuary as shown above in Model 18, Dr. Gold points to the origin of the light in the sky, and an image begins to emerge from the light and clouds in the sky as shown above in Model 19. By the time Dr. Gold says " the Ark of the Covenant and Ten Commandments" in sentence 5, we see the image in the sky is two gold angels flying downward and they're carrying a large, gold Star of David which has the Ark of the Covenant in the center of it as shown above in Models 20 and 21. When the star is postioned as shown above in Model 21, the angels and the Jewish star stop moving downward, the angels fly to the center of the Star and grab hold of the Ark of the Covenant as shown above in Model 22. Immediately thereafter, the angels start flying downward once again carrying the Ark with them until they unltimately enter the Sanctuary and are no longer visible. This sequence of events is shown above in Models 22-26 and occurs as Dr. Gold says sentence 5 and 6 from the dialogue above. As soon as Dr. Gold finishes sentence 6, he and the prophets and patriarchs turn back around so they're facing the live audience and the crowd on the Temple Mount in the pre-taped video. All the action just described happens both live onstage and in the pre-taped video footage playing on the screens on each side of the live stage in perfect synchronization. The action shown live onstage involving the glory cloud, the angels, the gold Jewish star and the Ark of the Covenant is video on the large video screen onstage. When Dr. Gold says sentence 7, the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage actually shows the angels flying downward into the Sanctuary itself and placing the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies.

  As Dr. Gold says sentences 8-9, the gold Star of David starts moving downward once again until it stops in front of the sanctuary as shown above in Models 26-28. When Dr. Gold finishes the dialogue above,
the crowd in the pre-taped video footage watching the dedication of the new Temple on the Temple Mount begins to chant "Gold, Gold, we want Gold" repeatedly and are delirious acting as if Dr. Gold is a god himself. At the same time, the audience who is watching "The Unveiling" production live also begins chanting "Gold, Gold, we want Gold" and in effect becomes the crowd watching the Temple dedication ceremony on the Temple Mount. This is yet another interactive moment in the live production involving the live audience. As the chanting of "Gold, Gold, we want Gold" continues, the stage and glory cloud darken and the gold Star of David shines brightly as shown above in Model 29. Following this, a ray of light from above shines down on Dr. Gold as shown above in Model 30 and the gold Star of David moves from being right in front of the sanctuary to being directly behind Dr. Gold suspended in the air. At this point, a prop of the actual gold Star of David appears live onstage suspended in the air behind Dr. Gold. Immediately thereafter, Dr. Gold levitates above the East Gate and climbs aboard the Star as shown above in Model 31. Shortly thereafter, ten rays of light shoot down from out of the sky and illuminate the ten prophets and patriarchs who are standing atop the front of the Temple as shown above in Model 32. There should be ten rays of light and ten prophet and patriarchs onstage rather than six for the same reason already discussed in earlier action. All this action also takes place in the pre-taped video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage in sync with the live action. At this point, the prophets and patriarchs say the dialogue below Model 37 in unison and with a great deal of power as the action continues uninterrupted. The dialogue is messianic prophecies about the Jewish messiah and the inference is that Dr. Gold is their long awaited messiah.)

Model 33-Lights from above on Dr. Gold and the Prophets and Patriarchs.

Model 34-Dr. Gold and Star move forward over stage as dialogue is spoken.

Model 35-The Star of David and Dr. Gold suspended in the air in front of the live audience.

Model 36-Band onstage ready to play the song "The Temple of Gold."

Model 37-The band begins playing the song "The Temple of Gold."

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 33-37, the stage looks like Model 33 above and the prophets and patriarchs start to say the dialogue below.

Prophets and Patriarchs:( Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, the Lord our righteousness, the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.-(As soon as the prophets and patriarchs start to say the dialogue above, the gold Star of David with Dr. Gold aboard it begin moving forward over the stage as shown above in Model 34 on a large overhead track that extends from the stage out over the live audience. By the time the prophets and patriarchs are almost finished with the dialogue, the Star has stopped moving forward and is suspended in the air in front of the live audience as shown above in Model 35. The band is now onstage and the drumset is levitated above the Sanctuary as shown above in Model 36. As soon as the prophets and patriarchs finish the dialogue above, the band starts playing the song "The Temple of Gold" live and the stage lights back up as shown above in Model 37. The action just described also takes place in the pre-taped video from the Temple Mount playing on the screens on each side of the live stage in sync with the live action. Of course, there is no band or stage in front of the Temple in the pre-taped video footage. In this case, the gold Star with Dr. Gold aboard it moves forward over the area between the front of the Temple and the first row of people watching the dedication on the Temple Mount rather than over the live stage. The gold Star stops moving forward in the video when it reaches the first row of viewers on the Temple Mount and is suspended in the air in front of the crowd watching the dedication ceremony. Both the pre-taped video and live action are showing the same exact scene on the Temple Mount and the live audience plays the role of the crowd on the Temple Mount. At the point, the live action and video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage continues uninterrupted with Models 38-49 and the text below Model 49 as the song "The Temple of Gold" is played live. The text describing the action that takes place as the song is performed live is broken down into sections that go along with the lyrics of the song.)

The Temple of Gold

Verse 1:

Trumpets played in the halls tonight

 The Temple of Jerusalem shined bright

A house decorated in Silver and Gold

Where lost souls are bought and sold


Verse 2:

Ridin a fallen star from heaven above

He reveled in their adoration and love

Beaming and glowing at the dedication

The perfect setting for his coronation



Israel rejoiced over her new Temple and King

“Hosanna, Hosanna,” we heard her sing

She worshipped and crowned the Dark Knight

Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight


Chorus 1:

Come one, come all

To the shrine that will finally unify mankind

Come one, come all, come join

The Temple of Gold, the Temple of Gold, the Temple of Gold 


Verse 3:

Murder lurked in the rabid crowd

She was silent as they celebrated aloud

Allah grimaced and plotted his revenge

The Rock’s desecration must be avenged


Verse 4:

Perched high atop the Wailing Wall

The Final Avenger stood tall

Waiting anxiously by the burning cross

He foresaw the bloodshed and tragic loss



High noon in the promised land

For the prophecy was close at hand

The Temple of Gold was ground zero.

For the slaying of a superhero.


Chorus 2:

Come one, come all

To the shrine that will finally destroy mankind

Come one, come all, come join

The Temple of Gold, the Temple of Gold, the Temple of Gold

Verse 5:

Step up  and enter the Temple of Gold

A house of eternal beauty majestic and bold

Come celebrate life at the Temple of Gold

We'll give you the world and steal your soul

Model 38-The band starts playing the song "The Temple of Gold."

Model 39-The Star of David and Dr. Gold suspended in the air in front of the live audience.

Model 40-The Star begins moving forward over the audience and palm branches appear in front of its path.

Model 41-The Star moves forward over the live audience and palm branches appear in front of its path.

Model 42-The Star of David continues moving forward over the live audience.

Model 43-The Star lights up brightly as it continues moving forward and more branches appear in its path.

Model 44-Band onstage playing "The Temple of Gold."

Model 45-Live stage for the chorus of the song "The Temple of Gold."

Model 46-False Prophets sing chorus of "The Temple of Gold" with fire #1.

Model 47-False Prophets sing chorus of "The Temple of Gold" with fire #2.

Model 48-False Prophets sing chorus of "The Temple of Gold" with fire #3.

Model 49-The band playing the song "The Temple of Gold."

The Temple of Gold

Verse 1:
Trumpets played in the halls tonight
The Temple of Jerusalem shined bright
A house decorated in Silver and Gold
Where lost souls are bought and sold

Verse 2:
Ridin a fallen star from heaven above
He reveled in the adoration and love
Beaming and glowing at the dedication
The perfect setting for his coronation

Bridge #1:
Israel rejoiced over her new Temple and King
"Hosanna, Hosanna" we heard her sing
She worshipped and crowned the Dark Knight
Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight

Chorus #1:
Come one, come all
To the shrine that will finally unify mankind
Come one, come all, come join
The Temple of Gold, The Temple of Gold, The Temple of Gold

  As the action continues uninterrupted and the song "The Temple of Gold" begins to be played live, we see the band performing the song "The Temple of Gold" live in front of the prop of the Temple that's onstage as shown above in Model 38. Dr. Gold is aboard the gold Star which is suspended in the air in front of the live audience as shown above in Model 39. As soon as the vocalist begins singing Verse 2, the gold Star starts moving over the live audience as shown above in Model 40 on the large overhead track that extends from the stage out over the live audience. As the gold Star moves over the live audience, they lay large palm branches in front of the gold Star as shown above in Models 40-43. This is a counterfeit re-creation of Palm Sunday which commemorates Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the Sunday before his death and resurrection. The people laid palm branches on the ground in front of Jesus in celebration as he rode a donkey into Jerusalem. Similarly, the live audience who is playing the role of the crowd on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is laying palm branches in front of Dr. Gold who will be killed and resurrected shortly. The same sequence of events just described for the live action also occurs at the same time in the pre-taped video footage from the Temple Mount playing on the screens on each side of the live stage. When the song "The Temple of Gold" begins to be played live, Dr. Gold is aboard the gold Star which is suspended in the air in front of the crowd watching the dedication ceremony on the Temple Mount. As soon as the vocalist begins singing Verse 2,  the gold Star with Dr. Gold aboard it begins moving forward over the crowd supernaturally on the Temple Mount. As the gold Star moves forward over the crowd on the Temple Mount, they place palm branches in front of the gold Star and Dr. Gold just like the live audience did. As Dr. Gold moves over the live audience and the crowd on the Temple Mount in the pre-taped video, the chants of "Gold, Gold, we want Gold" are heard and Dr. Gold smiles nodding his head up and down reveling in the crowd's adulation. When the lyrics "Beaming and glowing at the dedication" are sung, the gold Star supernaturally lights up brightly in the live action as shown above in Model 42 and in the pre-taped video from the Temple Mount. When the vocalist sings "Bridge #1" above, the pre-taped video footage shows people throughout Israel celebrating the dedication of the new Temple including a large celebration at the Wailing Wall. The people are dancing in the streets and holding up large poster-sized photos of Dr. Gold. We also continue to see footage of the crowd on the Temple Mount praising Dr. Gold and celebrating at the dedication. As Chorus #1 begins, the live stage goes from being totally lit up as shown above in Model 44 to having just the prophets and patriarchs lit up by rays of light shining down from above as shown above in Model 45. The prophets and patriarchs sing the chorus of the song "The Temple of Gold" with the band onstage. As the prophets and patriarchs sing the final line of Chorus #1 saying "The Temple of Gold" three times, flames shoot up into the air from behind a prophet or patriarch on each side of the stage at the same time moving in sequence from the outermost prophets or patriarchs inward as shown above in Models 46-48. As soon as Chorus #1 ends, the entire "Temple of Gold" prop lights back up as shown above in Model 49. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 50-54 and the text below Model 54 as the song "The Temple of Gold" continues to be played live.

Model 50-The Wailing Wall with the burning cross and Ten Commandments.

Model 51-Joshua comes out of burning cross and stands atop the Wailing Wall.

Model 52-Joshua standing atop the Wailing Wall with news crew filming him.

Model 53-The Star and Dr. Gold return to the stage as the band plays.

Model 54-Dr. Gold finishing his speech at the dedication ceremony.

Verse 3:
Murder lurked in the rabid crowd
She sat silent as they celebrated aloud
Allah grimaced and plotted his revenge
The Rock's desecration must be avenged

Verse 4:
Perched high atop the Wailing Wall
The Final Avenger stood tall
Waiting anxiously by the burning cross
He foresaw the bloodshed and tragic loss

Bridge #2:
High noon in the Promised Land
For the prophecy was close at hand
The Temple of Gold was ground zero
For the slaying of a superhero

Chorus #2:
Come one, come all
To the shrine that will finally destroy mankind
Come one, come all, come join
The Temple of Gold, The Temple of Gold, The Temple of Gold

Verse 5:
Step up and enter the Temple of Gold
A house of eternal beauty majestic and bold
Come celebrate life at the Temple of Gold
We'll give you the world and steal your soul

Lead break:

  The action continues uninterrupted with Models 50-54 and the following text as the song "The Temple of Gold" continues to be played live. By the time Verse 3 is ready to be sung, the gold Star in the pre-taped video has reached the last row of people on the Temple Mount, turned around and started moving over the crowd back towards the new Temple. At the same time,
the gold Star in the live action reaches the last row of seats on the floor of the auditorium, turns around and starts moving over the live audience back towards the prop of the new Temple onstage. The crowds in both the video and live action place palm branches in front of the Star as it moves back towards the Temple like they just did when the Star moved away from the Temple. When the vocalist begins singing Verse 3, the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage shows a group of five Orthodox Jews standing next to Dawn and her camera crew in the first row of spectators watching the dedication ceremony on the Temple Mount. They are in the middle of the front row lined up with the East Gate of the new Temple. The Jews are watching Dr. Gold and the Star move over the crowd back towards the Temple. They are dressed in their traditional clothing wearing hats and long coats, have beards and long locs of hair on the sides of their heads. They are conversing with one another, looking anxiously at Dr. Gold and the surrounding area on the Temple Mount, and looking down at themselves adjusting something under their coats. We also see Dawn and her camera crew watching Dr. Gold atop the Star and the raucous crowd on the Temple Mount. When the vocalist begins singing the third line from Verse 3, the video on one of the screens at the side of the live stage changes showing video of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount as the other screen continues to show the video of the Orthodox Jews on the Temple Mount. The video of the Dome of the Rock is current happening at the same time as the Temple dedication and we can see the celebration on the Temple Mount in the video of the Dome of the Rock. As soon as the vocalist finishes Verse 3, the video of the Dome of the Rock changes to video of the Wailing Wall and the burning cross as shown above in Model 50. The other screen continues to show video of the Orthodox Jews on the Temple Mount and the gold Star and Dr. Gold moving over the crowd drawing closer to the Temple.

  As soon as the vocalist begins singing Verse 4, Joshua walks out of the burning cross atop the Wailing Wall and stands beside the cross looking in the direction of the new Temple as shown above in Model 51.
The burning cross atop the Wailing Wall is a portal into and out of heaven for a select few. Joshua is returning to earth having spent the entire night and following day in heaven after entering the large burning cross in the sky above Western Wall Plaza at the end of Symbols's last show in Western Wall Plaza. Joshua has spent this time in heaven being briefed and given final instructions on how to conduct the battle that lies ahead in the second half of the Tribulation Period. At this point, the camera shot changes so that we are looking straight at Joshua rather than at his backside. His blue eyes are now permanently orange looking like flames and glow in the darkness. The Christian symbols that were on his trenchcoat have been replaced by prophetic scriptures from the book of Revelation which are imprinted on his trenchcoat in Hebrew. In particular, the verses about the four seals and trumpet judgements. The scriptures are lit up in orange looking as if they're actually burning on the trenchcoat and will remain like that for the remainder of the action in "The Temple of Gold." As the vocalist continues singing Verse 4, a UNN helicopter news crew shines a spotlight on Joshua atop the Wailing Wall as shown above in Model 52 and some of the people celebrating the Temple dedication at the Wailing Wall point up at him. Immediately thereafter, the video on the other screen which is still showing the Orthodox Jews on the Temple Mount changes and now shows Daniel, Darlene, Harmony, Joshua's band and a few other people in a hotel room in Jerusalem watching the news coverage of the dedication ceremony on T.V.. The image on the television screen looks like Model 52 above and there is a caption at the bottom of the television screen that says "The Return of Holy Soldier." Harmony points at Joshua on the television screen and mouths the word "daddy," Darlene sighs and smiles relieved to see Joshua for the first time since he disappeared into the burning cross in the sky, and Gibson points at Joshua's orange eyes on the T.V. and says something to the others. Following this, the video changes once again and we see one of Dawn's camera crew showing her a tablet screen with the image of Joshua atop the Wailing Wall on it. The cameraman looks and points upward into sky, Dawn looks upward and sees the UNN helicopter in the distance that's filming Joshua on the Wailing Wall.

  As Bridge #2 and Chorus #2 of the song "The Temple of Gold" are performed live, a series of pre-taped video clips are shown on the screens on each side of the live stage including the new Temple, Joshua atop the Wailing Wall, the five Orthodox Jews on the Temple Mount, Dawn and her camera crew on the Temple Mount, Dr. Gold atop the gold Star moving over the crowd towards the Temple, the raucous crowd on the Temple Mount, wide overhead shots of the entire Temple Mount which show both the new Temple and the Dome of the Rock, people continuing to celebrate in the streets of Israel, and Daniel, Darlene and the band watching coverage of the Temple dedication in their hotel room. The video clips play one after another in a random but chronological order.
The action on the live stage during Chorus #2 is exactly the same as it was for Chorus #1 as described earlier and shown above in Models 45-48. When the vocalist begins singing Verse 5, Dr. Gold and the gold Star have returned to the Temple and are suspended in the air above the East Gate of the Temple in both the pre-taped video and live onstage as shown above in Model 53. As Verse 5 is sung and the guitar solo in the song "The Temple of Gold" is played, pre-taped video footage of the Temple of Gold starts playing on the screens on each side of the live stage replacing the series of video clips mentioned above. By the time the guitar solo ends, a video tour of the entire Temple complex inside and out in great detail has been shown to the live audience. This includes a secret compound located underneath the Temple complex that's full of computer and communication equipment and houses a lavish underground mansion decorated in silver and gold. The compound is Dr. Gold's hidden lair and command and control center in Israel where he will spend the majority of his time during the second half of the Tribulation Period. However, the location of Dr. Gold's lair under the Temple complex is not revealed until Part 2 of "The Unveiling" when the Abomination of Desolation takes placc.

  Following the guitar solo, the video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes and we now see a series of video clips like those shown during Bridge #2 and Chorus #2 with the same characters and settings but further along in time.
These video clips play on the screens until the song "The Temple of Gold" is over. In the last video clip of this series which appears on both screens on each side of the live stage, Joshua puts on a pair of futuristic looking sunglasses, pushes a button on the side of the frame of the glasses and a red light comes on next to the button. Immediately thereafter, video of a satellite in the sky begins playing superimposed on the image of Joshua atop the Wailing Wall, a red light lights up on the satellite, the satellite rotates in the sky and then stops moving. At that exact moment, video of the dedication ceremony that's currently taking place on the Temple Mount begins playing in the lens of the sunglasses and the camera shot in the video is from Joshua's vantage point looking out through the glasses in the direction of the new Temple. He can see both the the dedication ceremony and the view in front of himself. The glasses are also equipped with night vision so his ability to see in nighttime conditions is greatly enhanced. Before turning on the sunglasses, Joshua couldn't see the action occuring at the dedication ceremony on the Temple Mount because from his vantage point atop the Wailing Wall he's looking at the backside of the new Temple. Now he has a clear view of the crowd on the Temple Mount, the new Temple and Dr. Gold who is suspended above the East Gate of the Temple aboard the gold Star. As soon as the band finishes playing "The Temple of Gold," they leave the stage as shown above in Model 54. Shortly thereafter, the video of the dedication ceremony playing in the lens of Joshua's glasses which looks exactly like Model 54 expands and fills both screens replacing the video looking out through Joshua's glasses from atop the Wailing Wall. At this point, both the pre-taped video and live action onstage are showing the same scene as shown above in Model 54. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 55-74 and the text below Model 74 as Dr. Gold completes his address at the dedication ceremony.

Model 55-Dr. Gold finishing his speech at the dedication ceremony.

Model 56-Dr. Gold shot by Arab terrorists and falling on steps of East Gate.

Model 57-Joshua rises upward after killing Arab terrorists at the Temple.

Model 58-Joshua suspended in the air above the Sanctuary of the Temple.

Model 59-Joshua causes the sky above Jerusalem and Temple to darken.

Model 60-Joshua causes the sky above Jerusalem and Temple to darken.

Model 61-Sky begins to change after being hit by Joshua's energy.

Model 62-Sky changing after being hit by Joshua's energy #1.

Model 63-Sky changing after being hit by Joshua's energy #2.

Model 64-Gabriel and angels in the sky over the Temple and Jerusalem.

Model 65-Joshua moves downward for unobstructed view of Gabriel.

Model 66-Lightning bolts summoned by Joshua hit and kill false prophets.

Model 67-Lightning bolts summoned by Joshua hit and kill false prophets.

Model 68-Slain False Prophets laying on the steps of the Temple.

Model 69-UNN helicopter with spotlight on Dr. Gold at the Temple of Gold.

Model 70-The nighttime view of Jerusalem and the UNN news helicopter.

Model 71-Model 74-The live stage at the end of Part 1 of "The Unveiling."

  As the action continues uninterrupted with Models 55-74 and the following text, the band has just finished playing the song "The Temple of Gold" live and have left the stage. Dr. Gold is aboard the gold Star of David which is suspended above the East Gate of the Temple as shown above in Model 55 and he completes his address at the dedication ceremony with the dialogue below. Both the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage and the live stage are showing the same exact scene as shown above in Model 55. However, the only characters that are actually live onstage are Dr. Gold, Dr. Silver and the ten false prophets and patriarchs atop the gold porches of the Temple. The pre-taped video on the other hand will show all the characters in the action about to take place and the Temple Mount. Models 55-74 depict action on the live stage but the same action occurs in the pre-taped video footage playing on the screens on each side of the live stage in sync with the live action.

Dr. Gold: Before I leave here tonight, I want to thank all of you and ask for your continued support. I built this Temple as a shrine to all humanity. Let it serve as a symbol for the unity of all mankind and universal peace for people of all faiths. Look at how much we've accomplished in just years and think about how much more we can achieve together. The future is full of hope and promise and has never looked brighter. With your blessing, I will lead us in the Gold Age and build an empire every bit as grand as the Temple that now sits before you. The forces of change have been put into motion and nothing can stop us now. I call on everyone worldwide to join me and become a member of the Temple of Gold!-(When Dr. Gold says the last sentence from the dialogue above, he extends his arm outward towards the crowd with his palm upward. As soon as Dr. Gold finishes the dialogue above, the live audience and the crowd on the Temple Mount in the pre-taped video begin to chant "Gold, Gold, we want Gold" repeatedly. As this occurs, the pre-taped video shows Dawn and her camera crew walk from the front row of spectators up to the steps of East Gate to get a close-up shot of Dr. Gold and report live on the events taking place on the Temple Mount. Shortly thereafter in the video, the five Orthodox Jews in the front row walk forward towards the East Gate, stop, and start bobbing their heads up and down like they're praying. Immediately thereafter, they pull out automatic weapons from underneath their long coats and start yelling. At the same exact time, a spotlight focuses on five men dressed as Orthodox Jews in the front row on the floor of the auditorium where "The Unveiling" is being performed at. They also pull out automatic weapons from underneath their coats and begin yelling. The five men are actually Arab terrorists not Jews and have come to kill Dr. Gold for building the new Temple next to the Dome of the Rock which they believe is a desecration of their holy site. This particular terroist group is known as the "Rock Brigade.")

Terrorists:  (Yelling loudly) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar...(As the terrorists in both the pre-taped video and the live audience repeatedly yell out "Allahu Akbar" which translates to "God is Great," they start shooting at Dr. Gold and his security detail in the pre-taped video and at Dr. Gold live onstage. The security detail in the video are standing along the entire length of the gold porches on each side of the East Gate right in front of the gold staircases that lead up to the gold porches of the new Temple. The security personnel are caught by surprise not expecting any threat from devout Jews praying in front of the new Temple and are taken out quickly by the terrorists hardly getting a shot off. Several bullets strike Dr. Gold in the pre-taped video and live onstage including one in the head right between his eyes which kills him instantly. Dr. Gold's head snaps back, blood and brain matter fly through the air, Dr. Gold and the gold Star of David fall on to the steps of the East Gate and a pool of blood collects around his head as shown above in Model 56. This action occurs both live onstage and in the pre-taped video. In the pre-taped video, we see Dawn and her camera crew duck for cover when the terrorists start shooting. At this point, the spotlight on the five terrorists in the live audience goes off, they are no longer involved in the action and the live stage remains lit up with the dead Dr. Gold on the steps of the East Gate as shown above in Model 56. However, the action continues uninterrupted in the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage as Dawn reports live on the action from the Temple Mount with the following dialogue. The assassination of Dr. Gold, the Antichrist, by a fatal wound to the head is prophecy spoken about in the book of Revelation.)

Dawn:  (Very animated) Dr. Gold has been shot! Dr. Gold has just been shot! Terrorists dressed as Orthodox Jews just opened fire on Dr. Gold striking him several times including a deadly shot to the head. He's now lying motionless on the steps of the East Gate pinned underneath the Jewish star and there's a visible pool of blood around his head. It doesn't look good. Has yet another savior been crucified in the holy city of Jerusalem? Oh my God, they're now firing indiscriminately into the crowd and bodies are falling to the ground! The people are in a state of shock and disbelief and chaos and confusion has broken out up here on the Temple Mount. Can anyone stop this madness! Please don't, please don't..-(When Dawn begins speaking the dialogue above, she and her camera crew are crouched down on the steps of the East Gate just to the right of the slain Dr. Gold in the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage. As soon as Dawn says "Has yet another savior been crucified in the holy city of Jerusalem?" from the dialogue above, the terrorists turn around facing the crowd on the Temple Mount, begin walking forward and start firing indiscriminately into the crowd as they continue yelling out "Allahu Akbar." The terrorists are positioned so that one terrorist is lined up with the East Gate and there are two terrorists to his left and two to his right. The terrorists are separated from one another by an equal distance of about 4-5 feet and are lined up with one another in a row. As the action continues, the video shows numerous bodies on the Temple Mount falling as they are struck by the gunfire from the terrorists. Total chaos and confusion breaks out on the Temple Mount and people are screaming, running and looking for cover. At the exact moment Dawn says "Can anyone stop this madness?" from the dialogue above, the pre-taped video on one of the screens at the side of the live stage changes and now shows a camera shot looking directly at Joshua who's looking in the direction of the new Temple from atop the Wailing Wall. Immediately thereafter, the camera shot on this screen changes. We now see the action from Joshua's vantage point looking out through his futuristic sunglasses in the direction of the new Temple from atop the Wailing Wall. The other screen at the side of the live stage continues to show video of the action on the Temple Mount with the terrorists firing indiscriminately into the crowd on the Temple Mount and Dawn and her camera crew covering the action from the steps of the East Gate. This video from the Temple Mount is also playing in the lens of Joshua's sunglasses on the other screen at the same exact time allowing Joshua to see the events occurring on the Temple Mount from atop the Wailing Wall in real time.

  At this point, in the pre-taped video on the screen on the side of the live stage that's showing action on the Temple Mount, the terrorist lined up with the East Gate quits firing into the crowd, turns around and looks at Dawn with a disgusted look on his face, and points his AK-47 at her. The other four terrorists continue firing into the crowd. Dawn is terrified and backs away from the terrorist into Dr. Gold's dead body saying "Please don't, please don't..." from the dialogue above. Joshua's sees this same action taking place from atop the Wailing Wall through his sunglasses in the pre-taped video playing on the other screen at the side of the live stage. At the exact moment Dawn pleads for her life in the pre-taped video on the one screen, the pre-taped video on the other screen which is showing the same action of Dawn pleading for her life in the lens of Joshua's glasses changes. In the new video on this screen, Joshua flies upward off the Wailing Wall into the sky en route to Dawn and the terrorists on the Temple Mount. As soon as Joshua begins flying, the camera pulls back so that we have a wide overhead shot of the entire Temple Mount and the area around it. We see an orange streak moving eastward in the sky over the Temple Mount as the scriptures imprinted on Joshua's trenchcoat continue to be lit up in orange. As Joshua flies in the sky, a sonic boom is heard as he travels at the speed of sound. Upon hearing the sonic boom, the terrorists quit firing into the crowd on the Temple Mount and look upward into the sky as does Dawn and her camera crew. Shortly thereafter, Joshua lands on the ground in front of the steps of the East Gate facing the terrorist who's pointing his AK-47 at Dawn, the ground shakes from the impact of his landing and the screens on each side of the live stage begin showing the same pre-taped video of the action on the Temple Mount. At that exact moment Joshua lands on the ground, the other four terrorists on each side of the terrorist lined up with the East Gate turn around facing Joshua, Joshua reaches into his trenchcoat crossing his arms and pulls out two guns from holsters inside his trenchcoat. As soon as Joshua grabs the guns, a gold cross on the outside of the handle of each gun lights up and a digital screen appears in each lens of his futuristic sunglasses which is a targeting device for each gun. The targeting system is tied to the movement of each gun in Joshua's hands with the left lens being the targeting device for the gun in Joshua's left hand and the right lens the targeting device for the gun in Joshua's right hand. Joshua simply moves the guns in each hand until the crosshairs on the digital screen in each lens is on the intended target and fires. When Joshua pulls the guns out of his trenchcoat, the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes and we see the action from Joshua's vantage point looking through the targeting system of his glasses at the five terrorists in front of him. With pinpoint accuracy and lightning quick speed, Joshua shoots all five terrorists in the head in mere seconds before they can get off a single shot in the following manner. First, we see the crosshairs in the lens of the glasses on the terrorist's head who's lined up with the East Gate, ready to shoot Dawn and is directly in front of Joshua. Joshua shoots and kills him instantly. Immediately thereafter, Joshua moves each arm outward at the same time until the crosshair in each lens is on the terrorist's heads located to the left and to the right of the just slain terrorist. Joshua shoots and kills them at the same time. Finally, Joshua moves each arm outward even further at the same time until the crosshair in each lens is on the terrorist's heads located to the left and to the right of the two terrorists just slain. Joshua shoots and kills them at the same time. When this sequence of action concludes, Joshua looks down at the five dead terrorists lying on the ground and shakes his back and forth in disdain. His arms are still extended outward, smoke is coming out of the barrels of his guns rising into the air, and he speaks.)

Joshua:  (Looking at the five dead terrorists shaking his head in disgust) Paradise and 70 virgins, not a chance in hell.-(As soon as Joshua completes this dialogue, he twirls both guns around acrobatically in his hands at the same time and then crosses his arms putting the guns back into their holsters inside his trenchcoat. At that exact moment, the digital screen of the targeting system in each lens of his glasses shuts off and Joshua takes off the glasses placing them inside his trenchcoat. Following this, he turns around, looks and smiles at Dawn who's lying on the steps of the East Gate next to Dr. Gold's dead body, extends his hand out to Dawn to help her get up and speaks to her) Are you all right Ms. Rivers?-(As Joshua says this, Dawn grabs his hand, stands up and looks into his blazing orange eyes. As Dawn responds to Joshua in the pre-taped video, Dr. Silver walks out of the door of the East Gate in both the pre-taped video and live onstage at the same time. He sits on the steps next to Dr. Gold's lifeless body and cradles Dr.Gold's bloody head in his hands and lap covering himself in blood. Although Dr. Silver is onstage live, he's not seen in the models above.)

Dawn:  (Responding to Joshua and trying to collect herself)  I think so. You saved my life. Thank you.

Joshua:  (Joshua nods acknowledging her gratitude and smiles)  Now it's time for the Dawn of a new age.

Dawn:  (Shaking her head back and forth with a puzzled look on her face) I don't understand.

Joshua:  You will, but for now stay right here.-(Dawn nods signaling she will stay. Following this, Joshua turns around so that he is facing the new Temple and his back is to the crowd on the Temple Mount in the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage. Shortly thereafter, Joshua rises upward until he is right above the Sanctuary of the new Temple both live onstage and in the pre-taped video as shown above in Models 57 and 58. The image of Joshua shown live onstage in Models 57 and 58 and the remaining models above is actually video playing on the large screen onstage as is the Sanctuary. However, the ten false prophets and patriarchs atop the gold porches of the Temple and Dr.Gold and Silver on the steps of the East Gate are actually live people onstage. At this point, Joshua extends his arms outward lined up with body with his palms facing downward and lowers them until they rest at his sides. In response, the skies over Jerusalem and the Temple darken as shown above in Model 59. This is an example of Joshua's ability to control environmental phenomena. Following this, Joshua looks upward, extends his arms forward with his hands over his head and palms facing the sky and speaks in a deafening voice that can be heard throughout the Temple Mount) Let the army of God come forth!-(Immediately thereafter, what looks like electricity shoots into the sky from Joshua's fingers and covers the sky above the Temple Mount and the immediatle area around Jerusalem as shown above in Model 60. Shortly thereafter, Joshua brings his hands down and the electricity is no longer in the sky, a rumbling noise which gets progressively louder until it's defeaning starts to be heard, angels begin to emerge in the sky led by Gabriel and the sky above Jerusalem changes as shown above in Models 61-64. By the time dark grey clouds fill the sky and smoke is over the city of Jerusalem, countless angels as far as the eye can see are visible in the sky and Gabriel stops above the East Gate of the Temple as shown above in Model 64. This is an example of Joshua's ability or power to summon the invisible world. Dawn's camermen point their cameras into the sky so the entire world will witness what's happening. At this point, Joshua lowers himself as shown above in Model 65 so there's an unobstructed view of Gabriel and he begins speaking from the Temple Mount in both the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage and on the large video screen onstage at the same time. Gabriel's voice is loud and thunderous voice and literally shakes the Temple Mount as he speaks about events that will take place in the second half of the Tribulation Period. In effect, Gabriel foreshadows some of the events and action that will occur in Part 2 of "The Unveiling" which is entitled  “The Unveiling Part II : The Final Revelation.")

Gabriel:  You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. For nation will rise against against nation and kingdom against kingdom and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. For there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.  But after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. And the beast will be seized and with him the false prophet who performed signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two will be thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. For just as lightning comes for the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. And the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory!-(When Gabriel says "For just as lightning comes for the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be" from the dialogue above, Joshua points his left hand into the sky to the left of the Sanctuary and points his right hand into the sky to the right of the Sanctuary at the same time. At that exact moment, several lightning bolts appear in the sky striking all the false prophets standing atop the front of the Temple as shown above in Models 66 and 67. Joshua causes the lightning bolts to appear once again showing his the ability to control and alter environmental phenomena. When the lightning strikes the false prophets, they momentarily light up and fall dead on to the steps of the front of the Temple as shown above in Model 68. This sequence of action occurs both ih the pre-taped video and live onstage at the same exact time. The live false prophets atop the prop of the Temple onstage look as if they're struck by the lightning that appears on the large video screen onstage. As soon as Gabriel finishes the dialogue above, Joshua lowers back down to the ground in the area around the East Gate in the pre-taped video and the video image of Joshua on the large screen onstage lowers and then disappears from the screen. Following this, a UNN news helicopter appears in both the pre-taped video and onstage shining its spotlight on Dr. Gold's dead body as shown above in Model 69. Shortly thereafter, Gabriel, the angels and the gray clouds and smoke over Jerusalem instantaneously vanish and we see the nighttime view of Jerusalem once again as shown above in Model 70. The live stage will continue to look like Model 71 above until the end of the production. As mentioned previously, Dr. Silver is live onstage cradling Dr. Gold's head on the steps of the East Gate but he isn't seen in the models above. At this point, the action in the video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage continues uninterrupted with Models 72-78 and the text below Model 78 as Dawn responds to what just occurred with Gabriel on the Temple Mount.)

Model 72-Video of Joshua and Dawn holding hands at the East Gate.

Model 73-Video of Joshua and Dawn flying en route to the Wailing Wall.

Model 74-Joshua and Dawn landing atop the Wailing Wall in front of the burning cross.

Model 75-Dawn watches Joshua walk into the burning cross atop the Wailing Wall.

Model 76-Dawn watches Joshua disappear into the burning cross atop the Wailing Wall.

Model 77-Dawn walks into the burning cross atop the Wailing Wall.

Model 78-Dawn disappears into the burning cross atop the Wailing Wall.

Dawn:  (Stunned) I thought I'd seen it all, (Dawn pauses momentarily and looks sadly at Dr. Gold's dead body) but the hope of the world is gone.

Joshua:  (Looking at Dawn and shaking his head no) He'll be back.-(As soon as Joshua completes this dialogue, he looks at Dr. Silver who's still cradling Dr. Gold's head and they lock eyes staring intently at one another. Dr. Silver speaks to Joshua with an evil grin on his face.)

Dr. Silver:  That's more than I can say for your friends at Wembley.-(As soon as Dr. Silver finishes this dialogue, he starts laughing. This enrages Joshua who grabs Dr. Silver by the shirt, lifts him up off the ground and brings Dr. Silver towards himself so that they're face to face.)

Joshua:  I knew the two of you were behind it.-(As he speaks, Joshua momentarily looks down at Dr. Gold and then back at Dr. Silver whom he's still holding on to. Following this, Joshua reaches into his trenchcoat with his free hand, pulls out one of his guns and puts it against Dr. Silver's temple. Joshua bites down, his facial muscles contract and his orange eyes light up brighter. Dr. Silver still has an evil grin on his face as he looks at Joshua) I should blow your brains out right here right now!-(Joshua looks conflicted as he holds the gun to Silver's head and his hand begins to shake. As his hand and arm shake progressively more, Joshua points the gun into the air above his head, screams and yells out) I can't!-(Immediately thereafter, Joshua fires several shots into the air, forcefully throws Dr. Silver  down on to Dr. Gold's dead body on the steps of the East Gate, and looks down at Dr. Silver and Dr. Gold with disgust) Your time will come. 

Dr. Silver:  (Speaking angrily into a small mic attached to his suit to his security detail. Joshua is still looking down at Dr. Silver and hears what he says) What's taking so long? Get over here and take him out.

Joshua:  (Joshua turns around, looks at Dawn with great urgency and holds out one of his hands to her) Let's go.

Dawn:  (Puzzled) Go where, whataya talking about?

Joshua:   I don't have time to explain things right now. Just take my hand and I'll give you the greatest story ever told.-(Dawn grabs a hold of Joshua's outstretched hand as shown above in Model 72 and immediately starts flying upward with her as shown above in Model 73.  At this point, Dr. Gold's security detail arrives at the East Gate and starts shooting into the air at Joshua and Dawn but they aren't hit. Joshua looks at Dawn and speaksDon't worry, I won't let you fall.-(As Joshua and Dawn fly in the sky from the Temple Mount to the burning cross atop the Wailing Wall, we see the action take place from a variety of different camera shots on the screens on each side of the live stage. There are wide overhead shots of the entire Temple Mount and the surrounding area as Joshua and Dawn fly in the air, shots from Dawn's vantage point looking around and downward as she flies with Joshua and close-ups of both Joshua and Dawn who is completely blown away by this experience smiling like a kid on the ultimate amusement park ride. As soon as Joshua and Dawn land on the Wailing Wall in front of the burning cross as shown above in Model 74, Joshua looks at Dawn and says) Follow me and your life will change forever.-(After Joshua says this, the flames of the cross grow larger and burn brighter, and Joshua walks into the cross as Dawn watches as shown above in Model 75. Sensing Dawn is not following him into the cross, Joshua turns around within the burning cross and speaks to her one last time. Dawn looks overwhelmed and fearful) There's nothing to be afraid of Dawn. The flames won't hurt you. (Waving for her to follow him) Come on, He's waiting for you.-(Following this, Joshua turns back around, continues walking and disappears from sight as shown above in Model 76. Shortly thereafter, Dawn closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, exhales, opens her eyes and cautiously walks into the burning cross as shown in Model 77 ultimately disappearing from sight as shown above in Model 78. At this point, the screens on each side of the live stage are showing video of the Wailing Wall and burning cross as shown above in Model 78 and the live stage looks like Model 71 above with Dr. Silver cradling Dr. Gold's wounded head on the steps of the East Gate. As Part 1 of "The Unveiling" concludes, the video on the screens on each side of the live stage fades to black and the live stage goes completely dark. In the beginning of Part 2 of "The Unveiling," Joshua and Dawn enter heaven through the burning cross and he takes her to the Great Throne of God where the scene is exactly like that described in Revelation 4. Dawn faces God who is on the Great Throne, He speaks to her about her new mission, she becomes a Christian and is transformed into the superhero "Red Dawn"-"The Storyteller" with her own unique superpowers. Click on the play button below to see the "Temple of Gold" Trailer. After you view the trailer, you will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page. Click on the "next" button below to go to a preview of part 2 of "The Unveiling" which is entitled The Unveiling Part II : The Final Revelation.")

The "Temple of Gold" Trailer.