The Last Stand

"The Underground"

  When "The Underground" segment of the act "The Last Stand"begins, the stage is completely dark as shown below in Model 1 and a mix of guitar, technicians talking and typing on computer keyboards, and computer sounds is heard. Shortly thereafter, the set of "The Lion's Den" and the supercomputer of "The Petra System" lights up piece by piece as shown below in Models 1-8 until the set of "The Lion's Den" is completely visible as shown below in Model 7. There are technicians onstage who are sitting in front of and working with the equipment in the control center as shown below in Model 7.  It's May 1, 2022 and it has been about years since the night of the Rapture and the digital clock onstage marks that passage of time as shown below in Model 1. As the action continues, the "Sylentlyon" artwork appears on the video screen in "The Lion's Den" as shown below in Model 8. Shortly thereafter, Daniel rises up from underneath the stage on a hydraulic lift and appears onstage as shown below in Model 9. At this point, Daniel begins his presentation about the Christian underground with the text below Model 14. As soon as Daniel begins speaking, the mix of guitar, technicians and the sounds of computers lowers in volume. Refer to Models 1-33 below to follow the action described in "The Underground." The action continues uninterrupted with Models 10-14 and the text below Model 14. Note: the set of "The Lion's Den" shown below in Models 1-33 is an actual set and not just an image on the large video screen onstage.

Model 1-The dark stage and set of "The Lion's Den."

Model 2-The A gold Jewish star lights up on the railing of "The Lion's Den" onstage #1.

Model-Gold Jewish stars light up on the railing of "The Lion's Den" onstage #2

Model 4-Gold Jewish stars light up on the railing of "The Lion's Den" onstage #3.

Model 5-The supercomputer of "The Petra System" lights up onstage #1.

Model 6-The supercomputer of "The Petra System" lights up onstage #2.

Model 7-The supercomputer of "The Petra System" lights up onstage #3.


Model 8-The entire set of "The Bunker" and "Petra System" onstage.

Model 9-Daniel arrives on the set of "The Bunker" from underneath the stage.

Model 10-The U.S. map of "The Petra System" appears on the large video screen onstage.

Model 11-"Petra System" sites(crosses) appearing on the U.S. map.

Model 12-"Last Stand" shelters(Jewish stars) appearing on the U.S. map.

Model 13-The digital network of "The Petra System" appears on the U.S. map.

Model 14-The digital network of "The Petra System" no longer on the U.S. map .

Daniel: Hey Joshua.

Joshua: (A spotlight comes on around the musician playing Joshua who is standing towards the back of the auditorium playing guitar live. The video screens on each side of the live stage show live video of Joshua. He's wearing a headset with a wireless microphone) What's up man.

Daniel: II wanted to update you on Operation Last Stand before we leave.

Joshua:  Go for it.

Daniel:  (1)Now that we've been working on Operation Last Stand for the past year and a half I can give you a more detailed look at the underground and the progress we've made. (2)Take a look at the screen above me.  (3)The crosses now appearing on the map are locations of Petra System sites throughout the U.S. with the large gold cross identifying us here in the Sanctuary. (4)The sites house computer and communication systems digitally linked to "The Petra System" and are located at the shelters themselves or nearby. (5)Our satellites enable us to have Petra System sites at the most remote locations allowing them to go online which would be impossible to do so otherwise. (6)As you know with the Petra System and the heroic efforts of thousands of believers, a network of underground shelters are being created nationwide. (7)In the hills, under cities and in places like this, "Last Stand" shelters are rising up everywhere. (8)The stars now appearing on the map mark the locations of shelters in the U.S.. (9)Through "The Petra System," we are monitoring the status of these shelters 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and based on the information received here from Petra System sites nationwide, we can determine the needs of each shelter and provide the necessary resources, manpower and vital information. (10)Go ahead pick out a city on the map.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above.The red numbers in the parentheses refer to the number of each sentence in the dialogue above and have been put there to aid you in following the action. When Daniel says "Take a look at the screen above me" in sentence 2, the mix of guitar, technicians talking and typing on computer keyboards rises in volume, Daniel looks back at the large video screen onstage and points at it. Immediately thereafter, a map of the U.S. with the heading "The Petra System" above it appears on the large video screen replacing the "Sylentlyon" artwork as shown above in Model 10, the spotlight on Joshua goes off and the live video of him fades to black, and Daniel continues speaking from the dialogue above. When Daniel begins sentence 3, crosses begin to light up all over the U.S. map and a large gold cross lights up and flashes in the L.A. area of the map identifying the Sanctuary as shown above in Model 11. By the time Daniel begins sentence 6, the map is covered with crosses and all the "Petra System" sites have been identified as shown above in Model 11. As Daniel continues speaking from the dialogue above, he alternately looks out at the audience and back at the U.S. map. When Daniel begins sentence 6, Jewish stars start appearing around the crosses on the U.S. map on the large video screen as shown above in Model 12. At the same time, pre-taped video of people building and working at "Last Stand" shelters throughout the U.S. starts to play on the video screens on each side of the live stage and will continue to do so until Daniel finishes the dialogue above. By the time Daniel finishes sentence 8, Jewish stars cover the entire map and all the "Last Stand" shelters located in the U.S. are identified as shown above in Model 12. Note: there are actually more Petra System sites and shelters than those shown on the maps above but due to limited space we only included those shown in the models above. As soon as Daniel begins sentence 9, lines from all the "Petra System" sites(crosses) on the U.S. map to the large gold cross appear on the map as shown above in Model 13 showing the nationwide digital network. When Daniel begins sentence 10, he looks out into the audience, the digital network on the U.S. map disappears as shown above in Model 14 and a spotlight comes on encircling Joshua who is still in the audience playing guitar but at a different location in the auditorium. At the same time, the video of people working at "Last Stand" shelters on the screens on each side of the live stage is replaced by live video of Joshua playing guitar in the auditorium.)

All right, how bout Sin City.-(At this point, the spotlight encircling Joshua goes off and the live video of him on the screens on each side of the live stage ends. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 15-18 and the dialogue below Model 18 as Daniel gives his presentation on the Las Vegas shelter.)

Model 15-The Nevada map showing "Petra System" sites and locations of "Last Stand" shelters.

Model 16-Video of satellite getting ready to zoom in on the Las Vegas shelter.

Model 17-The video tour of the Las Vegas shelter with computer menu and data about the shelter on screen.

Model 18-The U.S. map returns to the video screen following the presentation of the Las Vegas shelter.

Daniel:  (1)Great pick, this is one of our finest facilities. (2)There are actually two large shelters in Nevada one in Vegas and the other in Reno. (3)As per your request, we'll take a look at the facility in Vegas. (4)This is a D.U.M.B. shelter built and abandoned by U.S. the military. (5) We have several abandoned facilities like this across the country that are part of Operation Last Stand. (6)The status of this shelter is fully operational. (7)This particular complex like our other D.U.M.B. shelters is huge stretching out over several city blocks. (8)Let's take a live video tour of this shelter.-(When Daniel begins sentence 2, he turns around, points at the state of Nevada on the U.S. map with a handheld laser and the red dot from the laser is seen on the state of Nevada. Immediately thereafter, the state of Nevada lights up brighter than any of the other states on the map and projects outward from the U.S. map replacing it as shown above in Model 15. The cities of Las Vegas and Reno are on the map of Nevada and the Jewish stars mark the geographical locations of "Last Stand" shelters in these cities as shown above in Model 15. As Daniel says sentence 3, he moves his handheld laser so that the red dot is on top of the Jewish star that's next to the word "Las Vegas" on the map of Nevada. Immediately thereafter, a computer sound is heard and the following sequence of events occurs very rapidly as Daniel continues speaking from the dialogue above. The map of Nevada is replaced by live video showing an overhead satellite shot of Earth as shown above in Model 16 and the satellite zooms downward from this vantage point. As the satellite zooms in, the image on the video screen gets tighter and we see an overhead shot of just the Las Vegas strip. When the satellite shot approaches the ground, the video on the screen shows the water fountains of the Bellagio casino and we see a flashing neon Jewish star underneath the water which pinpoints the exact location of the shelter. The satellite focuses and zooms in on the flashing star until it's the only thing on the screen and then it appears as if we actually enter the Jewish star. Finally, we see video of the shelter itself on the large video screen as shown above in Model 17. As Daniel completes the dialogue above, a computer menu listing the categories underlined in the blocks of bold typed text below appears on the large video screen to the left of the video of the Las Vegas shelter as shown above in Model 17. The green data to the right of the video of the Las Vegas shelter in Model 17 is information about the Vegas shelter such as details about its supplies, delivery schedules for supplies and personnel information. As Daniel's presentation of "The Underground" continues uninterrupted, he will say the title of each category of the computer menu in the sequence it's listed on the large video screen and speaks about each particular category as he gives Joshua a live video tour of this shelter in its entirety.)

Daniel:  Food, Shelter and Miscellaneous Supply Status: Complete, we have sleeping quarters, restroom facilities, a kitchen and dining area, stockpiles of food and bottled water, generators, fuel, and just about any other supplies you can think of.

Daniel:  Medical Status: Complete, this shelter has a complete health care team, a pharmacy, medical equipment and its own operating room.

Daniel: Security Status: Complete, a fully trained security force with special forces training is stationed here. This force provides security for this shelter and in the future will be engaged in search and rescue operations. These personnel are on reconnaissance missions mapping out the entire Las Vegas area in daylight and nightime conditions to maximize rescue efforts in the future. All this intelligence is relayed via "The Petra System" back here to us in the Sanctuary. This is happening nationwide as security forces from other shelters scout their respective areas.

Daniel: Communication Systems Status: Complete, this site is outfitted with a vast array of communication equipment including celluar phones, computers, shortwave radios, "walkie talkies," and sophisticated radar and satellite technologies.

Daniel:  Personnel Status: Complete, this shelter is fully equipped with the personnel needed to run and maintain it. This roster lists all the personnel at the Vegas shelter and their areas of expertise.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. When Daniel says the title of the first category above, "Food, Shelter and Miscellaneous Supply Status:," he moves his handheld laser so that the red dot is on top of that category on the computer menu that's on the large video screen. Immediately thereafter, a computer sound is heard and the locations, activities and supplies mentioned in the dialogue above that is associated with this category are seen live on the large video screen as Daniel speaks from the dialogue. After Daniel is done speaking the dialogue above that is associated with this category, he moves his laser so the red dot is on top of the next category on the computer menu that's on the large video screen which is  "Medical Status." Immediately thereafter, a computer sound is heard and the locations, supplies, activities and personnel mentioned in the dialogue above that is associated with this category are seen live on the video screen as Daniel speaks from the dialogue above. The exact same sequence of events as above occurs for the three remaining categories on the computer menu: "Security Status," "Communication Systems Status," and "Personnel Status." Daniel says the title of each category, moves his handheld laser so that the red dot is on top of that category on the computer menu and speaks the dialogue above that is associated with each of these particular categories. Following this, the locations, supplies, activities and personnel mentioned in the dialogue are seen live on the large video screen as Daniel speaks from the dialogue above. After Daniel finishes the discussion of the last category on the computer menu, "Personnel Status," the video that's presently on the large video screen switches back to the U.S. map as shown above in Model 18. At the same time, a spotlight comes on encircling Joshua who is still in the audience playing guitar but at a different location. The video on the screens on each side of the live stage show live video of Joshua playing guitar in the auditorium. At this point, Daniel looks out at Joshua and speaks to him) So what do you think?

Joshua:  (Shaking his head in amazement) That's awesome! You can do that for any place in the country?

Daniel: Yeah, I can tell you anything you want to know about any one of our shelters. I can tell you their projected date of completion, the supplies needed and whether or not they've been purchased, the date and time of the delivery of supplies, and what personnel is needed or has been assigned to a particular shelter. I'd like to show you one of our newest shelters which is quite different than the one in Vegas.

Joshua: Go ahead bro.-(After Joshua says this, the spotlight encircling him goes off, Daniel turns around and looks up at the U.S. map on the large video screen, and begins his presentation on the Denver shelter. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 19-33 and the dialogue below Model 33.)

Model 19-The Colorado map showing "Petra System" sites and locations of "Last Stand" shelters.

Model 20-Video of satellite getting ready to zoom in on the Denver shelter.

Model 21-The video tour of the Denver shelter with the computer menu and data about the shelter on screen.

Model 22-The U.S. map returns to the video screen following the presentation of the Denver shelter.

Model 23-Petra Trucking System(PTS) of "Operation Last Stand."

Model 24-Petra Airline Control System(PAC) of "Operation Last Stand".

Model 25-Petra Airline Control System(PAC) of "Operation Last Stand."

Model 26-The U.S. map returns to the video screen following the presentation of the Denver shelter.

Model 27-Daniel walks to the left side of "The Lion's  Den"

Model 28-"Virtual Hologram Sytem" emerges #1.

Model 29"Virtual Hologram Sytem" emerges #2.

Model 30-Full "Virtual Hologram System" onstage.

Model 31-Daniel sits down at "VHS" and begins working with it.

Model 32-Hologram of shelter in NYC and the surrounding area on the "VHS" and "Lion's Den" video screen.

Model 33-The "Last Stand Tour" artwork on "The Lion's Den" video screen.

Daniel: (1)This particular shelter is located outside of Denver in the Rocky Mountains. (2)We conducted a geological survey of the area and discovered a massive cave ideally suited for our purposes. (3)But the cave was completely enclosed so we had to create an entrance into it. (4)We literally carved a huge door out of the rock that can't be seen from the outside when closed as shown here in the video. (5)Let's take a video tour of this facility. (6) Most of the supplies and personnel for this shelter are missing because it's new and wasn't part of the original database received from Gabriel following the Rapture. (7)The data on the screen shows the supplies needed and their delivery schedules, and lists the personnel presently at this shelter and those still needed. (8)While some shelters like that in Vegas are complete, many are only partially finished and others are still in their infancy. (9)Much work remains to be done but we still have almost two years to complete Operation Last Stand so that we are fully operational nationwide. (10)All the shelters should be ready by the time the second half of the Tribulation Period is upon us. (11)We're right in step with the prophetic calender just as planned and right on schedule. (12)"The Council" and I will join you on the road for the duration of the U.S. tour in the mobile command and control center. (13)This will give us a great opportunity to assess the progress of "Operation Last Stand" and the shelters in person as the tour moves from city to city over the next year. (14)One more thing. (15)Remember when you shapeshifted into me and saw my future plans for "The Petra System."-(Joshua nods yes) (16) I've completed my work on those systems and they're now online and fully operational.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. When Daniel begins sentence 1, a similar sequence of events that occurred when Daniel gave his presentation on the Las Vegas shelter occurs. Daniel points at the state of Colorado on the U.S. map with his handheld laser and the red dot from the laser is seen on the state of Colorado. Immediately thereafter, a computer sound is heard and the state of Colorado lights up brighter than any of the other states on the map and projects outward from the U.S. map replacing it as shown above in Model 19. The names Denver and Colorado Springs are on the map of Colorado and Jewish stars mark the geographical locations of "Last Stand" shelters in these cities as shown above in Model 19. Following this, Daniel moves his handheld laser so that the red dot is on top of the Jewish star that's next to the word "Denver" on the map of Colorado, a computer sound is heard, and the following sequence of events occurs very rapidly as Daniel says sentences 2 and 3. The map of Colorado is replaced by video showing an overhead satellite shot of Earth as shown above in Model 20 and the satellite zooms downward from this vantage point. As the satellite shot zooms in, the image on the video screen gets tighter and we see an overhead shot of just Denver and the Rocky Mountains. When the satellite shot approaches the ground, the video on the screen shows the tops of some trees and a rock formation, and we see a flashing Jewish star on the ground which pinpoints the exact location of the shelter. The flashing star is located at the entrance of the cave. At this point, Daniel begins sentence 4 and the video shows three men standing in front of the entrance of the cave. One of the men types in a numbered code on a hidden panel outside the entrance, the large cave door opens up and the men walk into the cave as shown above in Model 21. As Daniel says sentences 5-7, he quickly clicks on each of the computer menu headings on the large video screen and the video tour shows that this shelter is almost completely empty. When Daniel completes sentence 7, the video of the Denver shelter that's presently on the large video screen switches back to the U.S. map as shown above in Model 22. When Daniel says sentence 14, a spotlight comes on encircling Joshua once again who is still in the audience playing guitar but at a different location in the auditorium. As Daniel says the remaining dialogue above he looks at Joshua. As soon as Daniel completes sentence16, Joshua responds to him.)

Joshua:  Show me what ya got.

Daniel: No problem, (Daniel addresses one of the technicians that's working with the supercomputer live onstage) bring up the "Petra Ground Control" system.-(The technician nods yes, turns around and looks at his monitor, starts typing and Daniel looks back at "The Lion's Den" video screen. Shortly thereafter, the tracking system for the "PGC" system appears on the video screen as shown above in Model 23. Daniel alternately looks at the video screen and at Joshua as he speaks the remaining dialogue) The icons on the map mark the exact locations of trucks that are part of "Operation Last Stand" and we can track their movement and whereabouts 24/7 all across the country. This technology using GPS coordinates as a tracking system is already used industrywide but our system is closed and impenetrable by any person or outside organization. Our trucks can't be tracked and none of our communications intercepted due to the security measures provided by the "SOS" operating system.-(He pauses briefly) Now let's go to the air.-(Daniel addresses another technician that's working with the supercomputer live onstage) Bring up the "Petra Air Control" system.-(The technician nods yes, turns around and looks at his monitor, starts typing and Daniel looks back at "The Lion's Den" video screen. Shortly thereafter, the tracking system for the "PAC" system appears on the video screen as shown above in Model 24 replacing the "PGC" system) "The Petra System" also functions as an air traffic control system. The red icons on the map identify planes that are part of "Operation Last Stand" and are currently airborne. Our planes are still subject to FAA requirements and are outfitted with transponders to track their location and identify them to ATC facilities nationwide. However, our planes are also equipped with our own custom transponders giving us the same information and allowing us to track our planes also. But there's one big difference between the current "ATC" system and ours. In the current "ATC" system ground to air messages can be heard by any aircraft euipped with the appropriate receiver regardless of the intended recipient. In the "PAC" system, we utilize digital data link technology giving us the ability to talk to our pilots one on one without anyone else hearing our communications.  Check this out.-(Daniel looks at and addresses a technician) Connect me to JC777.-(Following this, Daniel looks at "The Lion's Den" video screen and the small radar screen on the left side of the video screen in Model 24 increases in size replacing the U.S. map as shown above in Model 25. Right before Daniel speaks to the pilot, brackets appear around the red plane on the radar as shown above in Model 25 indicating lines of communication have been established with that plane and that plane only) JC777, this is Sylentlyon do you copy.

JC777:  Yes sir,<>

Daniel:  What's your current location, destination and payload.

JC777:  I'm currently in North Dakota en route to St. Paul, Minnesota.  My estimated time of arrival is 4:00pm and I'm delivering a large cache of medical supplies.

Daniel:  You're right on schedule, good work.

JC777:  Thank you sir.

Daniel:  Over and out.

JC777:  Copy that sir.-(Following this, the "Operation Last Stand" database re-appears on "The Lion's Den" video screen as shown above in Model 26.)

Daniel:  (1)We can track those medical supplies from the airport to their final destination in St. Paul via the "PGC" system and confirm their delivery to the appropriate shelter by accessing the "Operation Last Stand" database for shelters in the St. Paul area. (2)These systems are seamlessly integrated and can track products purchased for the underground from their point of origin to their final destinations be it on land, in the air or both.  (3)These systems were created by adding a few new wrinkles to already existing technologies but here's a revolutionary new technology developed by Dr. Shamir, Dr. Oppeheimer and myself known as the "Virtual Hologram System" or simply "VHS." (4)The system combines and integrates the most sophisticated architectural software with advanced computer and satellite technologies for unmatched holographic imagery and functionality. (5)Every square inch of each shelter is painstakingly photographed and videotaped and detailed blueprints are drawn up. (6)This data is in turn uploaded into "The Petra System" and through the software we've developed a virtual shelter that is exactly like the actual one is created. (7)Here's how it works. (8)We enter the "Operation Last Stand" database and go to the "Hidden Shelters" page of a particular shelter. (9)The shelters that are currently part of the "Virtual Hologram System" have the intials "VHS" next to them and they are a link to the system. (10)We click on the  letters and the GPS coordinates of the shelter are sent to one of our satellites triggering it to zoom in on the chosen shelter. (11)Once the satellite quits zooming in, the virtual shelter appears in the same exact location of the actual shelter and that's what you see here and on the video screen. (12)All the shelter holograms are seen on the video screen in high definition 3D. (13)The area surrounding the virtual shelter is live footage provided by the satellite. (14)Through "VHS," we can literally enter the virtual shelter and visit the entire complex in real time like I'm showing you right now. (15)All the contents found inside a particular shelter are also present in its virtual shelter and any changes that occur within the actual shelter are made instantaneously to the virtual shelter. (16)This gives us a visual inventory of all the contents in the shelters at any given moment. (17)Think of the entire system as a smart phone that gives us centralized control of each shelter. (18)We can regulate the power at shelters, put them on complete lockdown, dump data on their computers so as not to compomise "Operation Last Stand" and initiate weapon systems. (19)The leaders at each shelter also have the ability to carry out these same functions but we have the final say and can overide their actions if necessary. (20)The system can also rotate 360 degrees in either direction so the shelter and its surrounding area can be viewed from multiple vantage points. (21)So whataya think?-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. After Daniel finishes sentence 2, he walks to the left side of "The Lion's Den" as shown above in Model 27. When he says sentence 3, the hologram system rises upward from the floor of "The Lion's Den" as shown above in Models 28-30 and by the time Daniel finishes sentence 3 the entire "VHS" system is visble onstage as shown above in Model 30. As Daniel says sentence 7, he sits behind the controls of the "VHS" as shown above in Model 31 and begins working with the instruments of the system. When Daniel says sentences 8-11 the following action occurs. Daniel enters the "Operation Last Stand" database and clicks on the state of New York. Immediately thereafter, the New York state page appears on the video screen, Daniel clicks on the heading "Hidden Shelters" from the computer menu and a list of shelters in New York appears. Following this, Daniel clicks on the initials "VHS"  that are next to the heading of a shelter in New York and a satellite zooms in on the shelter stopping when the shelter and the surrounding area are clearly in view atop the "VHS" system and on the video screen. Shortly thereafter, the holographic image of the virtual shelter replaces the actual shelter atop the "VHS" system and on the video screen as shown above in Model 32 as Daniel completes sentence 11. When Daniel begins sentence 14, we zoom in on the virtual shelter on the video screen and on the "VHS" system until we're at the secret entrance of the shelter, an icon of a man appears at the entrance and the man enters the virtual shelter. As Daniel says sentences15-19, the man(icon) walks to different areas throughout the virtual shelter and this action is shown to the live audience in 3D on the video screen and it appears as if we are actually walking in the shelter. When Daniel says sentence 15, the man(icon) stops, looks into the pantry of the kitchen and a pallet of rice appears with the other items already in the pantry illustrating how any changes in the actual shelter are made instantaneously to the virtual shelter. As Daniel says sentence 20, the holographic image of the virtual shelter and the surrounding area atop the "VHS" system starts to rotate as does the same image on the video screen. Shortly thereafter, Daniel spins around in his chair so that he's facing Joshua and his back is to the "VHS" system. As soon as Daniel stops spinning in his chair, the holographic image of the virtual shelter and the surrounding area atop the "VHS" system and on the video screen stop rotating and a new vantage point of the shelter is in view. At this point, Daniel looks out at Joshua and says sentence 21)

Joshua:  (Shaking his head in awe) You're amazing bro?

Daniel:  (Humbly) Thanks Josh.

Joshua: Well, It's true.

Daniel: Now it's time for the Last Stand.

Joshua:  Let the "Greatest Show on Earth" begin.-(As soon as Joshua finishes this dialogue, he plays a power chord on his guitar which echoes, the entire set of "The Lion's Den" goes dark and Joshua's superhero symbol which is also the artwork for "The Last Stand Tour" appears on all the video screens as shown above in Model 33. Shortly thereafter, the curtain closes at the front of the stage and the stage is prepared for the "U.S. Tour" segment. "The Last Stand" artwork will remain on the screens on each side of the live stage until right before the "U.S. Tour" segment begins. Click on the play button below to view "The Underground" Trailer. You will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue reading the production.)

  The "Underground" Trailer.

The Last Stand

"The U.S. Tour"

  "The Tour" segment is divided into two parts the "U.S. Tour" and "World Tour" and the tour as a whole is entitled "The Last Stand." There are a total of 25 models of the stage in the "U.S. Tour" segment and 128 models in the "World Tour" segment to aid you in following the action. Symbols's U.S. and World tours each last a year and this passage of time is marked by the digital clock onstage. By the time the entire tour is over, almost 3½ years have passed by since the Rapture took place and the midpoint of the Tribulation Period is about three days away. The "U.S. Tour" segment begins with Models 1-16 and the text below Model 16 and starts on May 2, 2022 as shown below in Model 1. Although not seen in the models below, Joshua is wearing his "Holy Soldier" outfit he received on Mt. Zion throughout all the action in the "U.S. and World Tour" segments. The band member images used in the models for the "U.S. and World Tour" segments don't look like nor are dressed like the actual band members of Symbols will be and are used for reference purposes only. 

Model 1-The stage at the beginning of the "U.S. Tour" segment.

Model 2-The storm video begins playing on the video screen onstage.

Model 3-The Symbols's sword descending in the video on the screen.

Model 4-The Symbols's sword and storm video on the video screen.

Model 5- The Symbols's sword on the black backdrop on the video screen.

Model 6-Symbols's artwork on screen and cones of light atop the amps.

Model 7-Symbols's band members rising up from within the amplifiers #1.

Model 8-Symbols's band members rising up from within the amplifiers #2.

Model 9-Symbols's band members rising up from within the amplifiers #3.

Model 10-Symbols standing atop the amps in their colored lights onstage.

Model 11-Symbols's artwork begins to change on video screen onstage.

Model 12-New Symbols's artwork on the screen with band atop the amps.

Model 13-The unveiling of the U.S. map on the large video screen #1.

Model 14-The unveiling of the U.S. map on the large video screen #2.

Model 15-Symbols atop amps and U.S. map on video screen onstage.

Model 16-Stage goes dark, musicians move, and catchphrase spoken.

  When the "U.S. Tour" segment opens, the live stage is set up as shown above in Model 1. The stage is dark, the drum riser(a large drum itself), amplifiers and piano ramps are only faintly visible onstage, and the large video screen onstage is blank. As this audio intro of Symbols's show plays, the following action takes place. Fog begins to fill the stage as shown above in Model 1 and flows over the top of the amplifiers on both sides of the drum riser but this is not seen in the models above. A storm backdrop with lightning flashing on it appears on the large video screen onstage as shown above in Model 2. Shortly thereafter, a large sword bearing the name "Symbols" begins to move downward from the top of the video screen as shown above in Model 3. As the sword continues to move downward eventually stopping in the position shown above in Model 4, lightning strikes the sword and the word "Symbols" several times. Following this, the storm backdrop and lightning fade out leaving the sword on the screen by itself with a black background as shown above in Model 5. At this point, four Christian symbols the cross, the dove, the commandments and the Ichthys appear on the video screen onstage underneath the sword as shown above in Model 6. Colored lights which look as if they are coming from each symbol form a circular cone of light that projects downward on to the top of the amplifiers as shown above in Model 6. As soon as the stage looks like Model 6 above, the Symbols's band members begin to emerge from within the amplifiers on the left and right sides of the stage within the circular cones of light via hydraulic lifts and are visible to the audience as shown above in Model 7. The musicians will continue to move upward until they are standing atop the amplifiers and this sequence of action is shown above in Models 6-9. At the same time, the fog that's on the stage and flowing over the amplifiers changes to the color associated with each particular symbol as shown above in Models 6-9(ie. from gold to blue to orange to green). In addition, each musician is illuminated by the color associated with their specific Christian symbol as shown above in Model 10 which is the same color as the lights emanating from each symbol. Once all the musicians are standing atop the amplifiers, the color of the fog flowing over the amplifiers and onstage turns to white as shown above in Model 10.

  As the action continues, the image on the video screen onstage changes. The image of the sword and the Christian symbols on the large video screen fades out and is replaced by artwork of each musician and their Christian symbol as shown above in Models 11 and 12 with the "Holy Soldier" icon in center of the artwork as shown above in Model 12. The band is now standing atop the amplifiers and their artwork and the "Holy Soldier" icon is on the large video screen onstage as shown above in Model 12. As the audio intro continues to play, the cross artwork on the large video screen onstage begins to move diagonally upward to the left, the Ten Commandment artwork moves diagonally upward to the right, the dove artwork moves diagonally downward to the left and the Ichthys artwork moves diagonally downward to the right all at the same time as shown in Model 13. When this occurs, we begin to see the glowing border of an image behind the artwork as shown above in Model 13. The "Holy Soldier" icon which is in the middle of the artwork stays in the same position on the large video screen and doesn't move as shown above in Model 13. The artwork continues to move in these directions and more and more of the image behind the artwork is revealed as shown above in Model 14 until ultimately the artwork is no longer seen on the screen as shown above in Model 15. We now see the image that was behind the artwork is a map of the U.S. with the "Holy Soldier" icon in the middle of it as shown above in Model 15. Following this, the narrator in the audio intro begins saying 1John5:4 and the Symbols's catchphrase which are shown below and the stage goes completely dark except for the U.S. map and the "Holy Soldier" icon on the video screen onstage as shown above in Model 16. As 1John5:4 and the Symbols's catchphrase are spoken, Joshua leaves the top of the amplifiers and goes to the stage below standing in the fog as shown above in Model 16, D.W. gets behind his drums on the drum riser, Gibson walks over to the far left area of the stage still standing atop the amplifiers as shown above in Model 16 and Robert walks over to the far right area of the stage still standing atop the amplifiers as shown above in Model 16. The stage will continue to look like Model 16 above as 1John5:4 and the catchphrase are spoken. After they are spoken, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 17-21 and the text below Model 21.

Narrator:  "For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that overcomes the world our faith." For we are Symbols for the world to see and when they're looking for Christ may they see Him in me."

Model 17-Stage lights up after 1John5:4 and the catchphrase is spoken.

Model 18-Video of tour bus on highway within the U.S. map on the screen.

Model 19-Video of the caravan of tour buses on highway with the sunset.

Model 20-Symbols plays "The Last Stand" with the looping caravan video.

Model 21-U.S. map on the video screens on each side of the stage tracking the "U.S. Tour."

  As the action continues uninterrupted following the narration of 1John5:4 and the Symbols's catchphrase, the soundclip continues playing and the stage lights up as shown above in Model 17. Shortly thereafter, video begins to play within the U.S. map on the large video screen onstage and it appears as if the "Holy Soldier" icon and the black area within the border of the U.S. map start moving forward. As the video continues to play, we see the "Holy Soldier" icon and the black area are actually artwork on the back of a Symbols's tour bus that is traveling on a highway as shown above in Model 18. As the bus continues moving forward, the camera pulls back from the back of the bus so that we have a wide, ovehead shot of the entire area as shown above in Model 19. We see the bus is part of a caravan of buses and diesels that is traveling on a highway heading towards a sunset as shown above in Model 19. However, we only see the first three buses of the caravan in Models 19 and 20 but as the beginning of the song "The Last Stand" is performed live the remaining vehicles of the caravan will be seen. The vehicles are carrying the band, tour personnel and equipment for the "Last Stand Tour." As the soundclip continues to play, Gibson and Robert walk down the piano ramps until they're ultimately onstage as shown above in Models 19 and 20 and Joshua emerges from the fog onstage as shown above in Models 19 and 20. At this point, the soundclip ends and Symbols's begins playing the song "The Last Stand" live onstage. The video of the entire caravan traveling on the highway will loop and play within the U.S. map on the large video screen onstage for the duration of the song "The Last Stand" and video clips will play superimposed on the video throughout the song. At the same time, U.S. maps that look like Model 21 above appear on the video screens on each side of the live stage. These U.S. maps will track the progress of the U.S. portion of the "Last Stand Tour" and determine the sequence video clips appear and play within the U.S. map on the large video screen. The audience will join Joshua, Symbols, Daniel and "The Council" on the road for the entire U.S. leg of the "Last Stand Tour" via video as the song "The Last Stand" is performed live. The U.S. part of the "Last Stand Tour" lasts a year and this period of time is marked by the digital clock onstage. From this point forward, any time we talk about video playing on the large video screen onstage, we are refering to video playing within the border of the U. S. map on the large video screen superimposed on the looping caravan video. The looping caravan video will be dimmed sufficiently so that the video clips playing superimposed on it can clearly be seen. Before continuing with the description of the video accompanying the song "The Last Stand," the nature of the video clips themselves and how they will appear on the large video screen need to be explained. Click on the play button below to see the "U.S.Tour" Trailer with the soundclip heard previously. After you view the trailer, you will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue reading the act "The Last Stand."

  The "U.S. Tour" Trailer.

The U.S. maps on the video screens on each side of the live stage track the progress of the U.S. portion of the "Last Stand Tour" and determine the sequence video clips appear and play on the large video screen onstage. Each map has a small Symbols's tour bus on it in the California region of the map and as the song "The Last Stand" is played live the bus moves eastward in a straight line until it ultimately reaches the East Coast. As the bus moves eastward, each state on the map lights up when the front of the bus crosses over its western most border. Because the bus is much smaller than the map, the tour bus graphic itself only crosses over the borders of a few states. How the remaining states light up can be explained as follows. Visualize an imaginery straight line that is lined up with the front of the tour bus and extends from the northern most to the southern most border of the U.S. that moves eastward at the exact same time the bus does. Any time the bus itself or the imaginery line above or below the bus crosses over the western most border of a state it lights up. When each state lights up, the "Holy Soldier" icon lights up in that state showing Symbols has played there as shown above in Model 21. By the end of the song, the bus is on the East Coast and both maps are completely lit up with a "Holy Soldier" icon in each state. The states lighting up on these maps also determine the sequence video clips appear and play on the large video screen as the song "The Last Stand" is performed. For example, as each bus begins moving across the maps and the state of Washington lights up, video of Space Needle in Seattle and Symbols playing at a large stadium in Washington starts playing superimposed on the looping caravan video. As each buse continues moving east and the state of Nevada lights up, we see video of Symbols walking on the Las Vegas Strip witnessing to large crowds, Joshua stopping a coroner employee who's about to put a dead body into his van and bringing the man back to life in front of a large crowd on the Strip, and Symbols playing at a stadium in Las Vegas where Joshua is onstage holding a Bible up in the air preaching to the audience. The types of video clips that will be seen include Symbols playing in concert, large crowds of people accepting Christ at Symbols's concerts or at street revivals led by Joshua in U.S. cities, Joshua healing people of numerous maladies and raising the dead at concerts or in U.S. cities, Joshua using his superpowers at concerts and on the road, and Joshua preaching to crowds at shows and on city streets. In addition to video clips related to Joshua and the tour, we will also see video clips of the activities of Daniel and "The Council" as it relates to the nationwide underground. As mentioned previously, they accompany Symbols for the duration of the U.S. tour. Some examples of these video clips include clips of "Last Stand" shelters in the cities Symbols visits on their tour, Daniel and "The Council" visiting and inspecting these shelters secretly, Daniel and "The  Council" working in their areas of expertise with people at the shelters, Daniel and "The Council" on the road with Symbols, and Daniel and "The Council" working in the mobile command and control center which looks like NASA's command and control center filled with the world's most sophisticated computer and communication equipment. As is the case with the video clips of Joshua and the tour, the appearance of these clips on the large screen onstage is linked to the lighting up of the states on the U.S. maps. It's important to note that the video clips from each lit up state don't always appear in sequence one after another but many times appear on the large screen onstage at the same time superimposed on the looping caravan video. This results in an active video collage on the large video screen. So as the tour buses move eastward on the U.S. maps that are on the video screens on each side of the live stage, the different states light up triggering video clips from those states to begin playing superimposed on the looping caravan video within the U.S. map on the large video screen onstage. In the video clips that are shown during the song "The Last Stand" as Symbols tours the U.S., we continue to see the devastating effects the Rapture has had on the country. The country is in a serious depression much worse than that in 1929. Countless businesses and residences continue to be abandoned and boarded up, the streets are filled with the homeless and basic services such trash disposal and electric power are non-existant in areas. At this point, the description of the video accompanying the song "The Last Stand" begins with the text below the lyrics of the song "The Last Stand."

The Last Stand

Symbols marched across the fruited plain
Headlong into the pouring rain
The Last Stand was underway
With the hope and promise of a brighter day

Verse 2:
Stadiums packed full of anticipation
As legions gathered for the celebration
The lights went out and the fans roared
  Hysteria broke out
at the opening chord

Verse 3:
The stage lit up blinding the crowd

And a series of explosions rang out loud

Holy Soldier emerged from the smoke and haze

Filled with the Spirit his eyes ablaze

  Chorus 1:
Holy Soldier rose up and took command
And an epic revival swept over the land
Holy Soldier rose up and took command
Millions found victory at the Last Stand

Verse 4:
Symbols pounded the stage night after night
Throwing down the gauntlet taking up the fight
  Spellbound crowds stood agape in awe
and couldn’t believe what
they heard and saw

  Verse 5:
He lit the way with a six string on his back
Firing a barrage of miracles in a righteous attack
Unleashing all his powers in a blaze of glory
A beacon of light in man's darkest story

Verse 6:
Destroying the sickness and raising the dead
The movement
multiplied and spread
  Playing until his body broke and fingers bled
Holy Soldier knew greater battles lie ahead

  Chorus 2:
Holy Soldier rose up and took command
And an epic revival swept over the land
  Holy Soldier rose up and took command
Millions found victory at the Last Stand

Lead Break:

Chorus 3:
Holy Soldier rose up and took command
And an epic revival swept over the land
Holy Soldier rose up and took command
Millions found victory at the Last Stand


When Symbols begins playing the song "The Last Stand" live onstage, video starts playing on the large screen onstage superimposed on the looping video of the caravan of buses and diesels traveling on a highway towards a sunset. The U.S. maps on the video screens that are tracking the progress of the U.S. tour are completely dark and no states have lit up inside the U.S. maps. As the song begins, the buses in the California regions of the U.S. maps on the screens on each side of the live stage begin to move eastward very slowly and the states of California, Oregon and Washington light up on the maps. Although video from Washington and Oregon plays superimposed on the looping caravan video, the main video appearing on the large screen onstage as the song begins to be played is video from the first show of Symbols's U.S. tour at Dodger Stadium. In the video, we see a crowd of over 100,000 people at Dodger Stadium waiting for Symbols to come onstage and start their U.S. tour. When the lights go off at Dodger Stadium, the crowd roars knowing the show is about to start and when they hear the first guitar chord they go nuts. Immediately thereafter, the entire stage lights up brightly and a series of explosions go off as Symbols begins playing the opening song of their U.S. tour. As the remainder of the song "The Last Stand" is played live, the buses on the U.S. maps tracking Symbols's U.S. tour continue moving eastward across the maps, more and more states light up and video associated with those states plays on the large video screen onstage. The content of this video was described earlier in the paragraph of text preceding this one. There is video of special note that plays as the song "The Last Stand" is performed live. In this video, we see a distant, overhead shot of a large staduim filled with people which is completely dark except for the stage and a small source of light on the field of the stadium. From this vantage point, the camera zooms in on the light source on the field which is Joshua who's wearing his trenchcoat and walking through the large crowd at the stadium with his gold Les Paul lit up and slung over his shoulder resting on his back. The "Holy Soldier" icon, the Christian symbols on his trenchcoat, his cross necklace and the "Final Apostle" symbol on his belt buckle are also lit up. The light from the cross necklace and the belt buckle illuminate the area in front of Joshua and he follows this light source as he walks through the massive crowd. In effect, the light creates a path Joshua walks down and the crowd in front of him moves to either side of him allowing his passage. As Joshua walks through the crowd, he lays hands on people healing them of various maladies such as blindness, deafness and paralyis. We also see others in the crowd being healed by simply reaching out and touching the lit up guitar or trenchcoat as Joshua walks by them.  When the song "The Last Stand" ends, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 22-25 and the text below Model 25.

Model 22-Symbols live onstage after the last show of their U.S. Tour in Central Park.

Model 23-Symbols live onstage after the last show of their U.S. Tour in Central Park.

Model 24-Video of pillars of fire engulfing Symbols on the large video screen onstage.

Model 25-Symbols live onstage with video of the "Last Stand" World Tour Map

   When Symbols finishes playing the song "The Last Stand," the U.S. leg of the "Last Stand Tour" which began in California at Dodger Stadium has just ended with a free concert in Central Park and a year has passed by. The U.S. maps on the video screens on each side of the live stage are completely lit up and each state has the "Holy Soldier" icon in it indicating Symbols has performed in that state on the tour. The video on the large video screen that's within the U.S. map shows a distant, overhead shot of Central Park. There is a massive crowd and Symbols is onstage. From this vantage point in the video on the large screen onstage, the camera zooms in on the stage until we have a camera shot looking directly at Joshua and Symbols who are at the front of the stage taking a bow and thanking the audience in Central Park. The camera shot is tight and all we see in the video on the large screen onstage is Symbols and the stage as shown above in Model 22. Symbols is doing exactly the same thing live onstage at the auditorium "The Unveiling" is being performed at, that is, bowing and thanking the audience at the front of the stage in perfect synchronization with the same action in the pre-taped video on the large screen onstage. They are standing in the same place live onstage as they are in the pre-taped footage of Central Park on the large screen, are wearing the same clothes and the live stage is exactly the same as the one seen in the pre-taped footage. The desired effect is for the live action to appear as if it were actually occurring in Central Park and in effect the audience watching "The Unveiling" live becomes the crowd in Central Park. At this point, the pre-taped video footage of Symbols standing onstage in Central Park ends and the video screen fades to black as shown above in Model 23. The roar of the live crowd in the auditorium "The Unveiling" is being performed at is defeaning as they applaud and shout out "Symbols" over and over again. The stage is completely lit up and Symbols throws guitar picks, drum sticks and C.D.s into the audience. Shortly thereafter, Joshua motions for the crowd to quiet down. As soon as the applause and roar of the crowd subsides, the musician playing Joshua speaks to the live audience in the auditorium who have in effect become the crowd in Central Park. All the dialogue below is spoken by the musician playing Joshua live and any simultaneous action that takes place live and in pre-taped video footage is in perfect synchronization.

Joshua: (1)All right New York, we've just been told this is the biggest crowd ever for any event at Central Park. (2)There's over a million of ya out here tonight and I wanna hear you!-(Joshua holds his mic out towards the audience and the crowd lets out a deafening roar) (3)We'd like to thank all of you here tonight, the millions who came out to see us on tour this past year, and those of you who are watching this live on T.V. for supporting and helping us spread the Gospel across this great nation. (4)State by state, song by song, millions have been saved on this tour and that's what it's all about. (5)I want all of ya to hold your cell phones and lighters in the air. (6)Come on everybody, (Nodding his head up and down in approval) that's right, let the light shine bright and cut through the darkness. (7)Now I want everyone to be quiet, (Joshua puts his index finger to his lips) Shhhh....(Whispering into the mic) quiet, everyone quiet(8)(Putting his hands to his ears and speaking softly) Can you hear it,... the still small voice,... listen,... (shouting out loudly) and see the glory of God! (9)Now it's time to take the Last Stand to the rest of the world. (10)Europe, Russia, India, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Israel, pray for us as we circle the globe and sing a song of eternal life to a dying world. (11)Good night everybody, we love you and God bless the United States of America!-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. The red numbers in the parentheses refer to the number of each sentence in the dialogue  above and have been put there to aid you in following the action. When Joshua starts the dialogue above, the video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes and the lit up U.S. maps with the buses are replaced. We now alternately see pre-taped video of the crowd of a million people in Central Park and live video shots of the audience watching "The Unveiling"  live in the auditorium on these screens. Once again the desired effect is for the live action to appear as if it were actually occurring in Central Park and the live audience becomes the crowd in Central Park. When Joshua says sentences 5 and 6, everyone in the auditorium holds up cell phones and lighters and we alternately see live video shots of this and pre-taped video of the million concert-goers in Central Park holding up cell phones and lighters on the video screens on each side of the live stage. The action in sentence 8 is seen both live onstage and in new pre-taped video footage from the concert in Central Park that begins playing on the screens on each side of the live stage and on the large video screen onstage. When Joshua says "Can you hear it,..the still small voice" in sentence 8, the sound of wind which is the Holy Spirit is heard but it's barely audible. However, when Joshua says "listen" in the same sentence, the wind quickly gets progressively louder until it's deafening sounding like a hurricane. At this point, Joshua looks and points upward extending his arms over his head and shouts out "and see the glory of God!" Immediately thereafter, in the pre-taped video playing on all the video screens, Joshua brings his hands and arms downward as if he were pulling something down from the sky and four huge pillars of fire shoot down from the sky engulfing each member of Symbols onstage as shown above in Model 24. Only the pre-taped video footage from Central Park with the use of CGI playing on the video screens can adequately show this particular action with the pillars of fire. The pre-taped video footage of this action seen on the screens on each side of the live stage and on the large video screen differs. The video footage of the action on the large screen focuses solely on the stage as the pillars of fire engulf Symbols onstage. However, the video footage on the screens on each side of the live stage shows this action but also shows the crowd's reaction to the miracle in Central Park. We also see different camera shots on the video footage playing on the screens on each side of the live stage that aren't seen on the large screen onstage such as close-ups of the band members within the pillars of fire. After about 10 seconds, the pillars of fire engulfing Symbols ascend back into the sky and the band members haven't been harmed at all by the fire. Shortly thereafter, the lit up U.S. maps re-appear on the screens on each side of the live stage and the pre-taped video on the large screen onstage ends fading to black.   

 As the action continues, Joshua says sentence 9 loud and forcefully pointing at the large video screen onstage. At that exact moment, a world map appears on the large video screen onstage as shown above in Model 25 and the U.S. maps on the video screens on each side of the live stage are replaced by the same world map. Only the U.S. region on the world maps is lit up as shown above in Model 25 signifying that Symbols has only toured the U.S. thus far. The new world maps on the screens look very similar to the U.S. map shown above in Model 16 in that only the outermost borders of the world maps are lit up and not the area inside the borders. When Joshua says the name of each region in sentence 10 starting with Europe and ending with Israel, he points at the large video screen onstage and the border of that region within the world maps lights up. By the time Joshua says the last region in sentence 10, the borders of all the regions that Joshua called out are lit up within the world maps but the regions themselves are not except for the U.S. as shown above in Model 25. These regions will light up during the "World Tour" segment as Symbols tours the rest of the world. When Joshua ends the dialogue above, the entire stage goes dark and a computer graphic jet airplane appears on the New York area of the world map on the large video screen. Immediately thereafter, the deafening sound of an airplane's jet engines fills the auditorium and we see the plane fly across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to England on the world map on the large screen. Once the plane reaches England, the loud screeching of an airplane's tires is heard, the England region lights up on all the world maps and the "Holy Soldier" icon appears in that area on the maps just as it did in each state on the U.S. map. Shortly thereafter, the world map on the large video screen fades to black. The large screen onstage will show pre-taped video footage of Symbols's entire world tour. The world maps on the other screens will track the world tour in the same manner as they did for the "U.S. Tour" segment At this point, the "U.S. Tour" segment comes to a close and the action continues uninterrupted as the "World Tour" segment begins.)

The Last Stand

"The World Tour"

  The "World Tour" segment begins when the country of England lights up on the world maps on the video screens on each side of the live stage. Following this, the stage lights back up and Symbols is onstage live once again. Joshua says a few words to the live audience, shouts out the title of a song and Symbols begins to play. In the "World Tour" segment, Symbols performs a set of 10 original songs. During the performance of these songs, the remainder of Symbols's world tour is simulated and Symbols performs like a typical rock band on tour. It takes Symbols another year to complete their world tour and this period of time is marked by the digital clock onstage. The world maps on the video screens on each side of the live stage track the progress of the world tour and video of Symbols touring the rest of the world plays on the large video screen onstage. However, the video plays directly on the large video screen and not within a map as it did previously. The same conceptual idea used for the "U.S. Tour" segment where the states lighting up on the maps on the video screens determine the sequence of the video clips playing on the large video screen onstage is also used for the "World Tour" segment. The video clips for the "World Tour" segment include footage of Symbols on the road worldwide in famous foreign cities and around historical landmarks, Symbols in concert around the world, large crowds of people worldwide accepting Christ at Symbols's concerts or at street revivals led by Joshua in foreign cities, Joshua using his superpowers, healing people of numerous maladies and raising the dead worldwide at shows and in foreign cities, and Joshua preaching to crowds worldwide at shows and on the streets in foreign cities. In addition, other video clips play updating the audience on the progress of "Operation Last Stand" and the status of the shelters, and on the activities of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver. As Symbols plays each song of the 10 song set mentioned above, more and more of the world maps on the video screens on each side of the live stage light up with the "Holy Soldier" icon appearing in the lit up areas. For example, as the first song is played, each country in Western Europe lights up on the world maps moving in a easternly direction from the already lit up region of England. When each European country lights up, the "Holy Soldier" icon appears in it indicating Symbols has performed there and video from each Western European country plays on the large video screen when it lights up on the world maps. As Symbols plays the remaining songs of the 10 song set, the other regions on the maps light up country by country in the following order as we continue to move in an easternly direction from Western Europe; Eastern Europe, Russia, India, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East. During the simulation of the world tour, some of the most innovative and advanced staging and special effects ever seen in a live show occur as Symbols plays the 10 song set. One of the songs in the set is a medley of song clips from famous rock bands chronicling the history of rock music from the 60's to the present time. When this medley of songs begins, a hologram of Joshua that's supposed to be the real Joshua appears live onstage. As the band plays the medley of songs live onstage, Joshua uses his shapeshifting powers and seamlessly morphs into famous vocalists who sing the songs heard in the medley. Joshua looks and sounds exactly like all the original vocalists including wearing their trademark clothing and emulating their unique onstage personas. This would include vocalists such as Robert Plant, John Lennon, Roger Daltry, Steven Tyler, Ozzy Osbourne, Paul Stanley, Kurt Cobain, Axl Rose, Don Henley, Roger Waters, Bono, Bon Jovi, Mick Jagger and Prince. The use of hologram technology will allow us to showcase Joshua's shapeshifting superpowers. When Symbols plays the last few songs of the 10 song set in the simulation of their world tour, Joshua repeatedly talks about a worldwide musical festival entitled "The Last Stand" that takes place at the very end of Symbols's world tour. It's a three day worldwide music festival headlined by Symbols and put together by Joshua and Saul. It involves over 200 Christian bands and speakers and is the greatest revival and music festival ever seen. Symbols will play live at numerous festival sites worldwide during the three days taking advantage of the different time zones and flying in their own supersonic jet which travels faster than the speed of sound. The action of the "World Tour" segment continues uninterrupted with Models 1-8 and the text below Model 8.

Model 1-Video of Symbols onstage in Jerusalem at the Wailing Wall.

Model 2- The live stage with the "Wailing Wall" prop behind it.

Model 3a-Video of Joshua looking upward at the Wailing Wall.

Model 3b-Joshua on the live stage turning around and looking upward.

Model 4a-Video of the stage and area around it going dark at the Wall.

Model 4b-The live stage and area around it go dark at prop of Wailing Wall.

Model 5-Video of the pillar of fire landing atop the Wailing Wall.

Model 6-Video of the pillar of fire and burning cross atop the Wailing Wall.

Model 7-Video of the burning cross atop the Wailing Wall.

Model 8-Video of Joshua leaving the stage at the Wailing Wall.

  By the time Symbols is ready to play the last song of the 10 song set in the simulation of their world tour, the world maps on the video screens on each side of the  live stage are completely lit up except for the country of Israel, covered with "Holy Soldier" icons and a year has passed by since the end of the U.S. tour in New York. The digital clock live onstage marks this passage of time as shown above in Model 2 and it's 11:00 P.M. on May 2, 2024. At this point, the country of Israel with only its border lit up projects outward from the world maps on the screens on each side of the live stage, increases in size replacing the world maps, and the country of Israel lights up with the entire Symbols's logo appearing in it rather than just the "Holy Soldier" icon. Shortly thereafter, the maps of Israel on the screens on each side of the live stage are replaced by pre-taped video footage of Symbols in Jerusalem about to play the final song of their two year world tour. They are playing in front of the Wailing(Western) Wall in Western Wall Plaza which is jam-packed with people as shown above in Model 1. At the same time, a large prop of the Wailing Wall lights up behind the live stage extending beyond the width of the live stage as shown above in Model 2. The prop will be lit up for the remainder of the action in the act "The Last Stand" even though it's not seen in the remaining models of the live stage. The live stage looks exactly like the stage in the pre-taped video footage from the "Wailing Wall." The desired effect is for the live action in the auditorium to appear as if it were actually occuring in Western Wall Plaza and in effect the audience watching "The Unveiling" live becomes the crowd in Western Wall Plaza. As was the case in the "U.S. Tour" segment at Central Park, Joshua and Symbols are standing in the same exact location live onstage as in the pre-taped video, are wearing the same clothes and the live stage itself is exactly the same stage seen in the pre-taped video at the Wailing Wall. Look at the stage in the pre-taped video footage in Model 1 and the live stage in Model 2 to see an example of this. Any simultaneous action that takes place live and in pre-taped video footage from the Wailing Wall is in perfect synchronization. Although not pictured in the models below, Joshua continues to wear his "Holy Soldier" trenchcoat from Mt. Zion throughout all the action in the "World Tour" segment. At this point, the action continues uninterrupted as the musician playing Joshua live onstage steps up to the microphone and speaks to the live audience in the auditorium which is in effect the crowd at the Wailing Wall in Western Wall Plaza. As in the "U.S. Tour" segment, the band member images used in the models for the "World Tour" segment don't look like nor are they dressed like the actual band members of Symbols will be and are used for reference purposes only.

Joshua: (1)Well, we've come to the end and what an awesome place to finish the tour. (2)(Looking out at the crowd in Western Wall Plaza) Are there any Holy Soldiers out there tonight!-(The crowd roars.) (3)We've been broadcasting this show and the music festival live worldwide and we've just been told that over four billion people are tuned in right now making this the most watched event in television history. (4)What do ya think of that people!-(Joshua holds a mic out towards the audience, they cheer in response and Joshua nods his head in approval) (5)And this is the most successful tour ever, that's right bigger than the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, the Stones, U2, Metallica, Kiss, Guns n Roses.....bigger than all of them because He's greater than all of us! (6)We've circled the globe and played in every country in the world to well over 50 million people and we thank all of you for making our dreams come true. (7)We'd also like to thank all the musicians, speakers, volunteers, sponsors, and of course the 25 million of you who filled stadiums around the world this weekend for making "The Last Stand Festival" a monumental success. (8)(Putting his hand in the air giving the thumbs up sign) You guys rock, you're incredible! (9)Ya know what, I wanna see and hear from all of ya one last time. (10)How ya doing Europe, Russia, India, China, Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, Africa, my people in the United States of America and everyone here in the Promised Land! (11)(Nodding his head up and down and smiling) That's right, we've got ourselves a rockin revival tonight. (12)Now we have some special guests we'd like to bring onstage. (13)Welcome the Two Witnesses, my good friends Moses and Elijah to the Eternal City! (14)Let the world witness and behold the power of God!-(The following action accomapnies the dialogue. The dialogue above is spoken live onstage by the musician playing Joshua in the auditorium "The Unveiling" is being performed at. After Joshua says sentence 9 live onstage, he turns around and faces the large video screen on the live stage. As the live Joshua names each country in sentence 10, he holds a microphone on a mic stand out towards the large video screen and pre-taped video footage of jam-packed crowds in large stadiums who are attending "The Last Stand Festival" in that country appears on the large screen onstage. We see banners and video at the stadiums identifying them as being part of the worldwide festival. All the crowds are watching Symbols's final show in Jerusalem on large video screens in stadiums at the music festival sites. The crowds cheer in response to Joshua holding out the microphone on the mic stand and calling out their country's name. Right before the live Joshua says "everyone here in the Promised Land" in sentence 10, he turns back around facing the live audience once again and the pre-taped video footage on the large video screen fades out. At this point, Joshua says "and everyone here in the Promised Land," holds the mic and mic stand out towards the live audience and they let out a defeaning roar. As soon as the live Joshua onstage finishes saying sentence 12, he turns his back to the audience, swings his guitar around so that it's resting on his back, and looks upward both in the pre- taped video of Western Wall Plaza on the screens on each side of the stage and on the live stage as shown above in Models 3a and 3b. Following this, Joshua says sentences 13 and 14 and points upward towards the top of the stage. Immediately thereafter, the live stage and the one in the video go completely dark as shown above in Models 4a and 4b and the sound of a deafening wind is heard. Following this, a large pillar of fire shoots down from the sky on to the top of the Wailing Wall in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage as shown above in Model 5. Shortly thereafter, the pillar of fire begins to dissipate as shown above in Model 6 and ultimately vanishes leaving a large burning cross atop the Wailing Wall in the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage as shown above in Model 7. At the same time, a prop of a large burning cross lights up atop the live stage. At this point, Joshua leaves the stage both live and in the video as shown above in Model 8 and the band begins playing live music which will in effect be the soundtrack for the action about to take place in the video from Western Wall Plaza on the screens on each side of the live stage. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 9-18 and the text below Model 18 as the Lord and Moses address the crowd in Western Wall Plaza and the worldwide television audience. Models 9-18 show the action talking place in the video from Western Wall Plaza that's playing on the screens on each side of the live stage.)

Model 9-Video after Joshua leaves the stage at the Wailing Wall.

Model 10-Video of Moses walking out of the burning cross atop the stage.

Model 11-God's finger of fire engraving commandment on the Wailing Wall.

Model 12-Video of the first commandment engraved on the Wailing Wall.

Model 13-God's finger of fire engraving commandment on the Wailing Wall.

Model 14-Video of the second commandment engraved on the Wailing Wall.

Model 15-Video of Moses with 9 commandments engraved on Wailing Wall.

Model 16-God's finger of fire engraving commandment on the Wailing Wall.

Model 17-Video of the Ten Commandments engraved on the Wailing Wall.

Model 18-Moses walks back into burning cross disappearing from sight.

  Shortly after Joshua leaves the stage, Moses walks out of the burning cross that's atop the Wailing Wall and up to the front edge of the top of the stage in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage as shown above in Model 10. A close-up shot is used momentarily so we can clearly see that Moses walks out of the burning cross. Following this, Moses spreads his arms apart as shown above in Model 10 and points his staff into the sky looking upward. Immediately thereafter, dark clouds instantaneously gather above Jerusalem and Western Wall Plaza with lightning flashing and the sound of thunder booming. In fact, pitch black clouds appear in the skies worldwide bringing virtually nighttime conditions to the entire planet. New pre-taped video footage begins playing on the large screen onstage showing dark clouds appearing throughout the world bringing about nighttime conditions. At this point, the loud and thundering voice of God says the following dialogue. Note: Moses is only seen in the video of Western Wall Plaza that's playing on the screens on each side of the live stage and not atop the live stage. 

God:  I am the Lord thy God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Honour thy mother and thy father. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not committ adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, and thou shall not covet.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. When God says "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," a lightning bolt strikes Moses's staff, thunder is heard, God's finger of fire shoots out of the sky hitting the Wailing Wall, and this commandment is inscribed on the Wailing Wall in Hebrew in the video from Western Wall Plaza as shown above in Models 11 and 12. At the same time, this commandment lights up in Hebrew on the prop of the Wailing Wall live onstage in the same location it was inscribed in the video. Following this, God says the next commandment and the same sequence of events described for the first commandment takes place as shown above in Models 13 and 14. At the same time, this commandment also lights up in Hebrew on the prop of the Wailing Wall live onstage in the same location it was inscribed in the video.The same sequence of events occurs for each of the remaining eight commandments. Model 15 above shows the Wailing Wall with nine commandments engraved on it and Model 16 shows God's finger of fire engraving  the tenth and final commandment on the Wailing Wall. By the time the Lord has said all ten commandments, they have been inscribed on the Wailing Wall in Hebrew with five commandments on the left side of the Wailing Wall and five on the right in the video as shown above in Model 17. In addtion, all ten commandments are also lit up on the prop of the Wailing Wall live onstage in the same location they are inscribed on the Wailing Wall in the video. The commandments on the Wailing Wall have an orange tint as the flames from God's finger of fire are still smouldering in the newly inscribed commandments. The symbols for both the Old Covenant(The Ten Commandments) and the New Covenant(The Cross) are now part of the Wailing Wall. At this point, Moses addresses the people in Western Wall Plaza. )

Moses:  Oh children of Israel, let him who hath ears, let him hear. What more must you see to believe! Why do you continue to wander in the wilderness denying Christ is the Son of God like your forefathers did when He walked amongst them. He is the Messiah the prophets of old spoke about so rise up, surrender your lives to Him and claim your birthright as God's chosen people! He will return here in years and set up His earthly kingdom reigning for 1000 years. Will you join the King of Kings in the promised land or once again make for yourselves gods of silver and gods of gold. Your eternal destiny hangs in the balance and the time for action is now for great peril lies ahead. Your blessed Messiah awaits your decision. What will it be!-(As soon as Moses finishes the dialogue above, he turns around and walks towards the burning cross ultimately entering the cross itself and disappearing from sight as shown above in Model 18. At this point, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 19-24 and the text below Model 24 as Elijah addresses the crowd in Western Wall Plaza and the worldwide T.V. audience. The band continues to play live music which is the soundtrack for the action about to take place involving Elijah in the video from Western Wall Plaza on the screens on each side of the live stage.)

Model 19-Video of Elijah walking out of the burning cross atop the stage.

Model 20-Video of Elijah standing in pillar of fire at the Wailing Wall.

Model 21-Video of multiple Elijahs in pillars of fire atop the Wailing Wall.

Model 22-Video of an Elijah in fire at Great Pyramids on large screen.

Model 23-Video of Elijah atop the stage at the Wailing Wall after speech.

Model 24-Elijah walks into the burning cross disappearing from sight.

  Shortly after Moses walks into the burning cross disappearing from sight, the prophet Elijah walks out of the burning cross that's atop the Wailing Wall and up to the front edge of the top of the stage as shown above in Model 19. A close-up shot is used momentarily so we can clearly see that Elijah does walk out of the burning cross. Following this, Elijah begins to address the crowd in Western Wall Plaza and the worldwide television audience. The video of pitch black clouds blanketing the skies worldwide leaving the entire planet in virtually nighttime conditions continues to play on the large video screen onstage. Note: Elijah is only seen in the video of Western Wall Plaza that's playing on the screens on each side of the live stage and not atop the live stage. The image of Elijah in the models above is actually from a statue of Elijah on Mt. Carmel with a sword in hand.

Elijah:  (1)For years we've traveled the world prophesying and spreading the word of God, shutting up the skies, turning waters into blood, and striking the earth with various plagues. (2)But you are a wicked and perverse generation for we give you signs yet you still don't believe, but try to kill us claiming we are but false prophets. (3)(Looking upward) O Lord let it be known that you are God and that we are your servants and have done all these things at Your word. (4)Answer me O Lord as You did when I stood on Mt. Carmel thousands of years ago and battled the Baal priests in Your name. (5)Peoples of all nations take notice and pay heed. (6)Man's final days are upon us and earth will be set ablaze and destroyed as the Lord pours out his judgement and wrath upon an evil and corrupt world. (7)Billions will perish and the fires of hell will burn bright in celebration. (8)Your only hope lies in Jesus Christ so repent and accept Him as your Lord and Savior for there is salvation in no one else. (9)To those who believe, your names will be written in the Book of Life and you will live in glory eternally. (10)(The volume and intensity of Elijah's voice markedly increases) But if you reject Him and choose instead to put your faith in worthless idols of silver and gold, you will share in their ultimate fate and be cast into the lake of fire and tormented day and night forever and ever! (11)(Pointing at Dr. Gold and Silver and nodding his head no) Don't fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; (Pointing and looking upward) but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (12)And so it will be in the end of the age; the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (13)(Loudest and most intense) Heaven and earth will pass away but the word of God stands forever!-(When Elijah finishes sentence 4, he is looking upward into the sky, stops speaking, the deafening sound of a rushing wind is heard, a pillar of fire from heaven shoots downward completely engulfing Elijah who's unaffected by the flames and he is seen within the pillar of fire as shown above in Model 20. Immediately thereafter, a deafening wind is heard once again, two more pillars of fire shoot downward from heaven on to the upper part of the stage landing on each side of Elijah. Each pillar has an image of Elijah in it that looks exactly like the real Elijah as shown above in Model 21. At the same exact time these two pillars of fire shoot downward from heaven, the pre-taped video footage already playing on the large video screen onstage shows countless pillars of fire shooting downward from heaven across the entire world as the planet continues to be shrouded in darkness. The pillars of fire land around heavily populated areas such as major cities, sporting events at large stadiums and at historic landmarks as shown above in Model 22. All these pillars of fire also have an image of Elijah in them that looks exactly like the real Elijah who's standing in front of the burning cross. One of the pillars of fire shown in the video on the large screen lands right in front of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver who are in Western Wall Plaza watching Symbols's final show and they are blown back by the force of the pillar. When the real Elijah resumes speaking with sentence 5, all the other Elijahs in the pillars of fire around the world come to life and in perfect unison with the real Elijah say the same exact dialogue above. The other Elijahs also mimic in perfect unison the body language and physical movements of the real Elijah as he speaks. The video footage on the large screen onstage continues to play as Elijah says the remaining dialogue above and it shows crowds of people around the world watching and listening to the other Elijahs saying the dialogue above from within the pillars of fire. The video footage playing on the screens on each side of the live stage continues to show pre-taped video of Elijah speaking at the Wailing Wall with one Elijah to his left and one to his right.  All the Elijah's speak at a great volume sounding as if there voices are amplified and can be heard a long distance away from where they are standing within the pillars of fires. A video clip of special note that plays on the large screen onstage shows a breathtaking view of the Earth in space with all the pillars of fire descending from heaven to earth.

  When Elijah says sentence 10 from the dialogue above, the three Elijahs atop the stage
point at Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver in the video that's playing on the screens on each side of the live stage. At the same exact time in video on the large screen onstage, the Elijah that's in the pillar of fire directly in front of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver in Western Wall Plaza points at them also and says the same dialogue in unison with the Elijahs atop the stage. In response, Dr. Gold half-heartedly smiles but looks very angry and he has an evil glare in his eyes. When all the Elijahs start saying the dialogue in sentence 12, legions of angels who look as if they're full of rage and fury begin appearing in the skies at the locations of the pillars of fires worldwide in the video playing on the large screen onstage. As the Elijahs continue saying this same sentence, we see a series of video clips on the large screen showing the angels swooping downwards very aggressively at the people gathered around the pillars of fire worldwide. It looks as if the angels are going to pick up the people and carry them away but they fly back upward at the last second. The different crowds of people worldwide look extremely fearful as this occurs. As soon as the real Elijah finishes the dialogue above, he looks upward and holds his hands up in the air in praise. Immediately thereafter, all the pillars of fire worldwide with the Elijahs in them shoot upward disappearing into the sky including the two pillars of fire atop the stage on each side of the real Elijah as shown above in Model 23. The pillar of fire that the real Elijah stood within atop the stage also shoots up into the sky and disappears but he remains atop the stage as shown above in Model 23. At the same time, the angels seen worldwide fly upward and disappear into the pitch black sky. A series of video clips on the large screen shows this action occuring worldwide. Following this, Elijah turns around and walks towards the burning cross ultimately entering the cross itself and disappearing from sight as shown above in Model 24. At this point, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 25-33a and the text below Model 33a as "Holy Soldier" addresses the crowd in Western Wall Plaza and the worldwide T.V. audience. The band continues to play live music which is the soundtrack for the action about to take place involving "Holy Soldier" in the video from Western Wall Plaza on the screens on each side of the live stage. The video of pitch black clouds blanketing the skies worldwide continues to play on the large video screen onstage. Click on the play button below to see "The Witnesses" Trailer. After you view the trailer, you will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue reading the production.)

  The "Witnesses" Trailer

Model 25-The burning cross at the Wailing Wall with the commandments.

Model 26-Video of "Holy Soldier" emerging from within the burning cross.

Model 27-Video of a large "Holy Soldier" in front of the burning cross.

Model 28-Smoke pours out from "Holy Soldier" and covers top of stage.

Model 29-Joshua appears atop the stage walking out of the burning cross.

Model 30a-Holy Soldier supernaturally comes to life with its laser eyes.

Model 30b-"Holy Soldier" looks to the left side of the crowd speaking.

Model 30c-"Holy Soldier" looking to the middle of the crowd speaking.

Model 30d-"Holy Soldier" looking to the right side of the crowd speaking.

Model 30e-"Holy Soldier" looks forward and commandments not ablaze.

Model 31-Sword appears, Soldier bows head and sword moves down.

Model 32-The entire "Holy Soldier" icon is in front of the burning cross.

Model 33a-Video of smoke not pouring out from the large "Holy Soldier."

Model 33b-Joshua atop the live stage with the animatronic Soldier.

  As soon as Elijah walks back into the burning cross disappearing from sight as shown above in Model 25, an image begins to emerge from within the center of the burning cross as shown above in Model 26 and sounds of warfare begin to be heard as the live music continues to play. As the object continues to emerge, the sounds of warfare get progressively louder and we see that the object in the center of the burning cross is a large "Holy Soldier" with its head bowed down as shown above in Model 27. Smoke begins pouring out from the Holy Soldier and spreads over the top of the stage as shown above in Model 28. Following this, a second guitar is heard, Joshua appears atop the stage and walks to the front edge of the stage as shown above in Model 29. A close-up shot is used momentarily so we can clearly see that Joshua walks out of the burning cross. Shortly thereafter, the large "Holy Soldier" supernaturally comes to life lifting up its bowed head and looks out at the audience in Western Wall Plaza. Immediately thereafter, orange lasers shoot out of the Holy Soldier's fiery orange eyes over the crowd in Western Wall Plaza as shown above in Model 30a. At this point, as the live music and sounds of warfare continue to be heard, the large "Holy Soldier" begins to speak the dialogue below.

Holy Soldier:  Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people.-(As soon as the large "Holy Soldier" begins speaking the dialogue above, his laser eyes scan the entire crowd from right to left and left to right as shown above in Models 30a-30e and Joshua continues playing guitar atop the stage. As the action in Models 30a-30e takes place, the orange tint of the newly engraved Ten Commandments on the Waililing Wall fades away and ultimately only the Commandments are seen on the Wailing Wall as shown above in Model 30e. When the Holy Soldier says "and the Sword of the Spirit" from the dialogue above, the sword of "Holy Soldier" icon supernaturally appears above the burning cross as shown above in Model 31. Shortly after the large "Holy Soldier" finishes the dialogue above, the lasers from his eyes shut off, he bows his head, the sword moves downward and stops when it's positioned over the Holy Soldier as shown above in Model 32. The entire "Holy Soldier" icon is now in front of the burning cross at the Wailing Wall as shown above in Model 32. Finally, smoke stops pouring out from the large "Holy Soldier" as shown above in Model 33a. The same exact action just described and shown for the large "Holy Soldier" in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage also occurs live onstage in perfect synchronization with the action in the video. A large animatronic "Holy Soldier" rises up from the top of the stage until it's positioned in front of the burning cross prop atop the live stage in the same location as the large "Holy Soldier" is in the video and then it stops moving. Immediately thereafter, smoke pours out from the animatronic head covering the top of the live stage as shown above in Model 33b. The musician playing Joshua live appears atop the live stage as shown above in Model 33b and walks to the front edge of the stage playing guitar. Following this, the animatronic Holy Soldier lifts up its bowed head, looks at the live audience and orange lasers shoot out over the live audience from its flaming eyes. As in the video from the Wailing Wall, the animatronic Holy Soldier's laser eyes scan the entire live audience from right to left and left to right as he says the dialogue above and does so in perfect synchronization with the large "Holy Soldier" in the video. The animatronic Holy Soldier's mouth actually moves pronouncing the words as he speaks. When the animatronic Holy Soldier says "and the Sword of the Spirit," from the dialogue above, the sword of the "Holy Soldier" icon appears above the burning cross prop atop the live stage. As soon as the animatronic "Holy Soldier" finishes the dialogue above, its lasers eyes shut off, he bows his head, the sword moves downward and stops when it's positioned over the animatronic "Holy Soldier." The entire "Holy Soldier" icon is now in front of the burning cross prop atop the live stage. Finally, smoke stops pouring out from the animatronic "Holy Soldier" as shown above in Model 33b. At this point, the video image on the screens on both sides of the live stage and the live action onstage are the same as shown above in Models 33a and 33b. Keep in mind, the Wailing Wall prop is also lit up behind the live stage extending beyond the width of the live stage. As the action just described for "Holy Soldier" takes place, the pre-taped video footage on the large video screen shows people worldwide watching this action live as pitch black clouds continue to blanket the skies worldwide. We see video of crowds at "Last Stand Festival" sites, families at home, crowds on city streets throughout the world such as in Times Square and a massive crowd at St. Peter's Square watching the action involving "Holy Soldier." As Joshua stated earlier, four billion people worldwide are watching this action take place so just about everyone is viewing this somewhere on some type of media. As the live music and sounds of warfare continue to play, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 34-40 and the text below Model 40. As mentioned previously, Joshua is wearing his "Holy Soldier" trenchcoat from Mt. Zion even though it's not seen in the models.

Model 34-Video of Joshua atop stage in Western Wall Plaza on large screen.

Model 35-Joshua suspended in the air above the crowd playing guitar.

Model 36-Beam of light from Joshua's guitar shoots upward into the sky.

Model 37-Video of beam from Joshua's guitar lighting up the world.


Model 38-Video of Western Wall Plaza and the live stage lighting up.

Model 39-Video of manna and red(wine) raindrops falling from the sky.

Model 40-Joshua suspended in the air above the crowd pointing upward.

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 34-40 above, the intensity and volume of the live music and sounds of warfare increase. The live Joshua who's standing in front of the burning cross prop and animatronic Holy Soldier atop the live stage begins to lower into the lighting rig until he can't be seen atop the live stage any longer. As soon as the live Joshua disappears from sight, new pre-taped video footage begins to play on the large video screen onstage as shown above in Model 34. The new video shows a wide angle view of the entire Western Wall Plaza as shown above in Model 34 rather than just a close-up of the Wailing Wall and stage which is currently playing on the screens on each side of the live stage as shown above in Model 33a. When the new video starts playing, Joshua is standing atop the stage in front of the burning cross and large "Holy Soldier" icon In Western Wall Plaza as shown above in Model 34. He begins moving forward off the stage suspended in the air and is playing guitar. Joshua continues moving forward in the air until he is suspended in the air above the crowd in the location shown above in Model 35 and then he stops moving. Shortly thereafter, Joshua quits playing guitar, extends his arms out from his body parallel to the ground with his palms facing upward, looks upward and begins to spin around in circles in the air above the crowd. At this point, countless demonic angels in Western Wall Plaza that the entire world can see encircle Joshua and move in for the kill. As the demonic angels approach him,  the "Holy Soldier" icon and Christian symbols on his trenchcoat light up. The Christian symbols light up in orange looking like they're actually burning on the trenchcoat and orange rays of light shoot outward from the symbols in all directions projecting images of the symbols throughout Western Wall Plaza. In effect, Joshua has become a human kaleidoscope projecting images of the Christian symbols throughout Western Wall Plaza as he spins around. When the rays of light initially shoot out from the symbols on the trenchcoat, they cut through all the demonic angels closing in on Joshua blowing them backwards away from him and out of sight not to be seen again in Western Wall Plaza. The pre-taped video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage show the same action just described for the new video on the large video screen. However, the camera shot for the video on the screens on each side of the live stage is much tighter effectively showing a close-up of Joshua and the immediate area around him.

  As Joshua spins around, the live music being played by the band and the sounds of warfare build to a crescendo and a deafening explosion rocks Western Wall Plaza. Immediately thereafter, Joshua stops spinning around and is facing forward as shown above in Model 35, he
plays a chord on his guitar sustaining it so it continues to be heard, lifts the guitar up in the air over his head as shown above in Model 36 and looks upward. Following this, the outside of Joshua's guitar lights up in sequence quickly beginning at the bottom of the body of the guitar and moving up both sides of the body in unison. After the entire outside of the body of the guitar is lit up, the entire body itself lights up and then the light continues traveling upward moving on both sides of the guitar neck in unison. Each time the light moving upward on both sides of the neck is at the same level as one of the precious stone inlays on the neck of the guitar, the inlay lights up until ultimately all the inlays are lit up when the outside of the neck is completely lit up. Finally, the light continues traveling upward in unison on both sides of the headstock of the guitar and the light from each side comes together at the top and middle of the headstock. At that exact moment, a beam of light from the top of Joshua's guitar shoots upward into the sky as shown above in Model 36 and the video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes. We now see pre-taped video footage of the earth in space as shown above in Model 37 and the beam of light from Joshua's guitar shoots into the sky from the region of Israel. Immediately thereafter, the beam of light instantaneously expands and lights up in blinding fashion encircling the entire planet as shown above in Model 37. The ring of light around the earth is much brighter than the most intense sunlight and the pitch black clouds covering the skies worldwide instantaneously disappear leaving the skies completely clear worldwide. After this, Western Wall Plaza and the surrounding area in the pre-taped video on the large screen onstage lights up as if it was daytime as shown above in Model 38 and the live stage and auditorium also light up brightly. In addition, the video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes once again and we now see pre-taped video footage from around the world showing this miracle taking place. The video shows countries where it's nightime lighting up as if it were daytime, countries where it's daytime lighting up significantly more than it would under normal circumstances, and people's reaction to this global phenomena including those in the stadiums attending "The Last Stand Festival." The light is so bright that people can't look into the sky for more than a few seconds at a time. At this point, the thunderous and powerful voice of Christ is heard worldwide as the video showing the global phenomena of the bright light continues to play on the video screens on each side of the live stage.  

Christ: I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. The light  shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (He pauses momentarily) I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread also which I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh. Truly, truly, I say to you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. As Christ begins speaking, a bright ring of light has encircled the earth, video footage from around the world is showing this global phenomena on the screens on each side of the live stage, and the video on the large screen onstage shows Western Wall Plaza and the surrounding area lit up as shown above in Model 38. Christ speaks so loudly and with so much power and force that it causes seismic activity worldwide. This is seen in the video on the large screen as the entire Western Wall Plaza area moves and on the other screens as buildings around the world shake and people sway. However, the seismic activity causes only minor injuries and no significant property damage. When Christ says "I am the living bread" from the dialogue above, manna begins to fall from the sky worldwide including over Western Wall Plaza as earth continues to be supernaturally lit up. At this point, the screens on each side of the stage show pre-taped video footage of this phenomena occurring worldwide and the video on the large screen shows manna falling over Western Wall Plaza as shown above in Model 39. The manna symbolizes the body of Christ. When Christ says "Truly, truly" from the dialogue above, red raindrops begin to fall from the sky worldwide as the manna continues to fall and earth remains supernaturally lit up. The red raindrops are actually red wine and symbolize the blood of Christ. The screens on each side of the live stage show pre-taped video footage of the raindrops falling worldwide and the video on the large screen shows red raindrops falling over Western Wall Plaza as shown above in Model 39. In particular, we see video footage of the crowds around the world attending "The Last Stand Festival."  The crowds are looking upward with their hands raised in praise catching and eating manna and catching red raindrops in their open mouths. Joshua continues to hold his guitar over his head as shown above in Model 39 for about 30 seconds after Christ finishes the dialogue above. During this time, the beam from Joshua's guitar continues to shoot up into the air, the entire world is lit up, manna and red raindrops continue to fall from the sky and the video screens show footage of this occurring worldwide. After the 30 seconds is over, the beam from Joshua's guitar stops shooting into the air. At that exact moment, Joshua brings his guitar down from over his head, the entire world is no longer lit up, and the manna and raindrops stop falling from the sky. The pre-taped video on the large screen returns to nightime conditions as shown above in Model 40 and we see the manna and raindrops stop falling in Western Wall Plaza. At the same time, we see pre-taped video from around the world on the screens on each side of the live stage showing the world returning to normal conditions and manna and red raindrops are no longer falling from heaven. The skies remain clear worldwide in the video on all the screens and the pitch black clouds don't return. At this point in the video on the large screen, Joshua who is still suspended in the air above the crowd swings his guitar around so it's resting on his back and begins speaking to the crowd in Western Wall Plaza with the dialogue below. The video on the screens on each side of the stage changes and is now showing the same video playing on the large screen as Joshua begins speaking the dialogue below.)

Joshua:  (1)My friends, the days grow short and the end is near. (2)We stand on the brink of World War 3 and the forces of good and evil are mobilizing for the final conflict. (3)Gold and Silver will show their true colors and unleash hell's fury upon the world. (4)The question is will you be a Holy Soldier or a prisoner of war? (5)The Second Coming is at hand and it won't be long, no not long at all before Christ walks down these very streets again and throws the biggest party this world's ever seen. (6)Everyone's invited, but the choice is yours, and yours, and yours, and yours out there. (7)2000 years ago a stones throw away from here at Calvary, a man died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead three days later. (8)Don't leave here tonight without sharing in His victory and being a winner at the Last Stand! (9)To my fellow brothers and sisters, we all know what lies ahead and many of us won't make it through these final years but our work here isn't finished. (10)Be bold and share the Gospel with the unsaved and help anyone in need. (11)There's no doubt great trials and tribulations await us and our faith will be tested more than ever but this is our moment to shine, to show the world that even when the forces of evil are at their greatest the light overcomes the darkness. (12)Don't fear evil even if it costs you your life knowing that those who came before us paid the ultimate price. (13)The race is almost over and the prize is within reach. (14)We will return here in years and our hope will be realized and our faith rewarded when He returns. (15)We got one more song for ya tonight. (16)We've never released this song or played it live and have saved it for this very moment along with our final video. (17)The song and video tell the story of every believer as we go from death row to streets of gold. (18)(Speaking loudly and pointing upward) He's calling out to you, "Set Me Free!"-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above which is spoken by the video image of Joshua playing in the pre-taped video on all the video screens as shown above in Model 40. As soon as Joshua completes sentence 2, the video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes and shows pre-taped video footage of Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver. They are in a VIP box in Western Wall Plaza with their security detail watching Symbols's final performance. Dr. Gold has the front page of the Jerusalem Times in front of him which has a picture of Joshua on it with the caption "Holy Soldier or False Prophet?" When Joshua says "Gold and Silver" in sentence 3, he looks to his right, points directly at Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver in the VIP box and a spotlight lights them up. Dr. Gold half-heartedly smiles in response to Joshua's comment but you can see the anger he's trying to mask as he bites down and his facial muscles contract. Following this, Dr. Gold crosses out the picture of Joshua in the newspaper with a pen and violently crumples the front page of the newspaper in his hand, says a few words to Dr. Silver and they stand up and leave the VIP box with their security detail. As Joshua continues speaking from the dialogue above, Dr. Gold and Dr. Silver walk out of view in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage and the video on these screens changes back to the video playing on the large screen which is Joshua speaking to the crowd in Western Wall Plaza. Each time Joshua says "yours" in sentence 6, he points to an area of the crowd in Western Wall Plaza and a beam of light from above illuminates that area. When he finishes sentence 6 saying "and yours out there," he points at the audience watching "The Unveiling" live and the entire auditorium lights up. As Joshua ends the dialogue above saying "Set Me Free," he looks and points upward as shown above in Model 40, the song "Set Me Free"  begins to be played live, and the action continues uninterrupted with Models 41-52 and the text below Model 52. Click on the play button below to see the "Holy Soldier" Trailer. After you view the trailer, you will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue reading the production.)

The "Holy Soldier" Trailer.

Set Me Free

Verse 1:
You’ve got my cross around your neck,
Instead of carried on your back
You put My Father in a box, and you never let Him out
You say My Spirit’s just a myth, and not for today
Your pre-conceived ideas of how I should be

Verse 2:
My how the mighty have fallen,
You’ve fell from the place you once stood
I’ve come to take and replace you,
To the place that I want you to be

Chorus #1:
Let Me out, Set Me Free,
Let Me move and you’ll see there is more to Me
If you…open up your heart, open up the box, Set Me Free

Verse 3:
There’s a line drawn in the sand, and it’s time  to choose a side
Keep living the way you are, you’ll be left behind
This life is like a storm, the water’s rough and deep
I’ll never let you sink  just keep your eyes on Me

Verse 4:
Why do you still doubt My power?
I can’t move when you put up these walls
There’s so much that I want to give you,
Release the chains, release it all!

Chorus #2:
Let Me out, Set Me Free,
Let Me move and you’ll see there is more to Me
If you…open up your heart, open up the box, Set Me Free

Free Me!!!

Verse 5:
Take your sword, take your shield,
Take your armor it’s time to rise
Walk with Me, fight for Me,
Live for Me, you’ll never die

Verse 6:
Now rise up, you’ve been set free,
It's time to move, now you’ll see
There is more to Me(3x)
If you open up your heart, open up the box, Set Me Free!

Model 41-Video of Joshua suspended above the crowd in Western Wall Plaza.

Model 42-Video of Symbols's stage going dark and filling with fog at the Wailing Wall.

Model 43-Video of rays of light shining down on Joshua in Western Wall Plaza.

Model 44-Video of angels carrying piano downward to Joshua in Western Wall Plaza.

Model 45-Piano suspended above the crowd next to Joshua in Western Wall Plaza.

Model 46-Joshua sits down on the piano and rays of light quit shining upon him.

Model 47-The dark live stage with Gibson, Robert and D.W. onstage.

Model 48-Rays of light and fog appear on the live stage.

Model 49-Piano appears high atop the stage and moves downward.

Model 50-Piano continues moving downward and stops over drum riser.

Model 51-Piano and Joshua move across the stage and out over the live audience and then stop.

Model 52-Overhead lights are turned off during live performance of "Set Me Free."

Set Me Free

Verse 1:
You’ve got my cross around your neck,
Instead of carried on your back
You put My Father in a box, and you never let Him out
You say My Spirit’s just a myth, and not for today
Your pre-conceived ideas of how I should be

Verse 2:
My how the mighty have fallen,
You’ve fell from the place you once stood
I’ve come to take and replace you,
To the place that I want you to be

  As the intro and Verses 1 and 2 of the song "Set Me Free" are performed live, the action continues uninterrupted. The video footage playing on all the video screens is the same. Joshua is looking and pointing upward as shown above in Model 41 having just told the audience in Western Wall Plaza that Symbols is going to play their last song "Set Me Free." As soon as Symbols begins to play the song live, the video on the large screen onstage quits playing. However, video of the action in Western Wall Plaza continues to play on the screens on each side of the live stage and the following action occurs in the video as the intro of "Set Me Free" plays. Fog starts to fill the stage and the stage goes dark as shown above in Model 42. Following this, rays of light supernaturally shine down from above and encircle Joshua who continues to look and point upward as shown above in Model 43. Shortly thereafter, angels appear from above carrying a piano as shown above in Model 44. One angel is holding the piano by its seat and the other is at the opposite end of the piano holding it by its body as shown above in Model 44. As the angels descend toward Joshua carrying the piano, they spin around in a circular motion above the crowd as does the piano. By the time the 29 sec mark of the song is reached, the angels have left the piano next to Joshua suspended in the air as shown above in Model 45 and they begin flying upward towards the sky. Joshua sits down at the piano with his guitar slung over his shoulder resting on his back as both he and the piano are suspended in the air above the crowd. As the song continues playing, Joshua looks upward and watches the angels fly upward within the rays of light. By the time the drums and piano start to be played in the song at the 41 sec mark, the angels have disappeared into the sky and are no longer seen in the video, the rays of light from above quit shining down as shown above in Model 46, and Joshua and the piano start to spin around in circles above the crowd as he begins playing the piano in the video. As Verses 1 and 2 of "Set Me Free" are performed live, the pre-taped video shows Joshua singing and playing piano suspended above the crowd at Western Wall Plaza as the piano spins around. The pre-taped video of Symbols performing "Set Me Free" in Western Wall Plaza will continue to play on the screens on each side of the live stage until the beginning of Chorus #1 in the song. Any time pre-taped video footage of Symbols performing the song "Set Me Free" in Western Wall Plaza plays on the screens on each side of the stage during the live performance of the song, the action in the video is in synch with the live performance of the song.

 The following action occurs live onstage during the intro of the song "Set Me Free" in sync and at the same time the action just described for the pre-taped video takes place. As soon as the song begins, the video on the large screen onstage quits playing, the live stage goes dark and Gibson, Robert and DW are onstage playing the song "Set Me Free" live as shown above in Model 47. Following this, fog fills the stage and rays of light shine down from above the live stage as shown above in Model 48. At the exact moment the angels are first seen carrying the piano downward in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage, a piano just like the one in the video appears at the top of the live stage as shown above in Model 49. The musician playing Joshua live is sitting behind the piano and it descends from high atop the stage as shown above in Models 49 and 50 in synch with the piano that's being carried downward by the angels in the pre-taped video from Western Wall Plaza. By the time the angels quit moving downward and leave the piano suspended in the air next to Joshua, the piano onstage is positioned above the drum riser as shown above in Model 50. Immediately thereafter, the piano which is attached to a large overhead track that extends out over the live audience begins moving forward across the stage and over the audience as shown above in Model 51. Once the piano stops moving forward over the live audience, the lights above it are shut off as shown above in Model 52, and Joshua and the piano start to spin around in circles above the live audience as Joshua begins playing the piano live. At this point, the first 41 seconds of the song "Set Me Free" have been played live and the action seen in the pre-taped video footage has been re-created live with a few variations in perfect synchronization with the action in the pre-taped video footage. As Verses 1 and 2 of "Set Me Free" are performed live, the musician playing Joshua sings and plays piano live suspended above the live audience as the piano spins around. The live performance of "Set Me Free" and that in the pre-taped video are in perfect synchronization with one another. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 53-55 and the text below Model 55 as Symbols plays the song "Set Me Free" live.

Model 53-Two large video screens appear from the stage at the Wailing Wall.

Model 54a-The "Set Me Free" video begins playing on the large screen onstage.

Model 54b-The "Set Me Free" video begins in the pre-taped video on the other screens.

Model 55-Video of Joshua walking down prison corridor with lights flickering on.

Chorus #1:
Let Me out, Set Me Free,
Let Me move and you’ll see there is more to Me
If you…open up your heart, open up the box, Set Me Free

Verse 3:
There’s a line drawn in the sand, and it’s time  to choose a side
Keep living the way you are, you’ll be left behind
This life is like a storm, the water’s rough and deep
I’ll never let you sink just keep your eyes on Me

Verse 4:
Why do you still doubt My power?
I can’t move when you put up these walls
There’s so much that I want to give you,
Release the chains, release it all!

Chorus #2:
Let Me out, Set Me Free,
Let Me move and you’ll see there is more to Me
If you…open up your heart, open up the box, Set Me Free

Free Me!!!

  As Chorus #1, Verses 3 and 4 and Chorus #2 of the song "Set Me Free" are performed live, the action continues uninterrupted. Symbols is playing the song "Set Me Free" live and in the pre-taped video footage from Western Wall Plaza on the screens on each side of the live stage. Right before Chorus #1 is played, two large video screens emerge from the stage in the pre-taped video with one to the left and one to the right of the stage as shown above in Model 53. These additional screens are required for the crowd in Western Wall Plaza to view the "Set Me Free" video in its entirety. Of course, the extra video screens needed for the live audience to view the video in its entirety are already in place with the screens on each side of the live stage. As soon as Chorus #1 begins, the world premiere of the video for the song "Set Me Free" starts to play on the large video screen onstage as shown above in Model 54a. At the same exact time, the "Set Me Free" video starts playing in the pre-taped video on the screens on each side of the live stage as shown above in Model 54b. As the video for "Set Me Free" begins on the large screen onstage and in the pre-taped video, we see Joshua walking down the corridor of a multi-level prison facility that is pitch black and only a light at the end of the corridor can be seen as shown above in Model 54a. There are several stories of jail cells on each side of Joshua and he's carrying a large metal ring in his left hand as shown above in Model 54a. The ring has a single large gold key on it and the word "Life" is engraved on the key. The prison Joshua is walking in is actually hell. At this point, the pre-taped video playing on the screens on each side of the stage changes from showing Symbols performing "Set Me Free" in Western Wall Plaza to pre-taped footage of the prison. The video on these screens shows close-ups of the jail cells and we can see faint images of prisoners in the cells in the darkness. As Joshua walks down the corridor on the large screen, the overhead lights flicker and come on momentarily as shown above in Model 55 and the prison can be seen in more detail. It's in a state of disrepair, all the bars of the cells are rusted and the cement structure is old, cracked and falling apart. The floors of the corridor and prison cells are covered in a mixture of human waste, blood, polluted water and vomit. Snakes slither through the mixture and cockroaches and other insects are on the walls and bars of the prison. As Joshua walks down the corridor in the video on the large screen onstage and looks at the jail cells when the overhead lights come on, he can see there's a single person in each cell. At the same time, more detail can also be seen in the close-up images of the jail cells playing on the screens on each side of the live stage when the overhead lights come on. The faces of the people in the cells look the same as they did when they were alive however they're not flesh but rather spiritual beings. In addition to anonymous people in the cells, we see historical figures such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Linden, Mohamed Atta and Yassir Arafat, They look consumed by fear, completely lost and in deep despair, are covered in sores and visibly in pain, are screaming and weeping uncontrollably, and look as if they're going crazy. Some of the prisoners are gripping the bars of the cells so tightly blood is dripping from their fingers running down the bars and others are sticking their arms out of the cells reaching out to Joshua saying "help me" as he walks by. The prisoners can also be seen in the video on the large screen just not in as much detail. A variety of different camera shots are used in the video on the large screen including close-ups of Joshua and his reaction to what he's seeing, wide angle shots looking down the corridor from behind Joshua as shown above in Models 54a and 55, and wide angle shots looking at the front of Joshua and the area behind him. In particular, we see a wide angle shot looking at Joshua and the area behind him when the overhead lights come on and the corridor and prison structure behind him looks like it goes on forever. The action continues uniterrupted with the next paragraph of text as new video begins playing on the screens on each side of the live stage.

  When Verse 3 begins to be sung at about the 2:45 minute mark of the song "Set Me Free," the video on the screens on each side of the live stage which is currently showing close-ups of prisoners in jail cells(hell) changes. From about the 2:45-4:45 minute mark of the song, video of Christ's miracles and critical events of the final week of his life play on these screens. Joshua is seen throughout this video walking behind and with Christ witnessing each event and miracle that takes place in the video. In effect, the video playing on these screens is a vision Joshua has as he walks down the prison corridor in the video on the large video screen. To illustrate this, there are close-ups of Joshua's face on the large video screen as he walks down the prison corridor and the same exact video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage is seen in his eyes in the close-ups. As Joshua's vision plays on these screens, the video of him walking in the prison continues to play on the large screen onstage, he gets closer and closer to the light at the end of the corridor and ultimately reaches the light at about the 4:39 minute mark of the song. The overhead lights of the prison corridor on the large video screen continue to flicker and alternately go on and off from the 2:45-4:45 minute mark of the song. However, the light at the end of the prison corridor never goes out. Joshua also periodically looks at the prisoners in the cells on the large video screen during this time. The first video segment involving Christ begins playing on the screens on each side of the live stage at about the 2:45 minute mark of the song "Set Me Free" and occurs as the first two lines of Verse 3 are sung. This segment shows Joshua standing on the shore of the Sea of Galilee in Biblical times with another man who is dressed in a white cloak and crouched down. The man draws one half of the Christian fish symbol in the sand and Joshua responds by drawing the other half. We don't see the other man's face but we do see a scar on the palm of his hand as he draws half of the fish identifying him as Christ. Following this, Christ begins walking away from the camera and shore and Joshua follows him. We see their backsides as they both walk on water in the Sea of Galilee. Next, the camera momentarily focuses back on the Christian fish on the shore, water moves over it and recedes, and the fish is no longer seen in the sand. Immediately thereafter, the camera re-focuses on Christ and Joshua who are now a good distance away from the shore walking on water and the sea is becoming extremely rough and choppy. At this point, the final two lines of Verse 3 begin to be sung and the camera zooms in on Joshua who's walking on the water of a stormy Sea of Galilee. As soon as the camera zooms in on Joshua and we are seeing the events taking place from his vantage point, we see Christ who's still walking in front of Joshua approach a boat carrying the disciples that's being tossed about by the rough sea. When the disciples see Christ walking on the water towards their boat, they're terrified thinking he is a ghost. Christ smiles, shakes his head and speaks to them. Following this, Peter gets out of the boat and begins walking on water moving towards Christ but he begins to sink. Christ stretches out his hand, pulls Peter up, the two of them get into the boat, the wind stops immediately and the Sea of Galilee is calm. At this point, we move on to the next video segment that will play on the screens on each side of the live stage as Joshua continues to walk towards the light at the end of the prison corridor on the large video screen onstage.

  The action continues uninterrupted in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage with the next video segment as we transition from Verse 3 to Verse 4 of the song "Set Me Free." After Verse 3 is completed, the camera zooms in for a tight shot of Joshua walking on water so that he is the only image on the video screens. Following this, the camera shows Joshua step from water to dry land. Immediately thereafter, the camera shot pulls back so we have a wide angle shot of the entire scene and we see the backside of Joshua who is walking on a dirt road in Israel in Biblical times. Christ is also walking on the road a short distance in front of Joshua. In this new video segment, Joshua follows Christ as He walks down the road and watches Him heal several people. First, a paralytic man on the side of the road extends his hand out to Christ asking to be healed. Christ acknowledges the man, grabs his hand, lifts him up, the man is miraculously healed and begins walking following Christ. Next, a blind man on the road simply touches Christ's cloak, his sight is restored and he also follows Christ walking on the road. Following this, a man with leprosy falls to his knees in front of Christ. In response, Christ lays hands on the leper, he is completely healed and begins walking with Christ also. Finally, Christ approaches a cave which is the burial site of Lazarus and we see Christ say "Lazarus come forth!" Immediately thereafter, Lazarus emerges from the cave still wrapped in his burial wrappings and he has been raised from the dead. The crowd of people in the area that witnessed this can't believe what they just saw. Christ stops walking but Joshua continues and enters the cave Lazarus came forth from as the camera follows him shooting his backside. Once Joshua is fully within the cave and disappears into darkness, the image on the video screens is just a black screen. Shortly thereafter, with the camera still focused on his backside, we see Joshua emerge from the darkness as if the cave were continuous and opened up on the other side. As Joshua exits the other side of the cave, Chorus #2 begins as does a new video segment that will play for the duration of Chorus #2. When Joshua exits the cave at the start of Chorus #2 on the screens on each side of the live stage, he is walking on a road and Christ is in front of him riding on a colt. People line both sides of the road and are putting their coats and branches from palm trees on the road in front of the colt carrying Christ as it walks down the road. The people are singing and dancing in the street as they celebrate the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Christ is smiling as he rides atop the colt and so is Joshua as he walks behind Christ. As this video segment and Chorus #2 come to a close, the camera zooms in for a close-up of Christ's face so that it's the only image on the screens. He is smiling and has tears of joy running down his face as he enters Jerusalem on the colt. At this point, this video segment and Chorus #2 end and the video on the screens on each side of the live stage continues uninterrupted with a new video segment as the instrumental part of the song "Set Me Free" plays from about the 4:16-4:44 minute mark of the song.

  As the video on the screens on each side of the live stage continues playing uninterrupted, the image on the video screens is the close-up of Christ's face and He's smiling and has tears of joy running down His face. As the instrumental part of "Set Me Free" begins at about the 4:16 minute mark of the song, Christ's face starts to change. The tears running down his face turn red and the smile on his face is replaced by a look of pain and agony. At this point, the camera pulls back
so we have a wide angle shot of the entire scene and we see that people still line both sides of the road. However, rather than celebrating Christ's arrival in Jerusalem, they're now mocking and ridiculing Him, and some are lamenting and mourning Him as He carries His cross on the way to His crucifixion. Christ is wearing a crown of thornes and His body is bloody and scarred from the beating He received following His arrest. Joshua is still walking on the road following Christ but he is no longer smiling and looks upset. At about the 4:24 minute mark of the song, Christ collapses under the weight of the cross and Joshua is pressed into service by Roman soldiers to carry the cross in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage. By the 4:29 minute mark of the song, Joshua is walking on the road behind Christ carrying the cross. At about the 4:36 minute mark of the song, the video shows Christ walking up the steep incline of a hill with Joshua still behind Him carrying the cross as they approach the crucifixion site at Calvary. By the 4:39 minute mark of the song, the video shows the entire crucifixion scene at Calvary. Joshua is standing at the foot of the cross looking upward at Christ on the cross with tears running down his face. By this time in the song "Set Me Free," Joshua has reached the end of the prison corridor in the video on the large screen onstage. He is no longer walking and there's a single jail cell in front of him underneath the light at the end of the corridor. There is a sign right below the light that reads "Death Row." Joshua is looking into the cell and someone is in it but the lighting is poor and no features of the person can be seen. At this point, the person in the jail cell steps up to the front of the cell, is illuminated by the light above the cell and we see the person in the jail cell is Christ. Christ grabs the bars of the cell with both hands, Joshua sees the scars on His palms which are visible and fresh, and blood runs down the bars. Christ looks at Joshua, His eyes light up as if on fire and He yells out "Free Me" at the same exact time the vocalist does at the 4:42 minute mark of "Set Me Free." At the same exact time in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage, Christ yells out "Free Me" from the cross looking upward into the sky. Immediately thereafter, Christ's head slumps down to the side as He dies and a bolt of lightning strikes the top of the cross. The video on both the large screen onstage and on the screens on each side of the live stage continues uninterrupted as the guitar solo from the song "Set Me Free" starts  to play. Right before Joshua quits walking down the prison corridor and is standing in front of the cell at the end of the corridor in the video on the large screen, he looks at the final jail cell to his left and then at the final cell on the right.  Dr. Silver is in the cell to his left and Dr. Gold in the cell to his right. They are both gripping the bars of the cells so tightly blood is dripping from their fingers running down the bars, look consumed by fear and are weeping uncontrollably.

  As the guitar solo begins to play, Joshua is looking at Christ in the jail cell in the video on the large screen onstage, he lifts up the ring he's been carrying and puts the gold key that says "Life" into the lock of the prison cell. As Joshua does this,
the video of the crucifixion scene on the other screens is replaced by video of Joshua standing in front of Christ's tomb looking up at an angel who's about to roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb. When Joshua turns the key, the prison door slides open in the video on the large screen onstage and Christ is transformed from the flesh into the spirit. At the same exact time the prison door slides open on the large video screen, the angel rolls the stone away from the entrance of Christ's tomb in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage. Following this, Joshua watches the resurrected Christ exit through the entrance of the tomb and rise up into the sky. In response, Joshua smiles and has tears of joy running down his face. At the same exact time Christ exits the tomb on the screens on each side of the live stage, Christ now in spirit form exits the opened jail cell and enters Joshua's body in the video on the large screen onstage. At this point, the video of Joshua at Christ's tomb on the screens on each side of the live stage is replaced by pre-taped video footage of Symbols performing "Set Me Free" in Western Wall Plaza once again that's in sync with the live performance of the song. This marks the end of the "Set Me Free" video presentation seen on the screens on each side of the live stage. However, the video for the song "Set Me Free" continues to play uninterrupted on the large video screen onstage. When Christ enters Joshua's body from the jail cell, his entire body convulses as if shocked by electricity. Immediately thereafter, Joshua turns around so that he facing the prison corridor he just walked down and undergoes a major transfomation morphing into Christ. Joshua is standing like he's being crucified with his arms extended away from his body with his palms facing forward. As Joshua's transformation into Christ begins, there is only a faint glow underneath Joshua's trenchcoat. Following this, the faint glow of light increases in intensity and bursts out of the trenchcoat through the Christian symbols on it sending out rays of bright white light in all directions. We also see the scar on Christ's side that He received on the cross from the soldier's spear as the light underneath that area of trenchcoat is exposed. The bright white light is Christ who entered Joshua's body from the jail cell. By the end of the guitar solo, the light will have burst through almost all of Joshua's trenchcoat and other clothes, and in its place is the translucent body of Christ wearing a white cloak as shown in the models below. The light emanating from Christ and the cloak is blinding and we see Dr. Gold and Silver in their cells turning away and cowering from Christ and the light. As the sequence of events with the trenchcoat and light takes place, Joshua's physical features are also transformed. First, his blue eyes change into Christ's orange eyes of fire and then Christ's scarred palms emerge from Joshua's unblemished ones. Following this, Joshua's face changes, hair grows from his shaved head and a full beard and moustache appear on his face. By the end of the guitar solo, Joshua's transfomation into Christ is complete and the only part of Joshua that remains is the "Holy Soldier" icon that was on the back of his trenchcoat. The icon is now on the back of Christ's cloak and is shining brightly particularly the sword. The transformation of Joshua into Christ is a conceptual idea based on Galatians 2:20. The screens on each side of the live stage continue to show video footage of Symbols performing the song "Set Me Free" in Western Wall Plaza in sync with the live performance of the song. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 56-74 and the text below Model 74 as the vocalist playing Joshua live begins singing once again following the guitar solo.

Model 56-The live Joshua standing atop the piano singing Verse 5 above the live audience.

Model 57-Video of Joshua standing atop the piano singing Verse 5 in Western Plaza.

Model 58-Christ lights up the prison and the prison floor turns to gold.

Model 59-Video of radiant Christ and His light replaces the prison.


Model 60-Background behind Christ transitions from the light to clouds.

Model 61-Video of Joshua and piano rising higher above crowd at Western Plaza.

Model 62-Video of New Jerusalem emerging from clouds #1.

Model 63-Video of New Jerusalem emerging from clouds #2.

Model 64-Video of Christ with New Jerusalem behind him.

Model 65-Christ greets Joshua at the entrance to New Jerusalem.

Model 66-Joshua walking towards the entrance of New Jerusalem.

Model 67-Joshua walking on street of gold inside New Jerusalem.

Model 68-Video of Joshua and the piano lowering to original height above crowd.

Model 69-Video of angels removing the piano from Western Wall Plaza.

Model 70-Video of Joshua back onstage and lights onstage replace last video image.

Model 71-The live Joshua and the piano suspended over the live audience.

Model 72-The live Joshua moving over the live audience en route to the live stage.

Model 73-The live stage and last image from the "Set Me Free" video.

Model 74-Joshua back on live stage and lights replace last video image.

Verse 5:
Take your sword, take your shield,
Take your armor it’s time to rise
Walk with Me, fight for Me,
Live for Me, you’ll never die

Verse 6:
Now rise up, you’ve been set free,
It's time to move, now you’ll see
There is more to Me(3x)
If you open up your heart, open up the box, Set Me Free!

  As Verses 5 and 6 and the conclusion of the song "Set Me Free" are performed live, the action continues uninterrupted.  When the live Joshua begins singing Verse 5 of "Set Me Free" following the guitar solo, he is standing atop the piano which is suspended above the live the audience as shown above in Model 56. At the same time and in sync with the live action, the video on the screens on each side of the live stage also shows Joshua singing while standing atop the piano as shown above in Model 57. As the "Set Me Free" video on the large screen onstage continues to play uninterrupted, the transformation of Joshua into Christ has taken place. The light emanating from Christ becomes so bright that it lights up the entire prison corridor as shown above in Model 58. As the vocalist sings the lyrics "Take your sword, take your shield" at about the 5:09 minute mark of the song, Christ reaches over his shoulder and acts as if He's going to pull the sword from the "Holy Soldier" icon off the back of His cloak. As soon as He touches the handle of the sword on the cloak, it turns into a real sword that is much larger than the one on the icon. At this point, Christ lifts the sword off his back, puts his other hand on the handle gripping the sword with both hands, the blade bursts out in flames, He swings the sword downward with great fury and drives the tip of the sword into the prison floor which is transformed into a street of gold as shown above in Model 58. Following this, Christ walks down the prison corridor on the street of gold with sword in hand and lip syncs the three remaining lines of Verse 5. In fact, the video image of Christ on the large video screen lip syncs the remainder of the song "Set Me Free" so it appears as if He's actually singing the song. As Christ walks down the prison corridor singing, the light coming forth from Him gets brighter and brighter. By the time Verse 5 is completed, Christ has reached the end of the street of gold and only Christ and the light are visible on the large screen onstage as shown above in Model 59. The light from Christ has completely drowned out the prison corridor and in essence the light has overcome the darkness. Note: Models 57 and 58, Models 60 and 61, and Models 67 and 68 are prime examples of how the live and pre-taped action are in sync with one another.

  As the video for the song "Set Me Free" continues playing on the large screen onstage and the beginning lyrics of Verse 6 "Now rise up" are sung by the Joshua(and Christ), Christs lifts up His arms and the sword upward motioning for the people to rise. Immediately thereafter, the background behind Christ changes from the bright light to clouds as shown above in Model 60. As Christ raises his arms and the sword upward on the large screen, Christians in the crowd in Western Wall Plaza that are watching Symbols perform "Set Me Free" supernaturally rise up off the ground in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage. At the same time, Christians worldwide rise up into the air, and Joshua and the piano which are already suspended in the air above the crowd in Western Wall Plaza rise up even higher as shown above in Model 61. The Christians in Western Wall Plaza rise to the same height as Joshua does in Model 61. As the song continues to play, the video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes and now shows pre-taped video footage of Christians worldwide including those at "The Last Stand Festival" sites rising up into the air. We see those that don't rise up looking dumbfounded and confused as to why they're not rising. When Joshua begins singing the lyrics "There is more to me" for the first time at the 6:02 minute mark of "Set Me Free," an image behind Christ begins to emerge from within the clouds as shown above in Model 62. By the time "There is more to me" is sung for the last time, the image within the clouds is clearly visible and it's New Jerusalem as shown above in Model 64. This entire sequence of action is shown above in Models 62-64. Keep in mind, New Jerusalem will look much more spectacular in the actual production than it does in the model used above. In the recorded version of "Set Me Free," the music following the end of the vocals fades out and the song ends. However, when the song is performed live, Symbols will continue playing instrumental music after the vocals end. As the music plays on after Verse 6 is sung, Christ greets Joshua at the entrance to New Jerusalem as shown above in Model 65 and he continues walking on the street of gold ultimately entering New Jerusalem as shown above in Models 66 and 67. At this point, the video for the song "Set Me Free" ends and the image remaining on the large video screen is Joshua walking inside New Jerusalem as shown above in Model 67. By the time the "Set Me Free" video ends, all the people worldwide including those in Western Wall Plaza return to the ground and the video on the screens on each side of the live stage changes showing Joshua and Symbols playing in Western Wall Plaza once again. After this, Joshua and the piano lower back to their original position above the crowd as shown above in Model 68.

  As the action continues in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage, rays of light from above shine down on Joshua and he gets off the piano and moves away from it. Following this, the same angels that brought the piano to Joshua in Western Wall Plaza earlier appear in the sky once again.They move downward, pick up the piano and fly upward with the piano as shown above in Model 69 ultimately disappearing from sight. After this, Joshua starts moving towards the stage in the air above the crowd in Western Wall Plaza until he is back onstage again as shown above in Model 70. By this time, the stage is lit back up,
the last image from the "Set Me Free" video that's on the video screen fades away and is replaced by lights and lighting trussels as shown above in Model 70. Shortly thereafter, the pre-taped video footage playing on the screens on each side of the live stage ends and the screens fade to black. This same sequence of events just described for the action in the pre-taped video also occurs live in the auditorium "The Unveiling" is being performed at in sync with the action in the video as shown above in Models 71-74. The musician playing Joshua is standing atop the piano which is suspended above the live audience as shown above in Model 71. Cables lift Joshua off the piano and move him over the live audience towards the live stage as shown above in Model 72. As Joshua flies over the live audience, the live stage lights back up and the video screen onstage is showing the last image of the "Set Me Free" video which is Joshua walking inside New Jerusalem as shown above in Model 73. By the time Joshua reaches the live stage, the final image from the "Set Me Free" is no longer on the large video screen and is replaced by lights and lighting trussels as shown above in Model 74. Finally, Joshua arrives on the live stage with the rest of the band as shown above in Model 74. Note how the live stage  as shown above in Model 74 and the stage in the pre-taped video as shown in Model 70 are the same when this sequence of events is completed. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 75-84 and the text below Model 84 as Symbols continues to play instrumental music following the end of the song "Set Me Free."

Model 75-Symbols playing their final song with lights replacing the video.

Model 76-Symbols's prop begins to move downward from atop live stage.

Model 77-Prop moving down, riser lowering and band walking up ramps.

Model 78-Cymbal of the prop sits atop the drum riser and band on amps.

Model 79-Gibson and Robert step on to the prop and Joshua moves back.

Model 80-Joshua levitates from the stage on to the Symbols's prop.

Model 81-The Symbols's prop, band and drums move upward.

Model 82-The Symbols's prop and drum riser move upward.

Model 83-The Symbols's prop and second drum riser move upward.

Model 84-The entire stage goes dark.

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 75-84, the pre-taped video playing on the screens on each side of the stage has just ended and Symbols is playing the very end of the song "Set Me Free"(instrumental music) live onstage as shown above in Model 75. All the action accompanying Models 75-84 occurs live onstage and no video plays on the screens on each side of the live stage. As Symbols continues playing live, a large prop of the "Symbols" logo begins to move downward from high above the stage being lowered by Christ's pierced hand as shown above in Model 76. The cymbal of the prop is shining brightly and rays of light from above reflect off its surface, lasers are shooting out from its perimeter in all directions out over the crowd and there is smoke pouring out from underneath it but none of this is shown in the models above. As the Symbols's prop moves downward, Gibson and Robert walk up the piano ramps and stand atop the amplfiers as shown above in Models 77 and 78. At the same time, the drum riser moves downward decreasing in size until it's level with the amplifiers, and D.W. and his drumset lower into the drum riser itself as shown above in Model 77 until they are no longer visible as shown above in Model 78. Shortly thereafter, the bottom part of the "Symbols" prop lowers into the drum riser, the prop stops moving downward and its large cymbal sits atop the drum riser as shown above in Model 78. At this point, Joshua backs up towards the drum riser, and Gibson and Robert walk across the amplifiers and stand on top of the cymbal as shown above in Model 79. Immediately thereafter, Joshua levitates upward on to the front of the cymbal of the Symbols's prop as shown above in Model 80. Once the band is on the cymbal as shown above in Model 80, the prop begins to move upward being lifted by Christ's pierced hand as shown above in Model 81. As this occurs, D.W. and his drumset rise up from within the drum riser and are visible once again as shown above in Model 81, and the drum riser returns to its original size as shown above in Model 82. As the Symbols's prop continues moving upward so do D.W. and his drumset. The drumset is actually on top of a smaller drum riser that's within the original riser that allows the drumset to extend beyond the height of the original drum riser as shown above in Model 83. As the Symbols's prop, drumset and musicians continue to move upward, the music builds in intensity and volume. By the time the Symbols's prop and the musicians on it have risen so high they are no longer visible to the audience, the music reaches its crescendo. At that exact moment, a defeaning explosion is heard, the music stops abruptly and the song "Set Me Free" is over, the entire stage goes dark and the drum riser returns to its original size as shown above in Model 84. However, the drumset is no longer on the drum riser as shown above in Model 84. D.W. and his drumset have actually lifted off the smaller drum riser and continue to move upward being pulled up by cables that are attached to both a platform underneath the drumset and the lighting rig above. However, this happens when the stage is dark so the audience doesn't see this occur. Although not visible in Models 75-84, the Wailing Wall prop is lit up behind the live stage as the simulation of Symbols's final show in Western Wall Plaza continues.The action continues uninterrupted with Models 85-102 and the text below Model 102.

Model 85-Fog begins to appear on the dark stage.

Model 86-Colored lights light up in sequence as fog continues to fill stage.

Model 87- The "Last Stand" artwork appears on the video screen.

Model 88-Gibson and the dove appear on top of the stage.

Model 89-Robert and the Ichthys symbol appear on top of the stage.

Model 90-D.W., drumset and tablets appear onstage and riser lights up.

Model 91-Cross appears onstage above the drumset.

Model 92-Joshua begins to emerge from within the drum riser.

Model 93-Joshua standing atop the drum riser with his head bowed.

Model 94-Piano ramps light up onstage.

Model 95-The amplifiers and all the remaining lights light up onstage.

Model 96-Fire appears onstage.

Model 97-Fireworks go off onstage.

Model 98-Drum riser moves to the front of the stage with Joshua on it.

Model 99-Confetti falls onstage.

Model 100-The stage following the final explosion.

Model 101-Drum riser back to its original position and the cross onstage.

Model 102-Joshua turns around and looks upward on the live stage.

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 85-102, the entire stage will light up sequentially until it's completely lit up once again. All the action accompanying Models 85-102 occurs live onstage and there is no video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage. When this sequence of action begins, the entire stage is dark, fog begins filling the stage as shown above in Model 85 and there is silence. Shortly thereafter, pre-recorded soundtrack music starts playing as fog continues filling the stage. Following this, colored lights on the left and right sides of the stage light up in sequence at the same time moving from the outermost lights inward until they are completely lit up as shown above in Model 86. Immediately thereafter, video of the "Last Stand" artwork("Holy Soldier" superhero symbol) begins to appear on the large video screen piece by piece until it's completed as shown above in Model 87.  Click on the play button below to see a video clip of how the "Last Stand" artwork comes together piece by piece. After you view the clip, you will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue reading the act "The Last Stand."

  Video of "The Last Stand" artwork.

As soon as the "Last Stand" artwork is on the video screen onstage in its entirety, we hear live guitar start playing along with the soundtrack music. At that exact moment, blue lights illuminate Gibson who is now standing high above the stage on the left side of the lighting rig playing guitar with his head bowed, a dove lights up below him and blue lights radiate from the dove as shown above in Model 88. Following this, we hear live bass start playing with the soundtrack music. At that exact moment, green lights illuminate Robert who is now standing high above the stage on the right side of the lighting rig playing bass with his head bowed, an Ichthys(fish) symbol lights up below him and green lights radiate from the Ichthys as shown above in Model 89. Next, live drums are heard playing with the soundtrack music. At that exact moment, orange lights illuminate D.W. and his drum set which are now suspended in the air right above the "Last Stand" artwork as shown above in Model 90. At the same time, two large transparent Ten Commandment tablets located in front of the D.W.'s drumset light up and the drum riser itself lights back up as shown above in Model 90. As the action continues, a second live guitar is heard playing with the soundtrack music, a cross lights up in the middle of the lighting rig and gold lights radiate from the cross as shown above in Model 91. At the same time, Joshua begins to emerge from within the drum riser illuminated by gold lights with his head bowed as shown above in Model 92 until ultimately he is completely visible as shown above in Model 93. Shortly thereafter, live piano begins to be heard and both piano ramps light up in sequence at the same time as shown above in Model 94. The piano ramps don't light up all at once but rather key by key starting with the keys touching the stage up to the keys touching the amplifiers. The individual keys light up quickly in sequence as if someone were actually playing a real piano and running their fingers along the entire length of the keyboard. As soon as the final key on each ramp lights up which are the keys touching the top of the amplifiers, the amplifiers and the remaining lights onstage light up as shown above in Model 95. At this point, the entire band is now playing instrumental music and the soundtrack music fades out. The instrumental music will build in intensity and ferocity as the action continues. Although not visible in Models above, the Wailing Wall prop is lit up behind the live stage as the simulation of Symbols's final show in Western Wall Plaza continues.

  As the action continues uninterrupted live onstage, the entire stage is lit up once again as shown above in Model 95, the band is playing instrumental music building in intensity, their heads are bowed and there is no video playing on the screens on each side of the live stage. At this point, Joshua lift his head up looking out at the audience and brings his guitar up and back as shown above in Model 96. Immediately thereafter, Joshua plays a chord and thrusts his guitar down and forward pointing it at the audience all in one motion. At that exact moment, a huge explosion is heard and fire shoots up on both sides of Joshua and onstage as shown above in Model 96. Gibson and Robert who are still high above the stage on the lighting rig also lift their heads up and do the same exact motion in perfect unison with Joshua and will do so whenever he does. Shortly thereafter, Joshua lifts his guitar up and back again, plays a chord and thrusts his guitar down and forward once again. At that exact moment, another huge explosion is heard, fire shoots up on both sides of Joshua and onstage, and fireworks start going off onstage as shown above in Model 97. As the music increases in intensity and volume building to a crescendo, the drum riser starts moving forward with Joshua on top of it stopping at the front edge of the live stage as shown above in Model 98. Shortly thereafter, fireworks all over the stage go off, flames shoot up into the air, lasers(not seen in models above) from the stage shoot out across the crowd and confetti falls all over the stage as shown above in Model 99. In addition, the keys of the piano ramps light up in sequence key by key moving from the top of the amps down to the stage and from the stage back up to the amps repeatedly. In synch with each piano key that lights up the corresponding live piano note is heard as if someone were actually playing piano on the ramps themselves. Finally, a series of explosions is heard as Joshua repeatedly lifts his guitar back and up, and plays a chord swinging his guitar down and forward all in one motion as described above. On the final and loudest explosion, the band quits playing music and the stage looks like Model 100 above leaving Joshua alone onstage. The remaining lit up objects onstage which includes the drum riser, the "Last Stand" artwork, two panels of colored lights, the drum set and tablets, and the cross form a large cross and arrow onstage when lit up as shown above in Models 100-102. At this point, the drum riser moves back to its original position as shown above in Model 101. Shortly thereafter, Joshua turns around, slings his guitar around so its resting on his back and looks upward on the live stage as shown above in Model 102. In addtion, the Christian symbols and "Holy Soldier" icon on Joshua's trenchcoat are lit up. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 103-113 and the text below Model 113.

Model 103-Video of Joshua looking upward at the Wailing Wall.

Model 104-Video of the drum riser lighting up in sequence.

Model 105-Video of the "Last Stand" artwork lighting up in sequence.

Model 106-Video of two panels of colored lights lighting up in sequence.

Model 107-Video of the drum set and tablets lighting up in sequence.

Model 108-Video of the cross lighting up in sequence.

Model 109-Video of drum riser lighting up in sequence once again.

Model 110-Joshua levitates as objects continue to light up in sequence #1.

Model 111-Joshua levitates as objects continue to light up in sequence #2.

Model 112-Joshua levitates as objects continue to light up in sequence #3.

Model 113-Joshua above the burning cross with cross and arrow onstage.

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 103-113, Joshua is alone onstage and the remaining lit up objects onstage form a large cross as shown above in Model 102. The sound of a rocket or ballistic missile preparing to take off starts to be heard but is very faint and will get progressively louder as the action proceeds. At this point, video begins to play on the screens on each side of the live stage once again and shows the same action that's currently taking place live onstage as shown above in Model 103. The live and videotaped action are in sync with one another as shown above in Models 102 and 103. As the action continues, the lit up objects that form the cross onstage in both the videotaped and live action begin to light up in sequence starting with the drum riser and moving upward as shown above in Models 104-108. Shortly after the cross lights up as shown above in Model 108, the sequence starts over as the drum riser lights up again as shown above in Model 109. This occurs both live onstage and in the videotaped footage at the Wailing Wall. When lighting up in sequence, the objects also form a large arrow that points upward or heaven bound. After a few cycles of the remaining objects lighting up in sequence, Joshua begins to levitate upwards in both the video as shown above in Model 110 and live onstage being pulled up by cables as the objects continue to light up in sequence. At the same time, the sound of the rocket or missile gets significantly louder and the amount of fog onstage increases as shown above in Models 110-113 looking just like it does when a rocket or missile starts to take off. In essence, the drum riser is the bottom part of the rocket or missile where the smoke comes out from when taking off. This entire sequence of action fits nicely into the military theme of the "Holy Soldier." As the remaining objects onstage light up in sequence in the video, Joshua levitates to the top of the burning cross as shown in Models 110-113 and the roar of the rocket or missile becomes deafening in the auditorium. The remaining objects on the live stage also continue to light up in sequence as the musician playing Joshua is pulled upward by cables. However, the live Joshua disappears into the lighting rig and doesn't appear at the top the live stage where there is a prop of the burning cross with the animatronic "Holy Soldier" in front of it. Once Joshua stops moving upward in the video, all the objects are lit up forming the cross and arrow as shown above in Model 113, all the objects on the live stage are also lit up forming the cross and arrow and the deafening roar of the missile or rocket fades out. Most of the remaining action in the act "The Last Stand" is video footage from the Wailing Wall that's shown on the video screens on each side of the live stage. The live stage will continue to show the lit up cross onstage, and the prop of the large burning cross and animatronic "Holy Soldier" at the very top of the stage. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 114-118 and the text below Model 118.


Model 114-Video of Joshua above cross watching fireworks at the Wailing Wall.

Model 115-Video of military jet flying through fireworks at the Wailing Wall.

Model 116-Video of Joshua facing crowd and pointing at the jets.

Model 117-Jets fly in cross formation above Western Wall Plaza.

Model 118-Jets form two crosses above Western Wall Plaza.

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 114-118, Joshua is suspended in the air at the top of the burning cross looking upward into the sky as shown above in Model 113, the objects lit up onstage form a cross and arrow as shown above in Model 113, and the deafening sound of a rocket engine or missile is fading out. Immediately thereafter, a series of loud explosions like those associated with firework shows are heard and fireworks start to appear in the sky above the Wailing Wall as Joshua watches from atop the cross as shown above in Model 114. At the same time, a series of explosions is heard live and fireworks go off above the prop of the burning cross and the animatronic "Holy Soldier" at the top of the live stage. Shortly thereafter, in the video on the screens on each side of the live stage, the deafening roar of a jet engine is heard and a military jet traveling east to west flies through the fireworks as shown above in Model 115. The jet is releasing white smoke from its wings as shown above in Model 115, flies over Joshua and he turns around and points at it as shown above in Model 116. At the same time, another military jet releasing white smoke from its wings traveling west to east is seen flying in the sky perfectly lined up with the other jet at the same altitude and they're heading straight at one another. As the jets approach one another in the sky above Western Wall Plaza, they pull up at the last second, go completely vertical heading straight up into the sky and are perfectly lined up mirror images of one another as shown above in Model 117. The smoke these planes release creates the vertical parts of two large crosses in the sky above Western Wall Plaza that are mirror images of one another as shown above in Model 117. After these jets travel a good distance vertically, two other military jets flying completely sideways with their wings perpendicular to the ground with one traveling north to south and the other south to north are seen flying in the sky. They are both flying at the same altitude which is at the height where the horizontal parts of the crosses would be located in relation to the vertical lines the other two jets have already created. As these two jets fly towards one another, they release horizontal trails of white smoke and pass one another in the center of the crosses where the vertical and horizontal parts of the crosses intersect as shown above in Model 117. The jets continue to release smoke as they pass one another until they have completed the horizontal part of their respective crosses as shown above in Model 118. Following this, all the jets quit releasing smoke and break formation at the exact same time.

  When the jets are completely done with their manuevers, there are two large crosses in the air high above Western Wall Plaza created by the white smoke released from the planes as shown above in Model 118, the crosses are mirror images of one another with one facing east and the other west and they are back to back to one another with space in between them. There are two crosses because the two sets of planes involved in the manuevers each created their own cross. This entire sequence of action involving the jets is choreographed with a great deal of precision like you would see at an air show. As soon as the jets that created the crosses break formation, they increase their air speed flying greater than the speed of sound and a series of four deafening sonic booms are heard. Immediatrly thereafter, the white trails of smoke that form both crosses begin changing to fire sequentially at the same time. The trails of smoke that form the vertical part of each cross turn to fire moving from the bottom upward and from the top downward at the same time meeting at the center of each cross. At the same time, the trails of smoke that form the horizontal parts of each cross turn to fire moving from the outermost parts of the horizontal portion of each cross inward meeting at the center of the cross. As this occurs, the space in between the trails of smoke fills in with fire until ultimately there are two large crosses of fire in the sky when all the smoke has changed to fire. Finally, the space in between the two mirror image crosses fills with fire and in effect are fused together forming one massive three dimensional burning cross that looks like the cross atop the Wailing Wall. However, there is no "Holy Soldier" icon in front of this cross and it's much, much larger than the burning cross atop the Wailing Wall. Note: the large burning cross above Western Wall Plaza is much higher in the sky that would be indicated by the altitude of the jet plane shown in Model 115. I had to put the jet in Model 115 lower than it would have been in the sky to fit it into the model. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 119-130 and the text below Model 130.

Model 119-Joshua points and looks at the large burning cross in the sky.

Model 120-Symbols begins playing music once again at the Wailing Wall.

Model 121-Chariot of fire pulled by horses of fire approach Joshua.

Model 122-Joshua gets into the chariot of fire at the burning cross.

Model 123-Horses of fire fly upward with Joshua in chariot to cross in sky.

Model 124-Band continues to play as Joshua flies towards cross in the sky.

Model 125-The stage goes dark and Symbols's stops playing.

Model 126-Lights come on in sequence from outermost to innermost.

Model 127-"Holy Soldier" superhero symbol lights up and comes alive.

Model 128-Symbols's final show has ended and icon not in front of cross.

  As the action continues uninterrupted, Joshua looks upward and points at the large burning cross in the sky above Western Wall Plaza as shown above in Model 119. Immediately thereafter, angels fly out both sides of the cross holding large gold trumpets and form a circle around the cross. The angels blow their trumpets in unison at a defeaning volume that can be heard throughout Israel. Following this, Symbols and their symbols light up onstage and they begin playing music once again which will ultimately transition into a hard rock version of the song "The Battle Belongs to the Lord." At the same time, thousands of angels fly out of the burning cross all of which are carrying swords and hundreds of other angels leave the burning cross in chariots of fire being pulled by horses of fire. The angels fly above Western Wall Plaza and the surrounding area including Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in what is a visual spectacle. At this point, Symbols begin playing the song "The Battle Belongs to the Lord." and the angels that exited from the large burning cross sing the harmonies and background vocals with Symbols. 

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

In heavenly armour we'll enter the land
The battle belongs to the Lord
No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand
The battle belongs to the Lord

We sing glory and honor
Power and strength to the Lord

The power of darkness comes in like a flood
The battle belongs to the Lord
He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood
The battle belongs to the Lord

We sing glory and honor
power in strength to the Lord

When your enemy presses in hard do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take courage my friend, your redemption is near
The battle belongs to the Lord

The battle belongs to the Lord
battle belongs to the Lord...

  When Symbols finishes playing the song "The Battle Belongs to the Lord," the band continues to play instrumental music and the following action occurs. All the angels start flying towards the large cross in the sky and will ultimately enter the cross disappering from sight. As this occurs, a chariot of fire being pulled by horses of fire appears above the Wailing Wall en route to pick up Joshua as shown above in Model 121. Once the chariot pulls up next to Joshua, he gets into it as shown above in Model 122 and addresses the audience one last time.

Joshua:  We are Symbols. God Bless all of you and never forget the battle always belongs to the Lord!-(As soon as Joshua finishes this dialogue, he points at the large burning cross in the sky and the chariot begins moving upward en route to the cross and Symbols continues playing music as shown above in Model 123 and 124. The crowd starts chanting "Symbols, Symbols" repeatedly at a deafening volume as the chariot carrying Joshua heads towards the burning cross in the sky. Joshua joins the angels and chariots of fire carrying angels in the sky that are also flying towards the large cross. By the time Joshua arrives at the entrance to the large burning cross, all the other chariots and angels have entered the cross and he is the last one to enter. As soon as he enters the cross and can no longer be seen, the large burning cross instantaneously disappears and a booming explosion is heard that causes seismic activity and blows out windows all across Jerusalem. Immediately thereafter, Symbols quits playing and the stage goes dark as shown above in Model 125. As the crowd continues to shout "Symbols, Symbols" at a deafening volume, colored lights on the left and right sides of the stage light up in sequence moving from the outermost lights inward. Once the lights are completely lit up as shown above in 126, "Holy Soldier's" superhero symbol("Last Stand" artwork) lights up as shown above in Model 127 and comes to life. We see the same superheroes that were on the posters in Joshua's bedroom within the artwork and they say the following Bible verses.)

  "The Superheroes" Trailer

Superheroes:  (John 3:3) "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God," (Matthew 18:3 "Truly, I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven," (Romans 6:23) "If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life crippled, than, having your two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire, for the wages of sin are death," (Revelation 3:20)  "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me." (Push the play button above the Bible verses entitled "The Superheroes" to see an example of what this video sequence would look and sound like. After you view the video, you will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue reading the production. Keep in mind, this is just an example and in the actual video the superheroes themselves will speak in their own voices. As each superhero says the words of the Bible verses and morphs into the next superhero, the new superhero picks up where the prior one left off so the verses are spoken in a continuous manner. At the same time each superhero morphs into the next, his/her iconic superhero symbol also morphs into the iconic symbol of the next superhero who speaks. "Holy Soldier" doesn't start saying the first Bible verses until the "Symbols" sword rises upward and he unbows his head looking forward. Christ says the entire verse of Revelation 3:20 Himself. As soon as He finishes this verse, Christ morphs into Holy Soldier and bows his head, the"Symbols" sword re-appears moving downward and covers the face of Holy Soldier. This marks the end of Symbols's final show and the colored lights and "Last Stand" artwork go off, and the "Holy Soldier" icon in front of the burning cross on top of the Wailing Wall vanishes as shown above in Model 128. The act "The Last Stand" is now over. Click on the play button below to view the "The Last Stand Finale" Trailer. Some last minutes changes were made to the end of  the "World Tour" segment so you won't see the action of Symbols playing "The Battle Belongs to the Lord" or the chariot of fire picking up Joshua and flying up to the large burning cross in "The Last Stand Finale" Trailer. After you view the trailer, you will need to hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page and continue reading the production. To move to the next act of this musical which is "The Temple of Gold" click on the "next" button at the bottom of the page.)

"The Last Stand Finale" Trailer