"The Final Act" is divided into two segments, the "U.S. Tour" and "World Tour." The tour is called The Final Act: "The Greatest Show on Earth." There are several models to aid you in following the action. Symbols's U.S. tour lasts a year starting with their first show at the L.A. Coliseum on the Fourth of July and ending a year later with a show  in Washington D.C. on Independence Day. The world tour lasts about 16 months beginning with a show at Wembley Stadium in England and ending with a final show at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. By the time the tour is over, almost 3½ years have passed by since the Rapture took place and the midpoint of the Tribulation Period is about three days away. All the shows of Symbols's tour are held at large stadiums worldwide selling out in record time and breaking all box office records for money earned and the number of people attending. By the time the "U.S. Tour" begins, about 8 months have passed since Joshua's band "Joshua'sTree" played on Halloween night and the Rapture took place. During this time, their debut 3 CD box set "The Final Act" has sold well over 75 million copies in just 4 months and has stayed #1 on the Billboard charts the entire time. Symbols wins a record 12 Grammys and gives the greatest performance ever seen at the Grammys. Although not always seen in the models below, Joshua is wearing his superhero outfit throughout all the action in the "U.S. Tour" and "World Tour" segments. The band member images used in the models for the "U.S. Tour" and "World Tour" segments don't look like nor are they dressed like the actual band members of Symbols will be and are used for reference purposes only. Symbols will become the greatest band in music history even surpassing the Beatles. At this point, the "U.S. Tour" begins with Models 1-6 and the text below Model 6.

Model 1-Tour buses continue traveling on the freeway as it begins to transform into the "Highway of Holiness."

Model 2-An image begins to appear in the sky as the transformation of the freeway into the "Highway of Holiness" continues.

Model 3-The transfomation is complete and an image of a burning cross with the "Holy Soldier" icon in front of it is in the sky.

Model 4-The"Holy Soldier" icon morphs into Christ who says "The Great Commission"(Matthew 28:18-20)

Model 5-The tour buses drive on the "Highway of Holiness" as Christ finishes saying "The Great Commission."

Model 6-Tour buses no longer visible and Christ morphs back into the "Holy Soldier" icon.

  As "The Final Act" segment begins, we see three tour buses parked in the circular driveway of Joshua's home. Joshua, the band, Darlene, Harmony and Daniel enter the first tour bus and their tour personnel get on the other two buses. The lead bus with Joshua in it starts driving away from his house and the other two buses follow. We see the tour buses driving on a multi-laned freeway in L.A. heading towards the L.A. Coliseum for the first show of Symbols's U.S. tour as the sun sets. There is traffic traveling in both directions on the multi-laned freeway. Following this, the freeway begins to supernaturally transform into the "Highway of Holiness" and turns into just two lanes with one heading towards the sunset and the other heading in the opposite direction as shown above in Model 1. There is no traffic on the lane heading away from the sunset and only the three tour buses are traveling on the lane towards the sunset as shown above in Model 1. At the same time, the area surrounding the freeway changes so that the highway is now in the air surrounded by clouds as shown above in Model 1. At this point, the scene in the sky changes and an image begins to appear in the sky as shown above in Models 2.  Ultimately, the image becomes clearly visible and It's a cross burning with the flames of the Holy Spirit and the "Holy Soldier" icon is in front of it as shown above in Model 3. The transformation of the freeway and surrounding area into the "Highway of Holiness"(Isaiah 35:8 NASB) is now complete as shown above in Model 3. The "Highway to Holiness" is spoken of in Isaiah 35 which is prophecy about the Millennial Kingdom of Christ following the Tribulation Period. The Highway leads to Jerusalem and the bright light in the sky below the burning cross is Jerusalem(Zion.)  Isaiah 35 says only believers are allowed to travel on the Highway, all ailments of those on it will be healed, people will be shouting everlasting joy from it, the desert will blossom greatly and the glory and majesty of the Lord will be seen on it. At this point, the "Holy Soldier" icon in front of the cross morphs into Christ as shown above in Model 4. Shortly thereafter, Christ begins saying Matthew 28:18-20 which is known as "The Great Commission" with great power and force. Everyone on the buses observe the action described above and are blown away.  Joshua, Darlene, the band and Daniel crowd the front of the lead bus to watch the action through the windshield as Christ speaks. 

Christ:  All authority on heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."-(In essence, Christ is giving Joshua(Holy Soldier) and Symbols their marching orders on the "Highway to Holiness" as they go into battle on tour. When Christ stops speaking, the buses contnue driving on the "Highway to "Holiness"  eventually disappearing into the clouds as shown above in Models 5 and 6. The image of Christ in front of the burning cross morphs back into the "Holy Soldier"  icon when the final bus disappears into the clouds as shown above in Model 6. Shortly thereafter, the image seen in Model 6 is replaced by an overhead shot of the L.A. Coliseum. The show is sold out and there are over 100,000 people in the Coliseum. Everyone is holding their cell phones and lighters in the air and are shouting "Symbols, Symbols..."  over and over at a deafening volume. At this point, the camera zooms in on the stage until the camera shot is looking straight at the stage as shown below in Model 1. At this point, the show at the Coliseum begins with Models 1-18 and the text below Model 18. The action on the "Highway to Holiness" marks the official beginning of "The Final Act" tour.)


Model 1-The stage at the beginning of the "U.S. Tour" segment.

Model 2-Storm video begins playing on the video screen onstage.

Model 3-The Symbols's sword descending in the video on the screen.

Model 4-The entire Symbols's sword and storm video on the video screen.

Model 5- The Symbols's sword on the black backdrop on the video screen.

Model 6-Christian symbols appear on the screen with different colored lights emanating from them.

Model 7-Symbols's band members begin  rising up from within the amplifiers #1.

Model 8-Symbols's band members rising up from within the amplifiers #2.

Model 9-Symbols's band members rising up from within the amplifiers #3.

Model 10-Symbols standing atop the amps in their colored lights onstage.

Model 11-Symbols's members standing atop amps with U.S. map on large video screen onstage.

Model 12-"Holy Soldier" icon appears on the U.S. map on large video screen onstage.


Model 13-Symbols's members move around onstage and "Holy Soldier" icon speaks.


Model 14-Stage lights up after 1John5:4 and the "Symbols's" catchphrase are spoken.

Model 15-Video of tour bus on a highway within the U.S. map on the video screen.

Model 16-Video of Symbols's tour buses on the highway with a sunset.

Model 17-Symbols's begins to play music simulating the entire show at the L.A. Coliseum.

Model 18-The "Last Stand Tour" artwork on the U.S. Maps on the screens on each side of Symbols's live stage.


  Symbols's live stage looks like Model 1 above when it's set up for Symbols's first show at the L.A. Coliseum. The live stage has a large video screen that spans the entire width of the stage and two additional video screens with one to the left of the live stage and one to the right.  However, these two screens are not visible in the models. At this point, the stage is dark, the drum riser(a large drum itself), amplifiers and piano ramps are only faintly visible. The large video screen onstage is blank and fog fills the stage as shown above in Model 1. Fog also flows over the top of the amplifiers on both sides of the drum riser but this is not seen in the models above. As the fog continues to fill the stage, the musical intro of the opening of the show "Entry of the Gladiators" begins to play and several explosions are heard. As this music fades out, a new soundclip begins to play which are news reports on 9/11 and the following action takes place. A storm backdrop with lightning flashing on it appears on the large video screen onstage as shown above in Model 2. Shortly thereafter, a large sword bearing the name "Symbols" begins to move downward from the top of the video screen as shown above in Model 3. As the sword continues to move downward eventually stopping in the position shown above in Model 4, lightning strikes the sword and the word "Symbols" several times. Following this, the storm backdrop and lightning fade out leaving the sword on the screen by itself with a black background as shown above in Model 5. At this point, four Christian symbols the cross, the dove, the commandments and the Ichthys appear on the video screen onstage underneath the sword as shown above in Model 6. Colored lights which look as if they are coming from each symbol form a circular cone of light that projects downward on to the top of the amplifiers as shown above in Model 6. As soon as the stage looks like Model 6 above, the members of Symbols begin to emerge via hydraulic lifts on the left and right sides of the stage within the circular cones and are visible to the audience as shown above in Model 7. The musicians will continue to move upward until they are standing atop the amplifiers and this sequence of action is shown above in Models 6-9. At the same time, the fog that's on the stage and flowing over the amplifiers changes to the color associated with each particular symbol as shown above in Models 6-9(ie. from gold to blue to orange to green). In addition, each musician is illuminated by the color associated with their specific Christian symbol as shown above in Model 10 which is the same color as the lights emanating from each symbol. Once all the musicians are standing atop the amplifiers, the color of the fog flowing over the amplifiers and onstage turns back to white as shown above in Model 10. As the action continues, the image on the video screen onstage changes. The image of the sword and the Christian symbols fades out and is replaced by a U.S. map as shown above in Model 11. Following this, the "Holy Soldier" icon appears in the center of the U.S. map as shown above in Model 12. As the video plays, the Symbols's sword covering the face of "Holy Soldier" icon in the center of the U.S. map moves upward and vanishes, Holy Soldier comes alive, lifts up his bowed head and looks out at the live audience. At this point, Holy Soldier begins to say 1 John 5:4 and the Symbols's catchphrase. Holy Soldier says 1John5:4 and the Symbols's catchphrase.

"Holy Soldier" Icon:  "For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith." For we are Symbols for the world to see and when they're looking for Christ may they see Him in me."-(As 1John5:4 and the Symbols's catchphrase are spoken by the "Holy Soldier" icon, the lights illuminating the fog are turned off, Joshua leaves the top of the amplifiers and goes to the stage below standing in the fog, D.W. gets behind his drums on the drum riser, PRS walks over to the far left area of the stage still standing atop the amplifiers, and Christian walks over to the far right area of the stage still standing atop the amplifiers all of which are shown in Model 13 above. The stage will continue to look like Model 13 above as 1John5:4 and the catchphrase are spoken. After the "Holy Soldier" icon finishes the dialogue above, he bows his head and the Symbols's sword covers his face once again. As the video continues playing, the stage lights up as shown above in Model 14. Following this, video begins to play within the U.S. map on the large video screen onstage and it appears as if the "Holy Soldier" icon and black area within the border of the U.S. map start moving forward. As the video continues to play, we see the "Holy Soldier" icon and the black area are actually artwork on the back of a Symbols's tour bus that is traveling on a highway as shown above in Model 15. As the bus continues moving forward, the camera pulls back from the back of the bus so that we have a wide, ovehead shot of the entire area as shown above in Model 16.The bus is part of a caravan of tour buses that's traveling on a highway heading towards a sunset as shown above in Model 16 and 17. As the video continues to play, Gibson and Robert walk down the piano ramps until they're ultimately onstage and Joshua emerges from the fog onstage as shown above in Models 16 and 17. At this point, the video ends and Symbols begins playing music at the Coliseum. We see a series of video clips of them playing music at the L.A. Coliseum in rapid succession one after another to simulate the entire show at the Coliseum in a brief period of time. At the same time, U.S. maps  wth the heading "The Last Stand" light up on the screens on each side of the live stage with the "Last Stand" tour artwork in the middle of them as shown above in Model 18The artwork in the middle of the U.S. maps on these screens comes to life. The Symbols's sword rises upward and disappears, the "Holy Soldier" icon comes to life in the artwork and lifts up his bowed head. After this, the "Holy Soldier" icon morphs into Joshua who in turn morphs into drummer D.W. who morphs into bassist Christian who morphs into guitarist PRS who morphs into keyboardist Roland who morphs into Christ who in turn morphs back into the "Holy Soldier" icon who bows his head and the Symbols's sword returns covering his face once again. As each musician appears in the middle of the artwork, the Christian symbol each is associated with appears at the same time in all three circles of the artwork. An example of this action will be shown in an avi movie at the end of this act. You can see an avi. movie of the action just described for the opening of all Symbols's shows on the U.S. leg of the tour by copying the web address in red below, pasting it into the status bar of your "Microsoft Edge" browser and hitting "enter." After you view the "Symbols's Concert Intro" movie, return here to continue reading the preview of the "U.S. Tour" segment of "The Final Act" The action continues uninterrupted with Models 19-28 and the text below Model 28 as Symbols finishes playing the first show at the L. A. Coliseum.)

  "Symbols's Concert Intro"



Model 19-Joshua onstage at the end of the show at the L.A. Coliseum.

Model 20-Joshua stepping on to the pathway on the Coliseum grounds encircled by light from above.

Model 21-Joshua walking on the pathway healing people in the crowd with the light from above encircling him #1.

Model 22-Joshua walking on the pathway healing people in the crowd with the light from above encircling him #2.

Model 23-Joshua walking on the pathway healing people in the crowd with the light from above encircling him #3.

Model 24-Joshua approaching dead man lying on ground at opposite end of the stadium.

Model 25-Joshua looks over dead man, tells him to "rise up," lifts his arms up and looks upward.

Model 26-Light from above shines down on dead man and Joshua.

Model 27-The dead man comes back to life and stands in front of Joshua.

Model 28-Joshua talking with the resurrected dead man who gives his life to Christ.



Verse 1
Backstreet Sally the dreamer in the alley 
Had a penchant for the gold 
Had her eye on the money it seemed kinda funny 
That she wondered why her pockets were cold 
But just a look in the Book was all it took and now everybody wants to know

Bridge 1
What’s that look in her eyes? 
And she says it’s Jesus He’s turned my life around

Chorus 1

Where can we go to find the answers 

In this life of crime without love 
Can a young man live where the old man dies 
Where Sally once was dead now she’s Alive 
Tonight she’s Alive

Verse 2

Along came Jesse his life was kind of messy 
From a deal gone down in LA 
Doing time for a sentence that needed his repentance 
But he didn’t know how to pray 
Until the Man with the Plan just took his hand and now everybody wants to know 

Bridge 2
<>What’s that look in his eyes? 
And he says it’s Jesus He’s turned my life around – Tell me 


Chorus 2
Where can we go to find the answers 
In this life of crime without love 
Can a young man live where the old man dies 
Where Jesse once was dead – now he’s Alive 
In Him he’s Alive – now tell me

Verse 3
Where can we run and who can we turn to 
When everything seems so wrong 
Where can you run and who are you gonna turn to 
Who’s gonna show you the Way

Verse 4
Down through the ages it’s been written in the Pages 
Of a Man who was crucified 
And only through Jesus who died to redeem us 
Can our spirit be glorified 
So put your faith in The One – God’s Holy Son 
And everyone will want to know

Bridge 3
What’s that look in your eyes? 
And you can tell them it’s Jesus He’s turned your life around

Chorus 3
<>Where can we go to find the answers 
In this life of crime without love

Can a young man live where the old man dies  <>

Where can we go to find the answers 

In this life of crime without love

Can a young man live where the old man dies
<>Where Jesus once was dead yeah
Where Jesus once was dead

He’s Alive, He’s Alive, Alive, Alive


     When the simulation of Symbols playing the first show of their U.S. tour at the L.A.  Coliseum ends, the stage is completely dark and the crowd is shouting "Symbols" over and over so the back onstage and play more music for their encore. Shortly thereafter, the stage lights back up and Joshua is at the front edge of the stage looking out at the audience as shown above in Model19 and he speaks to the crowd at the Coliseum.

Joshua: All right people you want more!-(The crowd roars its approval. Joshua nods his head up and down and smiles)  What an awesome start to the Final Act. You've been one hell of an audience and I want you to meet a couple friends of mine.  Once they were dead but now are Alive.

 Joshua steps off the stage and
on to a pathway on the grounds of the Coliseum that extends from the stage across the stadium grounds to the opposite end of the stadium as shown above in Model 20. Immediately thereafter, a ray of light shines down from the sky above and encircles Joshua and the area around him as shown above in Model 20. The gold Les Paul resting on Joshua's back lights up and the strings of the guitar start to move by themselves as if someone is playing it. At the same time, the 12 precious stone inlays on the guitar light up in sequence repeatedly moving from the inlay on the neck of the guitar closest to the body of the guitar upward to the inlay at the very top of the neck. Joshua walks on the pathway en route to the opposite end of the Coliseum and the ray of light from above continues to encircle him as shown above in Models 21-24. As Joshua walks down the pathway, he lays hands on people in the crowd healing them of various maladies such as blindness, deafness and paralyis. We also see others in the crowd being healed by simply reaching out and touching his lit up guitar or trenchcoat as he walks by them. By the time Joshua reaches the opposite end of the stadium, there's a dead man who has overdosed lying in front of the tunnel that leads underneath the stadium as shown as above in Models 25. The camera zooms in on this scene and a paramedic is kneeling beside the man holding the handles of a defibrillator. He looks at Joshua shaking his "no" and the man's pupils are fixed and dilated indicating he's dead. Joshua smiles at the paramedic, looks down at the man, says "rise up" and lifts his arms upward. Immediately thereafter, Joshua looks upward and light comes down from the sky as shown above in Model 26. Following this, the dead man comes back to life and stands up facing Joshua as shown above in Model 27. The crowd at the Coliseum lets out a deafening roar when the dead man rises to his feet. Joshua talks with the man and the light from above stops shining on them as shown above in Model 28. As Joshua talks, the man nods in agreement, says the words "I believe" and the "Mark of the Righteous" appears on the back of his right hand. At this point, the action at the Coliseum ends and is replaced by video of the tour buses leaving the Coliseum. Shortly thereafter, the video on the screen shows a small tour bus on a large U.S. map in the L.A. area of the map and it begins moving west to east across the country on the map. As this takes place, video of events related to Symbols's U.S. tour plays superimposed on the video of the tour bus driving across the U.S. map. The types of video footage would include Symbols playing in concert nationwide, large numbers of people accepting Christ at Symbols's concerts, massive street revivals led by Joshua in large U.S. cities nationwide, Joshua displaying his superpowers and spiritual gifts at concerts and on the road, random footage of Symbols on the road and video of famous U.S. landmarks seen on the tour. Additionally, we see footage of Symbols doing free concerts on city streets where a diesel and its trailer transforms into a ready-made stage complete with amps, drums and lighting trussel in the same fashion the Transfomers do in their movies. There are a few stops on the tour where the tour bus stops moving on the U.S. map, extended action from that location plays and something spectacular occurs. The video of the U.S. map and the tour bus fades out and video from that location plays. This happens in Las Vegas, in Central  Park, in Washington D.C. and yet to be determined other locations. The action continues with Models 29-33 and the text below Model 33 as the Central Park Miracle takes place.

Model 29-Joshua walking onstage in Central Park.

Model 30-Joshua standing onstage in Central Park with pizzas and cokes.

Model 31-Joshua preaching to the crowd in Central Park about the miracle of Christ feeding 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.

Model 32-Joshua holding pizza and coke in the air after the million in attendance receive pizza and coke.

Model 33-Front page headlines in New York Times about miracle in Central Park.

  When the tour bus stops in the state of New York, it and the U.S. map fades away on the screen and are replaced by video of Joshua onstage in Central Park as shown above in Models 29 and 30. It's the biggest crowd ever for any event in Central Park and there's over a million people present. However, the video starts before Model 29 and we see tour personnel bring 20 pizzas and 8-8 packs of Coke onstage as shown above in Models 29 and 30. Following this, Joshua walks onstage up to the mic with a Bible in his hand and looks out at the audience in Central Park as shown above in Models 29 and 30.  He holds a Bible in the air as shown above in Model 31 and tells the story of Christ feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish from the Gospel of John 6:1-15. Joshua asks them if they're hungry and the crowd yells "yeah" loudly, Joshua looks back and motions for the tour personnel and his band to come onstage. Joshua asks everyone to bow their heads, say grace with him and they do so. When Joshua finishes saying grace, he tells the tour personnel to take the pizza and coke off the stage and feed the crowd. They look at him like he's crazy but take the food, fan out across Central Park and begin giving the crowd the pizza and coke. The video shows close-ups of the crowd taking slices of pizza out of the boxes and passing it along to other people. When a piece is taken out of the box, another piece miraculously replaces it instantaneously and all the boxes of pizza remain completely full as they are passed around. The same phenomena occurs when the crowd is handed the 8-8 packs of bottled cokes from the stage. We see people removing bottles of coke from the plastic holders holding the 8 packs together. Each time a bottle of Coke is taken from the holder, it's instantaneously replaced by another bottle and the 8 packs of coke remain full. This is how the entire crowd of over a million people are fed with the 20 pizzas and 8-8 packs of Coke resulting in "The Central Park Miracle." Once everyone has received pizza and coke, Joshua raises his hands in the air holding a piece of pizza and a coke as shown above in Model 32. The entire crowd does the same thing and yells out a defeaning roar. Finally, we an image spinning around and zooming forward from the video shown above in Model 32 until it ultimately takes up the entire acreen as shown above in Model 33. The image is the front page of the New York Times reporting on "The Central Park Miracle." This a modern day re-creation of the miracle of Christ feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Shortly thereafter, the tour bus graphic and U. S. map return to the screen replacing the front page of the New York Times. Following this, the tour bus begins moving on the U.S. map once again and stops at Washington D.C. for the last show of Symbols's U.S. tour.  The action continues as Symbols plays the final song of their U.S. tour "BraveNation" in front of the Lincoln Memorial in the National Mall in Washington D.C..

   As the action opens in Washington D.C., Symbols is about to play the last song of their U.S. tour entitled "BraveNation" in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on the fourth of July as shown below in Model 35. There are large video screens on each side of the Lincoln Memorial that are part of Symbols's stage and will play live footage from Washington D.C. during their performance of "BraveNation." However, these video screens aren't shown in the models from the Lincoln Memorial. The largest crowd ever assembled for any event in Washington D.C. is watching the final show of Symbols's U.S. tour. Model 34 below shows the National Mall and the surrounding area including the Lincoln Memorial and its reflecting pool, the Washington Monument and the Capitol building. It's included to aid you in following the action. All the empty space in Model 34 is completely jam packed with people and countless satellite and news trucks are everywhere as the entire world is focused on this event. The event is known as "Liberty Day-A Celebration of Freedom" and was put together and organized by Joshua. Symbols has complete and unrestricted access to all of Washington D.C. for the event because President Franklin is part of the underground and a member of "The Brotherhood." Posters and flyers are all over D.C. announcing the event. People are on roof tops, in streets throughout D.C., bars and restaurants are filled with people watching the event and the other historical monuments in Washington D.C. are jam packed with people as everyone celebrates Symbols's final show in the greatest event ever witnessed in the storied history of Washington D.C.. Holy Soldier has invaded the nation's capitol. There are large video screens throughout the National Mall, on the streets in D.C. and at the other historical monuments so everyone can view the spectacle. All of this action is shown on the video screens on each side of the Lincoln Memorial. At this point, Symbols begins playing the song "BraveNation." You can listen to the song "BraveNation" by copying the web address in red below Model 46, pasting it into the status bar of your "Microsoft Edge" browser and hitting "enter." The lyrics of "BraveNation"are also below Model 46. The events that occur as Symbols plays "BraveNation" is broken down into text segments with accompanying models so you can visualize all the action. The action begins with Models 34-46 and the text below Model 46 as Symbols begins playing the song "BraveNation."


Model 34-The National Mall with the Lincoln Memorial and its reflecting pool, the Washington Memorial and the Capitol.


Model 35-Symbols playing at the Lincoln Memorial on the last show of their U.S. Tour with Joshua on the drum riser.

Model 36-Drum riser and Joshua supernaturally moving in the air towards the reflecting pool of the Lincoln Memorial.

Model 37-The drum riser and Joshua suspended in the air above the reflecting pool.


Model 38-Joshua rises upward in the air above the drums and stops.

Model 39-Joshua turns around in the air, faces the Lincoln Memorial and holds his hand out towards the statue of Lincoln.

Model 40-The statue of Abraham Lincoln comes to life, stands up and looks out at the crowd.

Model 41-President Lincoln kneels down, bows his head and brings his hands together in prayer.

Model 42-Statue of Christ appears in the chair at the Lincoln Memorial replacing Abraham Lincoln.

Model 43-The original Lincoln statute and the new statue at the Memorial.

Model 44-Joshua turns back around facing the reflecting pool.

Model 45-Flames shoot up into the air from the surface of the reflecting pool spanning the entire width of the pool.


Model 46-Joshua moves downward from above the drums and stands on the water of the reflecting pool.



Verse 1:

Everybody’s talking about the world we’re living in 
They bury your religion but forget about original sin 
And I wonder why I should apologize for being just who I am

Verse 2:

(1)Everybody’s watching as the world takes another side 
(2)Throw your morals in the corner – do your best just to turn a blind eye 
(3)And they redefine what it means to lie and tell us that’s the truth(somebody tell me the truth)

(4)Cities burn and evil yearns to tear our freedom down 
(5)The time has come to raise our voice – we know who wears the crown – Sing it!

Pre-Chorus #1:

Jesus – Son of God how’d we get so lonely 

You are the Living Word – You are my one and only 
Jesus – King of Kings – Lord of my salvation 
One Name lifted up – the God of every nation

Chorus #1:
(1)Revival’s rising up in this generation 
(2)So fill our hearts – send us out into the world 
(3)Stand and shout – we are the BraveNation

And the story goes like this

Verse 3:
(1)Everybody’s looking at a new reality 
(2)We’re told what we can think on social media and the TV 
(3)But Big Brother lies to force compromise – tell me, where will it end?
(where will it end)

Verse 4:
(1)The devil tries to blind our eyes while statues hit the ground 
(2)The enemy is at the gate – so let him hear this sound – Sing it! 

Pre-Chorus #2:

Jesus – Son of God how’d we get so lonely 

You are the Living Word – You are my one and only 
Jesus – King of Kings – Lord of my salvation 
One Name lifted up – the God of every nation 

Chorus #2:

(1)Revival’s crying out in this generation 
(2)So fill our hearts – send us out into the world 
(3)Scream and shout – we are the BraveNation

Guitar Solo:

Pre-Chorus #3:
Jesus-Son of God how'd we get so lonely
You are the Living Word-You are my one and only
Jesus-King of kings-Lord of my salvation
One name lifted up-the God of every nation

Chorus #3:
Revival's crying out in this generation
So fill our hearts-send us out into the world
Scream and shout-we are the BraveNation

   As soon as the audio of FDR says "That the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"Symbols starts playing the song "BraveNation" live in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
Joshua is on the front of the drum riser and the other band members are to the left and right of him as shown above in Model 35. As Joshua sings Verse 1, the drum riser moves forward supernaturally in the air until it's suspended above the water of the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool as shown above in Models 35-37. When Joshua begins singing Verse 2, he starts levitating upward and by the time Joshua finishes line 3 from Verse 2, he stops moving upward and is suspended in the air above the drum riser and drum kit as shown above in Model 38. Following this, Joshua rotates in the air as he sings line 5 from Verse 2 so that he's facing the Lincoln Memorial as shown above in Model 39. He swings his guitar around so that it's resting on his back, extends his right arm outward pointing at the Lincoln Memorial and finishes Verse 2 saying "Sing it!" Immediately thereafter, the statue of Lincoln lights up, comes to life, stands up and looks out at the crowd as shown above in Model 40. As the action continues, President  Lincoln kneels down on one knee, bows his head and brings his hands together in prayer as shown above in Model 41. Shortly thereafter, a statue of Christ supernaturally appears in the vacated chair in the Lincoln Memorial as shown above in Models 42. Lincoln turns back into a statue and the new statue of Christ and Lincoln remains at the Lincoln Memorial replacing the old statue of Lincoln as shown above in Model 42. A close-up of the old Lincoln statue and the new statue of Christ and Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial is shown above in Model 43. The inscription above the old statue of President Lincoln has also changed. However, only a few words of the original inscription are different. The word "union" is replaced by "world" and " the name "Abraham Lincoln" is replaced by "Jesus Christ"as shown in Model 43. The new statue of Christ and Lincoln will remain at the Lincoln Memorial permanently. All the action involving the statues at the Lincoln Memorial takes place as Symbols performs the Pre-Chorus #1 of the song "BraveNation." As  Pre-Chorus #1 comes to a close, Joshua rotates so that he's facing the reflecting pool once again as shown above in Model 44. As line 1 of Chorus #1 is sung by Joshua, he extends his arms out from his body parallel to the ground with his palms facing upwards and lifts his arms upward. In response, a large wall of flames that spans the entire width of the reflecting pool shoots upward from the surface of the water as shown above in Model 45 equating the rising flames with thel yrics "revival’s rising up in this generation." When  Joshua sings the words "we are the BraveNation" he raises his right fist in the air, yells "BraveNation"and the "Mark of the Righteous" lights up on the back of the his right hand. The crowd in the National Mall sings with him at the same time, also raise their right hands into the air, their marks light up and when they shout out the word "BraveNation" it's deafening. After Joshua sings the remainder of Chorus #1, he moves downward until he is standing on top of the water of the reflecting pool in front of the drum riser as shown above in Model 46. At this point, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 47-57 and the next text segment below Model 57 as Symbols continues performing "BraveNation" live in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Model 47-Joshua begins walking on the water of the reflecting pool towards the Washington Monument.

Model 48-Joshua continues walking on the water of the reflecting pool towards the Washington Monument.

Model 49-Joshua continues walking on the water of the pool and another wall of flames shoots up into the air.

Model 50-Joshua continues walking towards the Washington Monument after walking through the flames unharmed.

Model 51-Joshua continues walking on the water of the reflecting pool towards the Washington Monument.

Model 52-Joshua continues walking on the water of the reflecting pool towards the Washington Monument.

Model 53-Another wall of flames rises upward from the reflecting pool in front of Joshua.

Model 54-Joshua walks into flames on the reflecting pool.

Model 55-Joshua disappears into the wall of flames on the reflecting pool.

Model 56-Joshua teleports himself above the Washington Monument.

Model 57-The Washington Monument morphs into a large cross.

  As the action continues uninterrupted with the following text and Models 47-57, Joshua is standing atop the water of the reflecting pool in front of the drum riser as shown above in Model 46. As Joshua says "and the story goes like this" he starts walking on the water of the reflecting pool as shown above in Model 47. Joshua continues to walk on water as he sings the first two lines of Verse 3 as shown above in Models 48 and 49. When he begins singing line 3 of Verse 3, another wall of flames shoots up into the air from the surface of the reflecting pool in front of Joshua as shown above in Model 49. Joshua walks through the wall of flames without hesitation and comes out on the other side completely unharmed as shown above in Model 50. Following this, Joshua continues to walk on water in the direction of the Washington Monument as shown above in Models 51 and 52. When Joshua begins singing line 2 of Verse 4, another wall of flames shoots up into the air in front of Joshua as shown above in Model 53. Joshua walks into the flames as shown above in Model 54 and by the time the lyrics "so let him hear this sound" from line 2 of Verse 4 are sung Joshua has disappeared into the flames as shown above in Model 55. Before the final vocals "Sing it" of Verse 4 are sung, Joshua appears above the Washington Monument as shown above in Model 56 having supernaturally teleported himself from the flames atop the reflecting pool to above the Washington Monument. A few more walls of flames shoot up into the air from the surface of the reflecting pool so the entire reflecting pool is on fire with flames shooting up from its surface. In essence, Joshua has just walked atop the waters of the Lake of Fire(the reflecting pool) and through the fires of hell completely unharmed.Joshua sings Pre-Chorus #2 from above the Washington Monument and it morphs into a large cross as shown above in Model 57. Joshua sings the remainder of Pre-Chorus #2 and Chorus #2 from above the Washington Monument. As before, when he sings the words "we are the BraveNation" in Chorus #2, he raises his right fist in the air, yells "BraveNation"and the "Mark of the Righteous" lights up on the back of the his right hand. The crowd in the National Mall sings with him at the same time, also raise their right hands into the air, their marks light up and they shout out "BraveNation" once again. Joshua plays the guitar solo in "BraveNation" from above the Washington Monument and the crowd in the National Mall continues to raise their fists in the air with a million of marks lit up. Keep in mind, there are over two million people in the National Mall but not all arel saved so the entire crowd doesn't have lit up marks on the back of their hands. Following the guitar solo, Symbols doesn't play Pre-Chorus #3 and Chorus #3 as in the recording of "BraveNation." Rather music from the song without vocals is looped so there is music for the remainder of the action in D.C.. At the end of the action in Washington D.C., the looping music will transition back into the song itself and Pre-Chorus #3, Chorus #3 and the end of the song will be played live by Symbols. All the music be it the looping portion or the actual song itself is performed live in the National Mall. At this point, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 58-68 and the text below Model 68 as Joshua addresses the crowd in the National Mall suspended above the "Washington Monument Cross." Note: in earlier action from the act "Onstage" we saw video of Joshua walking on the water of the "Lake of Fire" as he played the song "Onstage" live at "Crossroads" before he was a Christian. In effect, he repeats this as he plays "BraveNation" live walks on the water of the reflecting pool(Lake of Fire) but now he's a Christian. This is a nice spiritual contrast highlighting Joshua's transformation from Darkness to Light.

Model 58-Joshua addressing the crowd in the National Mall from atop the Washington Monument Cross.

Model 59-RPGs fired at Joshua who is suspended above the "Washington Monument Cross" #1.

Model 60-RPGs heading towards Joshua above the "Washington Monument Cross" #2.

Model 61-RPGs heading towards Joshua above the "Washington Monument Cross" #3.

Model 62-RPG's detonate on Joshua above the "Washington Monument Cross."

Model 63-The explosion on Joshua above the "Washington Monument Cross" dissipates #1.

Model 64-The explosion on Joshua above the "Washington Monument Cross" dissipates #2.

Model 65-Joshua alive and unharmed above the "Washington Monument Cross" following the RPG attack.

Model 66-The "Washington Monument Cross" lights up brightly as Joshua says "To God be the Glory."

Model 67-The flames on the reflecting pool rise upward.

Model 68-The flames on reflecting pool extinguished and the reflection of the cross on the reflecting pool water.

  As the action continues uninterrupted, Joshua is suspended above the "Washington Monument Cross" as shown above in Model 58. He looks out at the crowd in the National Mall observing the entire scene. The video shows this from Joshua's vantage point above the "Washington Monument Cross" and he's shaking his head and smiling blown away by what he sees. At this point, Joshua addresses the crowd in the National Mall. Joshua's address is built around the theme of freedom as it relates to the eternal freedom one receives for belief in Christ escaping the slavery of sin and eternal death. The setting of the Lincoln Memorial for the address is ideal as President Lincoln is inextricably linked to ending slavery in the U.S.. Joshua uses key phrases from Martin Luther King's famous "I have a Dream" speech which also took place at the Lincoln Memorial and focused on securing freedom for Black Americans. Symbols plays live during all the action from Washington D.C. providing the soundtrack for the action.

Joshua:  Let me hear ya D.C..-(The crowd roars) All right, we've got ourselves a rockin revival and rowdy crowd here tonight. As most of you know, this is the final show of our U.S. tour. We'd like to thank all of you here tonight, the millions who came out to see us live this past year and those of you watching on T.V. for supporting us and helping spread the Word across this great nation. Almost 60 years ago, Dr. King gave his infamous "I Have a Dream" speech from here and I testify that slavery is alive and well and the world is a slave to sin. But the good news is there's a way to break free from the grip of sin. All you have to do is believe in Him and the truth will set you free. Come on, get those fists in the air. (Joshua pauses looking at the crowd in the National Mall) Do you believe!-(The following action accompanies the dialogue above. When Joshua says "But the good news is there's a way to break free from the grip of sin," he raises his right hand into the air and makes a fist. As Joshua says the next line of dialogue, "All you have to do is believe in Him and the truth will set you free,"  the "Mark of the Righteous" lights up brightly on the back of his right hand but only Christians can see it. As soon as Joshua says "Come on, get those fists in the air," the entire crowd in the National Mall lifts their right fists into the air. The "Mark of the Righteous" lights up on the back of the right hands of about half the crowd in the National Mall indicating they're already Christians. When Joshua says "Do you believe" in the dialogue above, the crowd in the National Mall responds to him in a deafening manner.)
Crowd: Yeah!-(After the crowd yells this, the "Mark of the Righteous" starts to light up on the back of the right hands of hundreds of thousands of people in the National Mall that didn't have the mark previously indicating they've just become Christians in response to Joshua's message. Another small group of people in the crowd still have no marks on the back of their hands signifying they didn't give their lives to Christ and still aren't saved. The viewer sees this from Joshua's vantage point above the "Washington Monument Cross" and we have a breathtaking panoramic view of the entire crowd in the National Mall. When Joshua asks the crowd in the National Mall "Do you believe" in the dialogue above, people throughout D.C. also respond to Joshua's message in the same manner as the crowd in the National Mall.The screens on each side of the Lincoln Memorial show video of people throughout D.C. putting their right fists in the air and marks lighting up on the back of many of their right hands. This includes footage from the streets of D.C., residential areas, businesses, the top of homes and buildings, and at other monuments in D.C.. At this point, Joshua speaks to the crowd once again as he surveys the entire scene at the National Mall from above the "Washington Monument Cross." The sequence of events where Joshua asks the crowd to put their fists in the air and then asks them "Do you believe" with people becoming Christians as evidenced by the marks lighting up on their hands is Joshua's unique altar call.  He's done this at the end of all his shows in the U.S. and will continue to do it as he tours the rest of the world.)    
Joshua:  (Smiling and nodding his head up and down) Look at all the Holy Soldiers in the District of Calvary. That's right, “free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last!” We must fight evil until it's destroyed, until every last soul is liberated! Difficult times lie ahead but if He is for us who can stand against us! We fear not because we are the..-(Joshua puts his hands by his ears signaling he wants to hear the crowd.)

Crowd: (Loud) BraveNation!

Joshua: I can't hear ya. We are the..

Crowd: (Louder) BraveNation!!

Joshua: Come on people, I know ya can do better than that. There's two million of ya out here. We fear not because we are the..

Crowd: (Deafening) BraveNation!!!-(Immediately thereafter, two RPGs are fired at Joshua from the trees at the end of and on both sides of the reflecting pool as shown above in Model 59-61. Both RPGs strike Joshua in the chest at the same time causing a large explosion and Joshua disappears from sight as shown above in Model 62. Following this, there is complete silence in Washinton D.C.. and the crowd in the National Mall and people throughout D.C fall silent and lower their fists thinking Joshua has just been killed. The crowd in the National Mall is stunned and people are crying. The video screens on the sides of the Lincoln Memorial show the reaction of people throughout D.C. to the attack on Joshua. However, as the explosion dissipates as shown above in Models 63-65, it appears as if Joshua is unharmed. The screens on each side of the Lincoln Memorial now show a close-up of Joshua above the "Washington Monument Cross" after the explosion. Joshua's appearance has changed following the attack. The front of his trenchcoat is completely open and the tight black shirt he's wearing underneath has burnt from the middle out to each side exposing his chest and abdomen. The ends of the black shirt are smoldering and have an orange glow as the shirt continues to slowly burn. Joshua's chest and abdomen are completely intact, he hasn't been harmed at all and the "Holy Soldier" tattoo on his chest is visible for the first time in the production. The Christian symbols imprinted on his trenchcoat are now lit up in orange looking as if they're burning on his trenchcoat, Joshua has a very intense look on his face and his blue eyes are now orange looking like burning flames. As stated earlier,Joshua is wearing his superhero outfit throughout all the action in the "Last Stand" even if the models don't show it. At this point, Joshua is still suspended above the "Washington Monument Cross" as shown above in Model 65 with his new look and speaks once again.)

Joshua: (Shouting) To God be the glory!, (he pauses) and to hell with the devil!-(When Joshua shouts "To God be the glory," he looks upward, raises his right fist in the air with the mark lit up, and the "Washington Monument Cross" lights up brightly as shown above in Model 66. Upon seeing this, the crowd in the National Mall lets out a defeaning roar and raise their fists into the air once again showing their lit up marks. The screens on each side of the Lincoln Memorial show the same response throughout all of D.C. with people raising their fists into the air once again showing lit up marks. Right before Joshua says "and to hell with the devil," the flames(of hell) on the reflecting pool rise higher as shown above in Model 67. Immediately thereafter, Joshua says "and to hell with the devil" and points downward at the reflecting pool. In response, the defeaning sound of a rushing wind is heard and all the flames on the relecting pool are extinguished instantaneously leaving the reflection of the "Washington Monument Cross" on the surface of the reflecting pool as shown above in Model 68. Following this, Joshua turns around in the air so that he's facing in the direction of the Capitol buliding as shown below in Model 69. At this point, the action continues uninterrupted with Models 69-86 and the text below Model 86.)

Model 69-Wide angle shot of Joshua above the "Washington Monument Cross" with a clear sky filled with stars.

Model 70-The Holy Soldier signal from the Holy Soldier tattoo on Joshua's chest lights up in the sky.

Model 71- Lightning strikes around the "Washingtom Monument Cross" with the Holy Soldier signal in the sky.

Model 72-Joshua standing on Mt. Zion in the National Mall.

Model 73-Joshua looks upward and directs the movement of the stars in the sky forming a world map of stars above the National Mall.

Model 74-Joshua says "Let freedom ring from Mt. Zion to North America" and that region lights up on the map with a Holy Soldier icon on it.

Model 75-Joshua says "Europe" and that region lights up on the map with a Holy Soldier icon on it.

Model 76-Joshua says "Russia" and that region lights up on the map with a Hoy Soldier icon on it.

Model 77-Joshua says "South and Central America" and those regions light up on the map with a Holy Soldier on it and entire map is lit up.

Model 78-The entire world map lights up in blinding fashion.

Model 79-Washington D.C. dims and Joshua crouches atop Mt. Zion with his Les Paul aimed at the sky.

Model 80-Holy Soldier(Joshua) plays a chord and fires a projectile into the sky behind him from his Les Paul.

Model 81-The projectile from the Les Paul continues traveling upward into sky.

Model 82-A deafening explosion is heard and fireworks appear in the sky.

Model 83-Holy Soldier(Joshua) moves to his left, crouches down and fires another projectile into the sky behind him from his Les Paul.

Model 84-Another deafening explosion is heard and fireworks appear in the sky once again.

Model 85-Joshua stands up on Mt. Zion and holds the Les Paul in the air with smoke from the headstock rising into the air.

Model 86-The presentation of "The Last Stand" firework display has ended with Joshua looking up at the world map.

  As the action continues uninterrupted, the flames on the reflecting pool have just been blown out and the reflection of the "Washington Monument Cross" is seen on the reflecting pool surface as shown above in Model 68. Following this, Joshua turns around in the air so that he's facing in the direction of the Capitol building and the camera shot changes to a wide angle shot of the National Mall and the surrounding area including a star-filled sky as shown above in Model 69. As soon as Joshua is facing the Capitol, he thrusts his chest upward and outward looking upward and the Holy Soldier tattoo on his chest lights up. It projects an image of the "Holy Soldier" icon high into the sky as shown above in Model 70 in the same fashion as the iconic bat signal except Joshua's signal is coming from his person. Lightning begins to strike around Joshua and the "Monument Cross" as shown above in Model 71 and crashes of thunder are heard. Shortly thereafter, a transparent and supernatural image of Mt. Zion appears above the National Mall, Joshua is standing on it's peak and the "Holy Soldier" icon signal in the sky goes out as shown above in Model 72.  After this, Joshua looks up at the stars in the sky and fully extends his right arm outward from his body and upward into the air with his palm facing the sky. In response, the stars in the sky move and form a large world map as shown above in Model 73. The idea is to show Joshua has the superpower to alter and control environmental phenomena like Storm from the X-Men. As Joshua looks up at the world map, he speaks to the crowd in the National Mall from atop Mt. Zion.

Joshua:  (Looking up at the world map in the sky) Now it's time to bring the Greatest Show on Earth to the rest of the world. Let freedom ring from Mt. Zion to North America, Europe, Russia, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, India, the Middle East, Africa and South and Central America. Can you hear the ringing in your ears? He's calling on you to answer the bell and let freedom ring. (He pauses momentarily) Prepare for the Last Stand.-(Joshua points and looks upward at  the world map in the sky as he begins the dialogue. When Joshua says "Let freedom ring from Mt. Zion to North America," he looks up at and points to the North American region of the world map. Immediately thereafter, a church bell rings loudly worldwide and that region lights up with a "Holy Soldier" icon on it as shown above in Model 74. Following this, Johua looks up at and points to the European region of the world map. Immediately thereafter, he says "Europe," a church bell rings loudly worldwide and that region lights up with a "Holy Soldier" icon on it as shown above in Model 75. After this, Joshua looks up at and points to the Russian region of the world map. Immediately thereafter, he says "Russia," a church bell rings loudly worldwide and that region lights up with a "Holy Soldier" icon on it as shown above in Model 76. When Joshua says the name of each remaining country or region from the dialogue above, the same sequence of events occurs. By the time Joshua finishes saying "and South and Central America," the entire world map in the sky is lit up with "Holy Soldier" icons on it as shown above in Model 77. At the exact moment Joshua finishes saying "He's calling on you to answer the bell and let freedom ring" from the dialogue above, he points at the world map in the sky. Immediately thereafter, the deafening ring of a church bell is heard worldwide and the entire world map lights up in blinding fashion as shown above in Model 78. As soon as Joshua finishes the dialogue above saying " Prepare for the Last Stand," Symbols quits playing music and all of Washington D.C. dims supernaturally as shown above in Model 79.

  Joshua crouches down atop Mt. Zion pointing his guitar towards the sky behind him as if it's a weapon as shown above in Model 79. On the bottom right corner of Model 79 is a larger image of Joshua crouching down with his guitar so you can clearly see what it looks like. As the action continues, Joshua cocks his guitar back and plays a chord moving the guitar forward mimciking someone pulling back the trigger and firing a gun. Immediately thereafter, Joshua fires a projectile out of the headstock of his guitar into the air
behind him as shown above in Models 80 and81.The projectile explodes at a deafening volume and fireworks light up the sky as shown above in Model 82. After this, Joshua moves to his left crouching down as before, cocks his guitar back, plays a chord moving the guitar forward.and fires a projectile from his guitar into the sky hehind him as shown above in Model 83. Once again a loud explosion is heard and fireworks light up the sky as shown above in Model 84. These fireworks are at the same height and directly across from the fireworks produced by the first projectile as shown above in Model 84. After this, Joshua moves to his right crouching down as before and pointing his guitar into the sky in front of him.The same sequence of events described above for the other two projectiles occurs as he fires a projectile into the sky in front of him. The fireworks produced by this projectile are at the same height in the sky as the other fireworks and directly across from the fireworks produced by the second projectile. Finally, Joshua moves to his right crouching downas before and pointing his guitar into the sky in front of him. The same sequence of events described above for the other projectiles occurs as he fires another projectile into the sky in front of him.The fireworks produced by this projectile are at the same height in the sky as the other fireworks and directly across from the fireworks produced by the first and third projectiles. After this entire sequence of action is completed, the fireworks are arranged as four corners in the sky so that if you drew lines connecting them it would form a square or better yet a stage in the air. The fireworks are symbols for the four corners of the earth which in turn are a symbol for the world. In this case, they signify that the battle for the soul of mankind will take place on the world stage and involve all humanity. As soon as the opening sequence of action is completed, Joshua stands up and holds his guitar up in the air as shown above in Model 85. Smoke is rising into the air from the headstock of his guitar as shown above in Model 85 which is where the projectiles were fired from the guitar. This is the same thing that occurs when a gun is fired and smoke comes out of its barrel. At this point, Joshua speaks to the crowd once again)

Joshua: The stage is set. Let battle begin!-(Symbols starts playing a hard rock version of the Battle Hymn of the Republic as the most spectacular, sophisticated and complex firework display ever created begins. Joshua developed the entire production entitled "The Last Stand" arranging and writing the music for it and creating the scheme for the entire show. He has worked behind the scenes for a year on the display as Symbols toured the US..The display can be best described as supernatural and not only includes fireworks but also the most advanced laser technology, supernatural holographic images and the greatest aerial show ever seen created byTodros Stern, Israel's most decorated fighter pilot and a member of the Brotherhood. The theme of the display is the battle between good and evil in general and as it relates to the book of Revelation. The production takes place takes place over all the skies throughout Washington D.C.. It's coordinated from multiple locations and fireworks are seen above all the monuments and memorials, the National Mall, the Capitol building, the White House, the Supreme Court and the National Cathedral. As the show takes place, Joshua points to different areas in the sky and fireworks and other effects occur in those areas in response and his numerous physical cues signal changes in the music. Joshua is like the conductor of a symphony and is in complete control of the entire presenation. The firework show ends with a massive explosion and the music stops playing. The crowd goes wild, Joshua flips his guitar around so that its resting on his back, motions for the crowd to quiet down and looks up at the sky as shown above in Model 86. At this point, Joshua begins to speak once again as the action continues uninterrupted with Models 87-92 and the text below Model 92.)


Model 87-.A manifestation of Christ's hand appears from a hole in the sky and begins to lower a large Liberty Bell to the peak of Mt. Zion.

Model 88-The world map in the sky changes and live video of different bells in different locations worldwide plays within its borders.

Model 89-Christ's hand continues to lower the large Liberty Bell and the live video of bells within the map continues to play.

Model 90-The large Liberty Bell arrives at the peak of Mt. Zion and Joshua climbs aboard it.

Model 91-Christ pulls the large Liberty Bell and Joshua upward and stops.

Model 92-The world map changes from the video of the bells back to the world map of stars.

Joshua:  Give me Liberty or give me death! Let freedom ring!-(Joshua shouts "Give me Liberty or give me death" at a defeaning volume looking up to the sky. Immediately thereafter, a hole opens in the sky and a manifestation of the pierced hand of Christ begins to lower a large Liberty Bell to the peak of Mt. Zion as shown above in Model 87. Following this, Joshua says "Let freedom ring" and points at the world map in the sky. At that exact moment, the sounds of bells ringing loudly are heard and the world map completely changes as shown above in Model 88. Video of different types of bells ringing worldwide plays within the borders of the world map as shown above in Model 88. God Himself is ringing all the bells supernaturally worldwide. Every imaginable type of bell is seen and heard and the video of the bells continuously changes showing different bells in different locations within world map. We see church bells, iconic bells, small and large bells, tubular bells, carillons, wind chimes and any other type of bell. The video shows bells swinging and ringing by themselves, bell ropes being pulled with no people present, the keys of carillons moving by themselves and mallets hitting bells by themselves. The screens on each side of the Lincoln Memorial show live footage of UNN newscasts worldwide reporting on the "The Miracle of the Bells" including video of people watching and listening to bells around the world. At first, the sounds of the bells are random in nature and don't have a distinct pattern or melody to them. However, as the large Liberty Bell is lowered to the peak of Mt. Zion as shown in Models 88-90 to pick up Joshua, the sounds of all the different bells start to blend in together forming a discernable melody. By the time the bell reaches Mt. Zion and Joshua climbs aboard it as shown above in Model 90, Symbols starts playing the looping version of the song "BraveNation" live once again with the bell melody. It's as if Symbols is jamming with God. As Joshua and the Liberty Bell move upward slowly and stop as shown above in Model 91, Symbols continues playing "BraveNation" along with the bells. At this point, the world map switches back to stars as shown above in Model 92 and Joshua addresses the crowd in the National Mall once again from atop the Liberty Bell. The action continues uninterrupted with Models 93-100 and the text below Model 100. The dialogue "Give me Liberty or give me death!" is a famous quote by the infamous politician Patrick Henry and Joshua uses this dialogue as analogy for heaven(give me liberty) and hell(or give me death.) Note: the Liberty Bell is a great representation of Christ. They are both symbols of freedom and like the pierced hand of Christ the cracked Liberty Bell has a wound of its own.)

Model 93-Joshua lifts his guitar over his head getting ready to strike the Liberty Bell with his guitar.

Model 94-Image of Christ being crucified on gold cross appears in front of Mt. Zion after Joshua strikes Liberty Bell.

Model 95-Joshua strikes the Liberty Bell several times, the bell and explosions are heard and gold fireworks appear in the sky.

Model 96-The gold fireworks fade out.

Model 97-Christ's hand pulls the swinging Liberty Bell and Joshua upward.

Model 98-Christ's hand continues to pull the swinging Liberty Bell and Joshua upward.

Model 99-The Liberty Bell and Joshua disappear into the night sky.

Model 100-The lit up North American region of the world map and the "Washington Monument Cross."

Joshua: )My friends the end is near but keep the faith and never surrender because the battle belongs to the Lord. We are soldiers of the BraveNation and victory is inevitable! Take hold of His hand and let freedom ring!-(Joshua says this dialogue standing atop the Liberty Bell with the star world map as shown above in Model 92 as Symbols continues to play the looping music of the song "BraveNation" live. As Joshua says "Take hold of His hand" from the last line of dialogue above, he grasps the top of the neck of his guitar with both hands, looks upward, lifts the guitar straight above his head with his arms fully extended and the body of the guitar high in the air as if he's reaching for the heavens.and the body of the guitar lights up brightly. Although Model 93 doesn't show Joshua's arms fully extended with the body of the guitar high in the air, it does show him in the motion of getting ready to strike the Liberty Bell. As the action continues, Joshua says "and let freedom ring!" finishing the dialogue above, thrusts his arms and guitar downward striking the Liberty Bell with the outer edge of the body of his guitar with great force and sparks fly. A defeaning ring of the Liberty Bell is heard, a loud explosion rocks the National Mall and an image of Christ on a gold cross appears in front of Mt. Zion as shown above in Model 94. Joshua lifts his guitar over his head once again and thrust his arms and guitar downward hitting the Liberty Bell again and sparks fly. A defeaning ring of the Liberty Bell is heard once again, a loud explosion rocks the National Mall and gold fireworks appear in the sky. Joshua completes this same sequence of events four more times and the National Mall and Washington D.C. look like Model 95 when completed. Shortly thereafter, the fireworks fade out as shown above in Model 96. The timing at this point is such that we hear the double bass drum fill following the guitar solo of the song "BraveNation" and we transition from the looping music of the song "BraveNation" back into the song itself as Symbols continues to play live. Joshua says) Sing it-(Following this, he sings the remainder of the song "BraveNation" from atop the Liberty Bell. Joshua and the crowd in the National Mall trade off the lead and backing vocals to perfection as they are in the studio recording of Pre-Chorus #3. After Joshua finishes his vocals, he speaks to the crowd in the National Mall one last time saying) Good night D.C., we love ya and God Bless the United States of America!-(After this, Christ's hand begins to move swinging the Liberty Bell back and forth as the.whispering voices saying "BraveNation" at the end of the song are heard throughout the National Mall along with the ringing of the swinging Liberty Bell. When Symbols finishes playing the song "BraveNation," the hand of Christ pulls the swinging Liberty Bell and Joshua upward until they disappear into the night sky as shown above in Models 96-99. When the Liberty Bell and Joshua are no longer visible as shown above in Model 99, the final ring of the Liberty Bell echoes in the National Mall. As the last ring echoes, the image of Christ on the gold cross in front of Mt. Zion looks out at the crowd speaks in the National Mall.)

Image of Christ:  It is finished!-(Immediately thereafter, the image bows his head, gives up his spirit and Mt. Zion and the gold cross disappear instantaneously as shown above in Model 100, This marks the end of the show in D.C. and the U.S. tour. The "Washington Monument Cross" remains in the National Mall and the North American region of the world map in the sky remains lit up with a "Holy Soldier" icon on it as shown above in Model 100. The lit up region of North America with the icon indicates Symbols has toured North America thus far on their world tour. As Symbols tours the rest of the world, the stars in the sky will move and form the large world map in the sky at Joshua's direction wherever and whenever Symbols plays a show and that region on the map will light up with a "Holy Soldier" icon on it. When the world tour is completed and Symbols plays their final show at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem at the midpoint of the Tribulation Period, the entire world map of stars will be completely lit up above Jerusalem. You can see an avi. movie of the action just described by copying the web address in red below, pasting it into the status bar of your "Microsoft Edge" browser and hitting "enter." This includes action from the "Highway of Holiness,"  the opening show at the L.A. Coliseum, the simulation of Symbols's U.S. Tour, the "Central Park Miracle,"  the "BraveNation" presentation in Washington D.C. and an introduction of "The Final Apostles." There is also a brief look at an apocalyptic scene and a scene of Joshua entering New Jerusalem from part two of "The Unveiling" in the avi. movie. In the scene from New Jerusalem, Christ stands at the entrance holding the Book of Life and allows Joshua's passage because his name is in the Book. At this point in "The Unveiling," the world tour begins in England with a sold out show at Wembley Stadium. A catastrophic tragedy occurs during the show and Joshua is shaken to the core and considers canceling the entire world tour.)

  "The Final Act"
